
Chapter 7 Sisters

The sun was shining brightly, shining on a lush green valley, Chu Yun sat cross-legged on a bluestone, with a piece of rice paper spread out in front of him, on which was written a set of formulas.

He was excited, he finally took the first step towards his great future ambition, and got a benefit from Feng Wu, which was this set of cultivation mind art called 'Feng Yun Jue'.

According to the Xin Jue, one must first feel the existence of Qi, so he took a deep breath into his stomach, and then used the Xin Jue method to attack the so-called meridians. It took him three days but he didn't succeed. , I can't help being decadent in my heart.

He glanced back at the entrance of the cave not far away, Feng Wu was bathing in it at this time, and drove himself out to prevent himself from seeing it.Ever since she recovered a few layers of skill, her attitude towards herself has obviously become tougher. A few days ago, I was able to take advantage of her unpreparedness to knock her unconscious and give her medicine, but now I can't do it anymore, and I will be beaten by her every time. Nose and face are swollen.

"Start riding on Lao Tzu's neck now, and when the kung fu recovers in the future, how can I realize my plan to find countless beautiful girls? How can I not work hard to suppress her with force in the future? This is a matter of concern." What about my future happiness?" Thinking of these, his fighting spirit rose to the peak in an instant, and he immediately entered the state of cultivation, and took a deep breath again to practice.

After cleaning up, Feng Wu, who was dressed, came out frowning and Tingting. Seeing Chu Yun with amazing fighting spirit, there was a strange expression on his beautiful face, which seemed to be relieved and sad, and he took a light breath. , lamented in his heart: "After all, he is too old, and he has not started for three days. If he starts to practice before the age of ten, I believe it will be much better than now."

She turned around and entered the cave, hurrying to recover her skills.

Chu Yun closed his eyes and felt the subtle changes in his body. According to the heart formula, he was able to condense into a sesame-sized air mass at his navel, which is his dantian. .

At this time, he had already forgotten to stew red date soup for Feng Wu, and took advantage of the victory to chase after him with all his might.Condensate the air mass in the Dantian according to the method just now, and sit for two days and midnight.

Feng Wu who wakes up several times is very strange, why is the red date soup and a smiling face disappearing every time he wakes up?She went out of the hole with a very strange expression in her mouth to check the situation, and saw Chu Yun's serious face under the night light, and Xiu Xi hadn't woken up yet.

"Why do you work so hard?" Feng Wu felt curious, how could such a wicked little bastard work so hard?According to her idea, he will definitely become unreasonably lazy, right?

Seeing how hard he worked, Feng Wu didn't want to bother him, so he went into the cave to cook for himself with great curiosity.But she is a well-known Miss Qian Jin, who is practicing non-stop every day, so how can she have time to cook?It's all clothes to stretch out hands to eat and mouth to open.

I'm used to the delicious food made by Chu Yun, how dare I try something that I have made that has no color, fragrance or flavor?How could I hug my hungry stomach, stare at Chu Yun who was sitting cross-legged outside the cave with big watery eyes, hoping that he would wake up as soon as possible and cook for myself, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

Chu Yun outside the cave finally woke up, opened his deep eyes that were as black as night, and two red rays of light burst out, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

Looking at his hands, Chu Yun only felt refreshed. In the dark night, he could clearly see an ant tens of feet away, and at the same time, he could hear the tiny sound of it crawling rapidly.

"That's great!" Such a feeling of strength made Chu Yun's eyebrows dance with joy, and he was about to run back to the cave to announce the good news to Feng Wu, but just after jumping off the boulder, a burst of hurried but not flustered footsteps suddenly caught his ears.

"Is there someone?" He rushed out like the wind, his speed was obviously many times faster than before, and he plunged into the hidden position he had arranged before. Looking out through the cluttered grass, he could see dozens of feet away, Two black shadows rushed towards them quickly.Looking at their hazy figures, it was obvious that they were two women.

"Second Sister, have they come after you?" The fresh, tender and sweet voice made Chu Yun's whole body tremble, and he was so excited that two beauties appeared again!

"I think it should be thrown away, but they will search it soon. We must find a hidden place to hide and recover our skills. When the senior brothers come back, we must avenge today's revenge!" The soft and gentle voice of anger came next, making Chu Yun even more excited.

Two weak girls were being chased and killed, and as a rising star who hated evil like enemies, how could he stand idly by?We must help them!

When the two women walked in, he couldn't help but his whole body trembled, and he stared at the two women for a moment... No, it was the flowery and delicate faces of the two young girls, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The two stunning girls seem to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. Their skin is white and smooth without any blemishes. Their long hair is as smooth as silk and hangs down to their waists. , shining in the dark night.

Two emerald green long skirts showed a slender and soft waist. For the younger girl, half of the emerald green long skirt was torn off by someone, revealing a pair of straight and slender breasts.

For some reason, Chu Yun felt that the faces of these two delicate and flowery girls were somewhat familiar, as if they had seen each other before.

