
Chapter 325 Martial Commander Walks Everywhere

320 Five Martial Commanders Walk Everywhere

The [-] military commanders are an absolutely powerful force. As soon as they came out, they immediately forced the Tianguan fighters to retreat one after another.

Martial commanders, the most powerful part of the generals competition is that they can cut through the void, both attacking and defending are extremely fast, so five thousand military commanders shot at the same time, the surrounding void trembled violently, and tens of thousands of Tianguan generals howled miserably Before they could send it out in time, everyone's bodies disintegrated and disappeared instantly.

Chu Yun couldn't help cursing in anger, so many generals, why are they so dead?These people are too prodigal, right?

Chu Yun was still regretting, but he could only hear a few angry roars rising to the sky from the side of the mountain stream, and a black cloud suddenly flew out from behind the distant mountain peak.

No, that is not a black cloud, but an array composed of countless heaven and earth flying beast cavalry under the Temple of Heaven and Ten Thousand Animals.

What surprised Chu Yun was that none of these cavalry were very strong, they were all at the level of a martial arts school, but this number made one's scalp tingle. Can't get through.

Qiankun Flying Beast is a very special kind of monster beast, flying, land, and underwater four-dwelling monster beasts, the average strength is not very strong, about the level of a martial arts school, but they all live in groups, and their reproductive capacity is extremely strong, Two Qiankun Flying Beasts can create a large army in just a few years, and their ranking in the Monster Beast Book is extremely high!

Although the force of the Qiankun Flying Beast Cavalry is not strong, the five thousand military commanders also changed their expressions because they knew the scary thing about these guys, that is, they practiced the same formation and could unite everyone. The power formed a large defensive formation, even a high-level military commander could not break the defensive formation, and their attacks were all hateful spirit stone weapons...

Before they could decide whether to run or flee, the dark army of flying beasts was still approaching, and then, under the eyes of the five thousand military commanders who gradually became terrified, they burst out countless dazzling and colorful brilliance, immediately covering the entire world. covered a hundred miles of ground.

"Boom boom boom..." The continuous explosions caused the mountain stream to sink several feet deep again, and the five thousand military commanders, disgraced and extremely embarrassed, flew back into the entrance while spitting blood, never to be seen again. .

"Hurry up and mop up the succubus disciples. After half an hour, follow Ben Feng to attack the succubus Yiyuan again!"

An extremely coercive, extremely clear and pleasant voice resounded through the entire battlefield. Hearing this voice, the morale of the Tianguan fighters who besieged and killed the succubus disciples became even higher.

"Swoosh..." Countless figures split the void and appeared above the battlefield out of thin air, and began to help the generals and soldiers on the ground to harvest the battlefield. Chu Yun quickly counted, and thousands of military commanders arrived!

But this time, it's from the sky!

However, Chu Yun's thoughts were not here, but fixed his eyes on the transparent armor floating in the mid-air, with divine light shining all over his body, and the long black hair wrapped around the delicate cheeks on the front, only a little exposed Inside Qiongbi's helmet.

Long wristbands, bare white and jade arms, a gleaming breastplate tightly bound her tall and straight chest, a smooth abdomen exposed to the air, and a slender and flexible waist. With four triangular wings attached out of thin air, under the short transparent divine light battle skirt, a round, straight and slender beautiful leg is completely exposed. On the jade feet are the over-the-knee combat boots, which are also transparent armor that exudes divine light. I don't know what material it is made of.

With Chu Yun's gaze, he could only see her silhouette, but he was already fascinated by the unparalleled beauty of the woman, and even forgot to breathe.

He has never seen such a beautiful woman, even the saintesses of Tianshan Mountain can't compare, or it may be that this woman's armor is too novel, which makes her more heroic and charming.

Although Chu Yun received Zhenwu's inheritance, he really didn't have any information about this set of armor in his memory. What this armor exudes is not an ordinary level of coercion, but a faint divine power!

Adding this woman herself as Marquis Wu, her fighting power becomes even more unfathomable.

"The whole army obeys the order of the front, and immediately attack the succubus Yiyuan!" The woman gave the order, and the vanguard that was ready roared, and rushed into the succubus gate under the leadership of [-] military commanders. metaspace.

Suddenly, a huge light curtain image appeared in the sky, and in the gray Yiyuan space, Tianguan's team once again stepped into the base camp of the succubus Yiyuan.

The same vast and boundless huge space, but there is no sun in the sky, no light, and it is gray everywhere.

The gray land, the gray trees and flowers, and the dark tower-shaped mountains, as well as the demon warriors in the huge square at the front entrance.

There are millions of people!

"Follow-up troops, hurry up and attack, this is their last group of forces, attack...attack..."

The woman's order resounded throughout the battlefield, and countless Qiankun flying beast troops rushed into the Succubus Yiyuan like a tide, and there was a tragic howl immediately, and those demon warriors full of arrays did not fight back The Rentianguan fighters beheaded on the spot and did not escape.

More and more Tianguan teams emerged from the mountain peaks, and some even entered the Succubus Yiyuan directly through the passage established by the Martial Commander, and went mad for those succubus disciples who did not fight back hacking.

