
Chapter 735 Permanent Necklace

Chapter 730 Fifth Permanent Necklace

730 Five: Permanent Necklace

The Lu family is located in the organ mountain. This huge mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles is all composed of organs. Even the organ city at the foot of the mountain is also full of organs, whether it is defense or attack. Whether it is life or work, everything is fully automatic.

Therefore, the members of the Lu family have almost no combat power, but everyone knows how to use tricks, even children who have just learned to walk can recite their tricks aloud.

The situation of the organ city is completely different from that of Moxie city. Moye city allows outsiders to live in and do business, but the organ city does not allow any outsiders to take root here, but it is also bustling and lively.

When Chu Yun and the three girls came here, Chu Yun and Homayi Qingying were startled by the scene here. The entire city made of steel and wood was extremely strong in both defense and attack. tough.

Compared with this organ city, any magic battle castle or cloud boat warship are all floating clouds. If you control this city, I believe that no matter how many powerful people invade, they can easily defeat it.

Look at the Leizi Cannon with a one-foot-thick barrel on the city wall, and those huge machine men standing at the foot of the city wall, ten feet high, whose firepower is so powerful that it makes people pee their pants.

Those huge warheads are somewhat similar to the giant warheads of the Xingyun Empire that Chu Yun saw on Jinggong Island last time, but the workmanship is completely incomparable, but no matter in terms of defense or attack power, they are not inferior at all.

Just look at the spirit formations that flicker on the performance of the organ man's armor, and you can know that this huge organ man's combat power is comparable to that of the Shuaihou Wangdi.

It is not without reason that the Lu family can protect themselves in the chaos.

There are quite a few people coming in and out of the agency, probably coming here to see the world and the trading agency. When Chu Yun and the three girls walked into the city, they saw that there were countless transport vehicles on the straight streets. There is an endless stream, carrying passengers to every place they want to go.

Chu Yun's sense of breath has been sweeping around. Although the organ city is protected by a powerful spirit array, it still doesn't work in front of the gods around him, so Chu Yun can clearly scan the entire organ city.

For example, hundreds of feet underground in the organ city is a vast production workshop, where countless organs are being assembled on the assembly line, and then packed and sealed.To Chu Yun's surprise, the machine man he gave to Lu Zhu before was actually among them, and it can be seen that the production quantity is absolutely large-scale manufacturing, and the Lu family has improved it, for example The armor has been increased, and the output of the spiritual power cannon has also been enhanced a lot.

It seems that the Lu family has made a lot of money in this mechanism for so many years, but Lu Zhu didn't mention a word, it seems that he swallowed his own benefits, no way!This is absolutely not possible, after a while, you must make her look good, not only to get back the money with interest, but also to charge her a few more sisters, otherwise I will be at a loss.

Thinking about dirty things in her mind, Qingying next to her suddenly screamed: "Wow... Look, look... Then... Isn't that Goddess Lu Zhu?"

This scream startled everyone, and everyone looked over at the same time, and saw a stunning beauty beside a luxurious locomotive, who seemed to have just come down from above, Qingying this The sharp-eyed little girl recognized it at a glance.

The people around were crazy, and immediately surrounded them with screams, one by one yelling for autographs, which gave Lu Zhu a bad headache. The car drove away quickly.

Qingying and the others were disappointed for a while, only Mo Han's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what to think of.

Chu Yun's senses had already locked onto the luxurious mechanical car. Seeing the crowd around him disperse, he led the four girls to chase after it. No matter how fast the mechanical car was, he couldn't get out of the mechanical city. So what are you in a hurry for?

After wandering around the organ city for a long time, I finally found the locomotive on the street not far ahead. At this time, there was no one in the locomotive, probably on business.

Chu Yun led the three girls to lean on the locomotive and squatted down. The three girls thought it was indecent, so they took out some stools from the storage ring and sat down, waiting for someone to come back. .

An hour later, accompanied by several Wu Zhans wearing organ battle armor, Lu Zhu, who was as noble as a queen, walked out from a corner. Chu Yun's eyes flashed, that place was a dead end, it seemed that there must be secret Dao and other things exist, it seems that she is still here to do the secret tears.

When they walked in front of the locomotive, they saw Chu Yun leaning there like a beggar. The leading goddess Lu Zhu was slightly taken aback, and then showed a very puzzled expression, which made Chu Yun feel It's very strange, why doesn't she know herself?Could it be that an accident occurred while researching the institution, blowing her head out of her mind?

Under Lu Zhu's signal, a guard strode over, and the transplanted Chu Yun shouted in a low voice: "Boy, get out of the way quickly, don't you know it's very impolite to rely on other people's cars?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, stood up and looked at Lu Zhu, and raised his chin at her from afar: "The beautiful girl over there, I'm tired... come here and open the door for me, let me go in and rest for a while! "

As soon as these words came out, Lu Zhu's smiling face suddenly turned cold, and the faces of the guards also changed drastically. The moment they stood in front of Chu Yun, they drew out their weapons and aimed at Chu Yun, shouting: "Bold madman, how dare you! Dare to molest my young lady in the organ city, it is really audacious, quickly apologize to our young lady, otherwise you will die without a place to bury you today!"

