
Chapter 98 The Temple of the Three-Eyed Warlord

Chapter 98: Temple of the Three-Eyed Warlord

Fengcheng once again fell into the frenzy of killing. Those disciples of the Fengmen who entered the city arrogantly drove away the panicked people around them. Countless men in blood-colored suits rushed out of the shadows with blood-colored steel claws in their hands. They cut off their heads very cleanly.

These blood-clothed people are so vicious and vicious that they don't even care about the people around them. When the claws and killings rise, they will rush into the crowd of people and claw them for a while. Reached thousands of people.

These wolf howlers of the Gorefiend Sect screamed excitedly, as if they were like wheat, they clawed and killed slices of people on the spot, blood staining countless streets.

"Wait... Demon Cult monster?" With an angry shout, an elder of Fengmen killed him instantly, countless light thorns gushed out from his sleeves, and those wolf howlers roared up to the sky, before they had time to attack , Those thorns have pierced their throats mercilessly.

"You ants, why don't you wait to be killed?" These elders were completely angry. Although they were a little overjoyed after holding back for so many days, they still didn't want to kill innocent people. These people are their parents, how can they To be killed so easily by these demon cult monsters?

The entire Windy City was completely in chaos, more and more people were affected, and those wolf howlers who were stimulated became more and more mad.

In just half an hour, more than half of the Fengmen disciples had been killed or injured, and they were still inferior to those unscrupulous wolf howlers.

On Fengshen Mountain, Gu Xiao and a group of temple holders stood on a high platform. In front of them was a light curtain formed by cold fog. The light curtain showed the crazy killings in Fengcheng. Gu Xiao said with a graceful smile: " The Blood Demon Cult finally lost their composure. They seem to have forgotten the existence of my Heavenly View in their insolence."

Gu Bo, who held the temple of the three-eyed Zhanjun Temple, pulled out a ferocious smile, his eyes flickered with blood, and he said with a grinning smile: "Gu Xiao, let my sons kill them now? Kill all these demons and monsters !"

Gu Xiao shook his head and smiled: "No, our enemies are not limited to the Blood Demon Sect, it's not too late to act after we both suffer..."

"It's really unexpected that this knife alliance really has to collude with the Blood Demon Sect, so why do we approve their establishment?" Gu Bo's hideous aura subsided, and he asked in confusion.

"Hehe, how can we catch big fish without bait?" Fengshen Temple Chimiao Gulin laughed twice: "If they are not allowed to relax their vigilance, how can they appear in Fengcheng so blatantly?"

"Furthermore, the establishment of a superpower in the Jianghu will also help balance. In the future, we will eat hot pot and sing divine songs, and watch them bite dogs. Why not do it?"

Gu Xiao waved his hand to make Gu Lin stop, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's almost time, and my main force in Xiangfengmen has almost been wiped out. Gu Bo, it's up to you from the Sanmu Zhanjun Temple."

"Haha, just look at it!" Gu Bo grinned grimly, the blood in his eyes flashed, and he let out a long and loud howl in the sky.

At the same time, the four gates of the Heavenly Temple on Fengshen Mountain in the center of Fengcheng opened wide, and countless Heavenly Temple warriors wearing gorgeous silver armor poured out in large numbers.

There was a loud and clear eagle cry in the sky, and three or four huge eagles with wings spread ten feet circled in the sky, feeding back all the movements in Fengcheng to the Tianguan Sanmu Zhanjun Temple.

In the Sanmu Zhanjun Temple, Xuan Ye is the main one, and there are many direct descendants of Xuan's generation in the Zhanjun Temple on both sides.They stared intently at the light curtains projected from every corner in front of them with great excitement. The martial arts of the Zhanjun Temple in the light curtains were like the gods of war, chopping the wolf howlers of the Gorefiend Cult on their long knives. Down.

"How could the demons of the Blood Demon Sect be my opponents in the Tianguan Zhanjun Temple? I don't think the strangulation will be over in a long time." Behind Xuan Ye, a young man from the direct line laughed arrogantly.

"Don't take it lightly. If the Blood Demon Sect can survive the countless times of siege in my Tianguan, it must have a fairly strong foundation, so... order the magic spirit team to dispatch and resolve the battle as soon as possible..." Xuan Ye was quite stable drank.

On a dozen or so specially-made wooden chairs in front of the light curtain, a dozen or so heavenly servants in cyan robes are holding two cyan spirit stones the size of pebbles, and countless mysterious runes. The hand flickered, and a series of commands had been sent out through the spirit stone in his hand.

In a short time, hundreds of slender figures shot up from the Three-Eyed Zhanjun Temple on Fengshen Mountain, turning into countless streams of light and shooting towards all parts of Fengcheng.

On the wide and neat streets, countless disciples of the Wind Sect were robbed and killed by wolf howlers, and countless arrogant wolf howlers were washed away by a silver torrent in an instant. They were cut into a wisp of smoke.

Those wolf howlers who had just gotten the news and were about to go into hiding hadn't had time to pull their legs. Suddenly, a slender figure appeared above his head. It was condensed, and then ferociously fell from the sky, instantly turning him into a pile of fly ash.

