
Chapter 421 Ambiguity During the Attack 【5 Big Updates】

Chapter 420 Ambiguity in the attack

The spiritual sedan was floating alone on the avenue of Fengcheng, without even a single guard.But this is Chu Yun's stronghold in Fengcheng, the shops on both sides of the street are all belongings of Fengyunhui, and the gangsters on this street are all members of Fengyunhui, Chu Yun has nothing to be afraid of at all.

In the spiritual sedan chair, two maids had already entered the back room very colorfully, only two of them were sitting opposite each other, and Diao Man was only wearing a nightgown, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely ambiguous and charming, Diao Man The pretty face was getting redder and redder, and finally she was really defeated by Chu Yun's fiery gaze, and she lowered her head deeply, not daring to look at him.

And Chu Yun didn't say a word, for fear of interrupting such a wonderful atmosphere, it would be a waste not to do anything in such a good atmosphere, but this is about to reach Guang's building, what should I do? ?Wouldn't it be better to get her drunk while eating, and then do something?

After making up his mind, Chu Yun hurriedly called the maids and asked them to prepare the washed and air-dried dresses for Diao Man to change into.

After changing into her own clothes, Diao Man felt a lot better. She looked at Chu Yun suspiciously, and wondered if Chu Yun, a pervert, had changed his nature.Become embarrassing?According to her calculations, this kid will only ask the maid to take out his clothes when he arrives at Guang's building. Why is he always miscalculating?

Guang's building is also Chu Yun's property, but the shopkeepers and cooks inside did not move, and no one dared to leave. After all, the group of hooligans in Fengyunhui can do anything, but the wages they pay are still quite a lot, which is also true. The original owner was the only consolation left.

Being able to frighten the small owner of a restaurant to the point of not leaving, so he can only squat here, shows how powerful Fengyunhui's influence is in Fengcheng.

The best private room was ready, and the two of them got off the spiritual sedan chair and came to the private room. There were already beautiful maids serving wine and food. Chu Yun filled Diao Man with a cup of wine, and said with a smile: "Diao Man, We can be regarded as old friends, so I won’t say anything if you’re being polite, let’s celebrate our reunion with this glass of wine! Come…”

After Chu Yun finished speaking, he threw it to the bottom, and Diao Man began to feel embarrassed. She didn't want to drink this glass of wine, but she had to drink it, so she picked it up and took a shallow sip.

Of course the wine Chu Yun drank was of the highest quality, but the Yunfei aged wine he brought back from the sect circle was the Feiyun fruit that had to mature naturally and fell. It can be brewed from the dew on the branches and leaves for more than three years.

Of course, there are many types of vintages, and Chu Yun's is the oldest one, probably more than a hundred years old, but what he bought with thousands of spirit stones is of course extremely precious.

Compared with Chu Yun, Diao Man is not too much to say that he is watching the sky from a well. Where has he ever drank such a precious wine?Although she is not a money worshiper, she worships material enjoyment, but this wine is too precious, and the smell is also incomparably good, and the taste is incomparable, so she couldn't help but drank a few more cups.

This wine has no strength at all. After drinking a lot, she felt that her body was warm and comfortable, but her head was still very clear. She couldn't help but feel relieved, let go of the amount and Chu Yun pushed the cup Change up.

The jar of wine was quickly drunk by the two of them, Diao Man was very excited, he never thought that he could drink so well, and nothing happened after drinking for so long.

Chu Yun patted away the sealing mud of the second altar, and said with a smile: "This Yunfei fruit grows on the Yunfei tree as high as a thousand feet high, because it is so tall that it protrudes from the clouds, so it has this name! Because it is above the clouds , absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon all day long, and growing in the poisonous and humid valley, it can be regarded as the product of the combination of yin and yang, and it has an immediate effect on kidney deficiency and yang and yin!"

The savage who was savoring a braised fish with great interest subconsciously replied, he didn't keep the following words in his heart at all, he only knew that this Yunfei fruit was very precious.What she didn't realize was that her consciousness had started to expand slowly without her knowing it, but her head was always extremely clear, that is, her body was getting hotter and hotter, but the heat was comfortable, a hundred times more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring.

Chu Yun saw that she didn't feel anything, so he continued to laugh and said, "This Yunfei fruit is also the best natural love potion, the power of the medicine can make the whole person fall into that comfortable feeling without knowing it! Of course, the brain has always been Very lucid, but unable to control the actions of my body..."

At this moment, the unruly body trembled slightly, and then two red clouds flew over a charming pretty face instantly, but those beautiful eyes were as clear as ever, but her breathing was cloudy and rapid, and her body was soft without a trace With strength, a fiery warmth surged up and down her whole body, making her want to die of shame and indignation!Only now did she realize that she had been tricked by Chu Yun, a stinky rascal, had this abominable Hun Dan been playing with her all this time?

Although she was still extremely clear in her mind, she could no longer feel the existence of her body and limbs at all, as if she had nothing but a little thinking now...

No!It should be said that the wonderful feeling of her lower body is the only feeling she has now, which makes her whole soul seem to be soaring in the sky, and the wonderful and unreal feeling makes her confused.

