
Chapter 627 Youyue

Chapter 620 Seventh Moon

On the cold streets of the wood spirit capital, there were only a few drunks who vomited and leaned on the wall to return home. At this time, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and it was midnight, and most of the ethnic groups were already dreaming.

But at this moment, a group of people rushed over from the street in the distance, the number of them was several hundred. This group of people charged towards one direction with murderous intent, attracting the eyes of those drunks.

Several teams of patrols hiding in the dark corners rushed out when they saw this situation, thinking it was a large-scale gang fight, but when they rushed up to see the graceful figure in the lead, the second word He ran away without saying a word, not daring to stay at all.

This made the drunks even more curious. Surprised by their drunkenness, they suddenly became sober for more than half of their senses. When they found out that the group of girls were all beautiful and refined girls, they were all stunned. Why did they suddenly wake up in the middle of the night? There are so many beauties?Look at the uniforms on them, are they still high-level ethnic groups?

These drunks subconsciously surrounded them, subconsciously telling them that there must be a very big excitement waiting for them to see, so how could they miss it?

Those women came to the door of an inn in black, and rushed in. The shopkeeper who was dozing off was too frightened to move, squatting in the corner and trembling.

These women all rushed into the inn and went up to the second floor one after another. Then a fairy-like beauty at the head kicked open the door of a first-class guest room, and then a large group of cheering people rushed in. Like being struck by lightning, all the fools fell on the spot.

In that not-so-small room, so many people flooded in at once, and it suddenly seemed extremely small. Everyone was like a group of owls with their eyes rounded, and they stood there stupidly, with infinite shock in their eyes. Looking at that huge bed, a couple of dogs and men were entangled crazily there, and it was as if they hadn't seen their entry, as if they hadn't seen it at all.

At this time, the two people on the bed were obviously angry. They had been hanging out among men and women for many years. When did they ever become rivals?But today it was beyond their mutual expectations. This woman\man was like a big dragon entering the Mianyang group of opposite sexes.

They are not convinced anymore, let's see who can win today!

They each resorted to all the tricks of the whole body, the battle was hearty, and the battle was in the dark!So they ignored the group of women who rushed in to catch the rape, and continued their epic battle.

The leader, a flowery wood spirit girl, was about to pop out her eyes. When had she seen such a battle?The delicate body was trembling slightly, and the younger girls behind her were even more charming, their delicate bodies were soft, and some of them had already sat down on the ground, and they didn't even have the strength to stand still.

The wood spirit girl in the lead had thought of so many words of righteousness and righteousness, did she still remember one sentence at this time?She stretched out her jade arm and pointed at the pair of dogs and men, but she was speechless for a long time. She was completely shocked, and she was speechless for a long time.

"Cluck..." A cock crowed from a distance, and the sky in the east was already bright, but the man and woman on the bed were still entangled there tirelessly, and during this period, they changed how many positions that people had never heard of.Those women who came here after catching rape had their blood-red eyes rounded one by one. They didn't even blink in the middle of the night, just stared at them in a daze. They really gained countless knowledge.

Just when they thought that this pair of dogs and men would continue, the woman suddenly let out a hysterical scream, then her whole body tensed up, and she hugged the man tightly for a full two quarters of an hour. The delicate body softened and passed out completely.

And what about men?It was the insolent man who laughed loudly, slapped the woman's round buttocks twice, and laughed loudly: "Come on! Come on! I can't deal with you anymore!"

He shut his mouth abruptly, and then he turned around and saw a group of girls lying limp on the ground. He was slightly taken aback, as if he had just discovered it. The next moment, he showed a ferocious smile and jumped up. As soon as he got out of bed, he hugged the innocent girl who would be the leader.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the whole street became lively in an instant. Countless people's heads surrounded the entire inn, and it was impossible to get through. These people were both male and female, and their faces were flushed.

The men were all wearing hazels, and the women's faces were flushed and bleeding. They all reacted involuntarily to the voices coming from the inn. Although the women wanted to run away with their heads in their arms, there were people all around. Man, where can I run?Everything was squeezed there like sardines.

Of course, many of them are unavoidably taken advantage of by the men around them, and even more daring ones...

This situation lasted until noon, when a large number of troops arrived after hearing the news, they dispersed the crowd. I don't know how many wood spirit women were defiled here, and they didn't even see the appearance of those men. If you are pregnant, the fun will be great.