"It's Wu Zhan and Fa Ling from the Sanmu Zhanjun Temple, retreat..." Countless wolf howlers scattered all over Fengcheng stopped killing at the same time, and then turned into a bloody light and fled in all directions. The three-headed eagle in the sky uttered a cry and sent it back to the Temple of the Three-Eyed Warlord through its sensitive eyes.

Xuan Ye sneered coldly: "Let the Faling team pursue, and the Wu team will rush one after another. The Gorefiend Cult demons can't be left alone!"

The warriors who received the order quickly dispersed their forces and scattered in all directions, guided by the magic spirit in the sky, wearing their heavy silver armor without hesitation.

In the main rudder of the Sword League Fengcheng, the place has already been dyed blood red by bright red blood. Feng Qing was soaked in blood, standing weakly in the courtyard, looking at a burly man in a blood robe with red eyebrows with fear and resentment. man.

"Feng Qing? Are you the elder brother of that kid Feng Yang?" The blood-robed man laughed and said, "Your skills are not weak, but you are still a bit weak in front of me."

" are..." Feng Qing was extremely shocked in his heart, he really couldn't see the exact strength of the man in front of him, but just as soon as he appeared, he seriously injured himself with one palm.Moreover, many direct descendants of his subordinates were also crushed into blood foam by the remaining power of this palm.

"Oh... I remember that most of the people in Fengmen live in your secret lair, so they are not very familiar with my Blood Demon Sect! If Fengyang is here, I believe he will be able to guess the identity of me !" The blood-robed man laughed and said: "But for me, I can't be as knowledgeable as you. Let me tell you, my name is Yin Dao, and I am the head of the three guardians of the Blood Demon Sect. Do you know? "

Feng Qing's face became extremely ugly, and he sighed bitterly: "I heard that there are three major protectors of the Blood Demon Sect, and they are all peerless masters of high-ranking military commanders. I saw them today and they really deserve their reputation! I can't imagine that you actually colluded with the sword alliance. There will also be a protector sitting in the town in person, which is too worthy of my wind gate."

Yin Dao waved his hands and smiled: "You're right, with your talent, it's really not worth a dignified Dharma protector from this seat. My Blood Demon Sect has [-] wolf howlers. With them, you can destroy your Fengmen." Let's not talk anymore."

"Then...then why are you..." Feng Qing was horrified. The strength of the Blood Demon Sect is too strong. All the wolf howlers are elites in martial arts, and there are many warriors, military captains, and even martial arts warriors among them. School-level masters, let alone a hundred thousand, even if there are ten thousand martial arts elites, they can conquer cities and dominate one side.

"This is not something you have to worry about. You should obediently meet the Blood Demon Cult with me. In the future, you will be a wolf howler from my Blood Demon Cult. What do you think?" Yin Dao smiled happily up.

"Hmph... I am a disciple of the Fengmen, how can I betray my ancestors? You monsters of the Demon Sect, even if I, Feng Qing, am smashed to pieces, I will not join with you." Feng Qing straightened up suddenly, and the real energy on the palm of his hand condensed into two His eyes were wide open, and a group of dazzling blue lights lit up in the depths of his pupils, as if countless winds were flowing wildly.

"Fengying Thousand Killer?" Yin Dao chuckled, then raised his palm suddenly, and slapped Feng Qingyang who was ready to go.

With a crisp sound of "Pa...", the true airflow wrapped around Feng Qing's body suddenly burst, and Feng Qing's slap slapped his whole body about ten feet away, smashing the door to pieces.

"Hey, you haven't mastered your wind gate's trick yet. If you sneak up on me in the dark, I believe you can still hurt me, but if you fight me so openly, you are really tender..." Yin Dao laughed and walked towards Feng Qing in the ruins, with a playful smile like a cat seeing a mouse on his face, which made people's hair stand on end.

Feng Qing spit out blood profusely, his whole body's bones were almost shattered by Yin Dao's slap, he felt extremely regretful, why didn't they abide by the ancestral precepts left by their ancestors?If you insist on making great achievements and leading all the elites under you, this will be all right, not to mention losing all your wealth, and now you will also lose your life. Why is this?

"Feng Qing, I think it is not easy for you to cultivate to this level. I will give you another chance. Now kneel down and swear allegiance to my Blood Demon Cult. I will heal your wound immediately and will give you more Many rewards will make you stronger than before, what do you think?" Yin Dao smiled brightly.

"You are dreaming, this sect only wants to die..." Feng Qing shouted angrily, then closed his eyes tightly and waited for death.

Yin Dao shook his head and sighed: "Why doesn't my Blood Demon Sect have such a loyal person? Well, I will fulfill you..." He raised his palm high, and was about to take a shot to smash Fengqing. As for his forehead, a dark light invisible to the naked eye flashed away from his body.

"Puchi..." With a sound, Yin Dao's chest suddenly showed a foot-long wound, and the black-red blood sprayed out like a fountain all the way.

Yin Dao's soul flew into the sky with a roar, his body soared into the sky, and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.Two figures dressed in dark blue costumes and holding a handful of dark spikes flashed in the courtyard, and without saying a word, they hugged Feng Qing's body and disappeared in place again.

At the next breath, Yin Dao's huge figure descended from the sky. The wounds on his body had recovered to the original state, and his big eyes were filled with blood, making him look particularly ferocious.

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