
Chapter 485 The Continent Shocked!

Chapter 480 The Fifth Continent Shocked!

"Boys, let me rush into the capital and kill that dog emperor, you are all my founding achievements..." Riding a group of ferocious six-legged black tigers, the military governor brandished a magic spear, dressed in top-grade He came to the city of Yunjing in a majestic and domineering magic armor. He was extremely excited, and he had to thank those two mercenaries. If it weren't for them, how could I have an excuse to rebel?I now have millions of soldiers, and most of the guards in the capital are already my own people. This capital city will be destroyed in the blink of an eye. Thinking that I will soon live in the palace and become a generation of emperor, I don’t even have the title of the country. I've already thought about it, and it's called Liji Empire!

But when he saw the countless black Yunlong flags fluttering on the Yunjing city tower, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

what's the situation?what's the situation?Isn't this the capital of the Lacy Empire?When did the flag change?

Before he could think of anything, a general in a strange armor on the top of the city tower rushed down and shouted: "Listen, the people below, the Laxi Empire has been destroyed, and the Laxi City has been completely occupied by our army! Now it is over. Change the name to Yunjing, and lead all the subjects of the Laxi Empire, and you will surrender quickly, otherwise the army will be wiped out everywhere!"

"What, what?" Governor Bingma couldn't believe his ears, what joke?In just a few days, the Laxi Empire was destroyed?Became the Yunlong Empire?What are you kidding?

He sat on the black tiger, unable to speak a word for a long time, and the soldiers under his command also looked at each other, and they didn't understand what happened at all.

At this moment, Chu Yun's newly recruited army of 6000 million came out in a mighty formation from east to west, and the monstrous murderous aura spread in all directions, forming a substantial mist that began to spread, and the scattered souls all fled. Not to mention those rats and rats, they run faster and faster one by one.

Booming footsteps made the ground tremble non-stop. The 6000 million army was armed to the teeth, with runes flashing on the armor, and each piece was a rune armor engraved with at least three runes!

The rune armor is not as good as the magic suit, but it is much stronger than ordinary iron swords and swords. The most important thing is the number of people.As the saying goes, there is no edge if there are more than a thousand soldiers, and there is no edge if there are more than ten thousand soldiers. How terrifying is the figure of 6000 million?Even if it is exchanged for gold coins and silver coins, it will pile up into a mountain, let alone people?

An hour passed quickly amidst the roar of the earth, but the soldiers and horses leaving the city were still surging, like rivers and rivers that would never end!

The 6000 million troops lined up neatly, outflanking the south gate from the east and west sides, encircling the millions of soldiers who had already been stupefied in a semicircle. The number is terrified.

"How is it possible?!" The governor of the army and horse was shocked, and he raised his hand and slapped himself twice. He didn't believe everything in front of him, thinking that he was dreaming!

Yunjing has only 10 million people, how could it be possible to arm so many soldiers?Even the armor on his body is an extremely terrifying number. He knows the treasury of the Lacy Empire very well. Even a legion of [-] people can't afford to be armed. How could it be possible to conjure so many people out of thin air?

Chu Yun came to the top of the city tower in a dragon robe, and the majesty of the emperor permeated the air, and he snorted coldly: "Everyone, you are all soldiers on the battlefield, and this emperor does not want to see your blood flow like a river. Under the swords and guns of his compatriots, the governor of soldiers and horses rebelled, and everyone was punished! The emperor has accepted the entire Laxi Empire, and you are also the soldiers and subjects of the emperor, so put down your weapons immediately, and you are still the emperor! The Emperor's most loyal warrior..."

All the soldiers looked at me and I looked at you for a long time, but they still haven't understood from such a huge change, and they don't know what happened.Why did the capital of my Laxi Empire suddenly become the Yunlong Empire?Why do tens of millions of troops appear out of thin air?Why?Why?Why?

The face of the governor of soldiers and horses has turned black, and he finally came back to his senses. Someone actually succeeded in forcing the palace one step ahead of him, and successfully controlled the entire Yunjing, and even armed such a huge army. This guy Who is it?Why is there so much energy?

Although he is extremely arrogant, he is not stupid. How can he have the strength to attack in the current situation? With 6000 million people, each of them can drown their millions of lions with a single spit!

All he has to do now is to ask for help, and he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Bishop, the Lassi Empire has changed hands, please come out and preside over the overall situation..."

But he yelled three times in a row, but no one responded.

After waiting for more than an hour, the sky in front of the city trembled and the clouds dispersed, revealing two figures in red robes with cross necklaces around their necks.

The two forgot to glance at the 6000 million army, and the corners of their mouths trembled at the same time. Then he took a deep breath, bowed to Chu Yun, and said in a very calm tone: "I don't know if this Majesty is born in Hebei? The Western Empire, and the name of the country? You need to know that if you want revenge, you should also report to the Church of the Cross, and you can only take action with our permission, you..."

