Domestication of dear wives: AA system for wealthy transactions

Chapter 1916 Discovering Big Brother's Secret

The situation of Jian Jian and Mo Xunxun is different from that of Liancheng Yazhi and Yanyan. The difference between them cannot be resolved overnight.

Even if they are together, can Jian Jian give up his wings, give up his world, and lead Mo Xun Xun's mediocre life in the busy city?

In other words, can a weak dodder like Mo Xunxun follow Jian Jian to live in his kingdom where the sound of guns and guns is endless day and night, and face blood and death at any time during the fight?

This is an essential difference in living environment, not a difference in personality, nor a difference in class.

Thinking about her appearance, what Lian Chengya said was right, but luckily they didn't have a deep relationship, they just... just met once.

However, the appearance still felt a little regretful.

Maybe it's because women's thoughts are always different from men's. She still has a vague feeling in her face that Mo Xunxun and Jianjian are actually...a good match. Mo Xunxun needs protection, and a strong man like Jianjian can be her backer.

And Jianyi needs a woman's love, a little warmth, some sunshine after the bloody and killing, and Mo Xunxun can just give it to him.

Liancheng touched Yanyan's cheeks elegantly: "Forget it, don't think about giving it away, let's talk about their relationship after the simple and safe."

Rong Yan nodded, yes, people are not safe yet, it's not appropriate to think about this.

Let's wait until they are all rescued and don't have to worry about safety issues, and then talk about it.


Rong Yan originally thought that if she had the opportunity in the future, she would see if she could help Mo Xunxun and make things easier.

No matter what, Mo Xunxun also helped Jian Jian.

However, Rong Yan didn't know that after he thought about it, Mo Xunxun had already discovered his brother's secret.

Because Mo Xunxun discovered Mo Zhongkai seemed to be very busy in the past two days, and he was very secretive in his work. He kept bringing things in from outside, but no one was allowed to see him, and he even fired the servants at home.

Although the excuse he told Mo's mother was that the family would go abroad and no longer needed a servant, he told the servant that something happened recently at home and the financial situation was not good, so he stopped hiring a servant.

But Mo Xunxun watched from the side, and felt that his brother was afraid that his study would be seen by others. Before he dismissed the servant, he yelled at an aunt who was going to clean his room.

Mo Xunxun felt that there must be some important secret hidden in his brother's study and bedroom.

So Mo Xunxun secretly went to Mo Zhongkai's study when he was out.

Mo Zhongkai is a sister-in-law. The password of the safe in his study room is Mo Xunxun's initials + birthday. After opening it, Mo Xunxun saw some electronic devices she didn't recognize on the upper layer of the safe, and a stack of papers underneath.

Mo Xunxun took a suspicious look, and she was taken aback, this... This is clearly a detailed escape plan.

And the protagonist who wants to jailbreak is - simple.

Mo Xunxun's heart was beating very fast in an instant, her first thought was that Jian Jian was going to escape from prison, and his brother caught him in his plan?

No, no, Mo Xunxun quickly denied it.

She looked over the plan carefully, and finally, she was sure that her brother was going to help Simplify escape from prison.

Mo Xunxun shook his head fiercely, could he help Jian Jian?

But... what is written on it is clearly, which route to follow, where to go, and the briefing will be handed over to the person who responds.

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