
Chapter 222 Recognizing Godfather

220 Second Acknowledgment Godfather

In the southeast of Yanzhou, twenty miles outside the city is a desolate mountainous area.This place has always been uninhabited, except for the frequent accidents of people coming and going on the nearby official roads, there is not even a bandit in this mountain.

But it was different now. In that vast valley, countless wooden houses for temporary living and stone walls under construction rose up.Countless human beings are coming in and out of these wooden houses, digging holes in the stone walls, and building stone walls with the chiseled stones.

In the distance, the endless Huatiemu forest was knocked down one by one, and dozens of people with high motors were fighting against the huge Huatiemu and stacking them in the camp.

A petite figure stood quietly on the edge of the cliff. His eyes under the cloak were fixed on the craftsmen who were working hard below. above these people.

"Who are you? How dare you destroy my girl's valley!" A stern voice swept across all directions like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the craftsmen working around were stunned at the same time.

"Who dares to act presumptuously in my Wind and Cloud Valley!" A few angry shouts came immediately, and hundreds of figures flew out from the surrounding hidden places, surrounding the petite woman.

The petite woman took a cold look at these figures, and couldn't help but take a breath, thinking that who on earth had invaded this girl's territory, and unexpectedly took out hundreds of martial arts school all at once!

There are men and women in these hundreds of martial arts schools, and there are even green hair and green eyes, which makes her extremely surprised.

At this time, a man on the other side strode forward, pointed at the petite figure and asked loudly: "Who is the little girl? How dare you come to my Wind and Cloud Valley to be presumptuous, and dare to hurt someone?"

"Hmph, your Wind and Cloud Valley? This girl has occupied this place as early as a year ago. When did you take over your place? If you are sensible, take someone away, or you will be blamed for being rude to me!" the petite woman said. The voice is still extremely immature, it seems that the age is not very old.

"Hahaha, this valley is unclaimed land. If we occupy it, it is ours. You said that you have occupied this valley a year ago. What evidence do you have?" Hearing that the girl's voice was so intelligent, the big man couldn't help but When he became concerned, he subconsciously ignored his ability to fly across the sky.

"Hmph, then you say this is yours, do you have any evidence?" The petite girl shouted.

"Of course!" The man took out a handful of high-quality paper from his pocket, and showed her one by one: "Look, this is the title deed of this mountain area, and the mining certificate. National license, you have to look carefully."

The figure of the petite girl was startled, she shouted coldly: "I am too lazy to talk to you, call your master out, I want to talk to him."

"Hey, our boss has a lot of things to do every day, how can we have the time to meet you, a girl? If you are sensible, go away, and I won't give you the blame for hurting my craftsman, just treat it as you are young and ignorant!" The man smiled generously. road.

"Hmph, you ruined my girl's valley like this, and you actually did it the other way around to teach me a lesson. Today I will teach you a lesson for your parents!" The petite girl flickered, and suddenly swung thousands of punches, aiming at everyone around her. The men rushed over frantically.

"Hehe, the little girl is still not convinced, brothers, give it to me..." Hundreds of martial arts schools yelled twice at the same time, and crystal clear lotuses suddenly rose above their heads, and the huge true energy was like Like a turbulent wave, the little girl's fists were smashed into pieces.

"Hey, girl, hurry up if you are sensible, or don't blame us as big brothers for bullying the little!" The man laughed loudly, clenched his fists, and pumped out countless powerful qi out of his body, blowing the short shirt There was a loud noise, but it was also very powerful.

The little girl let out a cold snort, and the figure that had been floating in the air all this time suddenly landed, kicking heavily towards the ground.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, instantly turning into a large pit with a diameter of ten feet.The surrounding martial arts schools suddenly felt staggered for a while, and then they were frightened by the little girl's perverted strength.

"My God, a general..." A few timid screams turned around and ran away, but they were punched hard by their companions in the next second.

"***, what is there to be afraid of generals? We have 490 martial arts schools, are we still afraid of a general? Even if we can't beat it, don't we still have a trump card?"

Hearing the curses and reminders from their companions, the escaped martial arts school stopped immediately, and then their expressions of panic changed suddenly, with incomparably magical smiles, and they grinned grinningly: "That's right, this little girl must not be like us!" The opponent of many people, his mother, actually bullied me on the head of Fengyunhui, if we don't give her a little bit of color, how can we mess around in the Tao in the future?!"

Their yelling and cursing made the little girl tremble all over, her face under the cloak suddenly turned cold, and when she opened her small white hand under the wide cloak, the air around her suddenly froze.

Nearly [-] martial arts schools shook their bodies at the same time, and one of them yelled, "Come on, brothers, she is a general, she doesn't die so easily, so don't feel sorry for her!"

The martial arts school roared at the same time, and rushed towards the little girl ferociously.

"Papapa..." But countless small white palms suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were all hit at almost the same time. land.

