
Chapter 134 Azure Dragon Martial Hall

130 Four Qinglong Wutang

Outside the Wuzhan Tower, the bustling teachers and students surrounded the place, and because of Chu Yun's arrival, the whole courtyard has now been paralyzed.

While waiting anxiously, a grandmaster in a dark green suit said impatiently: "What are you doing? Why haven't you come out yet? Why don't you come out and explain what's going on? What happened to our Wu Zhan Yuan?" What kind of person can actually make all the elders go out to greet him?"

"That's right, it's good to have an elder come out and tell us!" His words immediately attracted a burst of echo, and the bustling voice became even louder.

They were really overwhelmed by their curiosity. Under normal circumstances, who would have the guts to yell so presumptuously outside the Wuzhan Tower.

"Presumptuous!" An incomparably majestic voice suddenly exploded from above their heads. Although the voice was not loud, the tens of thousands of teachers and students present could hear it very clearly, and the audience immediately became completely silent.

"What are you all doing? You don't have to go to class anymore? Go back to this seat and take a good class. If this year's competition is not as good as last year's, this year's vacation will be cancelled!" As soon as the majestic voice fell, the entire square that was overwhelmed by black people was in a hurry. Like a raging tide, it disappears in a few breaths.

The voice rang again in the tower: "Is Chu Yun okay? Bring him to see me!"

At this time, Chu Yun was smiling from ear to ear looking at the pile of rare treasures in front of him. These are all gifts from the masters, and the gifts from more than 1000 masters are quite generous. .

Hearing this majestic voice, all the elders hastily pressed their voices, and then gradually dispersed, only Qin Mengyun stayed behind.

Looking at Chu Yun's triumphant appearance with his jade arm in his arms, Qin Mengyun kicked him angrily, gave him a blank look and said, "Okay, put it away quickly, I'll take you to see the Great Elder! "

Chu Yun responded and put everything into the storage ring, and then jumped up excitedly. He remembered that the great elder said that as long as he broke through the martial arts school before the age of 20, he would accept himself as a disciple in an exceptional way. The meeting ceremony of the elders must be much richer than these elders, right?

Following Qin Mengyun's footsteps, he climbed up the stairs of the Wuzhan Tower, and climbed up for more than an hour. It was not until Chu Yun felt a little tired that Qin Mengyun in front of him stopped, and stretched out his jade hand to look at the door. A door made of mahogany.

"Elder, Chu Yun is here!" Qin Mengyun said respectfully.

"Go down first and let him in!" A kind voice came from inside, obviously losing the majesty just now.

Qin Mengyun responded, then gave Chu Yun a look of fearlessness, and walked downstairs.

Chu Yun pushed open the door nervously, and walked in.

Chu Yun knew that he was already on the top of the tower. The octagonal room was plainly furnished, but the windows were bright and clean.

A man who seemed to be in his 30s was sitting cross-legged on a futon. At this time, he was reaching out to make tea soup, and when he heard the door opening, he raised his head and looked at Chu Yun with a smile.

It was the first time for Chu Yun to see this great elder, and he seemed to cry out in shock at his appearance and age.

He first saluted respectfully, then stood there stiffly and did not move.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "Don't be cautious, come and sit down, this is the lotus leaf that my seat has just picked, come and taste it."

Chu Yun was a little surprised at the great elder's amiability, but he was not polite, and sat cross-legged directly across from him.

The Great Elder first filled Chu Yun with a cup of tea, and then said with a smile: "I once said that as long as you break through the martial arts school before the age of 20, I will make an exception and accept you as a student. You really did not disappoint the teacher!"

Of course Chu Yun is an extremely knowledgeable person, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, and shouted, Master.

The Great Elder asked him to get up with a smile, and then said with a smile: "But you have to remember, as a disciple of a master, there is quite a lot of pressure. Maybe someone will come to challenge you as soon as you walk out of the Wuzhan Tower, because you won After you, your status as a disciple will be taken over by someone who beats you, so don't let your teacher down."

Chu Yun immediately patted his chest and promised that he would live up to the high expectations of his master.

"Since you have broken through the martial arts school, you have naturally become a candidate for the elder of the martial arts school, but you are still too young to be a teacher so easily determine your identity, so you still use the student's identity first. Take classes for a few months, and when you have the opportunity, the teacher will fight for you."

The Great Elder suddenly laughed and said, "Do you know why those bastards are scrambling to please you as soon as you appear?"

Chu Yun shook his head to express that he didn't know, and he was also wondering.

The Great Elder laughed and said: "You, the godson of the Grand Elder of Tianguan Kaitian Peak Pangu Temple, and the god stick of Tianguan Yuan generation, must have benefited a lot from your godfather, right?"

Chu Yun couldn't help but suddenly realized, yes, all the people in the empire that he recognized a great godfather already knew, no wonder the group of cheap masters treated him as if they were trying to please Lao Tzu, it turned out that it was because of this.

Chu Yun scratched his head and said with a chuckle: "Actually, it's nothing. Godfather just opened my eyes and gave me some talismans."

