Domestication of dear wives: AA system for wealthy transactions

Chapter 3485: Not as good as you in the spring breeze [64]

Principal Li, also known as Mother Xiao, returned to the office with the letter.

She glanced at the mailing address, which said Imperial Capital.

Although she didn't have the name of the sender, she knew that it must be Xiao Qian.

Mother Xiao carefully opened the envelope, and inside was a photo.

In the photo is a newborn baby, sleeping with eyes closed, two small hands half clenched into fists, lying quietly on the crib.

Mother Xiao's eyes turned red when she saw it: "It really looks like Xiao Qian when she was a child..."

She looked at it for a long time before turning to look behind the photo.

Xiao Qian wrote a few words on it.

Mom: This is your grandson. His first name has not yet been determined, but his nickname is Lanlan. This is what he looked like a week after he was born. I don’t know how many days it has been since you saw him. Lanlan is as healthy as his mother.

Xiao Qian didn't say too much.

He's not the kind of person who can talk a lot, not to mention, the gap between them and Xiao's mother has not been resolved for a long time.

Some feelings need to be re-established.

Mother Xiao looked at it over and over again, she couldn't bear to let it go, she glanced at the date and calculated it.

"It's a full moon today... that's great!"

A male teacher's voice came from outside: "Principal Li, class is about to begin."

Mother Xiao hurriedly put the photo away gently, "Okay, here we come...

She put the photo in the only photo frame, positioned it, and hurried out.

"Why is Principal Li so happy? Is there anything good?"

"Yes, my grandson was born, and today is his full moon."

"Oh, that's a good thing, congratulations, why don't you go back and have a look?"

"...I won't go, it will take many days to go back and forth. I know they are all fine now, so it's fine..."


The imperial capital is still a hotel under the name of Feng Nongtang.

It's very lively today.

Everyone from the Ye family came here, colleagues from Father Xiao's school, and some students he had taught, especially many came today.

The full moon banquet was full of people coming and going, and it was very lively.

Xiao's father was blushing and stood with Ye's father, there was an endless stream of people coming and going to persuade them to drink, and the two of them did not refuse, their faces turned red when they drank.

Someone asked loudly: "Old Xiao, have you decided on your grandson's name?"

Father Xiao laughed loudly: "It's settled, Xiao Jinzhi..."

Xiao's father chose this name for his grandson to imitate the meaning of calligrapher Wang Xizhi, and his expectations for his grandson were extremely high.

At the end of the banquet, someone proposed to take some family portraits for them.

A total of three photos were taken.

In the first row, the Xiao and Ye families are sitting together. There are about ten people, and the screen is completely crowded.

The second one, Ye Chunfeng, Xiao Qian, Ye's father and their baby.

In the third picture, there are only three members of their family.

When taking Chapter 3, the child was held in Ye Chunfeng's arms at first, Xiao Qian carried the child over, holding the son in one hand and Ye Chunfeng in the other.

This is his whole world, and he works hard to make them live well.

Facing the camera, Ye Chunfeng smiled brightly.

Being rich may not be for everyone.

Like this, a caring husband, a newborn son, and a warm and ordinary family are the most suitable for her.

The photographer said: "Look at the camera, laugh..."

Ye Chunfeng and Xiao Qian turned their heads slightly to look at each other at the same time.

The eyes of the two reflected each other's smile and unspoken love.

With a click, the camera freezes the beauty of this frame on the film.

Many years later, when they turn this page again, they will understand——

Life teaches us how to love, and you give me happiness.


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