
Chapter 164 come to the door

160 Four came to the door

The efficiency of the army is different. Today, I found the Great Elder. The old man asked for a military post. In just four hours, I have already stood on the school field of my special security regiment, inspecting the heroic soldiers of my men. soldiers.

This school yard was also temporarily rolled out, pushed to more than a dozen houses, and then leveled with loess, and it is no problem to accommodate 5000 people.

Chu Yun stood on the commander's platform, tested his voice, and then shouted: "Brothers, I have formed this special defense team with the grace of His Majesty, to maintain the safety of the capital during the grand meeting of the Youwu Association. Let the city guards deal with those troublemakers, but if anyone dares to take the opportunity to make trouble, that is the duty of our secret service, as long as they want to cause trouble for our empire, we will kill them!"

"This general knows that you are all the elites of our Donghua Empire and the pride of the imperial army, so I hope you will cooperate with this general to complete the task His Majesty entrusted to us with excellence. Thank you in advance!" After Chu Yun finished speaking, he clasped his fists together and bowed. All the soldiers were dumbfounded when they heard this remark. They thought that this Regimental Commander is different from others, why did he bow to us?

"This general is new here, and I don't know the rules yet, so I hope the four generals will help..." After speaking, he also saluted the four battalion orders, which was enough to give these elite soldiers face.

The soldiers were a little flattered, and they all thought that the general Chu Yun should be pretty good.

"I know you don't know much about this general yet. I will introduce myself first. My name is Chu Yun. I am the disciple of the great elder of the Imperial Martial Arts Institute. I am now a one-star martial arts school. I want to be your The regimental order should be qualified, right?" Chu Yun laughed and said, "Even if he is not qualified, I will be an excellent general, and I will definitely not embarrass the pride of the empire."

"I know the emperor's discipline is strict, but now I will give you a day off, go back to visit your relatives, or go to relax. If you don't have travel expenses, you can come to this general to get two silver dollars per person!"

Chu Yun put a high hat on them first, and then gave them money to go back to visit their relatives. The soldiers who had very few vacations were moved all over their bodies, and their hearts were grateful for Chu Yun's kindness.

The army directly under the emperor does not need regular troops. To put it bluntly, they are guarded against regular troops, so their holidays are much less than regular troops, almost none, but their salary is much higher than that of regular troops.

So when Chu Yun was going to give them a vacation, it was really happier than giving them a few more silver dollars.

Zhang Longwu stepped forward and wanted to say something, but at this moment Chu Yun turned around and said with a smile: "Do you want the four generals to take a vacation to visit relatives?"

"No need, General, we are all orphans, we have no relatives in this world!" Zhang Long smiled bitterly.

Chu Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed: "Aren't you in your thirties? Are you still married?"

Yin Hu smiled wryly and said: "I am busy with military affairs all day long, and I don't have my parents to worry about it. How can I care about lifelong affairs!"

Chu Yun patted his chest hastily and assured him: "Four generals, don't worry, I, Chu Yun, still know a few ladies, and I will introduce a daughter-in-law to you when I have time." He then complained: "Really, the empire wants to grow , how can you do it without marrying a wife and having children? Why doesn’t Your Majesty even understand this truth?”

They are all people who have been on the go for half their lives. Who doesn't want to have a warm family, but how can His Majesty have time to take care of these people's life-long affairs, and there are a group of old men in the military camp, and they don't even think about it at ordinary times.

Chu Yun's understanding and enthusiastic words touched the hearts of the four elders one after another. They looked at Chu Yun with complicated eyes. Maybe they thought it was strange why Chu Yun was so thoughtful. Woolen cloth?Why are you acting like a matchmaker now?

"Since the four generals are fine, please go with me!" Chu Yun flicked his cloak, then strode down to the general's platform, and then led the generals of the fourth battalion and two hundred personal guards to leave the special area. The guard regiment is stationed, riding a special monster mount directly under the emperor's army, bared tooth Sirius, marching mightily towards Tanggu.

The bared tooth wolf is also a notorious monster. Its combat power is extremely strong, and in some respects it is even stronger than the flash leopard. Although their speed is not as fast as the flash leopard, their endurance is extremely long-lasting.

They are six feet tall and two feet long, and they are covered with specially forged heavy armor, making them even more mighty.

When their group of brave cavalry rushed through the streets of Huajing City, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people. The troops directly under the emperor have always been very mysterious, and ordinary people have never seen it at all. Seeing this group of heroic soldiers in black helmets and black armor, countless pairs of eyes were immediately blinded, wondering which army this is, and why they have never seen it before.

The pretty ladies playing on the street almost screamed, the heroic appearance of the soldiers really fascinated them.

In an extremely elegantly furnished boudoir in Tanggu Chujiazhuang, Gu Huangying sat on the bed with a flat face, and Cha Xin walked back and forth like ants on a hot pot.

