
Chapter 492 Western Tianjiao [Part 3]

Chapter 490 Second Western Tianjiao 【Third Update】

Chu Yun and Mu Yafei sat cross-legged on the ground, staring dumbfounded at the rebels gathered around drinking and eating meat, gorging themselves like starved ghosts reincarnated.

There is a lot of wine and meat in Chu Yun's blood pill furnace, which was accumulated in the past, but now, they are all given to these bandits? !

The corners of Mu Yafei's delicate mouth twitched non-stop. She had never seen such an edible food. It was the leader of the Mayamiduo Rebel Army who ate three rhinos, three antelopes, and a big man in one go. The oriental spirits are still chewing, not to mention how delicious they are.

Those rebels gobbled up one by one, with their mouths full of oil. Chu Yun took out tens of thousands of catties of meat, and they had already wiped out half of them. Seeing the nausea in Mu Yafei's heart, she was about to vomit if she was not careful. , You must know that Mu Ling never eats meat.

Chu Yun was also frightened. These people can eat too much. They eat more than a general. You must know that a general has real pills. Of course, the consumption will be more. It is too much to eat two cows. But this big brother, how the hell did he eat so much?If he was allowed to practice the formula, wouldn't I be poored by them?

Finally, when they were full of wine and food, the big man actually closed his eyes and went to take a nap. Chu Yun and Mu Yafei were so angry that their whole bodies trembled. Is this Hundan playing us?If the clever Chu Yun was tricked by a fool, that person would be thrown into the universe.

Yimayami had been sleeping for several hours before waking up leisurely, rubbing his sleepy eyes and seeing Chu Yun sitting there impatiently, with a rumbling sound in his stomach, Chu Yun and The corner of Mu Yafei's mouth trembled viciously, and they had the urge to turn around and leave.

Are you hungry again after eating so much?How did we come across such a bunch of idiots?

Yimayami should have seen Chu Yun's impatience. He sighed in his heart, but he should hurry up. There will be plenty to eat in the future. Are you afraid that he won't be full?So he jumped up enduring his hunger, commanded the dark cave and said: "This cave is very deep, there must be treasures inside, we don't dare to act rashly under our strength, we can only stay here, maybe one day we can go in there Maybe, but since you are here, my lord, how about we go in and have a look together?"

Chu Yuntian opened his eyes to look at the dark cave, but he couldn't see to the bottom with his heavenly eyes. Could it be that there is really something inside?

"Okay, in the future you will be the Great General Zhenyuan of my Yunlong Empire. This is the Xuanwu Wheel Seal, you can use it to practice! This is the document for customs clearance. Take your people to report to the governor of 36 cities." Chu Yun stepped forward Walking along the deep cave, he planned to take these people with him.

"Hey... I said, you don't plan to take us there? There are many dangers inside, you two..."

"All generals!" Chu Yun yelled loudly, suddenly there were [-] powerful warriors in full armor in the cave, and the grand feast of swords and clanging of armor shocked all the rebels in the cave.

Yimayami was even more terrified, and a deep shock flashed in his eyes.

Yimayami Duo ran out of the cave without saying a word, and took the things Chu Yun gave him to report to the governor of 36 cities.

"Damn it, it's a good thing I didn't listen to those idiots, otherwise I'd be fucking dead by now..." Mayamiduo cursed as he walked.

In the beginning, they really had no good intentions. They thought that if they called a high-ranking official to kill them, there must be a lot of good things in their magic rings, which would be enough for us to resist for a while, but who would have thought that these two The strength of the individual is so terrifying, and he also has a terrifying army of one hundred thousand.

"It seems that I am really a frog in the bottom of a well, and I still have evil intentions. In the future, I should make contributions to the Yunlong Empire in peace and prosperity!" Mayamiduo sighed, and led his 36 rebels to the governor of [-] cities.

In the cave, one hundred thousand guards guarded Chu Yun and Mu Yafei, and began to go deep into the cave.

For some reason, Chu Yun's senses were restricted, and he couldn't find out what was inside the cave at all.

I don't know how deep this cave is, and it keeps going downwards. The diameter of the cave is getting wider and wider. They have advanced a hundred miles, and now they are already hundreds of feet high.

"Zhizhi..." Several mice came out of a human-headed skeleton, which startled Mu Yafei.

Chu Yun took out countless luminous stones from the storage ring, and hit the poor dome and two walls one by one, completely illuminating the cave.

At this moment, Zhan Zhan suddenly trembled violently, and a huge roar came out of the cave, shaking the hundreds of thousands of guards with stars in their eyes and bleeding from their orifices.

Mu Yafei sent out a healing spell, and suddenly there were flashes of light-proof flashes all over the sky, and the hundred thousand guards who were injured by the shock immediately came back to life.

Chu Yun's face changed: "There must be a treasure in the cave, move forward quickly!"

The hundred thousand imperial guards immediately speeded up and went deeper. There were countless luminous things on Chu Yun's body, and all the places he passed were brightly lit.

Almost all the diplomatic missions from all over the world have arrived in Yunjing. Seeing the novel buildings and prosperous market in Yunjing, they have different ideas.Some are amazed, some are jealous, some are envious, and some are worried.

All the missions were arranged in the Imperial Hospitality Hotel, and all the services were the most luxurious, showing the strong national strength of the Yunlong Empire everywhere.

