
Chapter 213 Cholera in the Capital

210 Cholera in Three Capitals

Chu Yun, who was lifted up high, said with a wretched smile: "I never imagined that besides Bai Kip, there is such a powerful master in the White Tiger Pavilion. The thousand-year background in the White Tiger Pavilion is really extraordinary."

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be so clear about the situation of my Baihu Pavilion, but you just want to miss this deity?" The young man laughed and said: "It seems that you are still a talent in all aspects, and it seems right to recruit you. How about it? What are the conditions I propose? If you join the White Tiger Pavilion, I will guarantee that you will not receive unequal treatment with the personality of the deity, and you will also be used by others, how about it?"

Chu Yun laughed and said, "Actually, if you kowtow to me and admit your mistake now, I will definitely let you go, how about it?"

Chu Yun's words immediately made the girl laugh back. He giggled and sneered, "Is your brain broken by this deity, and you are still telling jokes here?"

Chu Yun said with a smile: "I didn't say any jokes, just look at your hands!"

The boy was startled suddenly, and suddenly found that his wrist had turned dark black, and the dark black was still spreading rapidly to his entire arm.

He let go of Chu Yun, and saw that his hands had turned dark black, looking extremely terrifying.

Beads of sweat involuntarily oozed from the young man's forehead, and he roared angrily at Chu Yun: "Damn it, you dare to plot against me!"

Chu Yun chuckled and said, "If I were you, I wouldn't talk so much nonsense. Hurry up and force the poison, otherwise even the gods descending to earth will not be able to save you."

The boy's whole body froze, and suddenly there was a loud bang, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. Chu Yun spat out a mouthful of blood clots, and shouted at those foolish pit butterfly girls: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you clean it up for me? All valuables were loaded into the truck and taken away.”

The White Tiger Pavilion has stood here for thousands of years, how powerful is the background?Chu Yun still hit the spiritual enchantment in a secret place, but in front of a cheap son like Zhenwu, isn't that easy to catch?So it was useless to work in the middle of the night, and the entire Baihu Pavilion was emptied by more than 1000 martial arts schools.

Moreover, there are countless rare treasures among them, and even a few beautiful girls were taken away.

Looking at the empty Baihu Pavilion, Chu Yun cheerfully counted the number of people who were unconscious. Except for those on the list, everyone else is here.

Bai Kip's top ten disciples, two young ladies and a young master, were all thrown here in a coma.

Seeing the results of his night, Chu Yu was so happy that his eyes were wide open. The White Tiger Pavilion has flourished so far, and it should be allowed to decline. Otherwise, if you keep doing the world, how will others live?

So he took away all the martial arts cheats in the White Tiger Sutra Pavilion that he could take away, and burned the remaining obscene martial arts to ashes.

It was already bright when the large group of people evacuated, and when everyone woke up and realized the current situation, the top ten disciples who were usually extremely proud were ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and the two ladies even stared at each other Hei just passed out.

Only the second young master, Bai Yao, jumped up nervously, rushed towards the guest room like a lunatic, and shouted: "God damn thieves, if you hurt my master's guests, I will definitely not let you go. "

The second young lady who was just woken up by the maid heard what he said, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out again.

The top ten disciples snorted coldly, and said with an extremely livid face: "Ma Shan sent people to the capital to tell Master what happened here, so that the old man must hurry back. Let people count all the losses and notify the government to come and solve the case. Let me All the secret agents in the pavilion must be dispatched, and this group of reckless people must be captured, and I will execute them immediately!"

It's good not to let people count the number, but after this count, everyone was so angry that they spurted blood. This group of goddamn robbers actually took away all the valuable things in the Baihu Pavilion, and the Sutra Pavilion even let them go. Light the fire, such a loss can be described as unprecedentedly huge, this time it will be fun, the hostile forces in the Baihu Pavilion will probably not sit aside and watch the joke, this time it will be in big trouble.

In a secret house in Yingzhou City, Chu Yun looked cheerfully at the two light curtains condensed in front of him. The people in the Baihu Pavilion within the light curtains moved extremely quickly, notifying the state government, etc., everything was in order. In Chu Yun's grasp.

Dieyi ran over and asked, "My lord, all the belongings have been settled properly. The tens of millions of ready-made silver coins have been remelted and made into silver ingots, which have been boxed and sealed. All the gold bars have also been melted." I went to the imprint of Baihu Pavilion, and I can get rid of it at any time."

"How to dispose of those antiques and soft goods? They take up the largest space and are fragile, what should we do?"

Chu Yun said with a smile: "Seal them up first. I have an empty hidden talisman here. Even if they break the embankment three feet away, they can't find it. When the wind comes, they can find a random martial arts battalion to press back to the base for us."

"But the road to the base is rough and difficult. It's all soft, and it will be broken into pieces after entering?"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "What do I raise so many younger brothers for? Let them move in one by one!"

Next, Chu Yun led a large force to the capital in secret. The storm in Luanzhou City was more violent. Anyway, he had made the most adequate arrangements. Even if his spies dug it out accidentally, they all Can't get any valuable clues at all.

If he expected it right, the capital is already in chaos, right?That Hun Dan of Bai Xia already knows the situation here, right?Once they mess with Lao Tzu, it will be easier for me to handle things. Baihu Pavilion will withdraw from the stage of the Donghua Empire from now on.

