
Chapter 616 Jellyfish Galaxy

Chapter 610 Six Jellyfish Galaxy


Chu Yun was also a little nervous. The strength of this mother tree may only be comparable to the legendary gods. Although she is already a fairy, she may not be able to fight against the mother tree. Moreover, after climbing this mother tree, she will not be able to fight against it. Will you discover your own secret?

Just as he was thinking wildly, a few war hawks suddenly flew over his head. An arrogant officer Mu Ling looked down at the two of them, and then said coldly: "You are the newcomers who just joined? You are too young, huh? You are a legend The golden fairy Mu Can?" Seeing Mu Can, the officer's eyes lit up, and he sized her up and down figure without hesitation.

Fairy Jin frowned slightly, making the latter look anxious. Fairy Jin didn't dare to provoke her. After all, she was the daughter of the patriarch of the Jinling Clan, with an extraordinary status, and there were quite a few in the Imperial Spirit Army. People with Jinling bloodline do not have a high rank in the Imperial Spirit Army, so they dare not make mistakes.

But he didn't have such good scruples about Mu Tong, he snorted coldly and looked at Chu Yun, his expression was full of contempt and disdain: "What qualifications does a brat have to join the Imperial Spirit Army? I think You must have used some means to deceive Her Majesty the Empress, if you listen to the persuasion, get out of here immediately, otherwise I will make you look good if you join the Imperial Spirit Army!"

Chu Yun's eyes flashed with killing intent, and then he said lightly: "At first I didn't want to come, but this is Her Majesty's order after all, even if I have eight courages, I dare not openly resist the order! If the general thinks that I am not qualified to join Imperial Spirit Army, go and report to Her Majesty the Empress, if Her Majesty accepts the order, then I will leave immediately!"

"You!" The officer was so angry that he couldn't speak, and asked him to ask the queen?You don't even have the guts to kill him.

At this moment, a slender figure suddenly appeared in the sky above, scaring everyone, and when he saw who was coming, the officer hurriedly saluted: "Lord You Yue, why are you here!"

The person who came was actually Mu Youyue, the central officer of the Imperial Palace, seeing her cold face, it was not the slightest difference from usual.

"Your Majesty summoned these two people, and I will bring them into the palace!" Mu Youyue's words became even colder, and after she finished speaking, she ignored the officer, turned around to look at Mu Can and Chu Yun, and said coldly: " Come with me, Her Majesty has summoned you!"

Chu Yun and Mu Can hurriedly used their magic to follow them. They flew for half an hour, flying along the trunk of the tree, and then reached the top of the main pole of the mother tree. The ruler of the clan is the Wood Spirit Palace.

The palace is incomparably majestic and gorgeous, and I don't know how many precious materials were wasted to build it. Chu Yun followed Mu Youyue's steps and walked along the passage made of huge tree vines, while admiring Mu Youyue's upturned Xiangyu asked Gongshu: "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Gongshu's voice came faintly into his mind: "This bitch is too powerful. Over the years, he has subdued the four spirit races one after another. The river under the stem just now should be the mother galaxy of the water spirit!"

"What? Galaxy?" Chu Yun was shocked.

"Yes, she has the same nature as the mother tree, and she also gave birth to water spirit creatures, but her cultivation base is short, so let the mother tree surrender and use it for her own use!"

"So, no matter if it's a wood spirit, water spirit, elf or earth spirit, they all have a so-called mother body?" Chu Yun suddenly thought of something extraordinary.

"Yes, how could life be born without a mother body? But I don't know where the other mother bodies are. I don't know if they were subdued or killed!" The male tree said quietly: "No wonder the mother tree evolved so much, If she gathers all five spirit mothers and let them regenerate in sequence, it will be an eternal source of energy, so we must act quickly!"

"Hey...what to do, let's go through the empress first and then think about it!" Chu Yun rolled his eyes. His only chance to win now is to catch him by surprise. If he is exposed in advance and makes the mother tree prepare, then They will definitely die without a place to bury them!

After entering the magnificent palace, Chu Yun suddenly discovered a very interesting thing. The guards here are all half men and women, and each one is carefully selected, no matter in appearance or appearance. Their strengths are all top-notch existences. Although they are all on guard, how could this fairy Chu Yun look at the aggressive eyes of the opposite sex with burning eyes in their eyes.

I rely on!These people often get together to play group chats?Thinking about it, he couldn't help but get goosebumps.

It seems that the supreme ruler of the wood spirits in the legend, the owner is so sacred that they are inviolable, and they are as pure as diamonds, but it turns out to be a place where filth and debauchery are hidden?

Those imperial spirit soldiers found Chu Yun and Fairy Jin at the same time, and they immediately stared a lot. Some male wood spirits trembled with excitement, staring at Fairy Jin even more presumptuously.