Immediately, it was bloody and rainy, and the scarlet blood splashed in all directions like a torrential rain. In just a quarter of an hour, blood accumulated in the square like a river.

Drenched with thick blood, the robes and armor of the Tianguan warriors were all dyed blood red.

More and more Tianguan fighters rushed into the Succubus Yiyuan. In just half an hour, it has already passed a million. There are more Tianguan teams around, rushing in through the passage established by the military commander. Succubus B Yuan.

Chu Yun murmured in his heart that it was not good. If he went down to Tianguan in this way, all the people and horses would be wiped out, and then the Succubus Sect would also suffer. So he put on the Tianguan robe and hung the emblem of the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty on his chest. , the figure appeared in front of the woman in a flash.

With a sound of "噗...", Chu Yun's figure just appeared, and what greeted him was a sharp rapier pointed at his throat.

Chu Yun was very calm. As soon as he felt his neck was cold, he held back his instinctive reaction and shouted coldly: "Bold, how dare you attack the Patriarch!"

The woman in divine light armor was also taken aback for a moment, the sword in her hand disappeared immediately, and without saluting, she asked incomparably strangely: "You are Chu Yun? The cheap son of that old boy in Zhenwu?"

Chu Yun was so frightened that his whole body trembled, he almost didn't have diabetes insipidus, but I was wearing a cloak, even if she didn't wear a cloak, she wouldn't be able to recognize her identity at a glance?

Chu Yun slowly lifted the cloak, and the shocked expression on her face miraculously disappeared, and casually glanced at the emblem on her chest, it was just a word 'empty', if Chu Yun remembered it well, he should be better than himself Five generations shorter.

Five generations, even in Tianguan, their seniority is extremely lofty. If it is the latest generation of Xuan, it will be as much as seven generations higher.

He said slowly: "How do you know the identity of the ancestor?"

"Hmph... In Ben Feng's impression, there is no patriarch of the Yuan Dynasty who is so young, and he will not appear here. Ben Feng has long heard that the old boy Zhen Wu took in a cheap godson. So it turns out It's you..." Her tone was extremely disdainful, she glanced at Chu Yun, and said with a sneer, "Ben Feng is exterminating the demons of the Succubus Sect, what are you doing here?"

Chu Yun immediately became angry. You can look down on Laozi, but you can't look down on Laozi's identity as the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty!

Displeased in his heart, he shouted coldly: "Let all the teams withdraw immediately, this is a conspiracy by the Succubus Sect!"

"What?" The woman looked at Chu Yun in surprise, and then sneered with disdain: "Chu Yun, although you are the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, but you are not in your position and do not seek other policies, you are the one who destroys the Bingyuan space." Demon Pioneer, you have no right to give orders here. You said that the Succubus Sect’s conspiracy at this time, do you have evidence? If you can’t get it out, then Benfeng will write a letter to Dutian Temple to accuse you of usurping power!”

Hearing her words, Chu Yun was so angry that he burst out laughing, his face became serious, and he suddenly shouted: "You... do you know that committing the following is a crime that can be waited for? What kind of crime is it to disrespect the patriarch? You Let me see, those people are demons, how can I fight back? They are going to use blood as a sacrifice to wake up the ancient killing formation, please let me stop quickly, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out, be careful you can’t eat it Walk around..."

The woman trembled all over her body, and hurriedly looked at the beautiful eyes under the helmet to the light curtain, and quickly discovered the clue, but she was still not sure whether what Chu Yun said was true or not, in his opinion , Chu Yun is just a lucky and courageous person who is attached to Zhen Wuguang, and he is not taken seriously at all, so how can he easily believe Chu Yun's words?

Seeing that she hadn't ordered the withdrawal of the troops yet, Chu Yunwu turned around Zhan, opened his mouth with incomparable true energy and roared!

"Boom..." There was a loud noise that shook the entire mountain stream three times, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Listen, everyone, get out of the Succubus Yiyuan immediately. At this time, their trap, get out one by one..."

The huge sound wave suddenly turned into a huge wave with the support of incomparably thick zhenqi, which almost caused the eardrums of the Shenguang woman to rupture. She couldn't help but backed up again and again, looking at Chu Yun in shock.

Hearing Chu Yun's huge roar, the Tianguan team that had already entered the succubus Yiyuan were all shocked. Wanting to protect themselves, they hurriedly turned around and rushed outside.

And there are still some who are eager to do meritorious service, but did not withdraw immediately, but brandished their weapons and slashed and killed the succubus disciples who did not fight back at all.

"Damn it, launch the big formation immediately..." There was an angry cursing sound in the void, and then several succubus disciples with extremely powerful aura suddenly appeared in the corners of the huge square, sitting cross-legged in the void , muttering words in his mouth, and the spirit formula in his hand was pinched quickly, the blood on the square immediately came to life, and it started to seep into the blood of those Tianguan disciples like a living thing.

"Oh my god, the ancient demon transformation formation!" The Shenguang woman screamed, and hurriedly ordered the entire army to retreat...

But at this time, there are still millions of Tianguan fighters in blood.

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