Just when people were cursing Liu Fei to die sooner, a strange shape appeared just right, jumping one after another between two meteorites whistling past, like a black ghost, after a few nimble and agile turnings, in the vast space An astonishing black line was drawn in the middle of the hammer, and it was shot towards the dull and clumsy round hammer. In the middle of the black line, there was a dazzling light.

Undoubtedly, that bright light is the tail flame ejected from the acceleration of the alien.

People let out a burst of exclamation, because the speed of that alien far exceeded that of other aliens, and the jumps and turns were completed independently without the cooperation of other aliens.

It was just a short battle, and people have discovered that the more independent the aliens are, the higher the level they are and the more powerful they are compared to ordinary aliens.

In fact, some scientists and scholars who study aliens have discovered that although the number of these aliens is small, their fighting power is terrifyingly powerful.

In previous battles, if the aliens want to destroy a mecha, they need at least hundreds of them, or even more. They will connect with each other to form a brainwave matrix, which will affect the thinking of the mecha pilots, making them change their minds. Even so, the aliens cannot easily destroy a mecha weighing dozens of tons. The aliens usually rely on the superiority in numbers to defeat the mechas. Now, almost every alien has its own independent The ability to kill a mecha...

What shocks people the most is that these aliens have extraordinary tactics. They know how to outflank, and they know how to cooperate with each other. It's quite the same, it's enough to tell you that the speed of alien evolution has been getting faster and faster, so fast that humans haven't adapted to their fighting style.

Gore's mecha squadron is the elite force of Kodo Space City, and even they fell into a tragic tug-of-war against this group of aliens, which shows how fierce the fighting power of these aliens is.

When the alien rushed towards the dull mecha, almost everyone had a thought: this person is finished!

Although people hated that cowering gray mecha very much, and even cursed the pilot to die soon, but when they saw their own kind being killed by aliens, they couldn't feel happy no matter what. Hundreds of thousands of eyes watched As the alien rushed towards the gray round hammer, the entire migrating army was suffocatingly quiet.

One can imagine that the mecha will explode with a dazzling spark, and then fall apart. Of course, the bigger possibility is that the cockpit will be pierced through a black hole...



At the moment when the alien dragged the black afterimage and hit the mecha, suddenly, the clumsy gray mecha moved, sped up impressively, and made an unimaginable maneuver in the air, heading towards several huge meteorites. Flying over, between the lightning and the flint, it was almost overpowering the ejected alien.


Seeing that the mecha escaped, tens of thousands of people opened their mouths wide open, looking stunned.


When the people saw that the mech escaped without a fight, they immediately booed again, and everyone had contemptuous looks on their faces.

As a soldier, running away is undoubtedly a great shame and humiliation!

It's a pity that Liu Fei is not a soldier, and he doesn't have the consciousness of a soldier. Although he has received more rigorous training than a soldier, in fact, Liu Fei rarely has the style of a soldier except for his iron blood and bravery. He advocates freedom, and he is used to As a loner, if he uses animals to describe him, Liu Fei doesn't like ants fighting in groups, but prefers cheetahs lurking in the dark and waiting for opportunities.

When he was in Zall Mecha University, Liu Fei's fighting style was mainly wild and fierce. In fact, it was only during the battle. In the virtual fighting training room, Liu Fei had escaped countless times in order to win. In Liu Fei's eyes, dignity, face and vanity can be ignored, as long as he has the result, that is, the final victory!

Final victory!

Yes, Liu Fei does not pursue the process of fighting, what he wants is the result, kill the opponent, and let himself live well.

Now, Liu Fei has used this tactic to the fullest...

In the cockpit of the round hammer, the cold sweat on Liu Fei's forehead flowed like a waterfall. The alien that followed him like a shadow formed a huge psychological pressure on him. The speed of the round hammer was not inferior to the alien, but the flexibility of the round hammer However, there is a huge gap between the level and the alien. Even if he uses curved steps, Liu Fei feels extraordinarily strenuous.

Liu Fei didn't know, because this is space, there is no sense of air, animals and plants, and the sixth sense of human beings has dropped to freezing point. In this environment, except for combat experience, it is completely a kind of intuition, a kind of animal sense. instinct.

Liu Fei and the alien started a game of cat and mouse, but it is still impossible to tell who is the mouse and who is the cat.

The two chased one after the other, which was full of dangers, especially the moment when the mech passed by the meteorite, it would make the hundreds of thousands of spectators break out in a cold sweat.

Soon, people discovered that the clumsy gray mecha seemed to suddenly become agile, and the thick limbs seemed to become graceful, and it kept shuttling through the meteorite flow, like a dancing girl who just danced. Between the movement and the stillness, there is an unparalleled sense of rhythm, and people's hearts can't help but follow the rhythm, tense and relax for a while...

However, people still don't have a good impression of this mecha, because no matter how graceful and smooth the movements of the mecha are, they are running away, not fighting.

While people were holding their breath to watch, suddenly, a strange shape suddenly appeared on a meteorite in the distance. The strange shape looked extraordinarily special, like a huge bat, it was spread out several meters wide, and its body was not black. The color is the color of a rock, but it is the same color as a rock. If it weren't for the thin flames ejected from the tail, it would be difficult for people to detect the existence of the alien...

"not good!"

Soon, someone discovered the purpose of this alien, because this strange alien did not attack immediately, but lurked close to the meteorite, and the opened body was full of infinite tension. Obviously, it Prepare to ambush the gray round hammer approaching it.

Judging from the holographic image, the holographic scanning of the gray round hammer may not be able to scan the meteorite-like alien, because the tail flame of the alien is on the other side of the meteorite. easily overlooked.

