
Chapter 506 The Eve of the War [Part 2]

Chapter [-]: The Eve of the Great War [Second Change]

Chu Yun is quite vengeful, and the dark assassins attacked him one after another, which is really unbearable, so he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to reward the killers of the dark assassins, although the killers come and go without a trace, they are extremely mysterious , but the same is true for other killer groups. If you want to find a killer, you have to find a killer. The result is very satisfying to Chu Yun.

In the following month, the Foreign Reception Department of the Yunlong Empire received dozens of heads, all of which were members of the Dark Assassin Group, and along with the heads came the Dark Order of the Dark Assassin Group, which was a high-ranking university. Things that can be made, in case someone fakes the killer group, the price of that dark order is even more valuable than a task, so no one will be stupid to make a dark order by themselves, and then come to cheat the bonus.

Now the entire Western Continent knows that the Yunlong Empire is extremely rich, and 10 taels of gold is simply a piece of cake, so in one month, the bonus Chu Yun sent out reached millions of taels of gold, which is a huge amount, enough to make countless The empire is jealous.

Because they have been squeezed out by Christianity these years, with these millions of taels of gold, they are enough to support their army for several years, so can you not be jealous?

Seeing that the other killers have obtained huge wealth, those killers who were still hesitating whether to offend the Dark Killer Group became crazy at the same time, and even the two major killer groups, Chasing Life and Wu Sheng, who had never made a move, came forward. Start to kill the dark killer group in an all-round way.

In this way, even the mysterious dark assassin group can't stand it. Many of their favorite characters were beheaded in action, because the targets they assassinated were also strong, but they were not afraid of assassination, and even hated killers. There are not many killers from the regiment, and they set up traps one after another, waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.

You assassinate others, and others are holding back to kill you, so the Dark Assassin Group suffered heavy losses within two months!

"Damn it, this Yunlong Empire is really abominable! It is openly sitting with our dark killer group! Leader, do we want to fight back? Lead an army to raid the capital of the Yunlong Empire and kill their emperor!" An extremely dark building Inside, a tall and thick man roared in a rumbling voice.

"Well... it's time to show the Yunlong Empire a little bit of color, and inform everyone in the vicinity of the Yunlong Empire that our regiment will personally take action and kill the emperor of the Yunlong Empire, so that they can feel the anger of my dark killer group... "The leader of the regiment was wearing a black cloak, and only two groups of bloody eyes were exposed, which were extremely ferocious.

"But the Yunlong Empire showed its elite in the battle of the Winged Kingdom, we must be fully prepared!" Another person shrouded in a black robe said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, the power named Yunhai is really terrifying. I'm afraid he will soon become a martial sage, so we must do everything completely, otherwise we will collapse if the martial sage takes action..."

"Hmph, then let's ask our saints to take action and see who is more attractive!" The leader of the dark group sneered, and a terrifying aura emanated, clearly entering the realm of a half-step martial saint.


In the wood spirit clan, in the palace on the tree of the wood spirit mother, Queen Mu Gela, who was as beautiful as a piece of exquisitely carved jade, sat on the throne with a shocked expression on her face.

"You... are you telling the truth?"

A wonderful spiritual fluctuation spread in the hall...

"If that's the case, what should we do? If his identity is exposed..."

"Okay, I'll send someone out immediately, maybe there will be a turnaround..."

Mu Gela raised her voice to call out, and the next moment the mysterious and calm wood spirit beauty appeared, bowing to Mu Gela.

"Mu Ya, you immediately go and invite thirty elders to come out of the mountain and rush to the Yunlong Empire in secret. The emperor heard that Mu Yafei was secretly arrested by the Yunlong Empire. She knows a lot of secrets, so she must not be tortured by them. You immediately take People go to rescue, there must be no delay..."

"Obey!" Mu Ya looked indifferent, without the slightest emotional fluctuation. Hearing this, she turned and left the hall. The gorgeous armor on her body emitted bright magic light, and her graceful figure disappeared in place in an instant, and she came to a branch of the wood spirit mother tree. In the temple on the fork.

As soon as she entered the door, she immediately felt a terrifying aura swirling in the hall, she hesitated for a moment before bowing, and said in a loud voice: "Muya is ordered by the queen to specially invite thirty elders to come out of the mountain, Rescue Mu Yafei, the No. 20 generation innate tribe of my wood spirit clan!"

"Oh? Tell me to go out and save a little girl, Pianzi? Isn't it too small to use too much?" A joking voice came from the hall.

"Haha, I can finally go out and walk around. Fortunately, the empress still remembers us. Mu Ya, I remember, is the first generation of Houtian people, right? She is also Fairy Jing among the twenty fairies of my Mu Ling clan. She looks really good. You are so beautiful, can you go with us this time?" Another very magnetic, obsessive smile came out.

Muya's expression remained the same as before, and she still didn't have any emotional fluctuations: "Elders, this time I'm going to the Yunlong Empire to save people. They have saints in charge, so we can only invite all the elders to come out of the mountain. The younger generation is ordered by the queen. Of course We will go together too!"

