
Chapter 11 Intervention

On the desolate field, five strong men in black sat cross-legged.They have sharp faces and long breaths. Outside the short shirts of warriors that are common in the world, they wear black clothes embroidered with silver silk. One look at them can tell that they are not ordinary warriors.

A strong man opened his naked eyes, glanced around and then stopped on a big man headed by Yin Yin: "Boss, it's been four months, and the scene has been completely destroyed by those idiots. God, there is no clue at all, how can we explain to Shangfeng?"

The big man in the head opened his eyes and smiled coldly: "Don't worry, how could such a bold and reckless massacre of the people in my town not leave a clue? Let me analyze the situation you saw."

"Boss, first of all, these people are well-trained, at least they are red-level warriors. The leader should be around the samurai level! Although they also looted all their belongings, ### Dozens of civilian women, but it was obviously just a hasty thing , just to disguise the scene! So bandit robbery can be excluded."

"Brother Lin Shan is right. They must be organized and premeditated, but the motive is really hard to find out. Is it possible that they are the emperor's army?"

"Impossible! I have checked the body, and it is not the martial arts practiced by the emperor's army! It should be done by the Jianghu sect, but what kind of secret is it that they massacred the whole city in a frenzy? What the court has always worried about is It seems that these grassroots gangsters did not appear on His Majesty's whim, their existence has already posed a huge threat to the imperial court, no wonder His Majesty was furious and sent us to investigate secretly!"

"Hmph! Sooner or later, we'll take care of these daring grassroots!" The four big men said angrily in unison.

The leader, the big man, nodded in agreement, and was amazed at the same time, the master of the special training camp for imperial agents is really perverted, he taught these newcomers such fanatical loyalty to the empire in three months.I also came out of a special training camp, but after countless hurricanes and killings, that fanaticism has faded away.

"Boss, what shall we do next?" Lin Shan asked casually.

"Although our task is only to come here to investigate, we must also make full preparations. This matter must be involved in a lot, we must treat it with caution! In view of the information that came from tonight, we will temporarily observe the Broad Sword Gate. They They are very active in this generation, and their suspicion is the biggest!"

"Tianshan has also sent envoys, and people from Fengmen of Fengcheng have also intervened. Recent observations have also found that there are still several groups of people from different camps appearing. This pool is really getting more and more muddy."

"Ah Liu, you are in charge of Fengmen, Lin Shan is in charge of Kuodaomen, Huli is in charge of Tianshan, and you are in charge of information transmission! I am in charge of the men in black from the unknown camp. We will split up and go to the state capital branch in ten days. Confluence!"

The four nodded in agreement!

Changgu, a hundred men in black have surrounded the place, they blew their nose indecently, wiped it on one of their subordinates, and looked into the cave.

The two men with gloomy faces smiled and said: "Young master, don't worry, there is no one inside, but we can be sure that there are at least three of them living here!"

Zhou Zhou sniffled, walked into the cave, and said, "That's right, it's the scent of three different women. Tsk tsk~ It seems that the three sisters are indeed hiding here, but why did they escape? What a pity, if you can catch Seeing them, wouldn't my father have three more beautiful daughter-in-laws?"

"Huh? What's that?" He casually picked up a sealed white porcelain bottle on the ground, and just about to open it, he suddenly stopped, thinking that the two helmsmen he hit were not the white porcelain bottle?Are those strong love potions in it?

He was overjoyed, and sneaked it into his arms. The faces of the two men who could see clearly beside him trembled at the same time. He thought to himself that he had heard that the young master was too indulgent, and he was a little impatient. It seemed true. No wonder he heard it. Said that those two unlucky bastards had been poisoned by the strong love potion and became gangsters, so he quickly volunteered and ran over.

So it's for this thing? !

The two couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Zhou Junmei's face flushed slightly, coughed twice and said with a dry laugh: "Why did they run away? The two hall master uncles, where do you think they will go?"

"My lord, I think they must have gone to meet Li Pin and the others. That is the Dongshan generation. I will send someone there right away."

"Well, thank you two uncles, let the brothers search around, maybe they are still hiding nearby. Haha... If you find these potions, you must collect them, and I will bring them back to my father. Study and study to see what the other party is coming from!"

Zhou Zhou carefully looked around in the cave, hoping that the poison expert would leave more of those lovely things.

The two hall masters were trembling all over, and could only issue orders helplessly.

Suddenly there was a loud 'bang' from outside the cave, followed by two miserable howls, and the two hall masters rushed out like flying.

Zhou Zhou looked around in disappointment, hesitated for a moment, and chased after him with flamboyant steps.

