
Chapter 228 Qingmang Sect

220 Baqing Mangzong

"It seems that there are quite a few people who came to seize the treasure this time!" Chu Yun chuckled, and then laughed loudly: "The dolls outside, this place has been taken by someone, you go elsewhere!" When the other two had just finished their meal and were about to close their eyes and adjust their breath, Chu Yun suddenly said with a smile.

"Hmph...since there are people, let's get out..." An extremely arrogant and domineering voice came from outside, followed by a rapid sound of piercing through the air. Already appeared in the cave.

The two couldn't help being shocked, the strength of these people was obviously higher than them, it seemed difficult to deal with them.And how profound is this senior's skill, that he discovered them all at once?

"Hey? There is such a beautiful chick here?" The leader lifted his cloak, revealing a handsome but extremely arrogant and frivolous face.

The four people behind him also lifted their hoods at the same time, revealing a few old faces, looking at Chu Yun and the other three with extremely disdain.

The young man looked at Chu Yun, who was pretending to be mysterious, and walked forward cheerfully, and said with a smile, "You told us to leave just now?"

"That's right, it's exactly..." Chu Yunfeng smiled lightly.

"You are so courageous." An old man stepped forward and yelled, "Do you know that this is the young master of my Qingmang Sect? No matter how daring and rude you are, you will die without a place to die."

Chu Yun glanced at the old man in astonishment, and thought that this old man is so old, why is he still like a doll who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?

He looked at Cui Qian, and asked strangely: "Is this Qingmang sect famous?"

Cui Qian nodded with difficulty, and said very nervously: "Qingmang Sect is extremely powerful among the sects, there are so many masters in the sect, and there are also masters at the level of military commanders..."

"Well... this chick is more knowledgeable. Which sect are you from?" The young man nodded with great satisfaction, and looked at Cui Qian with his hot eyes without any scruples, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was beating her. Cui Qian had the same idea.

Yin Long didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly said: "My junior sister and I both belong to the Yunhui Sect, and we only met this one in the cave." He hastily put his relationship with Chu Yun aside, after all, because Yin Long would not do such a foolish thing for a man who has never masked his face to provoke a strong enemy.

Cui Qian immediately gave him a sideways glance, but he pretended not to see it.

"Since this is the case, you can stay here." The young man said with a chuckle, "Especially this young lady, I won't mind staying here even more."

He looked at Chu Yun, and his laughter became icy cold: "As for you, hahaha...let me leave immediately, or I will order someone to throw you out..."

Facing the arrogance of this baby, Chu Yun shook his head helplessly, and he was also afraid of the strength of the four old people, so now is not a good time to turn his face.So he stood up and said with a smile: "In this case, the old man will leave, but the old man still wants to give you a piece of advice. People with eyes on the top of their heads will hit a nail one day." The paper magic talisman was played, and the figure disappeared out of thin air.

The young man was fine, but the four old men panicked, and one of them couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Young Sect Master, if your subordinates see it well, that man just used a spiritual technique!"

"Spiritual art?" The young man laughed and said, "How is it possible? If he is a powerful magic spirit, how could he be afraid of us? I think he must be a superficial person who is still here wearing a cloak to pretend to be mysterious." , I think he is a flying dance."

"Okay, stop talking. I'm hungry, I can eat it..." the young man said impatiently.

"Here!" The two old men responded, and miraculously took out tables, chairs, and a huge carpet from the storage ring, and quickly arranged the cave like the bedroom of the Marquis's house. up.

Some high-quality delicacies were quickly placed on the table, and there were dozens of plates.

The young man picked up a glass of fragrant top-quality fruit wine, raised the glass to Cui Qian, and said with a smile: "Miss, why don't you come and have a drink or two? The night is long, how boring it is to sit there."

Cui Qian also couldn't understand the Qingmang Sect's arrogance, so she cupped her fists and said, "Thank you, Young Sect Master, for your kindness, there's no need..."

After finishing speaking, she closed her beautiful eyes, ready to fall into samadhi.

Unexpectedly, she only heard footsteps, an old man came over, and said coldly: "It is your blessing that the young master invites you, but you are so shameless, you clearly look down on my Qingmang sect, we treat such a There is only one way for people, and that is to beat you until you are convinced!"

Yin Longke on the side was terrified. Although he hated the young man who wanted to take advantage of his sweetheart, he didn't dare to attack, and hurriedly said: "Junior sister, the young master thinks highly of you, so don't be ignorant." It's too high, don't hurry up..."

Cui Qian was immediately extremely disappointed with this senior, and then she stood up and said coldly: "I don't like drinking with strangers..." After speaking, the figure moved and shot out of the hole.

The two old men started to chase after them, but they were stopped by the young man: "Huh, isn't she just an ugly woman from a small sect? " He suddenly smiled and said to Yin Long: "Brother, how about coming to have a drink with me?"

