Interstellar arena

Chapter 008 Meteorite Flow and Alien Army

"Do you really want to destroy it?" Liu Fei glanced at the metal wall with a distressed look on his face, it was his hard work.

"Destroy!" Xiao Qiangguang's tone was unusually firm, and said: "At least you have to destroy the fast core energy shield, that energy shield has intelligence, if the technology leaks out, it will break the balance of the seven star fields... and , we won't get any benefits... Giving the energy armor that can resist D-level energy to the city lord Joey is also worthy of him, we have to keep the trump card, understand! Hehe..."


Hearing Xiaoqiang Guangnao's sinister laughter, Liu Fei didn't think about it anymore, and directly pressed the button. Under the disappointed eyes of the people, the energy shield hit by the beam of light was melted into a big round and clean hole without any suspense. The surrounding affected energy shields also had fine and dense cracks due to the instantaneous high temperature expansion.

Suddenly, the entire laboratory fell into a suffocating silence again, all eyes fell on the energy armor with a big hole exposed, and there was a look of horror in those eyes.

"What are they doing?" Liu Fei was a little puzzled by a group of scientists with surprised expressions, and asked Xiaoqiang Guangnao.

"Brother, the general energy armor has a large area. If you destroy a piece of armor, it will be damaged in a large area. However, your armor has a z-shaped photoelectric circuit excitation device, which has independent defense functions. Except that the armor will be destroyed directly, there will be no large-scale damage. This is fundamentally different from the traditional armor. They are shocked! Hehe... I am so good..." Xiao Qiangguangnao looked proud , the zigzag photoelectric circuit is its credit. Of course, it will not tell Liu Fei that it also stole Powell's ideas and improved them.



Next, a group of scientists carried forward the spirit of teamwork and spent five hours optimizing Liu Fei's energy armor so that the modular armor was compatible with the mechs currently in production.

Because of the appearance of the energy modular armor, the manufacturing speed of the mechs in Kedo Space City has almost doubled, because the modular energy armor is formed at one time, the photoelectric system and the excitation device exist independently, and there is no need to connect them in series. Arbitrary assembly, the most important thing is that the biggest advantage of the modular energy armor is compatibility, as long as the dragon skeleton of the mecha is slightly changed, it can be compatible with the modular energy armor, which fundamentally solves the common problem of armor parts. question.

In the next few days, Liu Fei was still obsessed with the research and development of the armor and couldn't extricate himself. Now, the modular energy armor is facing a technical problem, that is, the resistance of the modular energy armor to physical attacks, because the modular energy armor is The structure of the connecting notch will inevitably cause the structure between the armor and the armor to be fragile. In space, there is no need to consider the problem of vibration. However, if the mecha is fighting at close range or performing human tasks on the rough surface of the planet, its combat effectiveness must be great. At a discount, this is an unforgivable flaw for Liu Fei, who pursues perfection and likes close combat.

When Liu Fei discovered the meteorite flow No. 11 days, Liu Fei ended his research. This time, his persistence and concentration did not make any gains, and the energy armor did not improve in terms of resistance to physical attacks. There is no time to test the ability of energy armor to resist physical strikes in actual combat.

The reason why Liu Fei ended his study was because the Lord Joey held a high-level meeting, and all members of the scientific research team also participated.

When Liu Fei walked into the conference room, hundreds of pairs of eyes fell on Liu Fei, and those eyes were full of incomparable respect, which was a kind of respect for strength. Now, no one dares to underestimate this indifferent Grim young man. .

"Liu Fei, sit here!" Joy City Master had a friendly smile on his face, Liu Fei was his great hero.

Liu Fei didn't answer, with a cold expression on his face, he went straight to Joey and sat down.

Joy City Lord was not angry because of Liu Fei's rudeness, but just smiled slightly. As a superior person, he naturally knew that some powerful people or scientists would be a little lonely and different from ordinary people's arrogance in character. There are too many records.

"Everyone, we will set off in five hours!"

"Ah...five hours?!"

