
Chapter 717 Defense of the East Coast

Chapter 710 Seventh East Coast Defense War

710 Seven: Defense of the East Coast

The three-party coalition attacked the Tiannv Temple, but because of the support of the Goddess Alliance, the original one-sided battle turned into a protracted battle. Many talents became famous here, and the usually little-known pastoral field was an example.

He showed a strong combat power at the very beginning of the war, and his combat power was comparable to that of a high-ranking Martial King. This moved many people's minds. Such a person has a limitless future. One's own combat effectiveness will definitely increase a lot.

What is most important in this era, of course, is genius! !

But this pastoral is a bit cold and unreasonable. Many people came to make friends, but they didn't even see his face, so they were blocked by the four senior sisters.

One month later, the war entered a fierce state, the three-party coalition launched a full-scale attack, and countless strong men rushed over, and the miscellaneous army of the Tiannv Temple couldn't resist it at all.

Just when the frontlines of the three parties were all in a hurry, the Tianshou Alliance made a sudden move and sent countless strong men to raid the headquarters of the Goddess Alliance. The army began to sweep the entire Heavenly Grant Alliance.

The Tianshou Alliance, which has no masters in command, is almost undefended. In an instant, more than a dozen Martial Emperors teamed up to attack the headquarters.

And the hundreds of thousands of masters trapped in the formation were directly massacred by the Goddess Alliance, leaving no one alive.

The bloody method shocked the entire sect world. There are hundreds of thousands of strong men, more than a dozen of Emperor Wu, and countless princes and generals. So they were all slaughtered like this?

The Tianshou Alliance, which was in the limelight in the sect world for a while, was completely ended in this battle, and the strong were all lost. Only the high-level leaders of all parties escaped by chance and hid somewhere.

The territory of the Goddess Alliance was completely taken over by the Goddess Alliance. At this time, one-tenth of the southeast region of the entire sectarian world was almost completely occupied by the Goddess Alliance.

After this battle, the powerful strength of the Goddess Alliance emerged. Everyone knew that they still underestimated the Goddess Alliance. Remnant was very depressed, so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Although the Heavenly Grant Alliance suffered an unprecedented blow and collapsed directly, the situation of the Tiannv Temple is very bad. The attack of the three-party coalition forces has become more and more fierce. Their fronts have been constantly retreating, and countless disciples have been killed and beaten The land of Tiannv Temple is gradually shrinking.

On the front line of the Tiannv Temple against the Demon League, Chu Yun stood proudly on the top of the mountain, looking coldly at the dark and dense Demon League powerhouses in the distance. There are too many of them. The other three sects don't know what agreement they have reached with the Momeng, or they are fighting with each other to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and they have never expressed anything.

All the strong men they sent had died in battle, and many of the strong men from the Martial King of the Tiannv Temple had also fallen. Even Wen Yue's master was surrounded by the Martial Emperor of the Demon League, and finally died in battle.

Emperor Wu fell, and the situation on the battlefield was so tragic.

Misfortunes never come singly. Just as Chu Yun pretended to be Wuhou's strength and was resisting the attack of the Demon League, the coalition forces of the Western Continent had already begun to log in. Under the guidance of the coalition forces of Fusang and other countries, the huge fleet began to crazily attack the Donghua Empire. coastal defenses.

The situation is somewhat different from Chu Yun's grasp. The fleet of the Western Allied Forces is very powerful. Countless powerful magic cannons are sprayed crazily. One after another, huge magic balls are sent to the shore, blowing up the Donghua defenders. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, it was too horrible to look at.

However, the Western coalition forces that landed in Xiahai in the south did receive a tenacious counterattack. The huge cloud boat warships directly flew over the fleet, and then the huge spiritual light beams fired mercilessly, killing all the hundreds of warships that attacked. After blasting into the sea, the Western Continent directly gave up its move to occupy Xia Hai, and completely set its target on the northern coast.

The Donghua Empire's counterattack was also very violent, with countless spiritual power cannons and spiritual weapons, as well as countless huge mechanism men, countless strong men flew into the sky, and flying machines, walking machines, and cloud boat warships went out to fight one after another!

If it were Chu Yun's previous strategy, it would be to bring in all the troops from the Western Continent, and then surround and kill them on land, but now that he has established the Yunhan Empire by himself, it is impossible for the Donghua Empire to follow his routine Come.

In order to succeed in the surprise login of the Western Allied Forces, they directly built a huge teleportation array with a radius of more than a hundred miles on the sea. Countless Western Allied Forces rushed out from the teleportation, but their consumption was also very huge, like magic stones and flowing water. In consumption, the magic crystals that filled the entire island were all consumed after a quarter of an hour.

But they still didn't stop. More and more western coalition forces rushed out of the teleportation formation, and then huge battle castles flying in the sky came out of the huge teleportation beams without even taking a rest. went straight to the front.

