Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 295 The explanation is to cover up

Outside the Emperor's Building, someone spread the news. A group of reporters and media suddenly appeared downstairs. When Lei Bing and people from the Commercial Investigation Section came out, they immediately swarmed and surrounded them.

"Mr. Lei, does the Commercial Investigation Division come to the company to investigate, does it mean that your company violated the legal boundaries?" A female reporter took advantage of her position in the front and boldly stretched her wheat into the In front of Lei Bing.

Seeing her like this, the rest of the reporters followed suit and asked, "Will Lei's Group's investigation affect the stock price?"

"It is said that Mr. Lei, you are suspected of bribing officials to get inside information. Is this true?"

"Is there any money laundering in Lei's Group..." A lot of questions were posed to Lei Bing.

Lei Bing, on the other hand, behaved quite calmly, standing there waiting for the security guards and police officers to open a way out for him, and did not answer any questions from the media!

With a short distance of more than ten meters, Lei Bing finally got into the car and went to the headquarters of the Commercial Investigation Section after dragging and dragging for 10 minutes under such circumstances.

In an interrogation room less than five square meters, Lei Bing sat on a chair with his hands crossed and a cup of cheap coffee calmly placed in front of the table, but he dismissed it and didn't take a sip at all.

"Mr. Lei, please explain what is going on with this photo? Why did you have a meal with Mr. Wang before the project bid? Also, we investigated your bank account during that period and found that your account was missing 1000 million US dollars, please explain it together!" Inspector Liang pushed the photo and a bank statement from four years ago to Lei Bing.

Lei Bing calmly picked up the photos, recalled the dinner that day, threw the photos back on the table after a while, and said with a sneer: "That's right, the photos are indeed Mr. Wang and I, although of course there is no The bidding is open, but my Lei's Group has cooperated with government projects many times, and Mr. Wang and I are considered acquaintances in private. Could it be that we meet for dinner as friends, and this violates the regulations?"

"One more thing, we dine openly and aboveboard, not secretly and secretly. I don't think this is enough evidence for me to bribe officials?" Lei Bing looked at his watch after speaking, as if he was waiting for someone to arrive.

Inspector Liang looked at the police officers around him, and his explanation was reasonable. After taking the photo away, he put the bank account in front of him.

Lei Bing looked at the information in this journal, and found it even more ridiculous that someone was stupid enough to use these as evidence!

"Men, of course they love beautiful women. I can't remember which woman I spent on a mere 1000 million dollars!"

"Ten million US dollars is not a small amount. Mr. Lei is really generous, but if you can't explain clearly where the money is going, we will suspect your motives." Inspector Liang finally caught a little loophole in him, so naturally he would not let go.

Lei Bing leaned back on the chair, and suddenly closed his black eyes, as if he was thinking, or looking for an excuse for himself?

When the two sides were in a stalemate, another male police officer knocked on the door and walked in, followed by a man who looked similar to Lei Bing. His appearance made the small interrogation room look crowded.

"I am Mr. Lei's lawyer, Aixinjueluo Yaori, and here is my business card!"

"Hello, I'm Inspector Liang Zhenglong who is in charge of this case. We still have questions and we need Mr. Lei to explain clearly!" Liang Zhenglong politely took his business card, and he was already familiar with his name.

Aixinjueluo. Yaori, a descendant of Manchu aristocrats, his parents are serving judges, and he is also quite outstanding in his generation. He was recognized as a "gold medal lawyer" by the world at a young age!

Yao Ri nodded and suggested to the police: "Mr. Lei needs time to think about it. After all, this case happened four years ago."

"Okay, 10 minutes, we'll come in later!" Inspector Liang understood what he meant, and gave him a quick reply.

After all the policemen left, there were only two people talking in secret in the small interrogation room. Yao Ri tried to draw him back to what happened four years ago. Did the whistleblower have any other evidence?

"Mr. Lei, you have to explain where the money went today. If you can't explain clearly, the police will make a big fuss about it!" Yao Ri read the information several times, and finally his eyes fell on the money. superior.

"I just remember that I seemed to spend it on a certain woman, but I really don't remember which woman I spent it on!" Lei Bing shook his head, indicating that he was powerless.

"Are you sure?" Yao Ri asked rigorously.

"Of course!" Lei Bing also gave him an affirmative answer.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything later, I will take care of it!" Yao Ri had already thought of a countermeasure to help him escape.

When Inspector Liang led the police officers back to the interrogation room for interrogation, Lei Bing remained silent, and Yao Ri took him to answer all questions.

"Mr. Lei said that he was sure that the money was spent on a certain woman, but it has been four years since the incident, and successful singles like Mr. Lei were naturally popular with women, so I don't need to explain, you police should Do you understand what I mean?" Yao Ri pointed out that these should be investigated by the police themselves.