There was a burst of debate in the conference room. After all, the space city has a population of more than 50, and it is unimaginable to evacuate in just five hours.

"Let's take a look at the feedback from the micro-satellites we launched."

Joy raised his hands slightly, the meeting room became quiet, the holographic screen was turned on, and the holographic video began to play.

The holographic video seems to be a close-up shot. You can see many meteorites flying towards the shooting direction. A meteorite with a diameter of about ten meters roared past. At that moment, the holographic image freezes.


Liu Fei stood up abruptly, his gaze sharpened like a knife, and fixedly stared at the north side of the huge meteorite. There, there were three aliens lurking there. The two dark aliens were like three huge black balloons. Behind his body, a dark tail flame actually erupted, which looked extremely strange...

Not only Liu Fei stood up, but most of the people stood up and looked at the aliens in shock.

No need to explain, anyone can see that those meteorites are driven by aliens, and they keep a very reasonable distance.

Compared with humans, the advantage of aliens is speed, and then convert speed into strength. In fact, if aliens lose their speed, they are only slightly better than humans, and it is precisely because the power gap between aliens and humans is not very big , That's why there are some perverts who kill aliens like chopping watermelons, such as Joseph and Tie Gang, who are the best among them.

The data from this holographic video shows that the alien itself has the ability to fly between stars, and can even push dozens of tons of meteorites. Of course, there is no gravity in space, and only a little force can make the meteorites in a suspended state fly, and it is Flying at a constant speed, if the power is superimposed, then, theoretically, the speed of the meteorite will accelerate according to the superimposed power...

The holographic picture started to play again, and then kept freezing. It was already certain that there would be at least one alien behind every meteorite.

"Okay, everyone must have understood, because the alien continues to increase the thrust, the speed of the meteorite is getting faster and faster. According to the current speed, an encirclement circle will be formed in 27 hours. Moreover, this is only referring to the current speed. , if the alien keeps accelerating, our time is likely to be shorter, so we have to leave here early."

Lord Joey glanced at everyone, and the conference room was silent for a while.

"Can they fly freely in space?" Liu Fei asked Xiaoqiang Guangnao.

"Well, the alien body is simply a perfect chemical factory. It can change the body structure and composition almost arbitrarily, including the power fuel needed for interstellar flight. However, it is not as simple as you see, because, The body structure of the aliens is too small, and they cannot store much organic food, so they rely more on space fibers for space jumps, and the aliens will not carry out long-distance interstellar migration if it is not necessary... you still Remember the Stan? The alien on that spaceship lost the jumping ability of the space fiber, and couldn’t carry out interstellar flight for a long time, so I found the main engine of the Stan, and entered a dormant state with the help of that temperature..."

"They lost the ability to jump in space?" Liu Fei was a little puzzled, wondering.

"Yes, the organic matter stored by low-level aliens cannot perform continuous space fiber jumps. After they have jumped once or twice, they must supplement food, or a king-level alien will open up space fibers for them to jump. Otherwise, they can only float in space forever... There are two possibilities for the aliens on the Stan. The first is to wait for the king-level aliens to pass by and rescue them. The other possibility is to wait until humans come to save the Stan. Thereby waking them up, at the same time, they also get food, and regain the ability to jump between stars..."

"So that's the case... Doesn't it mean that every group of aliens jumping across the stars needs a colorful alien to lead the team?" Liu Fei felt an inexplicable chill. If it is speculated according to this logic, the number of aliens that have reached the king level will decrease. is very large, which is definitely not good news.

"In theory, this is true. In fact, most of the aliens will not wait for a king-level alien to lead the way. In order to continuously evolve, they will take the risk of jumping to find a planet where humans live. Moreover, they are not king-level aliens. Only colorful aliens can open up space for jumping, like the little tadpole you adopted because of its high IQ, it also has the ability to open up gaps in space!"


Liu Fei suddenly felt a sense of loss, where did the little tadpole go?Is it still being hunted down by colorful aliens?Will you still see it?

ps: Ask for some red tickets!

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