As the most culprit, Chu Yun, lay refreshed and sound asleep among the women. He was really exhausted. These wood spirit chicks are easy to catch, but the woman last night was really old. Fate, too fucking tough.

However, he also gained a lot of benefits. When he came with this woman once, he automatically broke thirty golden pills again, and condensed them into thirty Nascent Souls again. The fifty Nascent Souls at the beginning Also grew up a lot.

Mu Youyue's pretty face was huddled in a corner of the wall with her torn and frivolous dress covering her two vital points, her eyes coldly stared at Chu Yun who was sleeping on top of the pile of women, and there was a little murderous intent in Ling Ran's eyes. Helpless and ashes.

At this time, she suddenly understood why there are so many women in such a good guy. Only after experiencing it for herself did she understand that if such a strong body is a woman, she must be like that woman, who is still unconscious at this moment. What if it was replaced by yourself?She couldn't imagine how she could withstand such a brave force?

And this kid is probably more than just a simple wood spirit boy, right?Because some officers and soldiers who just rushed up to see what happened, saw this kid here, they closed the door and left without saying a word, and even asked people to surround the inn to help them get wind.

He also recognized the commander, he was clearly His Highness the Spirit King who was in charge of this area!

If it is a spirit commander, it can be explained. Now his official is not small, and it is normal to know some friends in the army, but he is a spirit king. Although there are many spirit kings in the wood spirit clan, he is also a spirit king. , can make a spirit king run away when he sees it, how can this kid's identity be so simple?

She slowly took out a dagger from the storage ring, looked at the sleeping Chu Yun with cold eyes, and was about to get up and stab the damn bastard to death, but when her body moved, Suddenly there was a burst of tearing pain, causing her to sit down on the ground again.

When she was about to use her true energy to kill this guy from a distance, her tender body froze there suddenly.

She didn't know when, she was actually promoted from a military commander to a half king's terrifying realm, which made her stunned there with a bang.

She is a civil servant, of course her strength is not strong. She only broke through to Martial Commander a few years ago. At this time, she is less than two stars, and it will take several years to reach three stars. A whole level, are you kidding me?Even if the old lady's character explodes, it's impossible for her to be so perverted.

She tried her best to recall whether she had taken the panacea these days, but unfortunately, she was too busy these days to eat as much as she wanted, let alone any other panacea.

The only explanation...

She couldn't help looking at Chu Yun with extremely shocked eyes.

"Could it be... because of him?"

Ling Ran's beautiful eyes, which were originally murderous, suddenly lit up, and the splendor burst out like seeing a peerless treasure.

At this moment, her heart suddenly became clear, no wonder the strength of those fairies improved so fast, and their guards also improved extremely rapidly, it turned out that it was all because of this kid!

baby!This is the best baby in the world.

If you can improve yourself by a whole level after a night of sleep, then if...

It is simply an assembly line for mass production!

Thinking of the harmless benefits that Chu Yun brought to herself and even the entire Muling clan, Mu Youyue, a cold and beautiful girl, was about to shed her breath, not only did her killing intent disappear, but her body actually became hot for no reason. , she stood up with difficulty, and slowly crawled towards Chu Yun, with glistening water stains flowing along the way.

Chu Yun, who was sleeping, suddenly felt a hot body pressed against him, and he loved him in every possible way, which made his body that was about to be overdrawn rise again. When he opened his eyes, he saw Mu Youyue, who was icy and cold. The little girl is staring at him with beautiful eyes and spring, her beautiful cheeks are rising to a charming and charming blush, a pair of catkins is stroking her strong body non-stop, the affectionate look makes Chu Yun stare round his glasses , I conquered this woman so quickly?

At first, I thought that after waking up, this woman would be cut into pieces, or she would die or die, so that I would be able to coax him, but now it is completely unnecessary. Under the cold appearance of this woman, there is actually a A fiery heart, which is simply too unexpected.

Without saying a word, he turned over and pressed Mu Youyue's hot body on top of him. It was another smooth attack. Unlike last night, Mu Youyue fully experienced the benefits of being a strong man. The only thing she was worried about was how could she tie Chu Yun firmly to her body with so many beautiful girls and fairies on her body?How can such a good thing be shared with others?

This book was first published in kanshu 囧

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