Interstellar arena

Chapter 002 The Battle of Jupiter

Just when Kedo Space City was blocked by aliens, the giant Jupiter where Li Meng was located finally ushered in a large-scale alien invasion.

The locust-like aliens swept across the entire planet in just a few days, causing huge casualties to the Jupiter residents who were caught off guard. However, soon, the panic-stricken residents thought of the shelter established by the Zhenyuan Universe Martial Art Museum and flocked Crowds gathered in those reinforced factories and workshops.

Li Meng issued an extremely far-reaching notice to Jupiter residents through Zhenyuan Martial Arts Hall:

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Dear Citizens of Jupiter:

Ferocious aliens have approached our homeland, our city, and the planet we live on. The sufferings suffered by human beings 160 years ago are repeating themselves today.

Bloodthirsty, human-eating xenomorphs have invaded the sun-filled giant Jupiter to defile the giant's great wood forest.

The disciples of Zhenyuan Universal Martial Arts are still desperately defending our factory, our warehouse, as well as our wives and children.On Jupiter, the filthy corpses of aliens are everywhere.


Let's all build barricades!Let's organize and fight!Use the stones, wood, iron, and suspension vehicles in your hands to build a defense line of life and death.

In order to defend Jupiter, our Zhenyuan Martial Arts will fully support you, weapons, food, and reinforcements, and we will never take a step back.Severely attacking the enemy, the alien committed the crime of genocide, and avenged the alien for the destroyed home, for the child, for the mother, and for the blood and tears of the wife.

We have no retreat, we have no choice, only let our blood and lives be used to defend our human dignity, come on, fight, we are not food, we are the masters of the universe!

All those who can take up arms must take to the streets to defend our urban homeland!


The residents of Jupiter mobilized, and under the organization of Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts, they overcame the fear of death, took to the streets, fought the aliens to the death, and fought side by side with the disciples of Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts.

The aliens have fallen into the vast ocean of the people's war, and gunpowder is everywhere. People have taken to the streets from all directions, forming a huge force. Every predatory alien will encounter more tenacious resistance.

Because of the weapons provided by the Zhenyuan Universe Martial Art Museum, coupled with Li Meng's tactics of clearing the wall and clearing the field, the aliens cannot get enough food, and the resistance of human beings is often gathered in thousands, although countless humans have been killed by the aliens. , However, the aliens cannot turn them into food, every wounded person, every corpse, a fierce battle will break out, no human will give up, even if they die on the battlefield...

The disciples of Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts formed mobile teams one after another to rush to help on the planet. Whenever they encountered a large number of aliens, the disciples of Zhenyuan Martial Arts would gather from all directions on a large suspended vehicle.



Food has become the biggest problem for the aliens, and the aliens who lose food are equal to losing soldiers. Under the ebb and flow, the attack power of the aliens is getting smaller and smaller. In less than two months, human beings have won the war. The dominance of the Alien is like a mouse crossing the street.

In this brief tug-of-war, human beings once again exploded with amazing wisdom and found more and more ways to deal with aliens. In addition to those targeted weapons and traps in the Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts Hall, the residents of Jupiter We have discovered many effective methods, and among them, the most effective method is to support each other. People have invented a whistle and a sound source locator. As long as the whistle is blown, the sound source locator carried by people will immediately It provides people with the correct direction like a compass, and at this time, people who hear the whistle will gather and round up in large numbers, one after another...


The two-month long war caused huge casualties to the giant Jupiter, and the population of the giant Jupiter dropped by one-third. Of course, people also made remarkable achievements. When hordes of aliens are raging, human beings have mastered the initiative of the war, and began to set up small teams to hunt and kill the remaining aliens on the planet in suspension vehicles, or use food to trap aliens. Under this overwhelming siege, The aliens are all soldiers, hungry, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out...

In wars, Li Meng always took the lead and appeared at the forefront. His long knife, like the scythe of death, harvested the corpses of aliens.

"Would you rather be a coward or a winner!"

"Will you fight for the dignity and honor of human beings or become the filthy excrement of aliens?"

"It's a man, just kill me, kill kill kill!"


In every battle, Li Meng will give a short speech to his followers, and those refined speech words always make people's blood rush and murderous.

Without a propaganda machine, Li Meng used his actual actions to gain him supreme prestige. Behind him were the most valiant predators. Tens of thousands of fans, a large number of young people have joined Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts.

On Jupiter, Li Meng exists like a god. In addition to the fanatical admiration for him by young people, Li Meng has also received strong support from Jupiter merchants. Some big and small families on Jupiter are vying to attach themselves to Zhenyuan Universe. Martial arts, in fact, Li Meng has become the real ruler of Jupiter.

Under Li Meng's intentional or unintentional guidance, Jupiter's war machine was activated.

As an industrial planet, the huge scientific and technological talents, rich mineral reserves, and a large number of skilled workers have allowed Jupiter to unearth a huge potential for war and bloom with dazzling brilliance. Space battleships one by one began During the construction, the mechas began to roll off the assembly line one by one. In the endless desert grassland, there were huge dragon skeletons of huge spaceships. On the dragon skeletons, welding sparks kept splashing, and the levitation vehicles were inside. Shuttle non-stop, full of enthusiasm...

Jupiter is like a high-speed engine with strong power.

Take back the drow star!

This is Li Meng's goal, and it is also the goal of the residents of Jupiter. People have no doubts about Li Meng's ambitions. Everyone believes that it will not be difficult to regain the drow star. The residents of Jupiter no longer have the fear of aliens, and even many people are looking forward to the battle with aliens.

Li Meng exudes a strange personality charm, people want to gather around him to fight, people want to see his domineering majestic posture of wielding a long knife...


In the desert area of ​​Jupiter, there is a place called "Eagle's Nest", which is Li Meng's training base rebuilt from an abandoned mine.

Now, Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts School not only offers martial arts courses, but also mecha courses, large and small battleship courses, etc. In addition to the virtual combat training in the virtual laboratory, every disciple of Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts School must accept Combat training.


After getting off the suspension vehicle, Li Meng didn't look at Huniu who was passing by with a charming smile on his face, but his eyes fell on the two fighting mechas on the training ground, standing still, and the people behind him were vigilant. look around.

In just a few months, Li Meng's body became more powerful. He stood in light armor like a majestic iron tower. There is an extra domineering arrogance, and a pair of eyes that make people dare not look directly at him.

Li Meng's eyes were fixed on the blue mecha. The mecha was very feminine, with slender and smooth lines. However, the battle was extremely wild and ferocious. The black mecha could only parry. The power, it seems that the winner is about to be decided...


While Li Meng was thinking, the blue mecha jumped up suddenly, and slammed into the black mecha like a cannonball, and hit the engine compartment of the black mecha with its knee, the black mecha responded On the other hand, the blue mech chased up, leaped down, hit the black mecha's waist with its elbow, then turned sideways, and the two mechanical arms hugged the black mecha's mechanical legs. , It was actually torn off, the black mecha whose mechanical leg was torn off sparked, and puffs of blue smoke came out...

Seeing the fierce fighting style of the blue mech, the people who followed Li Meng couldn't help but change their expressions. The vigilant guards were around Li Meng, as if they were facing an enemy.

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