Tang Ziyu's infatuation did not change, and the Tang family had no choice but to wait and see what happened.

Anyway, it's not a bad thing for them.

Xia Xuanmo is the future hope of the Xia family, and now he is lying in the hospital. The 'murderer' is Rongyan's younger sister. Xia's father hates the Liancheng family so much, and he will definitely take advantage of Xia Xuanmo's injury to fight the Liancheng family.

These two, no matter who wins or loses, it is not a bad thing for others.

Because, no matter who loses, it is tantamount to freeing up some 'space' in the imperial capital, giving some people a chance to rise to the top.

This is the reason why the snipe and the clam fight each other.

Another mother Xia who was lying in the hospital had a heart attack and woke up in the evening of the second day after being rescued.

The police got the news, and after consulting the doctor, with the doctor's consent, they soon came to her to ask for evidence.

The two police officers, a man and a woman, were experienced officers in the bureau.

The two sat by the bed, one was in charge of asking, and the other was in charge of recording.

In order to cooperate with Mrs. Xia and prevent her from excessive emotional fluctuations, the female police officer Cha is in charge of waking her up and inquiring about sexual conversations.

The female policeman smiled very gently, and said hello first: "Mrs. Xia, hello, we ask you some questions, I hope you can answer truthfully based on what you know..."

Mrs. Xia soon began to cry: "I'm not well, not at all, my son is lying there and doesn't know when he will wake up, how can I be well?"

Policewoman Cha hurriedly comforted: "Madam Xia, please don't cry, Vice Governor Xia will recover. Your health is critical, so pay more attention. Look, can we start now?"

Mrs. Xia raised her sleeves to wipe away her tears: "It's ok... just ask..."

The policewoman asked, "Were you there when the incident happened?"

Mrs. Xia nodded, with a gray mournful face: "Yes... I was there, and I can see clearly."

The policewoman hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then...can you describe the situation at that time?"

It is actually quite cruel for a mother to describe the process of her son rolling down the stairs, but there is no way, this process must be done.

An expression of hatred gradually appeared on Mrs. Xia's face. She described the scene at that time and the conversation between the two of them.

"Is Deputy Governor Xia and...and...Rong Nuo a...couple?" the female policeman asked cautiously?

Mrs. Xia gritted her teeth and said: "I don't know what the relationship between that woman and my son is, I just saw that woman pushed my son, she was the one who pushed Xuan Mo down... She is a murderer, you must catch her , to be sentenced...to put her in prison..."

The policewoman sighed. This was really the most difficult statement she made. The identity of the other party was too special, so she had to be very careful when interrogating her, and she had to take care of the other party's emotions.

If it is because of them that this official wife gets sick again, the ordinary people can't afford it.

The female policeman comforted: "Mrs. Xia, please calm down first. If Rong Nuo really pushed Vice Governor Xia, we will definitely enforce the law impartially. We are still in the investigation stage. We will give you and your family a fair and fair explanation when the results come out." .”

Mrs. Xia immediately screamed: "What else is there to investigate? I'm an authentication officer, and I can see clearly that she stretched out her hand and pushed Xuan Mo down. That cruel vixen will die..."

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