
Chapter 171 Megatron Capital City

170 A Megatron Capital City

Huajing City, the capital of the Donghua Empire, has now turned into a huge arena of martial arts. The struggle caused by the contradictions of Youwu has triggered a large-scale struggle in the Youwu camp. Not too worried, so the fight became more and more intensified.

From the individual Youwu to the Youwuying, now the various branch offices have also started fighting openly and secretly, trying to reduce themselves as much as possible before the selection competition, so the situation has become even more out of hand.

Those You Wu who are not qualified to participate in the selection even fight to the death for a ticket, the situation is quite serious.

The people in the capital are afraid to go out, even the arrogant and arrogant rich second generation rarely go out for entertainment, because these wandering warriors are all desperate, what are they afraid of?In case of being involved in their struggle, of course they will pay for it afterwards, but the price is not enough to accompany my own life.

Even if the common people did not go out, there were still a lot of casualties after a few days. They thought that the fighting of the warriors was real. Apart from the thick and high city walls, what buildings could withstand the bombardment of true energy?Besides, the fighting has been upgraded again at this time, and there are already warriors and martial arts masters appearing. In front of the real energy, there are clouds on the solid walls.

In addition, some people took advantage of the fire to loot, and incidents of vandalism and looting occurred frequently, making the life of the people even more miserable.

But the empire doesn't say anything, and the martial arts association doesn't care, so what can the common people say?The only hope is that the City Guards were beaten too hard to go out, so who else can take care of these guys?

Just when many people began to despair, three huge airships suddenly appeared in the sky of the capital, and these three airships were covered with armor blades, as if they were three airships and warships for military use!

On the main avenue in the center of the capital, the wide avenue is full of people at this moment. There are thousands of people densely packed. They hold knives in their hands, shout and roar, and fight with opponents wearing different colored clothes, just like a battlefield. .

"Hahahahaha, Tianlongyou Wuying, I think you should admit defeat and leave the capital, you have no chance of winning today..." A wild laughter rose to the sky, it was extremely happy and proud.

"Hmph, it's your Qilin Martial Arts Camp that should quit. Your elites this year are only half-level military captains. It's just a dream to want to participate in the trials!" There was also an extremely contemptuous voice from the other side.

"Well, let's compete now, and the one who loses will get out of the capital immediately, boys, come on, let this Tianlong Youwu camp see how good we are!"

After one sentence, roaring again and again, those fighters of the Qilin Youwu Camp seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, their fighting power suddenly soared, and the fighters of the Tianlong Youwu Camp were retreating steadily.

"You're deceiving people too much!" In the Tianlong Youwu camp, an old man in a strong robe roared, and suddenly a cold light appeared in his hand, and the true energy of reality shot up into the sky, forming a huge dragon-shaped long knife, He slashed viciously at the heads of everyone in the Qilin Youwu Camp.

"Old man Tianlong, die!!" A cold light shot out, as fast as lightning.

The old man in his seventies turned paler than his white hair all of a sudden. He never imagined that among the people around him, there were still speed masters, who were just waiting for the fatal blow when he performed his ultimate move. This Qilin Youwuying is really well-intentioned!


"The camp owner..."

Angrily shouting and cursing resounded through the whole street, and the people of Qilin Youwuying laughed wildly. As long as the old man died, Tianlongyou Wuying would immediately lose its threat. As for the candidates for the selection competition, how could they be The opponent of our battalion master?

Just when everyone in the Longyou Martial Camp was extremely desperate, and Qilin Youwu Camp was extremely excited, the sky with the bright sun above suddenly darkened, and a Youwu shouted happily: "Did you see it, did you see it, we Killing Tianlongyou Wuying, the sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dark, it is really realistic..."

"Whoosh..." The sharp sound of piercing the sky shot straight down, and a bondage connected to a long rope rushed down obliquely from the sky, and with a 'click', the waist of the man who sneaked up on the seventy-year-old man was clamped .

The speed of that man's explosive ejaculation suddenly stopped there, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of strange things in his body. He was inexplicably stunned for a while, and then he felt a huge force coming from the other end of the rope, pulling him involuntarily. Fly away.

"Ah..." The fear of ignorance made him scream, leaving behind a string of weird syllables, which disappeared into the sky in an instant.

All the fighting people stopped their hands at the same time, slowly raised their heads to wait and see, and froze there for a while, with a strong shock and terror reflected in their eyes.

"Listen, you warriors below, we are the Huajing Army Special Defense Regiment. Your actions have affected the order and tranquility of our imperial capital. Now put down your weapons and capture them without a fight, otherwise we will start using force!" Lou Liang The voice of the special defense group sounded in the sky, and for a while the voice of the special defense group reached the ears of all the people. They hoped for hope again, and raised their heads one after another, looking at the three huge and terrifying ships in the sky. Cloud boat battleship.

