Jasper's wife

Chapter 004 Lao Ling and Ning Er


When Ling Yuanfeng came to Yunyao Town for the first time, it was late autumn, and the weather was getting colder day by day.

In this remote and closed town, people were amazed at his arrival, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

He didn't care about it, he only rented a shop in the town, and bought it together with three brick-roofed houses in the small courtyard behind the shop.

Since the Meridian Gate Incident, he who was originally not talkative has become even more taciturn. Perhaps seeing that he is tall and burly, his appearance is rough and sharp, and he doesn't talk much, no one in the whole Yunyao Town dares to talk to him. chat.

That day, when he opened the door of the shop, he happened to see a few girls passing by his door. When they saw him, those girls all turned their eyes away, as if he was a monster that could eat people, and only walked from the shop. He passed by in a hurry, not even daring to take a second look.

He didn't care about it, he just closed the door, and the moment he turned around, he heard someone calling from behind; "Wen Ning'er, hurry up, come here!"

Hearing that name, Ling Yuanfeng was slightly taken aback, and his sharp black eyes immediately looked back.

I saw that the girls just now had already walked to the front, but there was a girl following behind them, holding a basket in her hand, she didn't know what was in it, maybe seeing her lagging behind, there was someone among the girls in front Urge loudly.

"Sister Amei, wait for me." The girl looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a palm-sized oval face, delicate porcelain skin as white as jade, and gentle and picturesque eyebrows, very gentle moving.

She didn't notice Ling Yuanfeng, she just raised her sleeves to try the sweat on her forehead, and took advantage of the gap when the girls in front stopped waiting for her, she quickened her pace and walked towards them.

"Tsk tsk, I'm not boasting. Look at the appearance of the daughter of the Wen family. It's no wonder that Master Fang's soul has been seduced by her. He insisted that Master Fang send a matchmaker to the Wen family to propose a marriage." Several women saw them leaving When they were far away, they gathered together and whispered together, they didn't even know that Ling Yuanfeng had completely overheard their own words.

"No, I heard that Mrs. Wen planned to promise her daughter to Shi Yuan, but the boy disappeared after leaving. Seeing that her daughter is growing up, she can't wait for him all the time. old girl."

Hearing Shi Yuan's name, Ling Yuanfeng's eyes darkened, but his fists were unknown, and he clenched them quietly.

"Not to mention Mrs. Wen, but even me, I would rather marry my daughter to Young Master Fang than to that poor boy from Shi Yuan. Let's not talk about the richness of the Fang family, but only Young Master Fang, that is also a good-looking talent , Master of outstanding talents, I heard that this year's rural examination, he is No. 1, and he will go to the capital palace for the examination soon."

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the women echoed their words. After listening carefully, they all praised the young master Fang, and others said that Wen Ning'er is blessed to be able to marry such a good man.

Ling Yuanfeng's eyes were dark, his tall body stood there motionless, there was no expression on his handsome face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Among the chattering women, one saw him, immediately shut his mouth and winked at everyone.The rest of the women turned their eyes to see him standing at the door of the shop, a trace of fear flashed across his face, they looked at each other, and finally walked away from the shop without making a sound.

After they walked away, some lowered voices still reached the man's ears with the wind.

"What a weird person, I don't know why he came to our town."

"Look at him like that, it's really scary, Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you, he must not be some kind of bandit."


When Ling Yuanfeng heard this, he just smiled faintly. From what he said just now, he was able to judge that Young Master Fang was indeed a young talent, and Wen Ning'er was married to such a husband. , Naturally, it is also a happy marriage.

If Shi Yuan had a spirit in the sky, he would be more or less relieved to know all this.

He thought like this, but he couldn't feel relieved after all, so he went to Fang Mansion to inquire, and even went to Jingzhou City. After many inquiries, he was sure that what the women said was true. What is rare is that Master Fang is generous and has always had a good reputation in Yunyao Town.

As for Young Master Fang, Ling Yuanfeng had seen him from a distance before, he was handsome, he was a scholar at first glance, he would never wrong Wen Ning'er, so he was relieved.

Seeing that Fang's family had entrusted a matchmaker to Wen's family to propose marriage, and even fixed the date of marriage, Ling Yuanfeng packed his bags and planned to leave Yunyao.

As for where to go, he didn't know for sure.I am afraid that the world is my home and I will wander at will.

Just when he was about to leave Yunyao, something unexpected happened to him.He didn't even think that because of this incident, his whole life would be changed.

