
Chapter 32 Dispensing Medicine

Facing the straight-forward wooing of Ziguang's father and daughter, it would be quite embarrassing for anyone, but Chu Yun, who wholeheartedly put his mind on the woman, agreed without hesitation, and even agreed to Yu Ziguang. He will join the team of Fengcheng branch and participate in the special training camp selection on the fifth day of May next year.

What Chu Yun didn't know was that the Fengcheng branch looked down on the Minzhou branch the most, and Yu Ziguang and Long Dong had been enemies for many years. At this time, Chu Yun seemed to be messing around like muddy water. God knows what will happen then trouble.

Anyway, Chu Yun immediately got his benefits, and maybe he was a little ashamed of being his daughter's most follower, so Yu Ziguang took out a book of inner strength and mental methods, as well as the elixir of quick replenishment of inner strength. three.

Chu Yunle's whole body was trembling, and Yu Ziguang received an emblem representing the core person, so he came back to the market and found Manli Hongtang.

Hongtang, a promising young man, has already attracted 300 people in just two hours. Although they are all not doing well, the highest strength has also reached Qingwu. This makes Chu Yun Very satisfied.

After recruiting the manpower, Chu Yun was about to raise his voice and tell them to go to the mountains to fight monsters, when a faint voice suddenly came from beside him: "You're going to set up a martial arts camp like this? Aren't you going to distribute some uniform equipment? No Are you planning to give a name and a badge? Are you planning to rent a place as a camp site?"

As soon as Chu Yun turned his head, he saw Yu Fengyu crossing his arms with disdain, drooping his eyelids, and staring at him contemptuously.

Chu Yun felt a little annoyed, thinking that I just established You Wuying, and you came to tear down my platform?But his expression was as usual, he gave Yu Fengyu a slight bow, and said with a smile: "Why don't you join my Martial Arts Camp, Missy, how about I give you the position of camp owner?"

"Who cares?!" Yu Fengyu sneered and said, "There are so many martial arts camps in Fengcheng, and several of them have more than [-] people. Even if I want to join any martial arts camp, I will choose powerful ones. Why? Want to join your small camp of less than [-] people?"

Chu Yun hurriedly smiled and said: "Where is there room for development when there are too many people? For a heroine like you who is so wise and powerful, you must choose a small one, so that you can show your outstanding leadership ability, right?" ?”

Yu Fengyu was very proud, coughed twice and straightened her tall chest, feeling like a heroine, so she sneered disdainfully: "In that case, I'll join your martial arts camp, but this Is the location of the camp owner..."

"Of course it's you. With your leader, my military camp will definitely make a leap like a god. I think it won't be long before I can become the number one military camp in Fengcheng, ahaha..." Chu Yun was proud, and he At the beginning, he planned to hand over the Youwu Camp to Hongtang's management, but at this time, a person with a strong background came out on his own initiative, of course he couldn't wait for it.

Hong Tang can be regarded as an old man of the Youwu Association, so why not recognize the eldest lady of the branch president?Hearing that Yu Fengyu took the initiative to join the Martial Arts Camp, his whole body trembled with excitement. With the branch president as his backer, how dare he bully them for no reason in Fengcheng?

In fact, Chu Yun knew in his heart that Yu Fengyu came here firstly because he was curious about himself, which he was very happy about, and secondly, to look after him on behalf of his father. After all, he didn't know the bottom line about himself. Isn't he the branch president who is ashamed?

Next, Yu Fengyu immediately devoted himself to the work of the Youwu Camp, registered with the Youwu Association, formulated uniform clothing, equipment and emblems, and found a Zhuangzi not far away as the camp site. It was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Chu Yun was happy to be free, and just took the silver coins outside. In a short period of time, the lavish Yu Fengyu spent one hundred thousand silver coins.Knowing that he was rich and powerful, Yu Fengyu intensified, as if he wanted to get some benefits from it.

The news that Miss Yu Fengyu joined a newly established Youwu camp quickly spread throughout the Youwu circle in Fengcheng. Those powerful Youwu camps were all surprised and sent people to find out the news. They wanted to curry favor with this young lady to join You Wuying, but she didn't like her at all.But what happened this time?He actually joined a newly formed Youwu Camp with only [-] members?This made them very unconvinced, and they wanted to see who had the ability to win over this difficult lady.

Those lone You Wu were acting crazy. After hearing the news, countless You Wu wanted to join, and many of them were masters like Samurai Wu Wei.All of a sudden, the Martial Arts Camp, which had been formed for less than a short while, was full of quarrels in Fengcheng.

Of course, outsiders are all looking at Yu Fengyu, and they all speculate whether this is a trick played by Yu Ziguang in order to contain other You Wuying, but the insiders are all asking who can invite her, a savage young lady Be the camp owner.

Chu Yun entrusted Hong Tang and Brutal Force with the matter of You Wu Ying, so he would not let the family property he spent money to build be given to Yu Fengyu for nothing.Of course, if Yu Fengyu became her own woman, it would be another matter, but it's not the case now.