The prime minister personally received these heads of missions, which also gave the countries enough face. No matter the association, the principality, the empire, or the Christianity, they all treated them equally, which earned the Yunlong Empire a good reputation.

The prime minister is Wells' father, Willem. He used to be the lord of a city, and of course receiving distinguished guests is no longer a problem.

The reception hall was full of joy and harmony. Although there were many former opponents among them, no one in the Yunlong Empire dared to be presumptuous. Besides, without that kindness, how could they take on the important task of envoy head?

The head of the mission is a diplomat, notoriously shameless.

However, the arrival of the Ghost Clan immediately made the happy reception become weird. The ghost with a ghostly aura, corpse aura, and extremely ugly and disgusting appearance made everyone frown.Especially the people of the Sun God Temple, they can't see any filth, and they will take action immediately.

The Ghost Clan has a notorious reputation, and everyone who was present, whether they were humans or wood spirits, hated them extremely.But a thick and terrifying voice came from afar: "The visitors are all distinguished guests of my Yunlong Empire! If you have any grievances, whoever waits for you to leave the territory of my Yunlong Empire, now it is the territory of my Yunlong Empire , don't be presumptuous!"

A soldier from the Temple of the Sun who wanted to make a move suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The strength of that person just now was far beyond his comparability, so he could only back away secretly in shock.

But being full of ghost and corpse aura is not a solution. It completely swept away everyone's interest. When Wilhelm was at a loss as to what to do, a Houzhe magician from the Imperial Academy of Magic stepped in and faced the ghosts. The person in charge is a purification magic, which suppresses the disgusting ghost and corpse aura back into the body, so that the reception meeting will not end early.

"Masters of the delegation, His Majesty the Emperor of the Yunlong Empire has decreed that today's distinguished guests should rest well. Tomorrow morning will be His Majesty's founding ceremony, and there will be someone to welcome you to the palace to watch the ceremony. The truth and state affairs are dealt with first. Take a step..." After all, Wilhelm is just a small city lord, facing so many races, he really doesn't have the quality to treat them one by one, so he just said goodbye and left.

Everyone didn't care about it. After all, he was also a prime minister. It is the most common thing to be busy with state affairs. As for us, we still need to receive?Anyway, the food, drinks, and maids here are all one in a million. We should eat what we should eat, drink what we should drink, and play with women who should play with women. If you are here, we still can't let go.

In the hall are all the heads of missions for this mission, and those other people have been arranged in other places. After all, they are not in the same class. How could they be placed together?

The people in the first hall are all the favored sons and daughters of heaven from various forces, the Creation Saintess of the Creation Temple; the Sun Saintess of the Sun Temple; the Silver Moon Saintess of the Silver Moon Temple; The Holy Maiden of Yao; the third princess of the Western American Empire; the Snow Maiden of the Snow Temple of the Aosheng Empire, who is also the first princess of the Aosheng Empire; the third prince of the Western British Empire; Mute Yaling of the Wood Spirit Clan The king, the king of the ghost clan, the eldest son of the sword master of the beast king empire, the third prince and fourth princess of the deep sea dragon court, the king of countless small principalities, the eldest son of the mercenary association, and the fifth elder of the magician association , the youngest daughter of the president of the Artisan Association.

Anyway, the generation of prominent and respectable young people on the mainland have all arrived. They all want to see the demeanor of Emperor Yunlong who established a huge empire with his miraculous skills.

Everyone tasted good wine, while admiring the foundation of the Yunlong Empire, chatting with old friends they knew, or sneering at their former opponents.

Just listen to the son of the orc sword master, Bo Erya smiled at the Xingyao Saintess of the Xingyao Temple: "I didn't expect that the Xingyao Temple would send people to congratulate me. I heard that not long ago, your proud Xingyao Knights I was just defeated by the Yunlong Empire, and I never thought that the Xingyao Knights would be so magnanimous, and after suffering such a big loss, they would send someone to show their favor, it really is bullying!" Boer Ya's skin was green, and he was wrapped in a snow-white beast. Pi, with steel bells and big eyes, has two fangs pointing towards the nostrils, looks extremely ferocious, he is mighty and burly, his whole body is full of power, he is only just now, but he is already a Marquis of Wu, There are three blood-colored seals between the brows, namely 'heavy strike', 'beast', and 'bloodthirsty'. The three seals are extremely terrifying and can bless one's own strength.His swordsmanship has been superb. When he was a military commander, he killed three Wuhou strong men from the Western American Empire. His strength is extraordinary.

Hearing Bo Erya's cynicism, Holy Goddess Xingyao looked indifferent, her tone was extremely calm, without any emotional fluctuations, her voice was clear and round, extremely attractive: "The so-called do not know each other without fighting, my Xingyao Temple, although Yunlong Empire has something Misunderstanding, but a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding. This saint came here to clear up the misunderstanding, secondly, to see the demeanor of Emperor Yunlong, and thirdly to discuss how to rebuild the hall of my Xingyao Temple. Unlike you, Mr. Bo Erya, It’s so far away from the territory of the Yunlong Empire, and you’ve come to watch the ceremony without hesitation, do you think the Yunlong Empire is too powerful, and you’re planning to come here to form an alliance?”

Bo Erya couldn't help being speechless, he said that the human woman is really eloquent, I don't have the same knowledge as you, so I drank the wine by myself and didn't say anything.

This article comes from reading novels

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