The fighting power of the Christian army is extremely strong. They are not afraid of death. No matter how many comrades fall in front of them, they are still madly rushing towards the coastline. The magic battle castle in the sky and the magic arrows are falling down like raindrops. , Magic bombs one after another, magic light beams one after another, the blasted coastline is pierced with hundreds of holes, and the sight is full of desolation.

"Ha..." With a loud roar, finally a soldier from the Berserker Legion stepped onto the shore, but in the next second, he was shot out with a pile of flesh and blood by countless beams of spiritual power, and the comrades in the back were not afraid of death. The flesh and blood set foot on the shore again, and was also shot out of the body by the spiritual light beam, and fell into the waves.

The thousands of miles long coast has been stained red with blood at this time, and countless sea creatures have been involved in it, causing countless deaths and injuries.Countless bodies of fish and shrimp floated in the thousands of miles of sea water, and the sea water had also been dyed blood red.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, a huge magic battle castle was penetrated by a thick beam of spiritual power, and it was directly blasted into countless fragments in the sky, scattered in the sea water.

"Boom..." There was another loud noise, and the huge walking machine of the Donghua Empire was bombarded by countless magic bombs from the magic battle castle in the sky, and it was immediately shattered. The soldiers of the Donghua Field Battalion around were blown to pieces. Died on the spot.

Countless sharp whistling sounds suddenly came from the western sky, and then everyone saw countless bird-like flying machines flying over the sky and covering the sky. This kind of flying machine made entirely of steel and spirit stone furnaces is huge and has an astonishing speed. , when approaching the magic battle castle quickly, the flying machine suddenly burst out countless spiritual light beams, and there were countless thunder balls mixed in the spiritual light beams, all of which bombarded the seemingly indestructible magic battle castle.

The outer wall of the huge magic battle fort was smashed instantly, and the mechanism inside broke down at the same time. The energy of countless vented magic crystals exploded, and the entire magic battle fort was blown into pieces from the inside.

"Damn! What's the matter with the technology on the Eastern Continent? Why is it so difficult to understand?" The commander of the Western Advance Coalition Army and the head of the Crusaders' Berserker Legion yelled and patted the desk. The land of Donghua Continent has not yet set foot on it, which is simply a disgrace to the Temple of Mad War.

"The main force has already set off! Half of it is composed of a fleet, and the other half is a surprise attack army. It will attack the Eastern Continent through the teleportation array at any time, but if we can't even take down a coastal defense line, then the surprise attack will be nonsense! So we must log in first. Alright! Let the Knights of the Sun Sea God prepare for the assault, this time we must take down the coastal defense line, at least advance a thousand miles and gain a firm foothold, otherwise everything is nonsense!" A priest of the Creation Temple had an extremely gloomy expression, and he also felt that , The bones of the Eastern Continent are too difficult to crack.

With an order, the blood-colored sea suddenly became turbulent, and countless warriors in sea-blue armor rushed out of the sea, their brows shone with dazzling divine light, and their eyes seemed to have a huge blue whale in their eyes. Overwhelmed.

These Poseidon Knights, with a total of millions, are a unified powerful team composed of generals. With the blessing of sea water, their combat effectiveness is even stronger. They rode the majestic tsunami waves and rushed towards the coastline.

"Boom!" With an earth-shattering bang, a huge gap was blasted into the Donghua army's defense line. Following this gap, the army of the Temple of Mad War shouted the slogan of invincibility, waved their weapons, and moved towards the land. rushed to kill.

But at this moment, countless magic spirit powerhouses suddenly flew out from the Donghua army. They shouted loudly at the same time, and the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of ten thousand miles suddenly became turbulent. While the Western coalition forces were stunned, the ground cracked at the gap, A large river stretching thousands of miles appeared, and the Poseidon Knights rushing in with the wind and waves went directly down the river. Before they could react, the river suddenly dried up, and the land on both sides quickly closed, completely burying the million Poseidon Knights in it , The million-strong army was wiped out in an instant!

"My God! What kind of magic is this that can move mountains and seas?" The coalition commander was completely shocked.

Although millions of Poseidon Knights were killed in an instant, the Berserker Knights successfully opened a huge gap, and the magic battle castle in the sky was fully fired, blasting the gap bigger and bigger. The defense line will be completely opened.

The Donghua army fought fiercely, almost making it impossible for the Western Allied forces to move an inch. The Knights of the Temple with the blessing of divine power was nothing more than the army of other countries, and they were completely defeated in a single encounter.

Therefore, the Christian knights rushed to the front, slashing all the way, and drove the Donghua army thousands of miles away. Then they retracted their formation, guarded the fortress, and bought time for the Western coalition forces to gain a firm foothold.

They knew that the Donghua Empire's anti-Pu would be very strong, so they made the final preparations. Once the magic battle castle was made, it was put on the front line, and all kinds of fighting mechanisms produced by the Seiko clan were sent to the front line. Consolidate your own defense and create a good place for the main force to log in smoothly.

In this regard, the East Coast Defense War, which changed the course of history, officially came to an end.

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