
Chapter 173 Marquis of Biyuan

170 Marquis of Sanbiyuan (third update)

Looking at the aggressive mature woman, Chu Yun suddenly smiled and said, "Originally, the truth of this matter is top secret, so it cannot be made public, but seeing how unconvinced you are, I can only tell you!"

He said with a smile: "Just a few days ago, my secret service team suddenly received a report that a group of people were planning to overthrow His Majesty's rule. With loyalty to your majesty and love for the people, my secret service team led The army rushed to the scene of the incident."

"Of course there was a group of warriors from the Tianlong Youwu Camp on the scene who temporarily resisted the attack of the Qilin Youwu Camp. This did not cause the palace to be captured by them. Your Majesty is only now able to stabilize the country."

"Tianlongyou Wuying, they are the heroes of our Donghua Empire, so it is normal to let them go. How could we lock up the heroes?" Chu Yun vividly recounted that the mature woman almost spurted blood from her seven orifices. Yun is too shameless, how can he make up things like this and turn black and white?

But she also understood what Chu Yun meant, and said that this person is in my hands anyway, and only my secret service knows what happened, so he can report to His Majesty anyway, the key is even if the emperor doesn't believe his words , will also go down the donkey and slaughter these people.

The mature woman really had no choice but to give in. She acted like a baby to Chu Yun, and even actively hinted to Chu Yun that as long as he released all the people in the Qilin Youwu Camp, she could do whatever she wanted.

But Chu Yun really didn't like it!

So the mature woman whispered next to Chu Yun's ear: "General, Nong Qilin has several daughters. They are all virgins, and they are also very good-looking and beautiful. If you are interested, I can introduce you. How do you feel?"

Chu Yun was really moved, but he couldn't show it right now, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, they won't receive any abuse or unequal treatment in prison, so you don't have to worry."

"But...but the selection competition is about to start. If you don't let them go, it will definitely be delayed. This is a major event in their life, so please release them." Seeing Chu Yun's insistence, the mature woman couldn't help being anxious .

Chu Yun thought for a while, and said a little embarrassed: "That's good, you can take those who participated in the selection competition back first, and wait for the wind to calm down in a few days before coming to pick them up, how about it?!"

The mature woman nodded reluctantly, and then followed Chu Yun to the door of the prison.

The prison here is really simple, they are all made of huge wooden cages, which can be shattered by ordinary warriors with a single palm, but the wandering warriors inside don't seem to have any escape from prison, sitting there decadently , drooping his head, seemed to be reflecting.

Chu Yun led the mature woman to the outside of the wooden cage that locked Qilin Youwuying, and shouted to the inside: "Qilin Youwuying, those who participated in the thorn selection competition, come out."

After a while, three handsome young men with bruised noses and swollen faces who were beaten up by soldiers of the Secret Service during the arrest process stood there with breathless faces, and three pairs of eyes stared at the men in French clothes. The special guard soldiers in spiritual armor wished they could spew out fire and burn them all to death.

"How are the three of you? Are you okay?" The mature woman hurried forward, seeing the miserable appearance of the three being beaten, she asked with hatred.

"Sister Zhao, you're finally here, let this nasty bastard let us go immediately, or I'll let his head fall!" When the three young men saw the mature woman, they seemed to be hoping for a savior, and they immediately became excited , one of them pointed at Chu Yun's nose and cursed angrily.

Facing the excessive rebelliousness of the three of them, Chu Yun smiled and said, "Ling..." All the soldiers of the Secret Service stood up straight.

"Qilin Youwu Camp intends to rebel. In order to kill everyone, all suspects will be executed as an example!" Chu Yun ordered in a low voice, and the 'Ben Lei' in the hands of the soldiers who were heavily armed all around changed at the same time, turning into an empty handle. Chu Kuanjian, with a cold murderous look all over his body, stepped towards the center and surrounded him.

"Slow down, slow down!!" The mature woman was startled by Chu Yun's sudden order, and hastily stopped the soldiers from walking, and then slapped the young man loudly on the face.

Holding his rapidly swollen cheeks, the young man innocently looked at the mature woman, not understanding why she slapped himself for a long time.

Chu Yun was still there sneering: "Sister... how can you be so cruel, they are already dying, why do you still want to beat them?"

The other two youths were also anxious, and he shouted angrily: "Damn it, how dare you order us to be killed? Do you know who we are? We are the Qilin Youwu Camp with a hundred thousand warriors, and my father is Biyuan Hou, if you dare to kill us, my father will definitely kill your whole family!"

Chu Yun's face turned cold, he looked at the three arrogant young men coldly, and said with a sneer: "As the prince of the imperial court, he actually put his son in the Youwu camp. Moreover, he also claims to be one hundred thousand warriors, this general doesn't know what this Marquis of Biyuan wants to do?!"