"Elder sister, why are you not in a hurry? We are all under house arrest, maybe we will be sent to the Yamen, what will we do then? And where did they imprison our sisters? Why didn't they lock us up?" Are we locked together? Are they trying to do something to the younger sisters? Sister, what should we do?" Cha Xin asked so many questions in one breath, even Gu Huangying had a headache.

She smiled lightly and said: "Sister, don't worry, that guy doesn't dare to do anything to us, and he won't send us to the yamen. I can guarantee that someone will come to rescue us tomorrow. The cloud will not be able to eat and walk around."

"Why is eldest sister so confident? Do you have any other tricks?" Cha Xin asked curiously.

"You'll know when the time comes!" Gu Huangying smiled lightly, looking extremely unpredictable.

Just at this time, there was a sudden chaos inside and outside Zhuangzi, and the sound of chaotic footsteps and yelling outside was heard: "Brother Shrimp, a group of people came outside and surrounded us."

"What? Who has such guts?" Zhang Daxia's exasperated voice came in: "Call everyone up, I want to see who eats the bear's heart and leopard's guts!"

Gu Huangying chuckled: "Here we come!"

Outside the gate of Chujiazhuang, a group of heavily armed centurions had already blocked the gate tightly, and a big man in a red suit stood at the door, shouting coldly: "Open the door for me, or I will attack you. "

The door opened in response, and Zhang Daxia rushed out leading a dozen or so experts. Seeing such a battle, he was shocked, but he calmed down quickly, and said with a sneer, "Who are you guys? Are you planning to rob me when you come to my Chu family at night?"

"Huajing Army Garrison Regiment, Regiment Commander Sima Yuan!" The leader of the big man coldly announced his name, which really surprised Zhang Daxia.

He cupped his hands reluctantly, and said deeply, "I don't know what this means, General? Our Chu family is a kind-hearted people. What do you want to do with such a large army?"

"I came here for no other purpose than to ask you to release me!" Sima Yuan said coldly.

"Let people go? Who should you let go?" Zhang Daxia asked in confusion.

"Don't pretend to be confused in front of me. You brought all the sisters Gu Huangying here. Don't think I don't know."

"The general, Gu Huangying and the others are all liars. Even if we lock them up, it makes sense and there is nothing wrong with it." Zhang Daxia said.

"Even if they are all liars, they should be managed by the city government yamen. You are using lynching like this, and you have violated the laws of the empire. Hurry up and release them to me, or I will blame you for being rude!" Sima Yuan had lost his patience. With a loud shout from him, the soldiers all around pulled out their long knives and glared at Zhang Daxia and the others with cold eyes. As long as the general gave an order, they would swing their knives forward and kill the group of "discussing" people in front of them. 'Cut under the knife.

"I'll see who dares!" Another bang sounded behind Sima Yuan, and Zhang Daxia was finally relieved to hear this voice, thinking that Boss Chu is really reliable, always showing up at the most critical time .

With the sound of the explosion, two hundred soldiers in excellent black armor rode the bared tooth Sirius, the armor on their bodies rattled, and soon surrounded Sima Yuan's personal guards, and the magic spirit swords rushed Unsheathed, the dazzling blue light immediately illuminated the gate of the villa.

Sima Yuan was startled, turned around and saw Chu Yun jumping off the bared-toothed Sirius, and striding towards him in magic armor, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Who dares to forcibly take someone from me? Do you have an extra head?" Chu Yun stepped forward arrogantly, looked Sima Yuan up and down, and said with a sneer, "Who are you? You are so brave. How dare you act presumptuously on my estate!"

Sima Yuan glanced at Chu Yun in disbelief, and then looked at the military troops directly under the emperor's all around him. He clasped his fist slightly and asked puzzledly, "I don't know the general..."

Chu Yun waved his hand: "This general Chu Yun, the commander of the Huajing Special Defense Regiment, who are you?"

"Ah? You are that Chu Yun?" Such an earth-shattering event happened in the army, even if Sima Yuan was busy looking for Gu Huangying and others, he had heard about it.

"Yes, the general is Chu Yun, who are you?" Chu Yun straightened his back and asked coldly.

"Sima Yuan, Commander of the Huajing Garrison Regiment!" Sima Yuan also announced his name with great pride.

"Oh~ so you are General Sima! By the way, Sima and I are brothers who wear a pair of pants. You must be the elder of that kid, so you are also my elder of Chu Yun. If you have offended me just now, please forgive me, General." Forgive me!" Chu Yun made a 180-degree turn, greeted people with a smile, and Sima Yuan was not used to the enthusiasm.

Sima Yuan was really not sure who Chu Yun was, so he sighed and said, "Okay, since they are all from my own family, I won't make things difficult for you, and let Gu Huangying and others go. She and I are friends. There must be some misunderstanding."

Chu Yun wondered: "General, after careful investigation by this general, this group of people are genuine liars, and they also steal and rob. I saw it all with my own eyes. I wonder if you were also deceived by them?"

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