
Chapter 622

Chapter 620 Two Visits

620 two: door-to-door

That night, Chu Yun and the golden fairy Mu Can both asked for leave. They both got off the mother tree and returned to Mu Can's home. Because they both knew that they were lovers, it was very common for them to ask for leave and go home with their lover to visit their parents. Someone was suspicious and couldn't say anything.

However, when it was heard that Chu Yun was going to follow Mu Can back to meet his parents, Mu Qingling and a few caring Mu Ling girls were not happy. After all, after so many days of getting along, they had already developed feelings for Chu Yun. Admiration, how could it be indifferent.

However, under the comfort of his kind words, those women were still dealt with, and after briefly handing over the things in their hands, they and Mu Can both got off the mother tree and ran towards the west area of ​​Muling.

Fairy Jin was silent along the way, but how could Chu Yun let go of such a good time, so he glanced at Mu Can, who was hurrying on his way, scratched the back of his head and said with a smile: "When I say to see the parents, I will I’m still a little nervous, Mu Can, do you think I need to get something, after all, it’s the first time I’m seeing your family, so isn’t it impolite to go empty-handed?”

Mu Can's face was expressionless, but he still secretly rolled his eyes, blaming Chu Yun for being too capable, he was clearly here to discuss things, why did it look like a blind date?So she said coldly without looking back: "You are a senior, how dare we accept your gift? So let's forget it!"

Hearing her talk like this, Chu Yun knew that she was still angry, so he continued to smile embarrassedly after her words: "What kind of senior? You and I are friends, so isn't your father an elder? Go see Why should the elders show some courtesy! Hey... why don't I take this opportunity to propose marriage to your father directly, I think your father will definitely agree!" Chu Yun became excited as he spoke, staring at Looking at Mu Can's eyes became hot.

"How dare you!" I was taken aback by Chu Yun's sudden decision. If this kid really proposed marriage on the spot, his father would definitely agree to it without hesitation. After all, they are going to form an alliance. If they can become relatives, then The alliance will be more stable, and of course everything will be easy to talk about as a family.Besides, this bastard Chu Yun is an expert, I don't know what a powerful old monster he is, how could he refuse, so she firmly rejected Chu Yun's proposal.

Chu Yun was silent, but it could be seen from his excited eyes that this kid did not give up!

Now Mu Can couldn't be bored any more, turned around and waited for Chu Yun and shouted: "I warn you, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will ignore you for the rest of my life!"

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders noncommittally and didn't say a word. This indifferent attitude made the corner of Mu Can's mouth twitch fiercely a few times, and then he ignored him with a coquettish snort, and the speed became a little faster once he released his skills.

Chu Yun followed silently, and there was no sound for a long time, but after more than half a time, Mu Can, who was leading the way, suddenly heard Chu Yun behind him muttering in a low voice.

She listened intently, but was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

"Hmm... What should I get as a dowry gift? A set of fairy-level magic equipment? No, how could such a good girl like Mu Can be dismissed so easily? Hmm... let's use 1000 million magic crystals! Then It’s not okay, it’s too vulgar to take money directly, it’s like they’re selling their daughters..."

Hearing Chu Yun's muttering, Mu Can couldn't help but suddenly stopped flying, turned around and stared coldly at Chu Yun behind.

Their speed was not fast, and Chu Yun's speed was even slower when he was absent-minded. The next moment, Chu Yun found Mu Can who had stopped in front of him, and he stopped hastily, and looked down curiously: "What? It's here?!"

Mu Can stared closely at Chu Yun's astonished face, and said in a cold voice: "Chu Yun! I tell you very seriously, if you dare to talk nonsense in front of my father! You! If you don’t believe me, try it!”

Seeing her serious look, Chu Yun couldn't help being happy: "Mu Can, I believe what you said! But I believe even more, if I propose marriage to your father, he will definitely agree, right? And you won't go too far You disobeyed your father! If this is the case, you will marry me in the end, and we will live together in the future, why are you ignoring me?!"

"I..." Mu Can's heart couldn't help beating wildly. Hearing the word marry me, she couldn't help but be defeated in an instant, but how could the bad breath in her heart not come out?So she still forced herself to be calm and said: "Even if I marry you, I can ignore you, let's see what you can do to Miss Ben!"

"This... so you agreed to marry me?" Chu Yunna's eyes brightened, and he exclaimed with joy.

"..." Mu Can couldn't help feeling depressed, she really couldn't keep up with Chu Yun's rhythm.

"Don't worry, since we are all living under the same roof, it is not easy for you to take care of me? Let's go, I can't wait to see my old man..." Chu Yun was excited It was trembling all over.

"Huh!" Mu Can suddenly stomped her jade feet in a panic, and flew forward quickly with a snort. She was extremely depressed in her heart. This Chu Yun must be her nemesis. Is this cold way of hers completely useless?