At this moment, Chu Yun had already strode over, picked up his unruly and petite figure, and strode downstairs.The inn was owned by the Fengyun Club, so no one felt it was strange, even the diners on the first floor all smiled mysteriously as if they hadn't seen it.

Chu Yun is a household name in Fengcheng. Now that he has defeated the enemies of Nanzhu, he is even regarded as a god by them. How many people in Fengcheng don't know him?Of course, everyone also understands the character of this kid, just by hearing his heroic deeds, they all know it.

After getting on the spiritual sedan chair, he chose a route on the cruise of the control formation, and then drove the two maids away. Chu Yun threw himself on the big bed with his savagery in his arms.

Diao Man doesn't have any strength now, how can she resist, even opening her mouth to speak turned into an incomparably provocative moaning voice, which made her cry silently, her beautiful eyes widened, and she glared viciously at Chu Yun , that means that if you dare to do anything to my old lady, once my old lady is free, she will cut you into pieces.

However, under the effect of Yunfeiguo, her sharp gaze has become without the slightest lethality, on the contrary, it aroused Chu Yun's pleasure of conquest even more. He laughed and said, "Good boy! Husband, I will definitely treat you well in the future. your……"

"Well... you... ah..." Tears rolled down Diao Man's eyes, and she couldn't say a complete sentence. She tried hard to say a few threatening words, but it took the boss's strength to spit out some more irritating and painful words. The raving of the cloud.

Chu Yun laughed and said, "Don't talk so much, since the matter is already like this, just enjoy it obediently, okay?"

Chu Yun smiled and stretched out his hand to pull her belt away. He was so frightened that he took a breath and shouted with all his strength: "Damn Hundan, if you dare to touch me, I will definitely kill you." Cut to pieces, crushed to ashes..."

After she finished speaking, she immediately collapsed on the bed, her beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of charming mist, her pretty face was blushing and charming, making her even more irresistible.

Chu Yun is already on the verge of breaking out. If she will soften her heart, she will definitely claim her name when she recovers. It's better to make cooked rice with raw rice. At that time, I can't settle it with my rhetoric. This stubborn chick?How can I be afraid of you even if I have settled the pride of heaven like the Holy Maiden Snow Lotus?

Chu Yun slowly took off the unruly dress, her flawless body was exposed in the air, Chu Yun's hands were trembling with excitement.Beautiful women are not exciting because they are beautiful, but if you can't get them, that's a stimulus.

Diao Man has long been passionate. Although her mind is always in a state of distress, her body is not controlled by her mind at all. She wriggled her body with difficulty, and from time to time spit out an unbearable and moving moan from Qiongbi's small mouth. It seemed that he was hoping that Chu Yun would come up to caress him quickly, otherwise he would die.

Chu Yun pounced on him in an extremely low-quality way, that is to say, he already had so many beautiful women. If he was still a virgin, how low-quality he would be would definitely exceed everyone's imagination.

"Ah..." Diao Man let out a coquettish cry, not knowing whether it was joy or shame, Chu Yun's blood boiled even more, and he was about to take off his clothes and execute this person on the spot, when a series of sharp cracks came from outside the spiritual power sedan chair. The voice of the sky.

"Crackling..." The spiritual sedan chair trembled violently, Chu Yun jumped up, and with a sweep of his breath, he saw that the outside of his spiritual sedan chair was already full of arrows. However, those arrows are also rune weapons, which actually broke through his own protective formation and were nailed to the spiritual sedan chair.

"Who? Dare to attack Lao Tzu in Fengcheng? Don't you know this is Lao Tzu's stronghold?" With a sneer, his senses spread in all directions, and hundreds of people holding crossbows appeared on the attics on both sides of the street. , a blood-clothed figure with a quiver hanging from his back.

Without saying a word, another wave of arrows rained down on the spiritual sedan chair, and they were nailed to the spiritual sedan chair again. The spiritual sedan chair made of high-quality wood couldn't bear the impact and cracked several times. There was a gap, and the spiritual formation of the expansion space inside also loosened for a while, and it actually began to shrink slowly.

Chu Yun sent a newsletter to Fengyunhui's headquarters, thinking that there is no need to deal with such a trivial matter by himself, and just leave it to that kid Zhang Luo to settle it.

But as soon as he thought of this, he heard a shout from outside. Three huge men with muscle bumps all over his body strode forward, brandishing the giant ax in their hands, and viciously smashed on the spiritual sedan chair.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the spiritual sedan chair was split in half by three giant men, and Chu Yun inside also cried out unexpectedly, and was squeezed in by the instantly shrinking space.

The only thing that made him gratified was that the shrinking space also squeezed Diao Man's body and himself together, and the Diao Man who had a strong Chinese medicine smelled a man's breath, and couldn't bear it anymore, hugged him, raised his face and kissed Chu. The mouth of the cloud.

Regardless of the attacks from outside, Chu Yun kissed her passionately with great enjoyment. Two big hands full of electricity moved up and down her smooth and tender skin, and his savage desire became even more out of control.

"Chu...Chu Yun...I...I..." She moved away from Chu Yun's big mouth, her little hands couldn't help but began to take off Chu Yun's clothes, and quickly removed all the clothes that Chu Yun had ripped off, revealing His near-perfect muscular physique.