Yin Long, who originally wanted to chase him out, immediately dismissed the thought when he saw the four old men with murderous eyes, he smiled and cupped his hands: "Then respect is worse than obedience!"

It is said that Cui Qian ran wildly all the way, and the tears of grievance rolled down like raindrops. She was even more sad when she thought about the performance of senior brother Yin Long just now.

When he was in the sect, his gentleness, consideration and sanctimoniousness were all pretended. It turned out that the senior brother was such a timid and fearful villain.

In order not to offend Qingmangzong, he actually threw himself out?

Those previous vows of eternal love were so fragile.

"Oh..." She didn't know how long she had been running, when she suddenly heard a ferocious howl from the dense forest, she stopped suddenly in fright, pinched her slender hand, and suddenly a sharp sword appeared in her hand out of thin air.

When she stared intently, her body froze suddenly.

Less than ten feet away from her, there was a big hedgehog with a mouth full of fangs and a whole body of sharp spines like steel needles. Suddenly he was so frightened that he almost threw away his sword.

Although she has the strength of a general, she is still a young girl with little experience in the world, and she has no actual combat experience, so she was shocked by the monster she had never seen before, and stared at it in fear After that, he ran away.

The big hedgehog let out two growls, and rushed forward.

Speaking of its size, it is really too big, like an adult rhinoceros, and the thorns all over its body make it impossible to attack.Although its strength is not high, it is also one of the most survivable monsters in the jungle.

In this way, even if the corpse-gnawing ants encountered it, they would not dare to attack it easily.Because the spikes on its body are somewhat harder than iron, if the corpse-gnawing ants want to eat it, it is estimated that it will not be able to fill it with tens of thousands of the same kind.

After all, as long as he rolls over, there is no effective way to eat corpse ants.

So Cui Qian was frightened, she ran wildly, her charming face was pale for a while, and she didn't know where she threw her sharp sword.

At this moment, black shadows flashed all around, and then a bright beam of light shot out from the darkness, illuminating the surroundings immediately.

"Puchi..." With a sound, the chasing hedgehog didn't even let out a miserable howl, but was pierced through the forehead by the light beam, and after its body rushed a few feet away again, it stuck its head on the ground, motionless. up.

Chu Yun closed the 'Ben Lei' in his hand and stuffed it into the storage ring, strode up to Cui Qian who was still in shock, and said with a smile: "Girl, why did you come out? Why are you being chased away by a big hedgehog?" ah?"

"Ah..." Cui Qian understood all of a sudden, her face flushed immediately, she squatted on the ground and hugged her head, she was so ashamed that she didn't raise her head for a long time.

Fortunately, I am still a disciple of the sect, how could I be so scared by the big hedgehog all the time?And I am a military general, a veritable general, how could I be scared by a monster who has been able to reach the level of a military captain and run around the mountain?

Chu Yun chuckled and said, "Okay, I can't possibly laugh at you, get up and follow me!"

Hearing Chu Yun's words, Cui Qian stood up blushing, and then started looking for her sword all over the mountains, but Chu Yun took out one from the storage ring and said with a smile: "You lost it, right? "

Cui Qian saw that her small face was even hotter, she hurriedly put away her sword and stuffed it into the storage ring, and stood there without saying a word.

Chu Yun suppressed howling and laughing, and walked away solemnly.Cui Qian hurriedly followed, and when the formidable weapon Chu Yun used just now rang out, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Senior, since your skill is so advanced, why did you give up the cave to the Qingmang Sect?"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "This deity is here to do business, not to rob the cave. So let them live if they want, huh? Where's your senior brother Yin Long?"

"Don't mention him, I guess he must be drinking with the young master of Qingmang Sect." Cui Qian said in great disappointment.

"Where are we going?" She suddenly found that Chu Yun was wandering around aimlessly, so she couldn't help asking hastily.

"Just take a look, it's a rare opportunity!" Chu Yun replied casually.

Cui Qian couldn't help being speechless for a while, wondering why this old man is like this, is it because he is bored?Aren't you afraid of encountering powerful monsters when you go out for a walk in the middle of the night?

But Cui Qian herself was exhausted, she just wanted to find a place to have a good rest, and she didn't want to wander around the mountains and plains, but she respected Chu Yun as a senior, so she had to endure it.

I don't know how long they walked, Cui Qian's feet suddenly went numb, and she couldn't help but throw herself forward, but Chu Yun turned around casually, and hugged her in his arms, smelling the floating body on her body. Xiang, Chu Yunna trembled all over, but he let her go immediately.

Cui Qian's face turned red again. After all, a man hugged her for a few breaths. How could a girl who just came down from the mountain have no idea?

When they were in a daze, the two heard a cold shout at the same time: "Who is in front, leave quickly..."

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