"Bang bang..." Hundreds of small fists slammed over again, and those martial arts schools with little combat experience screamed miserably and were punched to the ground, it was blood spurting like rain.

"Damn it, come up with a unique move..." The big man roared angrily, and suddenly there were two more yellow talismans in front of him, and the powerful spiritual power rippled in all directions, making the little girl's figure tremble slightly.

"The Supreme Immortal is as urgent as the law... Break..." The secret mantra shouted, and the two yellow talismans in front of him suddenly turned into countless light spots and disappeared. At the same time, at the same time, two washbasin-sized The fireball shot out of thin air and rushed towards the little girl.

"Hahaha, the talisman given by Boss Chu is good!" Everyone laughed with satisfaction.

The little girl let out a soft snort, and a sword light invisible to the naked eye rose into the sky, and the two fireballs were suddenly split in half, leaving a big crater more than two or nine feet deep on the ground with two 'booms'.

"Don't force me to kill!" The childish voice came again: "Tell me where the boss of your Fengyun Society is, and I will spare you!"

"Hmph...don't overestimate your capabilities! I, Fengyunhui, are the most powerful here! Let's do it, brothers..." The big man yelled, and a few arrows with cold light suddenly appeared in the hidden forests around him.

The sparkling electric pattern on the arrow head told the little girl that these are rune arrows engraved with spells, my God, this an ordinary gangster?

"Little girl, leave quickly, or don't blame us for being cruel..." After speaking, he sacrificed a few more talismans.

Feeling the powerful fluctuations of spiritual power from a few talismans, the pretty face of the little girl under the cloak changed slightly, and she was even more amazed at what kind of organization this was, why there were so many talismans refined by Tianguan?

"Since this is the case, don't blame us..." Seeing that the little girl had no intention of leaving, they gradually lost their patience, and he roared angrily, "Shoot an arrow for me!"

"噗噢噐..." Dozens of powerful rune arrows broke away from the bowstring, and arrived in front of the little girl in the next breath.

The rich qi of transforming reality came out through the body, forming a thick protective layer on the body, a ray of sword light flashed by at the same time, and more than a dozen arrows in front of him were cut into two sections at the same time.

However, there were still more than a dozen arrows that exploded on her protective layer, and the runes on the arrows also produced effects, and more than a dozen thunder beads burst out with powerful power.

"Bang bang bang..." More than a dozen thunderballs exploded, and the little girl's protective layer was immediately shattered, and her petite figure was also blown away, and the blood sprayed from her mouth could still be seen in mid-air .

"Brothers, she is already injured, rush for me, catch her and bring her back to Boss Chu, we will definitely be rewarded heavily!" Seeing a general injured, everyone screamed excitedly, and at the same time, that guy was also a Little girl, after all, Boss Chu likes beautiful women the most.

The cloak on the little girl who slammed into the stone wall was completely broken, revealing a fur blue dress underneath, and her delicate and lovely face like a porcelain doll.

It wasn't who the little girl who rescued Chu Yun that day was!

"Damn it!" The little girl spat out a mouthful of blood, and her figure disappeared in a flash. Those martial arts schoolmen who rushed to capture her alive were stunned, and then their eyes widened in a very serious manner.

The capital, within the imperial city.

Xuanyuan Wudi was listlessly giving instructions. It seemed that Chu Yun's inability to conjure up those beautiful blood slaves had left a deep shadow in his heart.

"Hey... It seems that I have to go and see Tang Xiner later, otherwise how will I feel better?" I muttered in a voice that only I could hear, and I was about to stand up and ask someone to wash my face, but I looked A figure ran in outside the door, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Godfather, please be respected by the adopted son!" Xuanyuan Wudi was stunned by the panicked voice, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw clearly who was coming.

"I said Chu Yun, what do you mean? Do you want to recognize me as a godfather?" He asked strangely.

Chu Yun raised his head with a flattering smile, and said with a giggle: "Yes, yes, I see that your godfather is very brave and domineering, and it is my honor to have a godfather like you, so I want to recognize you. You are a godfather!"

Xuanyuan Wudi immediately became interested. He smiled and said, "What good is it for me to be your godfather? I am the Holy Father of the Donghua Empire. Of course you feel honored, but it is not good for me to recognize you. What do you do?"

Chu Yun said with a flattering smile: "Godfather, you won't settle accounts now. Think about it, my godfather is Zhenwu from Tianguan, and I am the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty. If you become my godfather, then Your seniority is the same as that of Zhenwu, won't you have a lot of face in front of Tianguan from now on? At least they won't give you any more embarrassment, right?"

As soon as Xuanyuan Wudi thought it made sense, he stepped out and helped Chu Yun up, and said with a smile, "Well, you will be my godson from now on!"

Chu Yun chuckled: "Then... then can I participate in the royal competition?"

Xuanyuan Wudi's smile suddenly froze on his face.

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