In the capital, Baihu Pavilion had already dug out Miao Miao and others, and when they were about to take action, a huge change suddenly occurred in the capital that everyone did not expect.

When everyone's attention was attracted by the grand meeting of the Youwu Association, the calm capital city suddenly erupted with killing noises. Surrounding the resplendent imperial city, from countless official residences, from countless streets and alleys, Countless tall men in black helmets and black armour, full of viciousness and sensuality, rushed out like a tide, gathered on the six main avenues, and finally launched a sharp attack on the thick and high walls of the imperial city.

In the capital, there was a sudden sound of police, and all the city defense troops closed the city gate at the same time. Their original chief general was beheaded by the lieutenant general at the same time, and all of them put on black cloaks and black turbans. Colleagues dressed in the same dress as them were chopped down to the ground.

Countless black-robed and black-armored men emerged from every corner of the capital, and they attacked all the city guards at the same time without saying a word.

All the yamen in the capital were besieged and strangled by this group of black-robed and black-armored people. A series of imperial yamen gates such as the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, the Imperial Legal Spirit Academy, and the Imperial Organ Academy were not spared.

These black-armored men are powerful, how can the city guards who have been out of battle for a long time be their opponents?It didn't take a moment to be completely controlled by the black armor.

The only exciting thing is that the newly formed special defense regiment played a huge role. They reacted immediately. Just when the black-armored men were about to attack their garrison, the ferocious officers and soldiers of the special defense regiment made a thunderous attack. With one blow, the enemy will be defeated in an instant.

However, these ferocious warriors did not go to rescue them, but first chose the city gate closest to them and launched an attack.But the capital city should be too huge, and it is a very difficult task to gallop to the city gate occupied by the enemy.Moreover, there are so many masters among this group of enemies, and the Martial Arts School has a lot of them. If the soldiers of the special security regiment had not been equipped with excellent equipment to balance them, I believe they would not be able to match these people at all.

What made the people of the empire even more exciting was that the Yunzhou battleship belonging to the secret service regiment sailed to the battlefield, and the enemies fled in all directions without a single shot from the psychic light speed cannon on it.

Inside the imperial city, countless elite imperial guards swiftly ran up the city wall, a series of crossbows with hundreds of arrows were launched from the hidden compartment, and the large-scale psionic shotgun just developed by the Institute was also mounted on the city wall.

Countless elite guard soldiers saw the black torrent coming like a tide from a distance, and couldn't help cursing in their hearts, where did these people come from?The total number of these six cities already has millions of people.God, I don't know how many people will suffer this time. These people all rushed out of the palace of the court officials. Even if you don't know the reason, I believe it is hard to escape the fate of ransacking your family and exterminating your family.

In the Golden Palace of the Imperial Court, the current Emperor Xuanyuan Wudi is sitting on a dragon chair in a golden armor. His subordinates are a group of court officials who have fled into the imperial city, and the Imperial Guard Order of the Imperial Guard Camp, the Imperial Guard Order of the Imperial Guard Camp, Sitting and standing on the golden hall with a group of generals and officers, all of them were flushed with shame.

Xuanyuan Wudi rolled his eyes and sighed, "I, Xuanyuan Wudi, consider myself a wise king, but why is it so unpopular? There are so many enemies in the majestic capital of the empire, and more than half of Lao Tzu's city guards They are all enemies, how did this happen? Huh?"

"Where are those old men in the Overwatch Council? Call them all over, and ask them, what do I do to feed so many people? And the gang of old men from the spy camp, call them all over, and I spend a lot of money on them. With so much money to support you, you don’t care about anything, and just spit out the money for me..."

Xuanyuan Wudi talked about Lao Tzu, and the hall was completely silent when he scolded, no one could say a word.

"Where are the reinforcements from the Military Academy? When will they come to save you? Don't tell me that they are so beaten that they have no power to fight back, so they can't come to save you!"

The Great Elder standing on top of the Golden Hall helplessly rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, you should have a 320 million Imperial Guard Battalion and a 170 million Imperial Guard Battalion. It’s powerful, but it’s impossible to break through the imperial city, right? Moreover, the underground fortifications of the imperial city extend in all directions, and you can take the initiative to attack at any time, why do you use the Wuzhanyuan?”

Xuanyuan Wudi's handsome face blushed slightly, and he said with a smile: "I...Isn't this just to train the students of the Martial Arts Academy. Real martial arts must go through blood experience to grow, so , I... I am all for your Martial Arts Institute, okay?"

The Great Elder twisted his mouth, and then said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the Secret Service has been dispatched immediately, and has already defeated several groups of invading enemies, and is approaching the Xuanmen. If the Xuanmen can be controlled, the If your direct subordinate army is put into the city, the enemies in the city will naturally not have to worry!"

"Hmm... I didn't expect that it was the right thing to set up the special security team at the beginning. Otherwise, what should I do in such a situation?" Xuanyuan Wudi coughed twice, and then muttered to himself: "Originally, I still want to marry you these few days. As for the daughter-in-law, it seems that it will be delayed again. My little beauty, you can wait two more days!"

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