Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 288 You better stay away from me

Here, Ye Xin has already prepared. The young Zi Haoming is not crying like children of the same age when facing the slender needle. , Let Ye Xin draw his blood and inject him with antibiotics!

Lan Xiya hugged her son tightly, looking at the remaining pinholes on his arm, her heart felt like being pricked by a needle. If possible, she would like to replace Zihao and let the virus infect her body. body.

"Mommy, it doesn't hurt at all, really." Xiao Zihao looked at Mommy's frowning expression. At such a young age, he seemed to understand what Mommy was thinking.

"How can such a long and slender needle not hurt when it gets stuck into the flesh?" She held her son distressedly, watching him suddenly become so sensible made Lan Xiya's heart feel even more uncomfortable.

"It really doesn't hurt." As he said that, the little guy simply buried his little head in her arms.

"Okay, our Zihao is a little man, so we are not afraid of pain at all, right?" In order to cooperate with her son, Lan Xiya suppressed her sadness in her heart, and communicated with him in another way.

"Well, Zihao is a little man!" Hearing Mommy's praise, the little guy immediately got out of his arms, showing off triumphantly.

The waiting time for the test results was the longest. After more than half an hour, Lan Xiya saw the test results in Ye Xin's hand, and immediately asked Zihao to go outside for a while. Their conversations could not let him hear.

"How is Zihao's current physical condition?" Lan Xiya is most concerned about this issue now.

But what she got was Ye Xin shaking her head. Before she could speak, Lan Xiya's heart went cold.

"Now the white blood cells in Zihao's blood are obviously increasing. If it can't be controlled, I'm worried..." Ye Xin didn't dare to continue when he said this.

Lan Xiya understood the meaning of these words, white blood cells increased and red blood cells decreased, which is the case for many leukemia patients, which also shows that Zihao's immunity will become worse and worse, and the number of attacks will increase in the future.

"Madam, for Zihao's sake, I hope you can let the child stay here." Ye Xin meant to let Zihao stay in the base for treatment.

Of course, Lan Xiya knew that it was the best choice for Zihao to stay here, but Zihao didn't like it, and every time he stayed here for a few days, he would yell and go home.

"Well, let's go back today, I'll talk to the kids tonight, and we'll pack up and come over tomorrow."

"Also, the child's physical condition is getting worse and worse, it's better to stay here."

Ye Xin told Lan Xiya everything that should be said, and now everyone is working hard for Zihao.

London, England……

The sun was shining brightly, and the air in the suburbs was exceptionally fresh. Perhaps it was this fine weather that also contributed to Will's good mood today.

Appearing in a sunny and handsome casual outfit on a green golf course, he looked extraordinarily charming, making it impossible for several female staff members to take their eyes off him.

With a beautiful swing, he hit the ball into the hole again. Looking at his performance today, Will proudly looked back at Nancy who was sitting in the sightseeing car.

"What's wrong with you today, you don't talk, and you don't come to play?" Will walked towards her and handed the club to the caddy beside him.

Nancy glanced at him with an ugly expression, folded her hands on her chest, and turned her head to one side, assuming a haughty look of ignoring him.

Even if he is a royal prince, Nancy still doesn't buy him!

Will got in the car and sat next to her, seeing her stinking face, he knew what she was thinking.

"Actually, I asked you out today because I have something to tell you, but seeing you like this, it seems that you don't want to listen to me?"

There was a flash of fire in Nancy's eyes, she turned her head to meet his handsome face, and complained angrily: "Do you know that I have important things to deal with today, but for your words, I let go of my Came here with all the work on your hands, but you just want me to play golf with you?"

It was less than two months before the election of the prime minister. Nancy was in charge of all the publicity plans. She was originally scheduled to go to a certain district to conduct publicity campaigns today, but for him, she insisted on postponing the plan for three hours.

You must know that in her Nancy's dictionary, time is more precious than money!

"Okay, I apologize to you, but I do have some good news to tell you. Would you like to take a walk with me in the small lake over there now?" Will got out of the car and called her A gesture of please.

Nancy also knew a little bit about Will. If he didn't really have something to do, he would never ask her out. After calming down for a while, she followed him and got out of the sightseeing car.

"You guys rest here first, let's go for a walk." Will confessed, took Nancy's hand and walked towards the small lake dozens of meters away.

When they came to an open place, Nancy shook off Will's hand and stood facing him with her arms folded, asking impatiently, "There is no one now, can you tell me?"

"Of course!"

Will slightly raised the corners of his mouth, rippling with a charming smile.