The eyes of the great elder suddenly lit up, and he said with a chuckle: "They are all some talisman records, take them out and let the teacher open his eyes."

When Chu Yun realized that he was being stingy, he hurriedly took out more than a dozen black talisman records from the storage ring and put them on the coffee table.

The Great Elder trembled all over his body, then tremblingly picked up a talisman and looked at it, he tremblingly said: "This is a black talisman, it is an extremely high-level talisman of Tianguan, this is... Talisman? This is the Five Thunder Bombing Talisman, this... I rely on... the Shuttle Talisman..."

The elder's eyes almost popped out, and he was amazed at how generous this godfather is! !

"Disciple..." The Great Elder suddenly coughed dryly, and said with a slightly flushed face, " are too weak now, if people know that you have such a powerful spell on your body, it will cause death disaster!"

Before he could say the following words, Chu Yu immediately interrupted him: "Then please master to help the disciple keep it first! When the disciple has the ability to protect himself, you just return it to me..."

The old face of the Great Elder turned even redder, but he didn't even say anything about the scene, he just put away the dozen or so black talismans, and said with a dry smile: "If you have nothing to do, go down first, Qin Mengyun will arrange it for you." Wutang!"

Chu Yun blinked his eyes twice, and asked in an extremely suspicious tone: "Didn't Master forget any instructions?!"

"No, you go down first, when I remember I'm calling you to come!" The Great Elder waved his hand, and Chu Yun had no choice but to get up and leave. In his heart, he had scolded the Great Elder bloody head.

***, not only did I not have any greetings when I was called over, but I also stole more than a dozen black talismans from myself. Who is whose apprentice?

He quickly climbed down the tower, and at a tower gate, he saw Qin Mengyun leaning on the huge stone pillar with a playful face, and couldn't help but smile when he came out, he was extraordinarily dazzling and charming in the setting sun, Chu Yun couldn't help but stare dumbfounded .

"My dear boy, what benefits did you get from the Great Elder?" she asked.

Chu Yun said angrily: "I didn't give you anything, the Great Elder has always been so stingy?"

"It's not as simple as not doing you any favors, is it?" Qin Mengyun blinked his charming big eyes and said with a smile.

"Yes, more than a dozen black talismans were extorted!" Chu Yun immediately regretted his words, and it seemed that he had to spit out some good things to comfort the hurt and weak heart of this beautiful master.

Sure enough, as Chu Yun expected, Qin Mengyun's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, but then they became sad again, and she murmured coquettishly, "Hmph... Master, I care so much for you. The benefits don't even think about me, Master, so I'll give it to the old man first."

Knowing that he made a mistake, Chu Yun hastily donated two high-quality earth spirit pills, which made Qin Mengyun smile.

"Let's go, boy, now I will lead you to your martial arts hall. You have to keep a low profile when you get there, otherwise you will be in trouble!" Qin Mengyun walked forward with a leisurely pace triumphantly, and Chu Yun pulled his legs to follow behind, Looking at Master Qin Mengyun's enchanting and charming figure, he was really lost.

The Imperial Martial Arts Institute covers a huge area. Following Qin Mengyun's footsteps, I saw many students coming and going along the way. They surrounded each other in twos and threes, or in groups, talking about what happened just now. event.

The environment in Wuzhanyuan is beautiful, with flowers blooming everywhere and lawns, like a paradise.Of course, this is just the scenery in the Elder District. According to Qin Mengyun’s description, the Wuzhan Academy is divided into the Upper Court and the Lower Court. The place where they are located is the Upper Court. It is a place where ordinary masters, martial artists, and ordinary students live and study.

And the class that Chu Yun was assigned to was of course the elite martial arts hall of the Martial Arts Institute, Qinglong Martial Arts Hall.

The elite martial arts hall of the Imperial Martial Arts Institute, the treatment during the study period is very generous. First of all, the martial arts hall is huge, but there are very few students. According to the Qinglong martial arts hall, there are only a dozen students in the huge martial arts hall, while those in the lower court Ordinary martial arts halls are twice as small as here, but there are dozens or even hundreds of students.

Moreover, the students in the elite martial arts hall will be assigned to dormitories with stylish and beautiful shapes, and there are pretty maids serving them to help with washing and cooking.

In Chu Yun's heart, he was very grateful that he was assigned to such a good martial arts hall. Among other things, the pretty maid was enough to attract him.

Following Qin Mengyun's footsteps to a six-storey attic, Chu Yun was looking around at the surrounding environment, when Qin Mengyun said: "This is the Qinglong Martial Hall, I have already greeted the master of the Martial Hall, you Just go in, Master, I have something to do, so I will leave first..." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left quietly with graceful steps.

Chu Yun looked up and down the Azure Dragon Martial Hall. Because he opened his eyes, he could see the complex runes engraved on the wall of the attic clearly. He thought that the defensive power of this attic was extremely amazing, and he might be able to resist a A full blow from the martial arts school, right?

He stepped into the Azure Dragon Martial Hall and gently opened the door.

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