Lu Zhu waved his jade hand without saying a word, and several guards surrounded him at the same time, ready to beat up this kid. He was so arrogant. Someone actually molested the eldest lady of the Lu family in the organ city. He didn't know what to do. how to write.

Mo Han rolled his eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop: "Sister Lu Dan, it's me..."

Then Lu Zhu saw Mo Han, his expression was stunned, he waved his hand to let the guard stop, then looked at Mo Han with great doubts, and asked after a long while: "Mo Han? Why are you here? This kid Who else?"

Mo Han rolled his eyes, so he stepped forward and took Chu Yun's arm casually, and told her who this kid was.

Lu Dan looked at Mo Han stupidly, his small mouth was getting bigger and bigger, and finally it was enough to stuff an egg in, and finally screamed in disbelief: "Oh my are that wolf ghost……"

Chu Yun quit, and raised his chin and asked her unhappily: "What are you talking about, beautiful girl? Who is a pervert?" Only now did he know that this beautiful girl must be the sister of that little girl named Lu Zhu. , this woman's mouth is really strict enough, she didn't even tell me, if I see her in a while, I will definitely clean up her!

", please be polite, otherwise I will tell my sister, I will make you look good!" Although Lu Dan looked a little fierce on the surface, there was deep fear in his eyes, and he didn't know what Lu Zhu was like. What did Mei Niu tell her to make her so afraid of Chu Yun.

Chu Yun folded his arms and said with a cold smile: "Beauty! You have to be more polite when you speak. I'm your brother-in-law. Do you ever talk to your brother-in-law like this? Be careful. I'll tell my father-in-law and mother-in-law to take care of you." !"

"I..." Lu Dan was choked speechless all of a sudden, thinking that this kid is really just like what his sister said, he is really bad-tempered, and he is soft rather than hard, it seems that he needs to change his strategy a bit .

Thinking of this, Lu Dan suddenly blushed, walked in front of Chu Yun, stretched out Xiao Xiaoyu's hand to hold the corner of Chu Yun's clothes, and said coquettishly in that sweet voice that makes people go limp: " Brother-in-law...I know I was can forgive me..."

This sudden change made everyone's glasses widen. The guards who escorted her threw their weapons on the ground one by one, dumbfounded and tongue-tied.

Even Chu Yun could bear such a miraculous change from her, and immediately froze there.

Seeing his state, Lu Dan was overjoyed. It seemed that this pervert was soft but not hard, so she said even more tiresomely: "Brother-in-law, you see that we met for the first time, and you didn't even think about it." What gift do you want to give me? I heard from my sister that you are the leader of the League of Goddesses, and you are the richest in the world. I don’t want ordinary things..."

Chu Yun rolled his eyes, thinking that Lu Zhu had exposed all his weaknesses, and even used his sister to play a beauty trick, but I never mind that sisters eat everything, isn't it just a meeting gift, I still lack ?

So he looked around and said with a smile: "This is not a place to talk, let's find a place to sit!"

"Okay, okay!" Lu Dan was so happy that he hurriedly asked the guards to lead the way, and then turned back from that corner. She pressed her hand casually, and a basement entrance was immediately revealed in the corner. flew in.

My brother-in-law has to carry someone behind his back when giving a gift. It seems like a very good gift. It would be great if it was a top-quality spiritual weapon.

With great excitement, she tightly clenched her small fists, and looked at Chu Yun with burning eyes, her beautiful eyes were about to burst into tears.

Elder sister Lu Zhu has been getting better with this kid, food and food are all the best, and even a pair of underpants are the best magic weapon. She has been jealous for a long time, and her hair is turning green. Now she is better!I finally caught this brother-in-law, so I must hit him hard.

Mo Han, Homayi, and Qingying followed quickly. Mohan was curious about what gift he would give Lu Dan, and Homayi and Qingying were even more curious. This kid Chu Yun can offer so much at once. Lingshi must be a rich man, let's see what rare things he can come up with.

Under the extremely expectant eyes of the four girls, Chu Yun took out a shining necklace from the blood pill furnace. As soon as the necklace came out, a majestic divine power immediately filled the entire room, so that the divine power did not have the slightest attack power. Otherwise, the girls would have to vomit blood.

Faced with such a powerful divine power, the complexions of the women changed drastically, sometimes pale, sometimes joyful, and finally burst into tears of excitement.

Chu Yun smiled lightly: "This is the eternal necklace. As you can see, it is a veritable artifact! But apart from being able to maintain innocence, it only has a little ability to protect itself automatically, so it is not the best artifact. ..."

Hearing Chu Yun's regretful words, the girls were completely speechless, and Lu Dan was even more excited and couldn't stand still, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, my God!Artifact!This kid turned out to be an artifact?

This book was first published in kanshu 囧

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