The story of living together with a beautiful teacher with black silk

Chapter 91: Surprise in the middle of the night

As soon as I heard Wang Ruobing's words, I didn't feel any burden. I was afraid that Wang Ruobing was worried about something, but now it seems that Wang Ruobing has acquiesced, and it's no problem to take off my pants and sleep.

Without turning on the light, I slowly took off my trousers in the dark, leaving only one underpants, only then did I feel that it was not as hot as before and was much more comfortable.

However, this comfort was only for a moment, and soon, I became even more uncomfortable.Because of Wang Ruobing by my side, I started to lust in my heart without feeling it. The little prince couldn't bear this lust, and slowly raised his head high, majestic, as if he was about to go to the battlefield look.

I tried my best to restrain myself, because I knew very well in my heart that messing with Zhang Haiyan is fine, because Zhang Haiyan has that kind of personality, but if I mess with Wang Ruobing, I am afraid that Wang Ruobing will be even more determined to me. At that time, My teacher Xue is about to become a past event. I don’t want Teacher Xue to become a past event. Therefore, for the sake of Teacher Xue, I am trying my best to restrain myself and try not to let myself do anything inappropriate at this time. Otherwise, I will wait until After waking up, I didn't even have a place to take regret medicine.

But I finally found that I couldn't restrain myself, even if I didn't shoot a cannon, I still had to fly a plane, because the little prince held his head high at this time, and there was no way for me to sleep peacefully.

I touched the bed with my hand, and suddenly found that there was toilet paper next to me, and I was a little excited. Then I covered my body with the quilt, slowly put my hand under it, and started the top-secret masturbation plan.

Between stretching and shrinking the hand, the excitement in my heart is very obvious, masturbating to the back of the school girl, this is something that those school boys who are often sexually obsessed can't imagine, but today I will practice it, I guess those guys Knowing what I did might tear me to pieces.

Since we are sleeping on a bed, not a kang, Wang Ruobing might be alarmed if we masturbate too much, so I try to slow down my movements as much as possible, and try not to let Wang Ruobing feel it, otherwise, I will lose the adults .

I don't know how long it took, anyway, I feel that this time is much more difficult than other times. It took a long time before I felt that I was about to ejaculate, so I quickly took the prepared toilet paper on the other side. I put one hand in front of the horse's eyes. Sure enough, at this moment, my whole body was full of energy, and I felt extremely refreshed. The white liquid shot on the toilet paper.After enjoying it for a second or two, I quickly wiped my little prince clean and threw the toilet paper under it.This thing will be dry tomorrow morning, even if Wang Ruobing sees it, I can still say it's snot, so I'm not afraid at all.

I exhaled two breaths, the little prince finally softened slowly, and felt much more comfortable down there.

Without the restraint of the little prince, I immediately decided to go to sleep, but before I fell asleep, Wang Ruobing next to me suddenly said: "Xiaolong, have you smelled it? There seems to be a special smell in the room, which I can't describe What is it, why don't you turn on the light and see..."

Wang Ruobing stopped before he finished speaking, and I don't know why.This stop made me a little flustered. Could it be that Wang Ruobing knew what I just did?This is absolutely impossible, thinking that I am a super invincible master at picking up girls, how can I let a chick know the nasty things I do?

In order to prove my innocence, I decided to take a gamble, so I pretended to be calm and said: "I also smell a smell, why don't you turn on the light and have a look?"

My hand started to feel for the light switch, and deliberately made a little noise on the wall to let Wang Ruobing know that I was really going to find the source of the smell.Of course, it's impossible to turn on the light, it's just a pretense, I'm betting, the gambling king Ruobing won't pursue it.

However, I was still thinking wrong, Wang Ruobing did not stop me in the end, and I could only turn on the light when I was on the verge of riding a tiger.

As soon as the light was turned on, the room lit up immediately. I looked under the bed and saw the toilet paper.Because the bed was against the wall, there was an open space at the head of the bed, so Wang Ruobing could see the toilet paper underneath as long as he raised his head, and the transparent liquid on the toilet paper was still clearly visible.

"Let me see, is there something broken?" Wang Ruobing looked around suspiciously.

I really want to hide that ball of toilet paper, but I still don't have the courage. If Wang Ruobing happened to see it when I went to pick up the toilet paper, then I would be speechless!

Fortunately, Wang Ruobing gave up after looking around for a while.

"It seems that nothing is broken. What is the smell?" Wang Ruobing said and was about to get under the covers and sleep.

However, at this moment, Wang Ruobing suddenly looked under the head of the bed, what a disaster, the ball of toilet paper was clearly placed on the ground, it was difficult for Wang Ruobing to see it!

The last thing I expected to happen finally happened. Wang Ruobing looked down at the ball of toilet paper, and then looked at me suspiciously.

"Have you caught a cold?" Wang Ruobing asked me.

"Ah? Oh, yes, I caught a cold. I don't know when I caught the cold. My nose is a little stuffy, and I feel uncomfortable!" I said quickly.

I regretted it very much in my heart, why did I throw this thing in such an obvious place beside the bed, a smart woman like Wang Ruobing, even if she couldn't understand it for a while, she would eventually understand.At this time, I already knew that my image in Wang Ruobing's heart would soon become that kind of big whore.However, after thinking about it, I seem to be really a big whore. Is this just letting Wang Ruobing see the real me?

"Then let me find some medicine for you. How can you survive if you don't take medicine for a cold!" Wang Ruobing said as he went to get medicine. God, what I hate the most in my life is taking medicine. save me!

"No need, it's just a cold, it'll pass after a while!" In order to avoid taking medicine, I said a very stupid thing.

Wang Ruobing also stopped suddenly at this time, looked at me, and slowly moved her gaze down. When I felt that she saw me, her face immediately turned red.

"Hurry up and go to sleep!" Wang Ruobing dropped such a sentence, and then got into the bed, even covering her head.

I know that Wang Ruobing already knew the whole story, and he couldn't help but feel very embarrassed, but at this moment, I seemed to have no choice but to turn off the light and lie down under the covers.

When I just lay down, I was still a little bit embarrassed and couldn't sleep. After all, I was caught by a woman for doing that kind of thing. However, after a short time, I fell asleep.

In my deep sleep, I had a dream. I dreamed that when I was having sex with Wang Ruobing, a wolf suddenly entered our field of vision, and Wang Ruobing immediately yelled.

When Wang Ruobing yelled, I woke up immediately. I thought it was just a dream, but found that Wang Ruobing who was sleeping next to me screamed and threw herself into my arms.

Instinctively, I quickly put Wang Ruobing in my arms and looked ahead, only to find a person walking towards us slowly with a lighter in the dark.

I was also terrified by this scene. I am a standard atheist and I don’t believe in ghosts in this world at all. However, the scene that appeared in front of me really scared me a lot, because the one who was walking with a lighter The people are really weird.

When normal people walk, their posture is very pleasing to the eye, at least the steps are coherent, but now, the person walking in front of him with a lighter is obviously different from ordinary people. His walking posture is really like a ghost walking , people feel fear after seeing it.

"Xiaolong, I'm afraid!" Wang Ruobing held my arm tightly, her body trembling constantly.

"Don't be afraid!" I appeased Wang Ruobing, and then summoned up my courage to say, "You... who are you?"

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