They flew back and forth again for a while, Mu Can suddenly stopped again, this time her face was even colder, she stared back at Chu Yun, and said with a slightly trembling tone: "Let me tell you one last time, if How dare you propose a marriage in front of my father! I will sever any relationship with you immediately, and I will never see you again in this life, just call it that!" After she finished speaking, she quickly moved downward without waiting for Chu Yun to say anything. Flying, it seems that it should have arrived at the place.

Chu Yun smiled slightly, and followed her as soon as the figure moved. The woman was obviously not angry anymore, and she insisted on pretending that she didn't want to have anything to do with him. Woman, she is really a troublesome creature!

This is a vast house, all made of metal, which is incomparably conspicuous among countless wooden buildings. It seems that this is the mansion of the Jinxian family, and I don't know what my future father-in-law is. Is it easy to get along with such a person?

Thinking wildly, he had already entered the metal mansion with the golden fairy, and the sharp aura of metal was everywhere. Those guards showed their sharpness and sharpness. Although their strength was not very strong, their momentum was absolutely amazing.Sure enough, this golden spirit is indeed a powerful existence, and their mother body does not know what kind of existence it is.

"Chan'er, are you back?" A clear and strong voice suddenly sounded, Chu Yun raised his head and saw a group of people standing outside the entrance of the hall, the leader was a big man in a golden robe, his eyes flashed golden , the aura is extremely sharp, it is clearly a golden spirit with pure blood.

And behind him is a group of young and old men and women, there are gold spirits, wood spirits, and golden-wood hybrids like Mu Can.It's very strange to say that Jin and wood are mutually restrained, so the chance of giving birth to a child is not high, but Chu Yun was surprised to see the dozen boys and girls behind the man who were clearly younger generations.

"Father!" Mu Can's expression was normal, he stepped forward and saluted, then stood with his hands down, without any intention of introducing Chu Yun.

"Then... this is..." The man looked at Chu Yun, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and his heart beat wildly several times.

How could Chu Yun reveal his identity in front of so many people, so he pretended to be very respectful and took a step forward, and said with a smile, "Hi uncle, I'm Mutong, it''s Can...can'er's... …friend……"

"Okay, okay, this is a guest! Come on, let's set up a banquet!" The man's excited expression was mixed with a little respect, and he seemed to be very afraid of this scary guy.

Everyone sat down, and many sisters interrogated Chu Yun like a prisoner. After learning that Chu Yun became a patrol officer of the Imperial Spirit Army at a young age, everyone had a lot of eyes. The little girl who seemed to be only fifteen or sixteen years old sat on his lap without any scruples, opened her mouth and called her brother-in-law, and stretched out her small jade hand to greet her.

She is just a very cute little girl. During the conversation, she learned that she is Mu Can's half-sister, Mu Xin, who is also a mixed race of Jin and Mu. Chu Yun's heart was moved by her amorous feelings. After feeling the girl's unique fragrance and soft body, he couldn't stop it even more.

Seeing Chu Yun's strange expression, Mu Can's father, Mu Geng, the nominal leader of the Jinling clan, twitched his eyelids, and hurriedly scolded the rude little daughter. It's no fun if he gets annoyed, he even regrets letting his many women receive Chu Yun together.At first he thought it would be more grand, but now it seems very unwise.

Mu Can's complexion was also very ugly, the little woman called her brother-in-law, and her heart burst into flames, but she couldn't express anything, she could only stare at Mu Geng with vicious eyes, and the latter hurriedly touched him. He touched his nose, not daring to meet her eyes.

Chu Yun quickly calmed down, stretched out his palm and patted Mu Xin's little head, and said with a smile, "There must be a meeting ceremony, but I will point it out to obedient children! Are you obedient?!"

Mu Xin's eyes brightened instantly, and he hurriedly nodded happily: "Listen! I'll be obedient!"

Chu Yun nodded in satisfaction, and motioned for her to get off his body. The latter hurriedly obeyed and jumped off Chu Yun's lap, which made Chu Yun secretly heave a sigh of relief. I can't help but directly deal with her, and that scene will be wonderful.

Chu Yun took out something from his bosom and handed it to Mu Xin. He laughed and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you should be practicing the Golden Spirit Technique, right? I have two treasures here, which were used when I was practicing outside. If I get it, it’s useless for me to keep it, so I’ll give it to you!”

Mu Xin took the things curiously, and removed the brocade bag outside. Inside was a metal box full of ancient ruins. She opened the box again, and a golden glow shot out from it, instantly illuminating the entire hall. Brighten up.

Everyone in the hall stared at the box at the same time, staring at the box for a moment.

In the box in the middle were two golden flying men soaked in brilliance. Terrifying magic fluctuations radiated from the swords, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

"Immortal... Immortal Artifact?!" Mu Geng stood up in shock, his eyeballs almost flew out, this senior's handwriting is so great, it's an Immortal Artifact when he makes a move? !

Hearing the word "immortal artifact", everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. Fairy Jin was even more shocked and full of resentment towards Chu Yun. This kid didn't give me such a good thing, but came to please me instead. My sister, it's really disgusting.

This book was first published on

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