"Oh? The Yunlong Empire? The Yunlong Empire that destroyed the Laxi Empire in one day? And the saint is in charge?" Another voice sounded, but it was very serious, and the voice was extremely pleasant. It was a female elder.

"It's the Yunlong Empire, a close neighbor of our Wood Spirit Clan, so we have to rescue Mu Yafei, she knows a lot of secrets, if Fang Yunlong Empire finds out, it will be a great disadvantage to us!" Ya said.

"Okay! Let's get ready to go with you right away!" The serious voice suddenly became serious, and when Mu Ya's delicate body trembled, she actually shivered.

Two incomparably soft voices sounded: "Aiya... Our previous Killing Fairy will definitely save people, and at the same time, make a big fuss in the Yunlong Empire, so that they will never dare to underestimate me, the Wood Spirit!" Clan!"

Thirty wood spirit elders exuding powerful aura fluctuations appeared in front of Mu Ya at the same time, which shocked Fairy Jing.

Inside the imperial city of the Yunlong Empire, Mu Yun looked at Chu Yun worriedly: "I said, the dark killer group has suffered heavy losses these days, and they will definitely not let it go. They have a strong foundation, and they will definitely come to my Yunlong Empire to make a big fuss. How should we respond?!"

Chu Yun rolled his eyes angrily, pointed at Mu Yun's nose and cursed: "Are you the emperor of the Yunlong Empire or me? Do I need to worry about such a simple matter?"

Mu Yun was trembling all over with Chu Yunqi, how could this Hun Dan be so shameless?Lao Tzu is the emperor of the Yunlong Empire, but isn't he your puppet?Apart from being busy with daily government affairs, what kind of family has Lao Tzu been?It's not you, Hun Dan, who is pointing fingers here!

Seeing Mu Yun's angry look, Chu Yun laughed again: "Mu Yun, you are me, I am you, we are the same person! So why divide each other? These things are completely fine with your ability. Deal with it, why do you need to ask me? Now I will delegate power to you, and I will leave it to you to deal with the Dark Assassins this time. You have to behave well..." After finishing speaking, he ran away in a hurry, so angry Mu Yun jumped up and down, this hateful soul really knows how to hide.

In fact, Chu Yun went to arrange it. The Dark Assassin Group is a giant in the Western Continent, and its strength is comparable to that of an empire. How could it be indifferent.Therefore, in order to prevent Yunjing from suffering large-scale damage, Chu Yun must immediately inspect to see if there are any loopholes in the defense.

And just as he walked out of the palace gate, he actually saw Anita's carriage, coming towards the palace gate in a mighty manner, it seemed that he wanted to leave the palace.

Chu Yun hurriedly stopped it, and said with a smile: "Anita, why are you going? Why did you bring so few guards?"

Anita already knew that Chu Yun was transformed into Yunfei, and she rolled her eyes angrily when she heard the words, and said coldly: "Where does this princess go? Is it up to you, a foreign minister? Hurry up and step back, otherwise, this princess will tell Your Majesty, and I will take care of you." You're killing all over the place!"

"Puchi..." A chuckle came from inside the tent. It turned out that there was another person in the tent besides Anita. The voice turned out to be Mei Weisi. She heard Anita say such words to the real master of Yunlong , of course he couldn't help laughing.

Chu Yun crossed the tent angrily, then bowed his fists and said in a displeased way: "Yunfei offended, please forgive me, Madam Anita..."

"Bah... who is the empress, this princess is the princess!" Anita felt a sense of boredom in her heart. She was only 15 years old, and the word empress was really awkward.

"Huh? I remember that His Majesty has ordered you to be a concubine. Could it be that I have misremembered?"

"Hmph... I'm too lazy to talk to you, let's go..." Anita didn't want to talk to Chu Yunduo, and hurriedly ordered to walk.

But those guards are all confidants controlled by Chu Yun, how could they listen to her?But in order to show Anita a little face, Chu Yun hastily winked and let the guards go.

Only then did the guards feel amnesty, and escorted Anita's frame away quickly.

Chu Yun was very upset. This Anita was already his own, so why didn't she give up on her?There has never been such a thing before, which of the girls I conquered didn't give up her heart as soon as she fell asleep?

With a very strange mood, Chu Yun strolled on the streets of Yunjing, looking at the bustling and orderly Yunjing City, he felt extremely proud in his heart!It seems that I really have the material to be an emperor. Do I want to create a huge empire and take charge of the entire Yuanxing or the entire Nebula?

Teams of the Capital Guard Battalion in Yunjing are patrolling the streets. People can wait for interrogation, and the defense can be regarded as extremely tight. However, Chu Yun is still worried. After all, the Dark Killer Group is not an ordinary strength, and the strength of the background is beyond his ability. As imagined, they must have a way to sneak into Yunjing, and besides, there must be a secret stronghold of the Dark Assassin Group in Yunjing, so it is even more difficult to guard against.

However, Chu Yun was not afraid. He wanted to see how powerful this dark assassin group was as the so-called soldiers came to block them and water came to cover them.

This article comes from reading novels

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