"Papa!" Two more loud slaps were slapped on the faces of the three young men, and the mature woman snapped, "Shut up, you three, he is a soldier, and he killed you all in a fit of anger, no one can say no." What happened, just stay there!"

The three young men glared at Chu Yun viciously, but they didn't dare to disobey Sister Zhao's words, so they shut their mouths and ignored Chu Yun.

And the mature woman looked at Chu Yun with a smile on her face, and said with a tired voice, "Don't be angry, General Chu. The three children's nonsense is just nonsense. You must not take it seriously!"

Chu Yun's expression gradually softened, and he waved his hands to make the soldiers step aside, and then said with a smile: "I still have this kind of courage, you can take them away."

The mature woman thanked Chu Yun, and then led the three youths away quickly.

Chu Yun waved a soldier to stand up, muttered a few words in a low voice, and immediately left the station. He flew to the intelligence institute directly under the emperor, and reported what he had heard.

The news spread quickly, and the high-level officials directly under the Intelligence Institute were greatly shocked. Even the subordinates of the current emperor were furious. They directly ordered Chu Yun's secret service to investigate and interfere directly. The truth investigation is clear.

Biyuanhou is a general who has led soldiers. He was named Biyuanhou because of his military exploits. Although he doesn't have any soldiers in his hands now, he secretly put his three sons in the palace where he claims to have [-] soldiers. What is Wu's You Wuying doing?

Moreover, this Qilin Youwu camp is only less than a hundred miles away from the capital. Although they are not afraid of their rebellion, it is absolutely impossible for the emperor to do the thing of raising tigers. How can it be?

So Chu Yun, who got the imperial edict, immediately started to act, he was very happy, this time his Bicao Martial Arts Camp was going to get rich, and the [-] members of Qilin Martial Arts Camp would belong to Lao Tzu.

Biyuanhou Mansion is built on Qinghua Street in the inner city. This generation is the residence of princes and generals, so it is not as prosperous as other places, but extremely quiet.

In the living room in Biyuan Houli, a tall and thick man was sitting there, looking angrily at the three young men standing in the hall.

"Master Hou, your three sons are nothing but trash. You actually said such a secret in front of the troops directly under the emperor. Do you want to kill our whole family?" He cursed at the noses of the three of them.

The three youths lowered their heads in great grievance, and did not defend themselves.The man in the chair stood up with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "Since the incident has already happened, what's the use of scolding them? The most urgent task now is to silence all those who heard it."

"I'm afraid it's already too late. The army directly under the emperor is loyal to the emperor and won't listen to anything harmful to the emperor." Sister Zhao sighed.

"Don't worry, the three boys said so casually, they have no evidence, even if the people from the intelligence agency know about it now, they don't dare to do anything to me!" The man sneered: "You should send people immediately, Those people are all silenced."

"Yes, I'll do it right away!" Sister Zhao gave the three young men a fierce look, then stepped out of the hall, and then her body froze there suddenly.

It is noon now, but why is there such a big shade on the head?

She slowly raised her head, her beautiful eyes widened in shock, and she was about to scream something into the hall when a bright light fell from the sky and viciously hit the reception hall of Biyuanhou Mansion.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled unbearably. In Sister Zhao's terrified eyes, the hall of Biyuanhou's Mansion instantly turned into a pile of dust.

A shrill howl sounded in the blue light, and disappeared in the next breath.The turbulent air spread in all directions, and before she could escape, Sister Zhao was blown away by the huge impact for more than ten feet, and then she hung her head on the top of a tree, looking at the living room of the Biyuanhou Mansion, which turned into a big pit. , Sister Zhao didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." Countless voices pierced through the air, and hundreds of heavily armed Secret Service soldiers emerged from all directions, quickly surrounding the entire Hou Mansion. Sister Zhao was about to fly away , but suddenly four or five black iron rulers greeted her, and she was ruthlessly knocked unconscious without even saying a word.

Chu Yun carried the 'Ben Lei' and led a large group of soldiers to rush in, and came to the edge of the big pit in the living room. Looking at the four or five charred bones inside, he couldn't help crying out, thinking that this large spiritual light beam It's too perverted. I heard that Biyuanhou is a master of martial arts school. How can he be turned into scorched earth without the ability to resist?

Biyuanhou's wronged soul cried out in grief and indignation, why?Why?Why didn't I have a name when I came here, and it turned into ashes just after showing my face?What kind of trouble is this?

"Swoosh, everyone in the house is not allowed to let go, and I will be put in a prison for strict supervision!" Chu Yun gave the order, and hundreds of soldiers from the Secret Service agreed in unison, and quickly took all the people in the house away. When they came out, there were as many as a hundred people, and the gold and silver treasures were even more numerous.

What shocked Chu Yun the most was that the empire strictly forbids the smuggling of high-end ordnance for household use. In the secret warehouse of the Marquis of Biyuan, there is actually a large amount of stock, enough to arm 20 people. This guy really wants to rebel! ?

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