
Chapter 452 Occupy 3 Volcanoes!

450 Two occupied three volcanoes!

Standing with his hands behind his back, Chu Yun's domineering appearance filled the eyes of Chen Xing Chenyue and Die Yi Die Bei behind him with admiration. Chu Yun's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his temperament and charm are also growing rapidly.To be honest, I had no choice but to follow Chu Yun before, and Dieyi Diebei was only because he was the patriarch of the Kengdie clan, and Chen Xing Chenyue was even more unhappy from the bottom of his heart.

But since the commander accompanied them to this man, they had to treat Chu Yun wholeheartedly, but it was impossible for them to completely forget the past.

But it's different now, Chu Yun's charm and temperament have fascinated them so much that they don't know what Bei is, and they are already dead set on him.

Standing next to Chu Yun was this big man. He was extremely burly and powerful, his face was full of flesh, and his whole body exuded terrifying explosive power. He was the leader of the fierce martial clan who came out with Chu Yun to see the world this time. He was called fierce. He originally had the strength of a general at the peak, but since he entered the Bingyuan space with Chu Yun and was fully trained by Chu Yun's Dan Wan, he is now the strength of a two-star general.

"Master Chu, I heard you say that the fire dragon has the strength of Emperor Wu, how can we kill him? Is your plan a bit out of the blue?" , I don't like to beat around the bush, and I don't know how to save face.

Only a fool would get angry when he heard such words. Chu Yun chuckled and said, "Don't worry, although I'm not 60.00% sure, but [-]% is still there! Are you ready for the things I asked you to prepare?" ?”

The fierce man nodded, waved his hand and poured out a hill of various medicinal materials from the storage ring, he asked very strangely: "Why do you ask me to prepare so many aphrodisiac herbs? Do you want us to eat them all?" Good blood boiling, encourage our courage?!"

Chu Yun rolled his eyes, and the four girls behind him were so ashamed that their faces were flushed, and they spat at the same time!I don't know whether it was Chu Yun or the fierce man who spat.

Chu Yun smiled mysteriously, and then took out a few metal cans from his storage ring. Chen Xing, who is very knowledgeable, blinked his eyes curiously: "This is Yuntai Metal, what are you doing with such a precious metal?" ?”

Chu Yun smiled mysteriously again, and with a big hand move, the medicinal materials piled up into hills were instantly shattered, and then they were stuffed into a jar, and he ordered the fierce man: "You quietly throw this jar into the crater, and then run quickly, and then you will get rid of it." Don't come here to join us!! Remember, you must hurry..."

"Okay, you can rest assured!" The fierce man waved his hand to greet his members of the fierce martial arts clan, and then quickly approached the crater.

Perhaps feeling the strange eyes of the girls behind him, Chu Yun couldn't help rubbing his nose and laughing, and then he said, "The fire dragon hides in the volcano all the year round, and the fire attribute on its body should be extremely powerful. If you let him eat it at this time What kind of situation will happen if several thousand catties of strong love potion are added?"

The delicate bodies of the girls trembled suddenly, and they shivered with aversion to cold, and looked at Chu Yun's back with shame and indignation, not knowing what it was like in their hearts.

From a distance, Chu Yun saw those members of the fierce martial clan approaching the volcano silently and quickly. The volcano has always been very calm, without the slightest movement. It seems that the fire dragon woke up from a deep sleep!

Dozens of members of the Mengwu clan climbed up the volcano, then threw the metal pot in their hands far away, and then turned around and ran desperately regardless of whether the pot fell into the crater or not.

Chu Yun stared at the crater, seeing that all the metal jars fell into the crater with great accuracy, and at the same time he was relieved and stared expectantly, to see what the fire dragon would do after taking those love potions. What a reaction!

To be on the safe side, Chu Yun sent all the girls back, leaving him alone to wait for the result. After all, it would be terrifying for a Martial Emperor to make a fuss, and how could he spare time when he couldn't even take care of himself? To take care of others?

Before waiting for any results, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "Huh... are you planning to use those love potions to burn the fire dragon to death? You are so naive!"

Chu Yun was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the dark light in the Xuedan furnace, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked: "You woke up? Then can you help me drive away or kill that fire dragon?" Already?"

The slender voice said: "I just recovered a little bit of consciousness, and now I don't have any strength, you should do it yourself!"

Seeing the monkey being so tired and lazy, Chu Yun was very upset, so he tempted him and said, "Is this fire dragon with Emperor Wu's strength useless? If you swallow it, won't you recover some strength?"

The dark light in the blood pill furnace shook slightly, and then there was no more words. Chu Yun was extremely disappointed and turned his attention to the crater again, but there was still no movement there.