Lei Bing listened patiently from the side, how could he not remember the whereabouts of the money with his amazing memory?What he did was to let the police find out on purpose.

Back then, he withdrew 1000 million US dollars in cash to buy a luxury yacht, but the name of the person who registered the ship was registered under the name of a woman named "Wang Qianqian"!

Inspector Liang frowned unwillingly, nodded and said, "We will continue to track the whereabouts of the money, but since the case is still under investigation, Mr. Lei, you cannot leave Taiwan in the near future!"

"We will definitely cooperate with the police investigation on this point!" Yao Ri replied.

After the one-hour interrogation ended, Lei Bing came out with a calm face, without any trace of waves on his face.

Outside the gate of the police station, a large number of reporters from Lei's Company have been following here. When they saw Lei Bing coming out, they swarmed up to surround him. Andre had already brought his bodyguards and waited outside, before the reporters Surrounded, four black-clothed bodyguards have been trained to quickly stop him, and escort Lei Bing and Yao Ri to the car together.

The car door was closed, and the reporters outside still refused to give up the interview, and they tapped on the car windows to get first-hand information as much as possible, but Lei Bing in the car completely ignored it, and gave orders to the driver in a cold voice: "Drive, back office!"

London, England...

On the super-large LCD screen, the scene of Lei Bing being asked by the Commercial Investigation Division to go back to assist in the investigation was playing. Looking at the disgusting face on the screen, Will's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Lei Bing, Lei Bing, if you had cooperated with me obediently back then, it wouldn't be like this today." He poured himself a glass of red wine talking to himself, and looked at Lei Bing on the screen and secretly smiled.

He is the second prince of the British royal family, the second heir to the throne. Back then, he traveled thousands of miles to Taiwan to invite him to cooperate with him, but Lei Bing ignored him. He deliberately brought a woman to the appointment for the first time, and even more deliberately after that. They refused to meet and cooperate with him for various reasons, completely ignoring his sincerity.

His ambition has been completely exposed in front of Lei Bing. For this Will who knows his secret and looks down on him, he must die!

"Your Highness, shall I give you a massage?" A blond woman knelt beside Will at some point, wearing a sexy low-cut dress, snuggling on his lap.

Retracting his thoughts, Will looked greedily at the woman beside him, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand and poured the red wine in the glass from a high place, which happened to wet the clothes and skin on the woman's chest .

"Your Highness..." the woman called out to him coquettishly, her slender hands boldly protruded towards Will's lower body.

The woman seemed to have groped for some treasure, her face blushed shyly, and she looked up at Will with winking eyes like silk.

Will, who has always been open to women, pulled her into his arms, touched her delicate skin with the back of his hand, and lit a handful of bath fires on the woman...

The coquettish crooning hovered over the room until a rush of mobile phone ringing interrupted the passion.

Nancy waited for the answer with a dark face. It was not until the third time that Will's lazy voice sounded: "I don't know why Miss Nancy is so anxious to find me?"

"Will, do you know the name? Did you do Lei Bing's investigation by the Commercial Investigation Division?" She just saw the news from Taiwan, and her first instinct told her that the anonymous The person behind the whistleblower is Will.

Will had long expected Nancy to have such a reaction, and after pushing away the woman who was snuggling beside him, he explained to her gently with a smile: "I did this for your own good, and let Lei Bing suffer a bit. Don't you like to frustrate him?"

"I don't like it! I want Lei Bing's people, not for you to destroy him. I warn you Will, if you dare to attack Lei Bing, our cooperation will come to an end. As for who will take over the throne , you just go and fight with your elder brother yourself!" Nancy put down her harsh words, she absolutely did not allow anyone to play tricks on Lei Bing.

Lei Bing belongs to her, even if she wants to do it, she should do it herself, and it's not the turn of Will to pretend there!

"Do you really think something will happen to Lei Bing? As I said, I just want to dampen his spirit and cause the stock price of Lei's company to be chaotic and depressed for a while. Why should you care so much?" Will stood up, The muscular figure exposed in the air makes people mesmerized, even the blond beauty who has just finished a love affair can't help but dream in front of him like this.

"For you, an emotionless person, of course you don't understand my thoughts. In your heart, the only thing you care about is the throne, right?" The smart Nancy had already seen him clearly.

What she said today was deliberately using the word "throne" many times to threaten him. If he turned against her, she would immediately scold him in front of her father and make him lose the support of the prime minister!

Will naturally knows the truth of this level, but the things he decides will never be changed because of her coercion by a woman.

"We are now grasshoppers tied to a rope. If I get the throne, I will benefit from you. I won't say anything else. Think about it for yourself!" Accompanied by the beautiful woman, Will didn't want to waste time arguing with her on the phone about these meaningless results.