The third young master of the Fang family fell ill overnight and died suddenly. Wen Ning'er killed her fiancée before entering the house. People are willing to marry her.

Because of this incident, Ling Yuanfeng couldn't leave, so he had to stay. He wanted to wait and see what happened. Unexpectedly, when he went to the mountain to cut firewood that day, he heard someone crying on the way back.

Hearing his footsteps, I saw that slender and weak body turned around, revealing a soft and desolate face like a lotus flower after rain.

Because of the tears, Wen Ning'er's eyes, which were originally as clear as autumn water, were even more clean now. She stared blankly at the man behind her, her fair face was flushed red from the cold, and she knelt in front of Young Master Fang's tomb, With a trace of panic and fear, he whispered, "Who are you?"

That voice is very delicate, soft and soft, and it sounds very pleasant.

Although Ling Yuanfeng had lived in Yunyao Town for quite a while, Wen Ning'er usually didn't leave the gate and didn't step out of the gate, so he had no impression of him.

Ling Yuanfeng looked at her, and the woman in front of her gradually overlapped with the little elephant. Although she had grown up, she was still as pure and flawless as the little elephant back then, as beautiful as a picture.

The tears on her face seemed to contain infinite grievances, but the voice of who are you still had a slight nasal tone, which only made Ling Yuanfeng feel unreasonable, his heart moved slightly, and there was a surge of pity.

She doesn't know herself, and she doesn't know that she has already met her, and she doesn't know that Shi Yuan's heart is all about her before he dies.

Ling Yuanfeng withdrew his gaze, and walked down the mountain without saying a word.After returning to Yunyao Town, on the second day, his blacksmith shop opened quietly, and he became a blacksmith in Yunyao Town.

And whenever someone came to him for blacksmithing, seeing that his price was fair and his work was well done, they would talk to him from time to time.It didn't take long for Ling Yuanfeng to gain a firm foothold in Yunyao Town.

After he entrusted the matchmaker to go to the Wen family to propose a marriage with the money he had saved by blacksmithing, he made up his mind that he would live his life quietly in Yunyao Town with three meals and one night.

Shi Yuan died because of him, so it is his bounden duty to take care of Wen Ning'er.But what I never expected was that my heart would gradually sink for that little girl.

I remember on the wedding night, when she was wearing a bright red wedding dress, standing in front of him coquettishly and timidly, without any reason, he just wanted to take her into his arms and take good care of her.

He treated her meticulously, and the days after marriage were even more comfortable and comfortable than he had ever experienced. Countless times, when he woke up from his sleep and looked at the little lady in his arms, he would feel an illusion in his heart. Such a good daughter-in-law, such a good day, what kind of virtue and ability is Ling Yuanfeng?

She was so pure and flawless, but he was already in a thousand holes, no one knew that in front of her, he often felt a sense of powerlessness.He has had so many unbearable pasts, and he is 14 years older than her. In front of her purity, he feels that he is no longer worthy of having her.

What's more, whether it's her or such a sweet day, it all belongs to Shi Yuan.If it wasn't for Shi Yuan, he would have died at Meridian Gate long ago.If it wasn't for Shi Yuan, he would never know that there is still a Yunyao Town and a Wen Ning'er in this world.

Occasionally, when he looked at his little lady looking at him with crooked eyebrows, it always reminded him of the little elephant back then, how lucky fate treated him.

After Qian Fan was exhausted, she would actually let him have another one by his side.

When she softly called him Mr. Gong with a sweet voice, he just felt that his heart was going to be melted. All the things in the past, such as scolding Fang Qiu, golden weapons and iron horses, were not worth her full-hearted use. With the voice of dependence and trust, he gently called himself a gentleman.

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"Master, what are you thinking?" Wen Ning'er snuggled into the man's arms, gently arched her head, seeing him lost in thought, she couldn't help calling him out.

When Ling Yuanfeng came back to his senses, he just turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist. He smiled slightly and said softly, "It's nothing, I just remembered something from the past."

"What's the matter?" Wen Ning'er blinked and asked curiously.

Ling Yuanfeng's big hand caressed her small face, his dark eyes were bottomless, he opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, "I remember the first time I saw you."

Wen Ning'er pursed her lips into a smile, thinking that he was talking about the time she visited Master Fang's grave, she cuddled a little tighter in the man's arms, and said softly, "How do you remember that time so well?"

Ling Yuanfeng didn't make a sound, he patted Wen Ning'er on the back, and said in a low voice, "It's getting late, let's take a rest, don't you have to go to the city market tomorrow?"

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