
Chapter 73 Breakthrough Samurai

Chapter 73: Breakthrough Samurai

The darkness, the boundless darkness, Chu Yun couldn't even see his own palm in the darkness.The darkness around him seems to have set a box for himself, making it impossible for him to even open his eyes.

Um!Maybe it's because I kept my eyes closed, so the surrounding area became dark, right?

Fortunately, he can still feel his basic body parts, especially the lifeblood between his legs, the feeling is particularly strong.This made him feel relieved.

If you are really alive, even if you die, you only need to leave your lifeblood in order to pass on the family and grow the team!I don't know what the female ghosts in the nether world look like, not to mention they are more beautiful than Feng Wu, and they can't be eyeless or faceless. Wouldn't it be disgusting to have a child?

Oh~ By the way, I don't know if female ghosts can have children!

A sharp pain came from the back of the waist, linked to the violent twitching of the internal organs, as if someone was opening himself up, digging out all the internal organs of the whole body and boiling them in water.Such excruciating pain dragged the soul-flying wife back, and then he began to try to open his eyes, but he still couldn't see a single gleam of light.

Countless deeds that he experienced during his lifetime slowly came to mind, and the faces of those good friends in Qingshan Town flashed one by one.All kinds of attitudes when hooking up with them, all kinds of shyness and wantonness when they are having fun on the bed, their ferocious and frightened faces when they are temporary, and the gray eyes that cannot be closed.

Then, the faces of Feng Wu, Feng Xue, Feng Yu, Duanmuyue, Long Hongling, Yu Fengyu, Sima Juan, Shu Yuejing, and even Mi Jingyun flashed through my mind one by one. The attractive appearance became more and more clear in Chu Yun's mind.

When Chu Yun tried to open his eyes again, he didn't know how long it had passed. Anyway, he finally saw a little hope, and he could vaguely see a little light through his eyelids.This light made him feel like a treasure, and he tried harder to open his eyes.

I don't know how long he worked hard, but finally succeeded.

The first time he opened his eyes, he secretly hoped that the one who would meet his eyes would be a glamorous and stunning girl, even if it was a glamorous old mistress, he could have an in-depth discussion with her ideal in life.

But he was still disappointed, because he could see nothing but the thick fog overhead that could not see the sky.

"Hey..." Sighed softly, and couldn't help cursing those bastards who fell into the abyss and met either a peerless expert, a stunning beauty, or both, why don't you put your All the good luck is on me alone?Let me have an expert to heal my wounds, a beautiful woman to match my whites, and a treasure that is incomparably rich.

Not only will I not scold you, but I will kowtow and burn paper for you every year and festival.

"Hey, kid, are you awake?" A crisp and tender voice suddenly came from the side, which was extremely pleasant to the ear. On the thick vines of the tree and the mountain wall, there is a little girl dressed in blue.

Chu Yun's eyes widened involuntarily. Although the fog was thick, he could still see the little girl's appearance clearly.She was about twelve or thirteen years old, with long, silky hair that reached her ankles.A round face as white as jade is almost transparent, crystal clear and touching.

Slender and neat eyebrows from distant mountains, a pair of big watery eyes that are as bright and frightening as a clear pool, and the dark as night eyes are like black pearls, and the whites of the eyes are almost invisible.The long eyelashes covered the eyes, which looked extremely mysterious and cunning.

A skirt with light blue patterns covered her small crystal clear body, and a pair of jade feet with red fruits swayed back and forth under the skirt, as if carved from white jade.

Chu Yun couldn't help being startled as a celestial being, wondering if he was saved by a celestial being?In such a deep abyss, there is such a beautiful and lovely little girl sitting, which makes people daydream.

Seeing that Chu Yun opened his eyes, the little girl gave an elf smile, revealing a mouthful of white and neat silver teeth. She giggled and said, "Hey, you're finally awake! You didn't die when you fell from such a high place, you It's really a blessing!"

Chu Yun wanted to speak, but his throat was so dry that it almost cracked and he couldn't make a sound.The little girl said to herself: "Fortunately, I'm playing here, and I wanted to catch you when you fell, but you were too heavy to hurt me, so I let you fall! "

"But I still saved your life!" She looked at Chu Yun innocently with her big clear eyes, and said with a smile: "Although I just bandaged your wound briefly, the bleeding has been stopped, uh ... You must have left a lot of blood in such a big gash on your back? But why did you wake up so quickly? It's strange..." Her small red mouth suddenly closed, and then she changed her tone and said with a smile: " Don't thank me, I just came here for fun, and I picked a few beautiful grasses, but I didn't know what effect they had, so I just fed them to you, and I didn't expect to save you!"

Chu Yun broke into a cold sweat after hearing this, and thought to himself who is this little girl?You actually used yourself to test the medicine?

