
Chapter 435: Teaching Western Characters!

Chapter 430 Five Western Christianity!

On the North Red Mountain of the Kunlun Mountains, a group of people in strange clothes stand on the top of the mountain with their hands behind their hands. They are dressed in long black robes, some are big red robes, and some are fully enclosed armor. Gap!

"My lord bishop, the Tianya Wanzhang Peak is ahead! Those indigenous forces seem to be holding a competition for the spiritual object that is about to be unearthed! Shall we take advantage of the chaos and kill it?" A deep voice came from the shiny armor.

A black-robed man in the head waved his hands and said in a very majestic way: "The strength of the natives here should not be underestimated. We can only defeat them one by one. We must not fight them head-on. After all, this is their territory! There is an old saying in Donghua , Tell the strong dragon not to suppress the local snake, and say that there must be people from Donghua Tianguan watching in this dark place, so we must be careful, and we must not let the people from Tianguan catch our whereabouts, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable! "

"My lord bishop said that Tianguan is powerful, comparable to me, the Pope of the Cross. But if we really do it, our Pope of the Cross will definitely not lose to them!"

"Okay, Your Excellency General, let's go and watch their matches. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle. The strength of these indigenous forces is not weak. Unless we come to fight with an army, we will definitely not be opponents. !"

The man in black rolled up his wide sleeves lightly, and countless auras gathered from the surrounding void, and then formed a foggy light curtain in front of them, which gradually revealed the vastness of the huge arena. screen.

"Their fighting spirit is very strong! What is the existence of generals in the Donghua Empire? Judging from the existence of their fighting spirit, they should be at the level of our high-level knights in the West. They must be the elites of these natives. I didn't expect to have Such strength is really rare!" While watching the fight in the arena, the man in black pointed and discussed with a man in armor beside him.

"Well! The strength of these people is not bad! But compared with my Holy Guard of the Pope of the Cross, it is almost a hundred and eight thousand miles away! But it is not easy for such a place to produce so many masters Already! According to my lord, even those rude guys from Beisha Kingdom and their Beast Temple are much stronger than them!"

"That's right, the Beast God Temple in Beisha is really powerful. We were able to get here from under their noses because we were lucky. If they find out, we will have to go through a lot of twists and turns!"

"I heard that there are also people coming from Beisha. We'd better not let them find out, otherwise we will be attacked!"

"Hehehe... This situation won't last long! Under the order of my Pope of the Cross, the Laxi Empire has formed a Western Fleet and is opening up a sea route to the Donghua Empire. If we establish places and beliefs on the Internet, then we will be able to gain a firm foothold in the Donghua Empire, and when the time comes, we will be able to attack from all directions! Are you afraid that my Christianity will not be able to conquer the world?"

"My lord Pope is really far-sighted! But the national power of the Donghua Empire should not be underestimated. After all, it is an old empire that has unified this huge land for tens of thousands of years. It should be much more advanced than ours, right?"

"Your Excellency the Pope has thought about all this. We have visited many small countries and those savages who are completely uncivilized on the waterway under the banner of mutual communication, and we are secretly putting pressure on them, forcing them to report to the Donghua Empire at the same time. Launch an attack! Hey... If it weren't for our appearance being different from the Donghua Empire, our information wouldn't be so scarce!"

"You mean to let those savages from small countries test the strength of the Donghua Empire for us?"

"Yes! This is the best way. If the Donghua Empire is vulnerable, then my western army will act at the same time, attacking the Donghua Empire from the east and the west, and then go south and north to destroy Nanzhu and Beisha , the entire star will be in the hands of our Christianity!"

"The Pope's strategy is simply unimaginable!" The man who hid his face behind the helmet exclaimed with incomparable admiration.

"The Pope is the closest existence to God! How can we fathom his old man's thinking?"

"Okay, let's send out our guardian guards! Capture those who are alone one by one, and press for information here is the first priority!"

"Yes! Then let's see here first, I will send everyone out immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, a man in a blue robe with a white background raised a shining golden staff standing at the end, and then murmured a series of words that others could not understand at all, and then A strong light flashed on the staff, and everyone disappeared in the next moment!

As soon as these people disappeared, a big head slowly popped out from under a stone, looked around the cold surroundings, and then a pair of ghostly eyes wandered around, cursing in a low voice: "His grandma, what a ****!" Nope! I can’t understand a word of these people’s words? I’d better give this picture to the boss as soon as possible!”

The figure squatted down again, and then there was no more movement.

