
Chapter 583 Battle Fairy Tribe

580 Three: War Fairy Tribe

The weather is still good today, and Ice Fairy still has a lot of schedules today, so they simply ate some fruits and then set off.

Although Bing Fairy still had a serious expression on her face, she was very complicated in her heart. That Mutong had always been by her side, and had been three steps away from her since she left the house. Moreover, he was full of energy and had no indulgence at all. Excessive look.

She looked at the two beautiful archers riding on the white tiger behind her. They were so sluggish that they almost lay on the back of the white tiger. The weirdness in her heart could not be calmed down for a long time. A thirsty woman made this look?

At the same time, she had some other strange feelings in her heart, she didn't know what it was like, and she felt that Chu Yun's burly body was always around her, and she felt very at ease in her heart. What's going on?Is this the so-called sense of security?

She was in a complicated mood, and Chu Yun was very happy when the time came. Could there be anything that would make her happier by being around a beauty?This Ice Fairy's bodyguard, there are beautiful wood spirit girls who are all Qing Yishui. They are really better than each other, and they are more beautiful than each other. I will conquer them first, and then conquer the Ice Fairy. easy?

Suddenly there was a deep growl in front of him, and he glanced around, and saw that it was actually a cavalry force composed of hundreds of white tigers, waving and saying hello from a distance.

"Fairy, isn't that Mute Yunling King? Didn't he go to the front line to investigate the movement of the Yunlong Empire? Why did he come back so soon?" road.

"He returned early, it seems that he has no good intentions!" Mu Qingyue, another beautiful shooter who spent the night with Chu Yun, said coldly.

"Okay, after all, he is the spirit king of a party, the leader of a tribe! You mustn't be rude!" Ice Fairy's expression was not very good, and Chu Yun wondered, isn't Mu Teyun's popularity good?Why are they so disgusted?

The white tiger team soon came to the front, and the leader of a young and handsome wood spirit boy saw the ice fairy, and was overjoyed immediately: "Ice fairy, I am going back to see you off, I didn't expect to meet here, how come Are you used to living here?"

The Ice Fairy bowed and said coldly: "Fortunately, why did the Spirit King come back so soon? Could it be that something went wrong halfway?"

Mu Teyun laughed at himself and said: "Don't mention it, our front line has changed a lot now. It has been annexed by the Yunlong Empire for a territory of [-] miles, and a buffer zone of [-] miles has been set up!"

"These hateful Yunlong people actually cut down all the trees in the buffer zone, and even dug a big trench. It's very tricky!"

Fairy Bing didn't have much interest in those things, but she just had nothing to say. Seeing that Mu Teyun had no intention of leaving, she said, "We won't waste the time of King Ling. I have to go to other tribes to check. So farewell!"

"Hey..." Mu Teyun couldn't help being anxious, looking at the sun that had just risen in the east, he hurriedly said: "Fairy, it's getting late today, I think we should go back and rest, and go to other tribes tomorrow !"

Chu Yun admired him in his heart, the brat's shamelessness almost caught up with Lao Tzu's.

"I like to go out late and return early, so I'm leaving!" Fairy Bing didn't want to say anything more to him, she pinched the white tiger under her body, and the brigade directly bypassed Mu Teyun's team and started to advance.

Mu Teyun's face turned ashen for a moment, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only feel ruthless in his heart: "Stinky bastard, sooner or later, I will make you cry and climb onto my king's bed!"

He suddenly saw Chu Yun who had been following the Bing Fairy, and he couldn't help but asked in a strange voice: "Who is this kid? I remember that there are no men among your guards?"

The ice fairy said: "This is a guard I picked from your tribe. Seeing that he is good at skills, he was incorporated into my guard team. Do you have any objections?"

"Of course, isn't it just one person? Even if the fairy wants the whole tribe of the king, the king will have nothing to say! But what does this kid do? Why have I never seen it before?" Mu Teyun just looking for trouble, thinking I just need to talk a few more words with Ice Fairy.

"Mutong, a villain, is a gardener in the orchard. Fortunately, the fairy respected him, so he joined the team of fairies..." Chu Yun saluted Mu Teyun respectfully.

"Okay, since the fairy has taken a fancy to you, you must do a good job and don't disgrace my tribe!" Mu Teyun was so jealous that he was dying, why is a gardener better than the king, and he can do it all day long Follow the ice fairy?And this king is the spirit king, the treasurer of a tribe, and his status is so prominent, but why doesn't he even look straight at him?

He was extremely unbalanced.

"Okay, we have to hurry!" Ice Fairy waved her jade hand, and Chu Yun hurriedly followed, and the team they led passed through Mu Teyun's team and headed west.

