The whole process was straightforward, fierce and well-trained, no less than regular troops.

After throwing people into the basement, there is still time to help the flower that was trampled by that foreigner up.

Seeing that the few in front were more unlucky than the other, the fourth mercenary learned the lesson from the previous one and landed on a tree fork in the backyard.

The book is about twice the size of an ordinary bowl, and it's not that thick. It's not easy to hide people here.

He thought to himself, there must be people hiding here, but holding a tree trunk, he just took off the fixing belt on his body and pushed the hang glider away, when suddenly the tree in front of him parted, and heads came out one by one, he was startled Da Tiao immediately went to grab the pistol, but the opponent's had already raised it, and he didn't know what he threw out when he raised his hand. It seemed to be something like dust. As soon as his hand touched the handle of the gun, he felt his whole face was hot , especially in his eyes, the pain was like burning, and he couldn't open them at all. He covered his eyes and screamed, and fell from the tree with a bang.

Under the tree is a path made of cobblestones, he fell straight down, the huge inertia made those protruding and not sharp cobblestones suddenly feel like needles, piercing him with pain all over his body, the bones in his whole body seemed to be falling apart .

A strong foreign man about 1.9 meters tall is covering his eyes on the cobblestone path at this moment, crying out in pain. He feels like he is lying on a steel plate paved with a sharp knife at this moment. His whole body is in pain. He took out a pistol with one hand and beat it around like a headless chicken.

On the tree, two people had a conversation.

One asked: "What kind of hidden weapon did you cast just now? It's so effective, is it poison?"

The other said: "Poison your sister, it's chili noodles, hurry up, you go down and tie him up"

"Damn it, why do you carry chili powder with you?"

"What's the matter with bringing some chili noodles with you? I love spicy food. There is no chili pepper in my daily meal, or a little bit, which is not enough for me. Go down and catch him, he is too tall, I think Your legs will go weak."

In the next second, a person jumped down from the tree. He didn't slide down the tree trunk, but jumped straight down. The ground where he landed was exactly where the strong foreign man was lying.

He landed on the foreigner with his buttocks, pressing his body upright, his bones cracked and cracked, the gun in his hand came out, and he coughed up a cloud of blood.

He didn't dare to be careless, he beat the head of the foreign mercenary under him with both hands until the person under his butt remained motionless, then he stood up rubbing his painful hand/

He raised his head and said to the person on the tree: "Come down quickly, I can't drag it by myself."

But unexpectedly, the man on the tree said: "You can, you drag him away, and I will wipe off his vomited blood..."

"Your uncle...why didn't you shoot when you clearly had a gun just now?"

"When I get nervous, I forget it. I haven't killed anyone yet, so I'm a little scared! Don't tell Yashao, we've all caught people anyway."

"Look at my mood..."

With a snort, he dragged a strong man like a corpse on the ground, and walked towards the basement with difficulty.


Of the six people who landed from the sky, dead and disabled, five of them have been caught, and only the last one remains.

He landed on the roof, and on that roof, Liancheng Yazhi just stayed on it.

Since he was about to land, Liancheng Yazhi has been staring at him, through the scope on the sniper rifle, the muzzle of the gun has been pointed at him.

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