"This valley is very hidden. There must be a cave or something. Let's find and hide it quickly." The girl in the pink skirt pulled her sister and was about to run towards the valley. Chu Yun was just about to jump out and invited them with his sincere kindness He was going to take refuge in his own cave, when a bang suddenly resounded around him, scaring him so that he instinctively shrank back and stopped moving.

The two girls were also taken aback, and hurriedly stood back to back in a posture, four green spikes protruded from their two pairs of crystal clear slender hands at the same time.

Chu Yun's whole body burst, he is very familiar with this spike, isn't this the same wind spike that Feng Wu played with all day when she was in a coma?A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, no wonder he looked at them so familiarly, they looked very similar to Feng Wu, his whole body trembled, aren't these the two younger sisters of Feng Wu?What is it called the wind, snow and wind!

While thinking wildly, a dozen tall black shadows suddenly shot out from the dark forest, and long knives gleaming with cold light dazzled people's eyes.

"Why did they come after you?" The young Feng Yu frowned, gritted his teeth solemnly, and said in hatred.

"No, these are not people from Kuodaomen!" Feng Xue, the second lady of Fengmen, exclaimed in her heart, these people are completely incomparable to the mob just now.Each of them had a long breath, and they were also masters of green-level warriors, and the tall and strong man at the head felt the oppressive feeling emanating from him, so he was also a military captain!

The second daughter couldn't help being horrified, Wuwei, there is no one in the whole Kuodaomen, so they must not be from Kuodaomen, but who knows our whereabouts?And this formation is clearly directed at us.

"Sister, what should I do?" Feng Yu was flustered. She was only 17 years old and had never experienced such a scene. She knew the strength of a military officer very well, and the two of them, two middle-level warriors, could not resist at all.

"Two little girls, I don't want to bully the little ones, put down your weapons and surrender obediently, and I will guarantee your safety. Hehe! Of course I will also guarantee the safety of your bodies, how about it?" A deep and hoarse voice came from The words from the big man's mouth caused deep and obscene laughter from the surrounding figures.

Feng Xueyu's pretty face was flushed, she cursed shamelessly twice in a low voice, and shot towards the weakest place surrounded by them without saying a word.None of the big guys around thought that these two girls were so straightforward, and they didn't react for a while.

The leader 'quack' gave two strange laughs, and his figure moved to the back of the second daughter. He was brave enough to grab the second daughter's neck with two big hands without even pulling out his knife.

Amidst the sweet voices of the two girls, the four cyan spikes turned into hundreds of blue lights and attacked back at the same time, one slashing and one thorn cooperating to the extreme.

The leader couldn't help cursing inwardly, he underestimated the enemy, these two girls are the core disciples of the Fengmen after all, and Fengying's thorns are not low.Even though he was a martial arts expert, he was still forced to take a step back by the second daughter, and the second daughter had escaped ten feet away from this step.

The men in black all around shouted angrily and surrounded them at the same time, and threw the long knives in their hands at the same time, and the shimmering cold light blocked all the escape routes of the two girls.And the leader rushed forward again with a smirk, and when he dropped his hand, he made a huge palm print, which he slapped condescendingly.


Chu Yun, who was in the grass, jumped up at this moment, and threw the porcelain bottle in all directions.

"Bang bang bang..." More than a dozen porcelain vases were shattered one after another, and the soup rained down all over the sky, covering everyone's bodies and faces.

Of course, the two Fengxue girls were no exception, they worked together to block the basket-sized palm prints, and stomped on the seemingly graceful and disorderly Fengying steps, dodging all the long knives covered in the sky.

"Who?" The leader broke up the splashed soup with a palm, shouted at Chu Yun, and flew towards him.

Chu Yun grabbed the last two porcelain bottles, transported the ball of air from his dantian to his arms, threw it at the leader's face with all his might, and then told the two girls to run away.

Feng Xueyu hesitated for a moment, then jumped up to follow, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

The leader caught the two porcelain vases with one palm. Seeing the two girls escape, he couldn't help being impatient. He heard a crisp sound of "cracking" when he exerted a little more force, and the two porcelain vases were crushed, leaving a fine line in his palm. fine wounds.

"Hurry up and chase me..." As soon as the painting came out, he was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly saw those subordinates blushing and thick-necked, growling like green bulls, and ### raised their heads high tent.

"What's going on?" Just as he was feeling strange, his lower abdomen suddenly became angry with an evil fire, which instantly ignited his eight meridians, and his eyeballs also turned red.

"The potion in the porcelain bottle, that damned bastard, I###ancestor!" He didn't dare to pursue, and fled like flying with his subordinates, they wanted to find a place to vent their fire!

He was so ashamed that he almost bumped his head to death. What was going on?A military lieutenant of Lao Tzu's dignity, unexpectedly encountered such a thing when the boat capsized in the gutter?Suddenly want to find a woman while performing an important task?

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