"Reliable news came from Taiwan this morning. Lei Bing and Lan Xiya have started to have conflicts. I heard that the two of them are still separated, and Lei Bing slept directly in the guest room!"

I didn't expect things to go so fast and so smoothly, which was unexpected to Will.

On the contrary, Nancy's attitude was not as happy as he was. Her intervention did not make them disagree. Why did they suddenly separate now?This is too illogical, right?

"Are you sure they were really arguing and separating, instead of seeing through your plan and acting in front of you?" Nancy asked him her own doubts.

"Of course, I am very sure! My plan will never be seen through by Lei Bing so easily, not to mention that Lei Bing even vented his anger on his own son now, which shows that he is very angry this time!" Will Be very confident in your plan.

He is also a man, of course he can understand why Lei Bing is so annoyed, presumably no man can bear his wife and children chanting another man's name every day.

Nancy just looked at him, and didn't rush to answer. With what she knew about Lei Bing, how could she succeed so easily?This is a bit unusual!

"I don't think you should guess anymore. If I were you, I would call Lei Bing personally to test his attitude!" Will put his handsome face close to Nancy, and offered to give her advice.

"Stay away from me!" His approach made Nancy very disgusted, and she pushed him away with a pistol.

This was the second time he was rejected by a woman as the second prince of the royal family. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he was replaced by a poker face with no expression.

"Am I so annoying to you?" Will stood still and asked coldly.

"We're just partners. Do you want to dislike you? It has nothing to do with our cooperation, right?" Nancy turned around and looked at the lakeside, skipping over the question he asked lightly.

Will's birth background allowed him to live under the halo since he was a child. There was no rejection, no defiance, but only obedience, flattery, and envy...

The first time I saw Lan Xiya was a secret meeting with Lei Bing in Taiwan a few years ago. Regarding his appearance, that woman didn't put her in her eyes at all.

The second time we met was at a charity dinner, where he attended as a guest, Lan Xiya completely regarded him as a passerby, and only gave him a smile that wasn't even warm to him as a distinguished member of the royal family!

"Okay, as expected of the prime minister's daughter, she has personality!" Although her eyes seemed calm, Will's heart was already overwhelmed at this moment.

He didn't understand why both Lan Xiya and Nancy hated him so much?Why do they all like a man with a savage personality like Lei Bing? Shouldn't he, who is an elegant gentleman, be more in the imagination of women?

"Let's get back to business! Whether Lei Bing and Lan Xiya are really having a conflict or acting, I hope you can send someone to investigate clearly, after all, Lei Bing is not the usual jealous little man."

"Okay, I will send someone to investigate, and I will prove to you that my news is absolutely correct!" Will put his hands in his trouser pockets, and followed Nancy beside him to look forward.

"It's best like this. I still have a very important schedule today, so you have fun!" After saying that, Nancy didn't even look at Will, turned around and walked towards the sightseeing car alone.

Will stood where he was. Today's good mood was spoiled by Nancy's words. Just after she left, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket. How could he play without a beautiful woman?

On the way back, Nancy closed her eyes and sat in the back seat, thinking about what Will said just now, and was hesitating whether to call Lei Bing to test it out.

After thinking for 10 minutes, Nancy still couldn't help dialing his number, waiting for him to answer the phone.

"Hi, it's me." Lei Bing's magnetic male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ray, how are you doing recently?" Nancy said softly, holding the phone tightly in her hand.

"I've already investigated what happened last time. I misunderstood you. I'm very sorry!" Lei Bing didn't feel surprised when he received the call from Nancy, on the contrary, he was a little secretly happy.

Nancy called him at this time, 90% wanted to make sure if he really separated from Shia?Had he really fallen into their trap?

"It's okay, I know you're just a nervous kid, how is Zihao doing now, is he better?" Nancy asked knowingly, pretending to be innocent in front of Lei Bing.

The more she behaved like this, the deeper Lei Bing's hatred for her would be!

"The situation is still under control for the time being."

"Then is there anything I can do to help?" He felt that his tone was more friendly today, and Nancy also established a relationship with him in a timely manner, hoping to narrow the distance between the two.

"No need, the Prime Minister is busy with the election recently, you should be very busy." Lei Bing sat on the sofa, trying to control his dislike for her.

"Well, I believe your wife will take good care of the child."

"Her? Maybe! I still have a lot of documents to review. If you have nothing else to do, then I will close the line?" Lei Bing stood up, walked to the French window, and looked at the busy flow of people outside the window. A ray of hope burst forth from within.

"Okay, then you are busy, goodbye!"

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