While walking on the road, he was still thinking, what kind of shit luck did he have?In just a few days after coming to Fengcheng, he actually became the hottest person in Fengcheng.First, he met the current fourth prince and became his personal attendant, and then successfully robbed a city guard's family property, turning himself into a big local tyrant.What now?He also set up his own Youwuying, and got in touch with the presidents of the two branches.I also have an intimate relationship with a major disciple of a Tianshan saint, ahaha, God help me!

Any normal-minded person would not feel that the current situation is extremely powerful to him. The branches in those two places sent a person to participate in the selection at the same time. When the truth came out, the two sides did not join hands to kill this bastard.

And the great disciple of the Tianshan Saintess, do you think you were deceived by your own rhetoric?What will you be as soon as men are set free?Rotten flesh or ashes?

But Chu Yun firmly believes in one sentence, that is, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other!

As soon as he stepped into the gate of Fengyue Building, he saw two generals from the field battalion standing there respectfully. Hua Qiao and other eight guards stood aside. Seeing him rushing in, they immediately looked over.

On the main chair in the hall, Xuanyuan Xing's face was pale, and he leaned weakly on the soft body of a young girl, squinting his lifeless eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

When he saw that Chu Yun was back, he sat up straight all of a sudden, his absent-minded star eyes lit up immediately, and shouted: "Chu Yun, brother, you are finally back, hurry up, hurry up... take your medicine again." Give me a few bottles..."

Chu Yun was surprised, and thought that Xuanyuan Xing would die for a few women?Last time, thanks to my timely rescue, my life was not in danger. Why did you come to ask me for that harmful thing just after you survived?

He walked forward in two or three steps, turned a blind eye to the ferocious gazes of Hua Qiao and the others, and put on a look of embarrassment: "Your Highness, I have run out of that medicine, you have to give me some time to reconfigure it!"

"No problem, Hua Qiao, hurry up and buy all the medicinal materials you can buy, and let Brother Chu Yun dispense the medicine. His Highness will depend on him for the rest of his life." Xuanyuan Xing hurriedly shouted at Hua Qiao, who hesitated a little I did it right away.

Chu Yun apologized and went down. Hua Qiao came to the door as soon as he stepped into the backyard.Seeing the tall man with fierce eyes standing in front of him, Chu Yun was still slightly timid, and then asked in surprise: "Guard Hua, why did you come to the backyard instead of buying medicine? Don't you know?" What to buy? I'll write you an account right now!"

A roar came from Hua Qiao's chest, and he grabbed Chu Yun's collar and roared angrily, "Chu Yun, you evil traitor, if you dare to prepare that strong medicine, I will kill your whole family!"

Hua Qiao was so angry that he almost smoked, the last time Xuanyuan Xing took his medicine, he almost died without prostration, how dare he let him do it?

Chu Yun was so frightened that he was sweating coldly, but he still gritted his teeth and calmed down, begging for mercy hastily: "Big Brother, Big Brother, I can't help it! What can His Highness want me to do? Wouldn't it be courting death if I don't match him up?"

"I don't care, if you dare to let the master take your medicine, I will kill your whole family!" Hua Qiao was going crazy, why did they meet such a vicious bastard as Chu Yun?If the four princes ascended the throne in the future, and there was such a treacherous villain beside him, wouldn't it be a disaster for the people of the world?Shouldn't this crime be blamed on us?It's better to kill this guy now, and he will be worthy of the people of the whole empire in the future.

Sensing Hua Qiao's killing intent, Chu Yun hurriedly said: "Actually, I don't want His Highness to take those medicines, but I will die if I can't do the job? Why don't you let me prepare some nourishing medicine for Your Highness to take? While my body is harmless, I don’t need to annoy His Highness, right?”

Hua Qiao thought so, now that he killed this bastard, the fourth prince would definitely not be able to explain it to him, so he could only let go of his own anger, and said angrily and coldly: "Write me your prescription, and I will go Get the medicine!"

Chu Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he wondered why this kid suddenly became enlightened?If he took the prescription to prescribe the medicine, he would definitely ask the doctor sitting in the hall, wouldn't his little ability be ruined by then?

He shook his head hastily, and said resolutely: "No, absolutely not! My prescription is handed down in my family, how can I tell outsiders casually? You go and buy me all the nourishing and valuable medicines in the pharmacy. Choose yourself!"

Hua Qiao had no choice but to think that the nourishing medicine he asked to buy would not be able to make such a strong love potion, so he nodded, gave him a warning look, and then led Washington away.

Chu Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hastily asked the people in Fengyue Building to vacate a vacant room, and directly moved a pharmaceutical workshop here. When Hua Qiao and others came back, he had already made preparations here.Then he drove everyone out, sat on the table and looked at the various medicinal materials piled up in front of him, thinking about what to do to make the nourishing ones out, so that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince can recover as before?

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