His purpose was to get rid of Lei Bing, first disturb the stock price of Lei's Group, let him bear the scolding of shareholders, push him to the edge of social law, and then launch a series of crackdowns on him, let him Completely ruined and lost everything!

At that time, even that little one will be gone, isn't Lan Xiya still his easy-to-grab spoils of war?

"Hahaha..." After hanging up the phone and throwing it aside, Will pressed the blonde again under his body in a good mood.

Laughter filled the entire room, mixed with the woman's coquettishness, together they staged a erotic drama in the room.

After Will hung up the phone, Nancy's heart sank to the bottom. From Will's words just now, she already smelled a bloody smell. He must have some kind of conspiracy, and he will definitely try every means to assassinate Lei Bing!

The frown got deeper and deeper, Nancy held the phone tightly in her hand, she wondered if she should call Lei or not?

"Nancy, are you inside?" Blair's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Nancy was startled by his shout, and immediately took a deep breath to keep herself calm: "Daddy, I'm here."

After the words fell, Blair walked in in a neat suit. Seeing that her expression was not very good, she immediately asked concerned: "I'm a baby girl. Is it because of Daddy's business that I'm too tired recently?"

"I'm a little tired these days, I'll just take a rest, real Daddy!" Nancy knew that she was so nervous just now, so she hurriedly found excuses for herself.

Blair nodded, and reached out to brush her long hair: "You don't need to go anywhere today, sleep well, and tomorrow you will be attending a banquet with Daddy."

But after hearing what Blair said, Nancy immediately turned her face black and asked, "Daddy, did you arrange someone to be my male companion?"

From Harry at the beginning to John, Dustin...there are already five people, doesn't Daddy bother you?

"As expected of my Blair's daughter, Mrs. Dina will hold the banquet tomorrow night. I don't need to explain her identity. You just need to dress up and attend tomorrow night. Daddy promises that you will be the male companion tomorrow night." I'll like it!" Blair was full of air this time, and his vision of seeing people was never wrong.

Blair talked on and on, not paying attention to Nancy's impatience.

"That's enough Daddy, don't waste your time helping me arrange these things, I have my own arrangements for my happiness, now I'm tired and need to rest, you can go back to the room too!" Nancy said while pushing Blair away In her own room, her ears were calloused from hearing those words.

"Nancy, Nancy, I know you still have Lei Bing in your heart, but Lei Bing wouldn't choose you even if he turned against us, so why are you still so obsessed? Daddy doesn't say much else. Think about it." Blair left a word outside the door and went back to the room.

Why didn't Nancy understand, but now that Ray and that woman were having conflicts and separated, it was a good opportunity for her to intervene.

Just now, she was still hesitating whether to call Lei Bing. Now that she understands this point, why doesn't she fight for her own happiness?

Skillfully pressing a group of numbers, it should be afternoon in Taiwan. Is Lei now dealing with the impact of this incident on the company?

Just after talking with Yao Ri about how to handle this case, Nancy's phone call came to mind at the right time, and Lei Bing answered her call without hesitation: "Hello, Miss Nancy."

His words were very polite, it seemed that they did not get along with each other in the past four years, but were just a pair of business partners.

"I saw the news. Is the company okay? If there is anything I can help, don't be polite to me." Nancy said generously.

Lei Bing's black eyes flashed, and he asked her tentatively: "You knew something happened to my company so quickly, do you know something?"

Nancy froze for a moment, she didn't expect Lei Bing to ask herself such a question, and she didn't know how to answer him for a moment.

"I... I'm just guessing, but you have to be careful yourself, especially Will!"

"Will? If you really want to help me, just answer the question I just asked honestly!" Lei Bing's voice sank, and he approached her with an air of persecution.

Nancy felt that Lei Bing had doubted herself by asking herself this way, but she couldn't tell him clearly, she couldn't say that she and Will had cooperated in private, did Will tell her?

"Recently Will is very calm in the UK, but you have various problems in Taiwan, so I think Will is playing tricks on you behind the scenes, so I specially remind you, I really don't care about other things. I know!" After thinking about it, Nancy still found an excuse for herself to get rid of Lei Bing's doubts about her.

But the more she explained, the more Lei Bing distrusted her. Ever since Blair made those harsh words and threats to him, Lei Bing began to be wary of their father and daughter. They are both leaders in the political arena. Never relax your vigilance against them!

"So it's like this..." The nasal voice at the end was deliberately elongated, as if asking her rhetorically.

"Then what do you think?" Nancy asked tentatively.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern, I'll be very careful with him!" Lei Bing's hesitant expression was full of doubts.

"Okay, see you later!"


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