
Chapter 548 The Magician Catching Bugs

Chapter 540: The Magician Catching Bugs

540 Eight: The magician who catches bugs

The team of many saintesses drove into the territory of the Yunlong Empire, and a wide official road appeared in front of them. This official road was ten feet wide, enough for thirty spiritual sedan chairs to walk side by side.

There are towering trees on both sides of the road, which almost cover the official road. Even if it is dog days, it will not feel hot here, and it is very cool.

Not far from the big tree are patches of barley with lush branches and leaves. Now it is about to enter the ripening season, and there are many figures in the field who are weeding and tending the wheat field.But it is very common, but when he saw their armor stacked neatly on the side of the road, he was taken aback. These are soldiers of the Yunlong Empire, why are they here to take care of the crops?

The next moment, they were even more stunned, because they saw three magicians in magic robes in the middle of a large field of crops. They held up their staffs and chanted spells again and again. Pieces of dazzling brilliance were sprinkled on the ground, covering large pieces of barley, and then they discovered that the bugs on the barley fell from the branches and leaves one after another, and died unexpectedly.

"Fuck..." Mu Teya couldn't help but swear, pointing at Chu Yun's nose and shouting: "Damn, what a luxury, what a fucking extravagance, you actually use magicians to kill bugs? "

Chu Yun spread his hands and said with a smile: "In the Yunlong Empire, there are a lot of magicians like this. These are just magic schools. According to the express regulations of our empire, we let them study in the magic school for free. After graduation They have to serve the empire for free for three years! Of course, their magic power is too weak to join the army, so we can only let them work in the fields, there is no way..."

Everyone rolled their eyes at Chu Yun's words. If their impressions were correct, these three magicians were obviously school-level existences, but according to Yunfei, they were just a few students who couldn't make it to the stage?

In the Western Continent, whether it is Christianity or the great empires, magicians are existences with extraordinary status. As long as you are a magician, even if you are only a soldier, you will be recruited and cultivated by rights, because this world There are very few people who can become magicians in the world, and of course they are much more expensive than those who can become fighters and knights after just a few years of practice.

But in the Yunlong Empire, magicians are here to catch insects on the crops like garbage?Could it be that magicians are everywhere in the Yunlong Empire?How can this be? !

Chu Yun no longer paid attention to them who were dull, but smiled lightly and urged his mount to move forward slowly. Everyone followed with complicated emotions. They all felt the same in their hearts, and they all thought that the Yunlong Empire was pretending to be coercive. How could there be so many magicians?Even within Christianity, it is impossible for a magician to grow crops.

They followed the official road to Yunjing, the capital of the Yunlong Empire, and they were shocked by everything they saw along the way!

It's like a patrol team led by generals, a patrol team of ten people equipped with two general-level magicians, a team will appear every quarter of an hour, and the deeper the Yunlong Empire goes, the more patrols there will be and the strength will be stronger. When they just saw a magnificent city, the patrol team has become a team of sixty breaths, and all of them are military commanders, led by one and a half marquises!

Such a strong lineup made everyone look down, but the saintesses were not there, Mu Teya and the fairies were all shocked.

Fairy Zhi was not worried about what she saw, but what she didn't see. So many patrols, where are they stationed?Why did they walk along the official road, but didn't see a single military town? These patrols seemed to come out of the void. Could it be that they all came from the big city in the distance?

No, although they were not walking fast, they were definitely not slow. It had been half a day since they stepped into the territory of the Yunlong Empire, and the distance they traveled was three hundred miles, but the patrols they saw were as far as three hundred miles away. There are millions of them, and they certainly don't all live in that city. Is there a hidden military town?

Fairy Zhi is extremely shrewd, and of course her name is not given. Although this border has nothing to do with their wood spirit clan, but they can see everything from a glimpse, and their defense against the wood spirit clan may not be low.

What came into view was a city with a radius of [-] miles. It used to be the city of the Western American Empire, but it was captured by the Yunlong Empire. At this time, it was already the state capital of the Northern Xinjiang State of the Yunlong Empire. The city defense was strong and troops were stationed Ten million, the defense is extremely strong.

This is all visible, and those invisible are the most terrifying. If the Western American Empire raids the Yunlong Empire, they will not be able to find those hidden military towns. The consequences can be imagined. They will definitely be divided and surrounded, and the entire army will be wiped out .

Following Yunfei to the Yunlong Empire, there were also representatives sent by the Western American Empire to investigate the development of people's livelihood in the Yunlong Empire, and borrow some loans by the way. The Yunlong Empire is rich and powerful, and it is very cost-effective to borrow money from them.

But when they saw that their own city was so indestructible under the construction of outsiders, these people felt uncomfortable, and they also discovered the problem that Fairy Zhi discovered. The border defense of the Yunlong Empire has completely shocked them. up.