The dark room built by Chu Yun himself is full of light at this moment. He who just left the customs today is holding Duan Muyue's soft and fragrant body, looking at a table-sized jade with relish, The three-dimensional effect on the martial arts arena is playing, and the disciples of the two sects are fighting with all their firepower. It is really earth-shattering. Fortunately, it is in the sect world. If it is in the Donghua Empire, the generals How many things do you have to destroy in a confrontation with a general to determine the winner?

"It's terrible, boss!" Aida Ting rushed in without thinking, and suddenly saw Chu Yunzheng and Duan Muyue Qingre turned his back in a hurry, and shouted anxiously: "It's not good, it's not good! , just now my spies discovered a shocking secret!"

"What's the secret?" Chu Yun pointed out the three-dimensional image, and then looked at Aida Ting curiously.

"Here, you can see for yourself!" Aida Ting threw a 'Dharma Eye' over after finishing speaking.

As soon as Chu Yun took it in his hand and put it on the jade, the scene of the strange costumes just now played on the jade, this time even Duan Muyue was surprised!

"Who are these people? How to say..."

"This... this should be a Western language!" Duanmuyue's expression changed, and she said solemnly: "I heard in Tianguan that there is also a huge continent on the other side of the East China Sea of ​​the Donghua Empire. Civilization is not weak, but only now has the technology of deep sea navigation in front of us!"

"You mean these people are those from the Western Continent? But why did they come to the sect world?" Chu Yun was very surprised.

"I don't know about this, but I heard from the seniors of Tianguan that the world we exist in is a huge sphere, that is, the stars and the moon we can see at night! And the spheres are all round, so I thought the sect If you go further west, you should be the so-called Western Continent, and after crossing the Eastern Ocean, you will be able to circle back to the Donghua Empire!"

Hearing Duan Muyue's words, Chu Yun couldn't help but suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this!The earth we step on is round, and the stars, moon and sun in the sky are also round, which means that this world we live in is also one of countless stars!But are there people living on other stars?

Chu Yun couldn't help but have great curiosity about the vast and boundless universe. Could it be that the place where the legendary gods live is just a few other stars?

"What we need to figure out now is, why do these Westerners come to the sect world? Are they also here for the ancient spiritual objects? This is something from our sect world, and these foreign guys dare to snatch it?" Duan Muyue had no reason I was a little annoyed.

"Things are not that simple! What we have to do now is to find out what they said and see what they want to do!" Chu Yun couldn't help but feel a headache when he heard the string of birdsong.

"Isn't that hard to say?" Duanmuyue suddenly smiled triumphantly, and giggled: "This girl is a celestial girl in Fengcheng, and she has been recognized by countless cultures since she was a child! Don't speak the language of the Western Continent, even if it is a few hundred or a few Girls who have thousands of years of ancient texts can also clearly recognize it!"

Chu Yun hurriedly made a small face: "The other day, Your Highness will give some pointers to the villain, and translate what these bastards are talking about?"

Seeing how witty Chu Yun was, Duan Muyue giggled, and told Chu Yun exactly what she had heard.

Chu Yun couldn't help but smile, and then couldn't help laughing: "This group of guys who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, dare to attract the attention of the sectarian world?! And those so-called Lassi empires, relying on the deep sea voyage you just realized How dare you come to our Donghua Empire to make a fuss about our advanced technology? It seems that your country is still not ashamed!"

Chu Yun recalled that when he was in the Fengyue Pavilion in Fengcheng, he had seen some beautiful girls with blonde hair and green eyes in the Western Continent, but of course he didn't pay much attention to it. It was only later that he heard from the owner of Fengyue Pavilion that these girls But they were the ones who traveled across the ocean and brought them back from the barren places one by one, and the cost was frighteningly high!

At first, Chu Yun thought that those were places where there was no civilization at all. It turns out that civilization is not bad.

"I didn't expect this spiritual thing to cause a sensation in the whole stars. What is this spiritual thing? It's so important?" Chu Yun was very strange, and made people pay attention to the actions of those cross believers, and at the same time let Sifang Pavilion also secretly When he started to act, he thought that there must be many uninvited guests this time, and he was just waiting here!

The ancient spiritual object Chu Yun didn't pay attention at all, because he knew that even if it fell in front of him, he would have no luck to bear it. It's best not to touch it, and let those who want it snatch it. Bar!Maybe he could take this opportunity to kill Fenggou and Shi Zhenxiang.

Everyone is curious, what is the spiritual thing to be unearthed this time, and why it attracts so many powerful beings!Is there really a divine weapon born?But why didn't even hear the wind?Although there are many false rumors, those big sects are not in a hurry, it seems that they can't take it seriously.

This book was first published on Kanshuwang

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