Not far from the cave, the heads of two men in black were soaked, exuding an extremely weird smell, and a shattered porcelain altar was under their feet.The two rolled on the ground with red eyes, and their crotch bulged like a tall tent.

Seeing this situation, the running cycle slapped his thigh suddenly, and shouted hysterically: "Bastard, why are you so careless?"

The subordinates around were all shocked, and looked at the young master with great emotion, and then howled after listening to Zhou Zhou: "Such a large pot of medicinal juice is so wasted? How huge is this for my wide sword sect?" Loss?"

The crowd almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, and their moved eyes were replaced by resentment. They wished they could gather together and explode the young master's chrysanthemum.

The two hall masters also touched their foreheads, and then shot and smashed the heads of the two subordinates who were hit by it at the same time. One hall master shouted: "This kind of love potion can't be removed, you can take care of the tragic situation of your two helm masters." Chu, two warriors can be tortured like that, let alone you warriors!"

"If we are also poisoned by the love potion, I hope you will also be ruthless and kill us. We don't want to become human beings!"

Another rudder master also muttered: "Besides, there are no women here for us to entertain, we don't want to burst your chrysanthemums!"

Everyone around trembled, looked at the two hall masters and the young master with extreme coldness, and subconsciously took a step back at the same time.

Chu Yun used a bamboo pole to resist his own burden, and walked leisurely in the front, humming the melody of romantic flowers and snow moons, looking at ease.

Feng Wu who was following behind had a helpless expression on her face, and the two sisters, Feng Xueyu and Feng Xuefeng, were hanging far behind, with coquettish and shameful expressions on their faces.Just as they left the cave, that bastard actually hung up several jars of those harmful concoctions. Of course, the sisters who had suffered a lot were afraid, afraid that they would be contaminated from him when they approached, thinking of the terrible consequences , They were bouts of goosebumps.

"That kid is so evil and weird all over, with a sultry vibe, why isn't eldest sister afraid?" Feng Yu followed behind Feng Xue, muttering softly.

After the wind and snow, there were waves of chills down the spine, and they replied in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If you were fed those things for several months, would you still be afraid?"

Fengxue is also very strange, the elder sister has been violently fed so many things, but she can still maintain a perfect body, how did she do it?Could it be that Dad has a private secret method to teach?That old man is too eccentric, you must grind him hard when you go back.

There are many mountains in Donghua Minzhou, and it is very desolate. Sometimes hundreds of miles are uninhabited.The four of them spent the night on a dawn trip, crossing mountain ridges and stretches of wasteland.Their destination was the state capital of Minzhou, and then they moved to the southeast and headed directly to Fengcheng.

Originally, Feng Xueyu wanted to find many disciples who rushed to Qingfeng County, but for the sake of safety, Feng Wu decided to go back to Fengcheng to report to her father.

Because of this, Chu Yun couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear along the way. It was his dream to be able to travel alone with the three "children and mothers" he had reserved, without a lot of luminous stones.

What worries him even more is that there must be many suitors among their seniors, and he is still in the development stage, so of course he can't overwhelm his childhood sweethearts.Wouldn't it be a big loss if those people shot away their future 'children and mothers'?

So along the way, Chu Yun became extremely diligent. Apart from hunting birds for food and catching the stomachs of the three sisters, the rest of the time was spent practicing the 'Fengyun Jue'. Every time he got up two hours earlier than the three sisters , Practicing "Fu Hu Zhang" hard, this really made Feng Xuefeng look at him differently, and they all thought that this kid is not useless.

If they knew the source of his motivation, they would rush up and kill this toad who wanted to eat swan meat immediately.

Walking among the mountains and forests this day, seeing Chu Yun shaking down a few wild fruits on a tree with his palm, Feng Wu smiled at the three of them with relief: "We will arrive in Minzhou in two days." I don’t know if Li Pin and the others have seen the code we left behind, if they catch up, they will definitely travel much faster than us, should we wait for them in the state capital?”

Before Feng Xuefeng could answer, Chu Yun, who was picking wild fruits under the tree, jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on: "No, absolutely not!"

Facing the surprised eyes of the three women, Chu Yun immediately realized his gaffe, hurriedly corrected his attitude, and analyzed slowly: "We can't stop, this state capital is also the territory of Kuodaomen, if they find out The consequences are unimaginable. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, we will go back to Fengcheng first according to the previous plan! The strength of the brother Li Pin you mentioned must be comparable to yours, and there are many elites around you, nothing will happen thing."

"If we wait for them to come back, the goal will become even bigger. It will be very difficult to go back to Windy City. It's okay to talk about Kuodaomen, but what about those powerful men in black? How should we deal with it?"

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