Chu Yun hurriedly shouted: "Don't, don't! There are still enemies in Waiman..."

But how can the unruly man endure so much, she doesn't know where the strength comes from, she actively lifts one of her jade legs, hooks Chu Yun's tiger demon, and touches down with her small hand, it is exhaling like blue, The evil fire burned me!

"Yeah..." The three giants outside laughed again and again, raised their giant axes and struck again.

"Hurry, hurry, kill Chu Yun, we have made a great contribution..." The blood-clothed figures on the surrounding houses also jumped down one after another, dropped their crossbows and drew their swords around their waists, and surrounded them, aiming at the spirit. The Lijiao was slashed in pain, and the sturdy Linglibao was cut down by a little bit, and soon half of it was chopped off.

But Chu Yun and Diao Manna in the spiritual sedan chair have reached a critical juncture, how can they care about them?Diao Man tightly circled Chu Yun's neck, only hoping that if things go on like this, they will never be separated!Of course, this was also the thought of her body, and her waking mind was so angry that she almost passed out.

Why?What exactly is this for?I obviously don't want to, why is my body not under my control?Do you still want to tactful Cheng Huan under this hateful and damned thief?What is going on?

Chu Yun Na Le's eyebrows were about to fly, thinking that you can't wish me this time, right?I don't want to do anything to you when the enemy is attacking. It's obviously you who can't help but pounce on me, so it's none of my business.

He has shamelessly forgotten the culprit who drugged him.

"No...don't..." Diao Man cried out coquettishly, and then her whole body softened into Chu Yun's arms, and she retracted her body that she couldn't control. He picked up the knife and killed Chu Yun, the obscene thief?She could only lean against his warm chest with tears rolling down her cheeks, panting delicately.

At this moment, the wall of the spiritual sedan chair they were leaning on had been split open by the enemy, exposing the entangled half naked bodies of the two.

When the besiegers saw this situation, they were all stunned. What they saw in front of them made them unable to react at all!God!What is the situation?We are assassinating you here, are you still in the mood to do such a good thing?It just doesn't take us seriously.

Chu Yun hugged his unruly and delicate body, then took out a long robe from the storage ring and split it on her body, then he said with a big grin: "Tell me, who ordered you to come? Dare to assassinate in Fengcheng?" Old man, you guys are so brave!"

"..." The assassins were speechless for a while, and then a man in blood sneered and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense when you are about to die. Although you are very powerful, you will never escape today!" Countless sword shadows came out and killed Chu Yun.

"Presumptuous!" Chu Yun didn't make a move at all, but heard a loud shout from the sky, and all the sword shadows shattered with the loud shout, and then saw a tall shadow descending from the sky, attacking Chu Yun Yun's blood-clothed man is a punch.

The huge impact force was like an invisible city wall, and it was pressed down with a mighty force, scaring the blood-clothed man and the three big men back again and again.

Wearing armor, Zhang Luo landed in front of Chu Yun with his bare hands. Chu Yun was slightly taken aback by that monstrous aura, wondering when did this old hooligan have such high strength?How can you break through the generals?

"Boss, are you okay?" Zhang Luo also understood Chu Yun's absurdity very well, but he was also shocked by their current appearance and his eyes widened.

"Okay, okay, get rid of these miscellaneous fish first, and I will marry you a wife later!"

"Thank you, Boss!" Zhang Luo is considered a big boss in Fengcheng now, but when he heard that Chu Yun was going to marry him a wife, his face flushed with excitement, and he immediately released the powerful aura of a general, rushing forward. Those blood-clothed men turned pale and backed away again and again!

"Everyone, it's just a general. If we kill him together, we will definitely kill him..." A blood-clothed man boosted his morale and was about to charge up again, but at this moment the ground suddenly shook slowly, and then they heard The sound of uniform footsteps, as well as the clinking of armor, made the entire Windy City tremble slowly!

In the dozens of alleys on both sides of the avenue, there are countless Fengyunhuihuiwei dressed in iron armor and holding sharp knives, lined up in a neat queue, slowly gathering on the avenue with neat steps, like an indestructible city wall. The two rows of avenues were tightly blocked. Holding shields and heavy knives, they all looked at the blood-clothed men who were pale with fright and the three giants with grinning faces!

"This... this is..." The blood-clothed man was so frightened that he was speechless.

Zhang Luo said with a smile: "It's thanks to your courage to besiege my boss in Fengcheng! Don't you know that this is the base camp of my Fengyun Society? Even without these people, I can guarantee that you will never escape from Fengcheng. Why don't you try it?"

At this moment, Chu Yun smiled boredly and said: "Luo Luo, I will leave these to you. I have more important things to do here! Remember to save a few lives, otherwise how will we know who is behind their scenes? ?”

"Don't worry!" Zhang Luo replied, and then Chu Yun pointed to open the void, and disappeared immediately!Zhang Luo and many elites of the Fengyun Society were left behind, all looking at the hundreds of blood-clothed men who were all dumbfounded with a grim smile.

This article comes from reading novels

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