Just when Chu Yun was about to be disappointed, the mountain peak under his feet suddenly shook violently, which almost didn't make Chu Yun stumble, and then he heard a monstrous roar, and saw a huge head in the crater It rushed up in a hurry, its whole head was boiling with flames, it seems that he swallowed those metal pots out of curiosity, the metal pots that had already melted in the magma, suddenly reached a higher temperature In the belly of the high dragon, of course, it will melt more quickly, and then the medicinal materials inside will start to ferment. The burning fire dragon is full of blood boiling, and the spirit is not good!

"Which damn thing dares to plot against Lao Tzu!" A huge roar shook the heavens and the earth, and Chu Yun almost didn't spur blood from his seven orifices. Only then did he really see the true strength of the fire dragon, and only then did he realize how naive he was , this fire dragon is huge in size and lives in a volcano, so the several thousand catties of love potion really didn't have much effect.

Chu Yun just wanted to retreat, but before he had time to run, he felt a huge coercion descending from the sky, so much pressure that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, knelt on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Is it you who is so faint?" A rumbling voice sounded in his mind, shaking Chu Yun's brain to boil, and several streams of blood spurted out from the seven orifices again, and he almost didn't pass out.

"Hmph... With such a little strength, you dare to come here to offend my Tianwei. I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. Today, I will eat you alive. I will warn those who take my idea, and let them know that I am not It's so annoying!" The fire dragon's voice was like a gong and drum shaking the sky, making Chu Yun's soul tremble, and he felt extremely regretful, why did he fall down under the coercion of others before he even had time to make a move ?Now he can't even move a finger, can he just watch himself being swallowed by the fire dragon?

Just when he was disheartened, his body suddenly and slowly rose into the air, as if being pulled over by someone using the method of shooting objects from the air, and soon saw the top of the huge head.

Unlocking the fire dragon's head at such a close distance made Chu Yun feel his feet trembling with fear. He has never been so scared since his debut. Could it be that today is his limit?How is it possible, Lao Tzu is the protagonist, how about someone who has the aura of the protagonist?

Seeing that Chu Yun was about to fall into the huge mouth of the Xunpen, a slender sneer resounded from Chu Yun's body, frightening Chu Yun and the Huolong's huge body froze, and then saw A dark light flashed quickly from Chu Yun's body, and then swallowed the huge head of the fire dragon in Chu Yun's shocked eyes.

Chu Yun almost didn't faint from fright. He didn't feel the weirdness at all. Instead, he felt that the palm-sized dark light swallowed the huge fire dragon's head in one gulp. It was small, but it didn't notice that the dark light had become bigger, so it swallowed the huge head in such an easy mouthful.

The incomparably hot energy was transmitted along the fire dragon's body, and the monkey's horrifying, piercing laughter sounded in the air, and the swallowed fire dragon didn't struggle at all, and was gradually swallowed by the dark light as if it had nothing to lose. Swallow it in mouthful.

Half an hour later, the huge body with a length of hundreds of feet was completely swallowed by the dark light, and even the aura energy in the volcano was swallowed by the dark light for a whole body!

Chu Yun found that the dark light was a little bit bigger and brighter, and in the dark light, Chu Yun could actually see the corner of a mountain top that was flickering!He was more and more surprised, what is this dark light, and why it has such great strength?

"Not bad, this fire dragon is really delicious, so that Laozi's body has finally returned to the shape when he came out!!" The slender voice chuckled, and then said to Chu Yun: "But don't think that Laozi will help you!" What, but swallowing this fire dragon is considered helping you, how will you repay me?"

Chu Yun felt really depressed, it was clearly the fire dragon that I found for you, which restored your strength, but why do you still say that you helped me?But he was too angry to speak out, for fear of offending this terrifying monkey.

"Forget it, forget it. Seeing that you have restored me to such a state, I will not be as knowledgeable as you. You should hurry up and let people visit the base, collect a lot of spirit stones and fairy stones, and let me recover my strength as soon as possible!" The monkey croaked a few words, and then he could no longer hear him.

Chu Yunxin said that this stinky monkey must have digested the benefits he just gained. Let me just say, although he is very powerful now, he is also very fragile. How could he digest the fire dragon's energy so cleanly so quickly?It seems to be scaring me!

Chu Yun didn't have the same knowledge as him, but started to let people build a base here!

The three volcanoes are all as high as thousands of feet, encircling a huge fiery area, and the surrounding area is dry desert. Few people set foot here, let alone a fire dragon with the strength of Emperor Wu, which makes even an Emperor Wu dare not It is easy to approach, so as long as the news of the fire dragon being eaten is not leaked, this place must be absolutely safe!

The clansmen of the Shuangchen clan, together with the clansmen of the Kengdie clan, began to build houses on all sides and develop mines. Although there are not many people, they are all masters above military commanders. Although their strength is not very strong, they are definitely enough to be workers. that's it!

The members of the Mengwu clan haven't come back to meet up yet, and they don't know where they went, but Chu Yun didn't intend to let them know too much, after all, they are still outsiders, how could he let them know his core secrets? !


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