As soon as they entered the city, everyone saw the people with happy smiles on their faces. The diplomats of the Western American Empire usually come to this city, but they have never seen such happy smiles on the people. Why do they How about no hatred for being occupied by the Yunlong Empire?Why is there no hatred for the invaders?

They can't figure it out all the time!

Just like when the white people of Western America occupied the territory of Heiyuan before, those Heiyuan people rebelled on a large scale, which caused heavy casualties to the army of the Western American Empire. However, after many times of violent suppression, the Heiyuan people finally surrendered, although secretly There were also many resistance actions, and there were even rebels, but at least half of the people had surrendered.

But what happened to the Western Americans?Why don't they even have any patriotism, why can't they want to attack the Yunlong Empire like the Heiyuan people?Although you don't have the power to restrain chickens, you are like a rebel, and the army of the Yunlong Empire cannot resist it!Even if you are too scared to dare, then you should at least become concerned about the country and the people, right?But why do you laugh so happily, so happy?Did the people of Yunlong Empire brainwash you?

The Yunlong Empire occupies the land and cities of the Western American Empire, not even the 36 cities of Heiyuan, there are as many as [-] in the northern border alone, and the people in the city are all the people of the Western American Empire. Relatives and friends, their life here was passed back, so that the people in Western America who yearned for a better life handed over their nationality forms to the Yunlong Empire, requesting to officially settle in the Yunlong Empire.

The Civil Affairs Department of the Yunlong Empire readily agreed to arrange houses and land for them. So far, tens of thousands of Western Americans have settled in the Yunlong Empire.

The Western American Empire had already taken defensive measures, but without money, nothing would work. They could only borrow money from the Yunlong Empire and use the money to appease the people.

Although they paid a high price, Emperor Ximei also knew that the people are the foundation of the country. If all the people of the Ximei Empire went to the Yunlong Empire, what would be the use of having a large country and money?

They have been asking the Yunlong Empire to borrow money, and it is already a huge amount so far. Even the Pope of the Christian Church would be shocked when he saw this amount. The so-called debt is too much to worry about. ,we'll talk about it then!

Swallowing the 36 cities of Heiyuan in the West American Empire and the southern border of West America, now there are hundreds of cities and land in the northern border of Yunlong. The Yunlong Empire has become the first empire with the largest territory and the strongest military power in the Western Continent. And other races are daunting, and now all the powerful temples of the Christianity will be settled in the Yunlong Empire, which undoubtedly tells the world that the Yunlong Empire has become the only master of the Western Continent!They have the full support of the Christianity, not like other temples, each empire has only one or two.

The national power of the Yunlong Empire is growing at a lightning speed. Although it can't compare with the strong existence of the Christianity, but with the current growth rate, it will be a matter of time to surpass the Christianity.

In the northern border city, Chu Yun asked the people of the City Lord's Mansion to prepare a room for him without hesitation. They would rest here for one night before leaving tomorrow. If it was yesterday at this time, the saints would not agree, but now they are with Chu Yun. I have already sat on a boat, so of course I have no complaints.And Mu Teya was really bored, why did this kid deliberately delay time?Now that they have formed an alliance, don't they want to really contribute to the Christianity?

Among the many forces, none of them really contributed to the Christianity. They all had the same attention, that is, to catch some fish in the muddy water and gain some benefits for themselves. Teach that group of people, it is they who want to invade the Eastern Continent, not us.

It was night, and Chu Yun managed to find Fairy Jing Mu Ya's room. She was still angry about what happened last night, sitting there with her mouth pouted, and when she saw Chu Yun sneaking in, her heart jumped. It was a burst of ecstasy, but she quickly held back and sat there with a sullen face, ignoring Chu Yun who walked in front of her with a flattering smile.

Chu Yun frustrates his hands, and said with a flattering smile: "Muya, are you still angry? Isn't I doing this to defeat the Christianity! They are all Christian saints, and they can play a big role in the future! "

Mu Ya snorted coquettishly, and said angrily: "Are you trying to infiltrate the Christian church? Isn't it because they are all beautiful?"

"Hey..." Chu Yun laughed dryly: "They are all rare beauties, but compared to my Fairy Jing, they are far worse..." After speaking, Chu Yun hugged Mu Ya With a delicate body, she lowered her head and kissed her delicate pointed ears.

Mu Ya's delicate body trembled, and she fell very quickly.

Both of them were passionate about adultery, and during the intimacy, they didn't find a graceful figure standing there, a pair of bright beautiful eyes stared at the two entangled inside, and made a terrifying sound of silver teeth rubbing against each other.

This book comes from reading rim

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