Chu Yun frowned secretly. It seems that the water in the Wood Spirit Palace is very deep. There may be many secrets in the Yuling Army. It seems that things are getting more and more complicated, so we must be careful.

Others don't know, but Chu Yun knows very well that their queen Mu Gela is a woman who has an affair with the ghost clan Mingxie. It is said that she even gave birth to a daughter. With such a stunner entangled together, he couldn't help but feel a chill, and almost vomited from his own thoughts, he was so fucking disgusting.

Speaking of Mingxie, Chu Yun also remembered a secret experience between him and the empress. When subduing Mingxie, he extracted all his memories by the way, so he knew it as a matter of course.It was when Her Majesty the Empress was not the Empress. When she traveled alone, she was robbed and killed by the ghost clan, and was captured alive later. The ghost even used some magic to turn herself into a ghost for a short time. A normal creature raped the Wood Spirit Empress at that time, and as a result, Her Majesty the Empress became pregnant.

After giving birth to a child, she was forcibly sent back to become an undercover agent of the Ghost Clan.

But Mu Gela was so scheming that she secretly dug out all the information network that the ghost clan had planted in the wood spirit clan, and then used powerful means to break the restriction imposed on her by the ghost clan, making a great contribution Therefore, she became a candidate for the queen as a matter of course.

After hearing the news, the ghost clan sent people to retaliate, but Mu Gela quickly killed them with the little strength in their hands.A few years later, Mu Gela became the queen of wood spirits and became the ruler of the wood spirit clan. Of course, it is even more impossible to do anything for the ghost clan.

As for that child, she didn't even have the slightest feeling. After all, it was just her shady side, and it was the strange blood of the filthy ghost clan. All she had was boundless remorse.

Thinking of the queen's unbearable past, Chu Yun couldn't help but sighed. The ghost's method was indeed weird, and he could use that weird secret method to conceive a child. He couldn't help but have feelings for the girl born Strong interest, it is a combination of living and undead, I am afraid there is only one in the universe, right?

He retrieved the memory of the ghost king of ghosts again, and then found a smaller figure, whose whole body was covered in black mist and could not be seen clearly. This made Chu Yun very strange, why the daughter was always like this in his father's impression What about fuzzy?Looks like things are getting more and more interesting.

Stepping into the spacious and gorgeous hall, Chu Yun immediately saw Empress Mugela sitting on the throne on the high platform. At this time, she was only wearing a loose short skirt, leaning on the armrest of the throne, holding a pair of slender jade legs Overlapped and placed there, coupled with the charming and beautiful face and smooth long hair, the whole person exudes a charming temptation, which makes people want to stop.

But Chu Yun understood after just being dazed for a while, because when he thought of the scene where she was raped by Ming Xie, he felt cold from head to toe, how could he be aroused by her?

Seeing his calm appearance, Mu Gela and Mu Youyue looked over very curiously, feeling that things had become more interesting.

The two hurriedly saluted and stood aside, listening to Her Majesty's instructions. After Mu Gela said some nonsense about being loyal and guarding, she let Fairy Jin leave first, leaving Chu Yun here.

Although Fairy Jin was reluctant, it was impossible for her to be disobedient, and she was so worried that she forgot that Chu Yun was sent out by Mu Youyue after a glance.

Immediately, only Chu Yun, a burly girl with a vigorous figure, and Her Majesty Mu Gela, who was wearing revealing clothes and a charming face, were left in the huge hall.

Chu Yun was very calm in his heart. After all, if you let a pervert and a beautiful girl be together, he would not have the slightest psychological burden. Although Mu Gela was a bit disgusting, but she was so true to her own rules that she could only accept her fate. After all, if you want to win her trust, you have to pay a price.

However, he was overwhelmed, and Mu Gela just reminded Chu Yun that there is no backer in the Imperial Spirit Army, and he must find a big, big backer to rely on. It will make people bully Yunyun.

In the end, she said that after he thought about it, she would talk about it tomorrow when he figured it out.

Chu Yun who walked out of the hall was very surprised, what exactly does this chick want to do?If you want to dive, come by yourself, why do you have to wait until tomorrow?

Fairy Jin was waiting outside, and she was relieved when she saw Chu Yun come back.

Mu Youyue suddenly said coldly: "Follow me to report to the Imperial Spirit Army, and then the general there will take care of you!"

The command headquarters of the Yuling Army is located in a corner of the palace, which is as big as the Qijin courtyard, and it is very lively inside, with faint sounds of drills coming from the school field outside the palace.

After arriving at the gate of the command headquarters, Mu Youyue left a sentence saying that you have to turn around and leave when you enter by yourself, a voice full of surprises suddenly came from the gate of the command headquarters: "Sister Youyue, why are you here? Did you come to see me?!"

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