Mu Teyun was riding on the white tiger, feeling extremely upset, what kind of method can he think of to get this woman into bed?There are also those legendary fairies, one is nobler than the other, and the other is more narcissistic than the other. I insist on getting you all into bed and making you pregnant with my king's child. Let's see how noble you are!

His idea and Chu Yunna really coincided with each other, and Chu Yun also came with this idea.

"My lord, now is not the time to be in a hurry, the influence of the ice fairy is very huge, we can't afford to take care of it if something happens!" Someone offered a plan to Mu Teyun.

"This king knows, it's better to make a long-term plan! You immediately send someone to follow them, and report to the king immediately if there is any situation. If the man named Mutong can be pulled over, he will pull Gulai. After all, he belongs to our tribe. People, this king has orders, how dare he refuse to listen?"

"Don't worry!"


"You seem to be bored with our Spirit King? Why? Our Spirit King is a good lord!" On the way, Chu Yun asked Mu Qingyue curiously in a low voice.

"You don't know that, do you? Mu Teyun is one of Ice Fairy's most ardent suitors, but Ice Fairy doesn't like him, so he stalks us and often bothers us, so of course I hate him!"

"The most important thing is that this kid's father, Prince Mu Xia, has different political views from our fairy family, and they often quarrel, so..." Mu Wanqing also said.

"Okay, let's not think about these things anymore, by the way, where are we going?"

"The next tribe to visit is our fairy's best friend and the fairy's territory!"

Battle Fairy?One of the twenty fairies and one of the battle fairies?That Fairy Zhan with outstanding force, it seems that Lao Tzu's daughter-in-law will increase again.

From here to Fairy Zhan's tribe, there are hundreds of miles away. If they walk, they will have to walk for many days, and now the situation with the Yunlong Empire is tense. The jungle is full of scouts and spies of the Yunlong Empire. Fighting, so for the sake of caution, and to deliberately cover up their whereabouts, they can only walk!

But the path in the jungle is not obvious, even if it takes a few days, it will be covered with weeds, which is very troublesome.

Moreover, Fairy Zhan's tribe is very strange. They deliberately moved their tribe away from the big tribe in order to hone themselves in a difficult environment, so going to Fairy Zhan's tribe is really not an easy task.

With Chu Yun's meat shield, Bingxianzi is much more courageous than before, and her marching speed is much happier than before, and she dares to walk at night.

Chu Yun wondered why the Ice Fairy was so careful and cautious every moment, as if she was afraid of being assassinated. It seems that the Ice Fairy must have offended many people because of that face, no wonder she was so cautious.

The wood spirit clan has the same strength as other races, and internal fighting is unavoidable, between tribes, between political enemies and political enemies, and some even form disputes over which one is more beautiful.

It was getting late, and everyone took a bait in the deserted jungle. Because Chu Yun was the exclusive meat shield of the Ice Fairy, his wooden house was closely connected with the Ice Fairy's, surrounded by more than 100 beautiful guards. Cloud is very happy.

That night, Mu Wanqing and Mu Qingyue came to Chu Yun again. They also came with two beautiful guards, who were also very handsome, but judging by their lustful appearance, their private life must be different. How to check!

Chu Yun didn't mind too much, thinking that when he took over Wushan back then, didn't those women take back all of them?Compared with the people in Wushan, they are insignificant, nothing extraordinary.

So sometimes after a night of madness, the ice fairy next to her was disturbed again and couldn't rest well.

And when she saw the energetic Chu Yun again on the first day, she was shocked again, four, a total of four women, and they really tossed all night, why is he still so energetic?And those four chicks haven't gotten out of bed yet, is this kid a body made of iron?

Thinking about it, Ice Fairy's pretty face couldn't help but blushed slightly, she hurriedly turned around to prevent Chu Yun from finding out, and ordered to set off on the road after eating a few fruits.

Mu Wanqing and Mu Qingyue were extremely lazy, and fell asleep directly on the back of the white tiger. The other two honey shooters were also like this. The ice fairy was dumbfounded when she saw it.

Chu Yun looked like a normal person, so what should I do?I turned a blind eye to those fiery eyes, and said in my heart that if you don't come to me, I will not take the initiative to attack. After all, people like you are not worthy of me chasing you.

Five days later, when they arrived at the outskirts of Zhan Fairy's tribe, Bing Fairy was already sitting there with a helpless expression on her face, saying nothing to all the guards who had become lazy.At the same time, she was completely shocked, and she was already numb from the shock.

120 people, a total of 120 people, all of them were taken care of by this bastard in one night, and he is still so energetic, my God!Is he really an iron man?

Chu Yun was still very embarrassed, but so many people came to me at the same time, how could I not accept it?After Lao Tzu pulls all the people of the Wood Spirit Clan over, even if he fails to seize the Wood Spirit Mother Tree, he must be made a bare commander. A guy without soldiers is not a soft persimmon. How to pinch?

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