You Wuying from both sides looked at the heavy-armored Yunzhou warships lined with armor blades in the sky. Everyone was dumbfounded. The battleship completely frightened the resistance.

The people in Youwuying also knew that it was against the rules for them to fight privately in the capital, but these days no one came to control them, so they relaxed their vigilance, but what happened today?This imperial court is actually driving a cloud boat warship to arrest people?

The two battalion leaders reacted the fastest, they had no sense of defense against the imperial court at all, so they let out a long roar, warned their subordinates to escape, and ran away, their speed was even faster than when they were fighting just now.

But their purpose was quickly defeated. Thousands of fully armed field battalion warriors suddenly appeared in the surrounding streets. Their weakest strength was purple-level warriors, and they were wearing magical armor. , armed with magical weapons, unified actions and tacit cooperation, how can these wandering warriors be opponents?

So soon, a total of 300 people from You Wuying who participated in the fight were all captured, and then they were tied up with long chains and pressed towards the special defense regiment's station.

Standing on the deck of the Yunzhou battleship, Chu Yun was dressed in military uniform, holding the 'Ben Lei' in his hand. He was extremely excited to see such a smooth capture below. He hurriedly ordered the little girls controlling Yunzhou to turn around immediately. Yun Zhou, set off for the next fight location.

The Yunzhou battleship turned slowly, and then flew slowly under the push of countless floating spirit arrays. Because the battleship was too heavy, there was such a problem when it started, but Chu Yun was not worried that everyone would escape, because The Yunzhou battle armor is equipped with Lao Shizi's invisible spirit array. If the spirit array is activated, people who have not opened the sky eyes will not be able to find it at all.

That's why Chu Yun started his arrest very smoothly. When he met You Wu with high strength, he would directly order the large Spirit Beam Arrow Crossbow on the flying boat to fire, condescendingly shooting the master to half-death, and then arrested and brought to justice.

Chu Yun's actions were quite swift and violent. In just half a day, most of the people in several large martial arts camps or powerful local branches had been arrested. It seemed that it had been planned in advance.

Half a day later, the martial arts fights in the entire capital suddenly stopped, and the entire capital became quiet in an instant, and it was hard to hear even a dog bark. However, Chu Yun did not stop his arrest plan. It was You Wuying and You Wu who participated in the fight, they would all be found by him, and they would be thrown into the prison of the special security regiment without saying a word.

After three days like this, the capital gradually returned to normal, the common people dared to go out tentatively, the waist of the city guards hardened, and they began to retaliate frantically all over the streets. Anyway, there were three invisible warships in the sky Under surveillance, those You Wu didn't dare to resist at all, so the jails in the city were filled up in an instant, and the whole capital was filled with panic and confusion. , for fear that the Secret Service would come to the door and throw them into that dark prison.

It's a trivial matter to be in prison for a few days, the key is to delay the trials! !

In Tianxiangyuan, the business here is also gradually returning to normal. The second generation of Wang and the second generation of officials who have not gone out for a long time have all walked out of the house and started their "normal" life in the past.

After these days of violent riots, the business of Tianxiang Garden has also been greatly impacted. Although the Tang family with a strong foundation does not count on this business for food, but if it cannot be opened for a few days, the boss Ren will be anxious.

At this time, Tang Xin'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was amazed at the operational efficiency of this special defense group. In just three days, the entire capital city returned to normal.

"It seems that the regiment order is going to make a fortune!" Muttering in a low voice, Tang Xiner took a look at a piece of cardboard on the table, and said to herself: "The alchemy furnace is almost ready, and the medicinal materials are also complete. It seems that Chu Yun is here to make alchemy!"

So she immediately called the maid who was waiting outside: "You go to Wu Zhanyuan to invite Chu Yun immediately, and let him come here to see me immediately!"

The maid looked at the sky, and said a little embarrassed: "Miss, it's been a few days now, I think Mr. Chu must have rested, right? How about I invite you tomorrow morning?"

"I have to enter the palace tomorrow morning. By then, I won't have time. Go and come back quickly. I'll let two guards take you there!" Tang Xiner waved her hand to tell the maid to go quickly, and then cast her eyes on Yue Outside the dimly-colored window, he muttered again: "Why do you want me to enter the palace if you are so good? Could it be that prince is an adult again, throwing a banquet in the back garden to pick a concubine?"

Two hours later, the maid came back, but what was disappointing was that Chu Yun was not in the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, and even his martial arts teacher Huo Qingxue didn't know what he was doing.

Tang Xiner was in a hurry right now, Chu Yun is too unreliable a bastard, why does he often disappear?How many days have you not seen him?

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