The little girl seemed to have endless things to say, she looked around with her beautiful eyes, and said with a charming smile, "Look, this is the place I discovered years ago. The tree is so big, it is bigger than my house. The houses are big, and I don’t know how many years I have grown here.”

"I want to build a small wooden house here as a temporary residence. If you get well, how about getting up and helping me build one? Just repay my life-saving grace, okay?"

Chu Yun really couldn't stand up, otherwise, if he heard such a beautiful little girl acting like a baby to him, he wouldn't be able to refuse, right?

"Oh, by the still can't talk, right? I'll pick some fruits for you and eat them later, and you'll be fine! You can help me build a house at that time, but don't come after you go out , this is my own place, if you come, I will charge you money!"

The little girl was muttering somewhere, but her pair of beautiful eyes were staring away.Chu Yun listened to it for half an hour, and every sentence was useful to him, so he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Seeing that Chu Yun had actually fallen asleep, the little girl curled her delicate mouth in dissatisfaction. Suddenly, her petite and exquisite body slowly floated up, and she glanced at the huge tree that was hundreds of feet high out of thin air.

When Chu Yun woke up again, he felt much better. He closed his eyes and mobilized the zhenqi in his body, but there was no reaction at all.

"Hey, you lazy pig, why are you still sleeping? Hurry up and cut trees with me, you promised to build me a house, how can you sleep here?" The little girl's voice came to her ears again, and Chu Yun's seven senses were almost so angry Spitting blood, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, this little girl is too unreasonable, she can't even move while lying here, and you still ask me to cut down trees, you think I'm a bald man.

"Bang..." With a sound, Chu Yun only felt that someone had kicked his thigh hard, and he jumped up in a panic. He was about to point at the little girl's nose and yell at him when he suddenly realized that he Stand up miraculously.

"What's the situation?" Chu Yun foolishly looked down at the white and tender girl carved out of jade.

"Hmph, you're lucky, I found a spiritual herb inside for you to eat, but your injury is too serious, you can only recover your body, and you can't replenish your true energy. But give me I always have the strength to build a house, so hurry up..."

As she said that, the little girl stepped forward and kicked Chu Yu viciously.

Chu Yun was in pain, and quickly pulled out the steel ax from the ring, thinking of a few big trees in the distance and rushed over.

"Dangcang..." With a sound, the powerful counter-shock force almost broke Chu Yun's wrist, and the steel ax in his hand couldn't be held firmly, and it bounced off Lao Gao all at once.

"So hard?" Chu Yun held his wrist and cursed in a low voice.

"Of course, this is a thousand-year-old Huatiemu. You are a useless person now, and you want to cut them down with that scrap iron? What a dream!" The little girl appeared on the branch of this Huatiemu at some time , leisurely pointing at Chu Yun and scolding.

Chu Yun was really uncertain about the little girl's temper and owed her life-saving grace, so he could only listen angrily.

Seeing Chu Yun's decadent appearance, the little girl casually threw down a saw, and said in a rather shocking tone: "Hmph, look at your useless appearance! I'll go find out if there is any elixir for you. You can't even cut down a tree with a little qi, it's really useless!"

Looking at the little girl stepping lightly on the branch and going away, Chu Yun sat down on the ground decadently, thinking to himself who is this little girl?The tongue is too vicious.

When the little girl came back, Chu Yun was still sitting on the ground without moving.She casually threw him a blood-colored ginseng, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are so lucky, this blood-colored ginseng is hundreds of years old, hurry up and eat it and work for me!"

Without saying a word, Chu Yun stuffed the blood ginseng into his mouth. As soon as he touched his stomach, he felt an unusually powerful energy rushing through his body, causing him to howl in pain.

The little girl who sat on the tree vine again said softly: "It's really useless!"

No matter how hard Chu Yun could be looked down upon by a little girl, he gritted his teeth to keep himself from making a sound, and then sat cross-legged, ###zhenqi began to repair the trauma in his body.

The palm before falling off the cliff almost shattered his internal organs, but with the help of this blood ginseng, it was immediately intact, and a thin qi gradually condensed in the dantian, and then expanded extremely rapidly, gradually becoming as big as it was. About the size of a fist.

Chu Yun only felt refreshed, and he pushed his true energy even harder, and once again condensed a fist-sized true energy bead at his dantian.

But that powerful energy has not been fully digested, Chu Yu continued to work hard, only felt a one-of-a-kind energy penetrated from the sky, and the meridians of the whole body extended in all directions, suddenly enlightened!

The little girl in the distance looked over in surprise, and muttered in a low voice: "Breakthrough to a warrior so quickly? But...why does it feel so weird? Why is the true energy in his dantian so strong?"

At this moment, Chu Yun finally got rid of the name of color rank and formally broke through to the rank of warrior.

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