Chu Yun interrupted the bishop with a wave of his hand, he said with a chuckle: "I just think it's boring, I just want to create an empire for fun, I heard that the Christianity is going to invade the Eastern Continent, what's the use of this waste? My lord The inexhaustible amount of gold and silver, the inexhaustible supply of food, grass, cattle and sheep for ten thousand years, is not better than this waste? So two bishops, please allow me to kill him, command the Yunlong Empire, and help Christianity has conquered the East!"

The two bishops looked at each other again, then snapped out with their fingers, and came straight to Chu Yun!Of course they were moved by what Chu Yun said, but the governor of soldiers and horses was much easier to control than Chu Yun. Chu Yun created an empire without any fuss, and formed it in a few days. With such a large army, one can imagine his ability and scheming!

As long as the Christianity is devout to their cannon fodder, they don't need someone smarter and more capable than them.

So the two of them had a very tacit understanding, so they shot a killer at Chu Yun. After killing this guy, his soldiers and horses are all from our Christianity, and his money is also from the Christianity. The status of Christianity will rise, and what kind of prestige will it be to control an army of hundreds of millions?

But they still underestimated Chu Yun, because they only sensed the aura of a handsome man from Chu Yu. A handsome man is not worthy to lift their shoes!

The moment the two of them started to fight, two arrows that didn't have any aura fluctuations shot at them, directly piercing the bodies of the two bishops. blood flower.

Chu Yun sternly shouted incomparably majestic: "Put down the weapon in your hand and surrender, or you will be killed without mercy!"

"Kill..." 6000 million people responded at the same time, and the huge cry of killing formed a substantial murderous aura that soared into the sky, frightening these millions of soldiers to kneel on the ground at the same time, and all surrendered.

The face of the governor of soldiers and horses was already pale. He never thought that things would develop to such an extent. His dream of being an emperor has not yet come true. How could he be defeated like this?My own army of millions surrendered, and none of them followed me. What is the situation? !

Chu Yun laughed: "Pull the Governor-General of the Army and Horses into death row and wait for his punishment! Change your armor immediately and reorganize!"

"Observe the order!" Millions of troops paid homage to Chu Yun. Now that they had surrendered, no one had anything to say.

Then Chu Yun began to act crazily. The land of the Laxi Empire is not small, and there are countless cities. What he has to do now is to quickly take all these cities and countries as his own, and then recruit troops wantonly. He knows that if he does not move, The Christianity will definitely send troops to destroy it, and they will not think highly of themselves at all.

And if they have the strength, they have to take care of one or two, after all, they are about to attack the Eastern Continent, if they can't make the Western Continent stabilize within a certain period of time, then their invasion of the Eastern Continent is empty talk!

The Yunlong Empire began to rise at a terrifying speed. In just half a month, it had already occupied all the land of the Laxi Empire, and took advantage of the chaos to annex more than a dozen cities of the Western American Empire in the north.

Because the action was as fast as lightning, everyone didn't turn around. When they all understood, they were shocked again...

Once the Laxi Empire was destroyed, the Yunlong Empire replaced it, and its strength was unprecedentedly strong. It recruited soldiers aggressively. Anyone with a male over 15 years old in his family would join the army!And they didn't force it, but each household paid a settling allowance, three catties of gold and a thousand catties of grain!And it's still calculated on a head-to-head basis, so much compensation for one person!

Such a large amount of money made all the empires dumbfounded. Even the Western American Empire, where the Christian Holy Mountain is located, absolutely does not have this strength.

For a moment, the anxiety of the entire Western Continent was concentrated on this rapidly rising Yunlong Empire, and they all speculated who this Emperor Yunlong was, and why he had such strong financial resources and methods.

The Western American Empire’s capital, the West American Imperial Palace, has only been on the throne for only seven years. The 35-year-old Tom Jackson, the great West American emperor, is sitting on his throne with a shocked face. It has been passed down from the Lassi Empire, the current Yunlong Empire. The news shocked him so much that he thought he had heard it wrong.

"My God, who is this Emperor Yunlong? How could he completely occupy the Laxi Empire in a month? And he even armed a huge army! Ten out of ten, how can the economy come from without labor? How can you support the army without the economy?" Tam Jackson was completely shocked with a demented look on his face.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Yunlong is a rich man. The money spent in this month is the total income of our Western American Empire from the founding of the country to the present. Such a rich master?" Xi Meizai immediately uttered a swear word, which was really fucking shocking.

"Immediately send a mission to Laxi... ah... no... to the Yunlong Empire, congratulate Emperor Yunlong on his enthronement, and discuss about sponsoring my Western American Empire by the way. The dozen or so cities will be regarded as congratulatory gifts to Emperor Yunlong Hurry up and do it..." The emperor of Western America became anxious all of a sudden, these days the Christianity is endlessly scraping, the entire land of the Western American Empire has been scraped off three feet, and the current treasury of the Western American Empire is also incomparable The emptiness of his life, now even he, the great emperor, has to live frugally.When he heard that a rich man had appeared, how could he miss such an opportunity to please.

"My minister will do it right away..." The prime minister ran away briskly, but was stopped by Ximei Dadi before he went out: "Come back to me, and let Nelly and Mary be the heads of the mission." , I must get some real money back for Lao Tzu..."

This novel comes from reading books

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