"Please pay attention, please pay attention, gray round hammer, there is an alien lurking in the No. 1381 meteorite in the 173 airspace directly in front of you... Please pay attention..." The gray round hammer was not programmed and could not be reminded through the military channel, so it had to be alerted by Notifications on public channels.

The strange thing is that the gray round hammer didn't seem to hear it. Under the pursuit of the alien, it still fled towards the meteorite, without knowing it...


How did people know that Xiaoqiang Optical Brain had already cut off Liu Fei's connection with the outside world, and now, Liu Fei couldn't share public information at all.

In fact, even if the small strong light brain does not cut off, Liu Fei will cut it off. During the battle, Liu Fei doesn't like any external interference.

Seeing that the flight path of the gray round hammer did not change at all, and it was still flying towards the meteorite, everyone broke into a sweat.

Liu Fei didn't notice the alien lurking on the meteorite, but he sensed something was wrong, because the speed of the alien like a gangrene behind him suddenly slowed down.

Liu Fei raised a warning sign and suddenly slowed down, there must be a reason for the incident!

There is only one meteorite ahead!

At the moment Liu Fei hesitated, a gray dot suddenly protruded from the top of the meteorite, and then, the dot suddenly turned black and bounced, like a black arrow bursting towards...

At this time, it was too late to dodge, and there was an alien staring behind him. At this time, Liu Fei was surprisingly calm, without the slightest ripple in his heart. He stared at the eyeing alien behind him, ignoring the alien shooting from the opposite side. .

Furui does not wave!

Liu Fei immersed every cell in his body in the feeling of breathing, his six senses became extremely sharp, and he could clearly feel the extremely penetrating murderous aura of the alien.

"Ah..." People exclaimed again.

On the holographic screen, the gray round hammer that was flying towards the meteorite actually ignored the alien shooting from the opposite side, and suddenly made a blood-reversing change of direction, and the mecha weighing dozens of tons abruptly changed in space. After specifying the direction, draw a 180-degree arc trajectory.

Almost everyone knows that it is extremely dangerous for the mech to change direction at such a sharp small angle. In addition to the fact that the dragon frame of the mech cannot withstand the huge torsion force and may disintegrate, the people in the cockpit cannot bear that. Instant impact...

People gasped, and before they woke up from the shock, the next scene made hundreds of thousands of people look dumbfounded.

After the gray round hammer turned around, the overfrequency magnetic swing blade on the mechanical arm suddenly popped out. It is incredible that the black alien who had been trailing behind the mecha suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the mecha as if possessed by an evil spirit. When it bumped into it, it just collided with the overclocking magnetic swing blade, and the horny alien fell apart in an instant...

People were just stunned. After the mecha killed the alien that had been following it, the overfrequency magnetic swing blade unexpectedly did not stop at all. It drew a beautiful and amazing semicircle in the air, and then rushed towards the alien behind it.

A strange scene appeared, the alien that was supposed to hit the mech seemed to have been enchanted, unexpectedly stopped abruptly for no reason, and turned into a soft form. Instead, the gray round hammer mech was slashed by the magnetic blade, and the black blood sprayed in space like a ruptured water pipe, and then solidified into strings of black solids and shot in all directions...


Hundreds of thousands of people stared blankly at the holographic screen. At this time, there was no trace of the gray round hammer on the holographic screen, only the two shattered remains of the aliens floating in the space.

The speed was too fast, so fast that people hadn't realized it yet, the two fierce aliens had already died, and the gray round hammer had already disappeared...

The scene just now was like a dream. If the wreckage were not still there, people would have no doubt that they were dreaming, because the two aliens seemed to be sent to death on purpose...


"Everyone, this is the temporary studio of Koduo Space City. I am the host Haitao. We have invited Mr. Jackson, a senior mecha combat commentator. Hello, Mr. Jackson, welcome to the Koduo Space City studio. room."

"Hello everyone, Haitao, I am Jackson. As a resident of Kodo Space City, I have the obligation and responsibility to spread happiness and share joy for everyone at this time. Kodo Space City is about to be destroyed by a meteorite flow. However, there are quite a few residents in Kodo Space City, and each of us has deep feelings for Kodo Space City. As long as we live, I believe that Kodo Space City will exist forever. We have the ability and Confidence to rebuild a more magnificent and prosperous space city, I believe that the suffering we have suffered will soon end... Well, now, I will interact with you, feel free to ask any questions... ..."

A hotline for the temporary studio on board the feeder.

"Hello, dear Mr. Jackson. My surname is Liu. Excuse me, why did the alien suddenly stop attacking just now and let the gray round hammer kill it?"

"Well, I think Mr. Liu's question is a question that many people want to ask. In fact, at the beginning, I was also puzzled. I thought it was just a coincidence or luck. However, many experts analyzed it. After reviewing the holographic video and some fighting examples of other mechs at that time, and through the optical brain calculation, I came to a conclusion that it was not a coincidence or luck, it was a perfect tactical move... Comments, please take a look at some holographic videos..."

The holographic video played is the war that happened just now, the war between Gore's mecha squadron and the aliens.

Through the edited holographic video, people can intuitively see the beginning and end of the battle between the mecha and the alien. People are surprised to find that the mechas destroyed by the alien have a very similar place, that is, an alien Pretend to attack to attract the attention of the mecha, and another alien launched a sneak attack. This method has been tried and tested, and one mecha after another was destroyed...

"After watching these holographic videos, everyone must have understood a little bit. The alien is confused. After its mission is completed, it will retreat, change from horny form to soft body form, and then change the direction of flight... However, I think , It is still necessary to explain to everyone that the data displayed by the holographic video show that compared with the aliens 160 years ago, the aliens are now smarter. They not only understand the spirit of cooperation, but also know how to set traps. These traps are seen by humans. It's a bit naive and ridiculous, but these traps are very practical on the ever-changing battlefield. Facts have proved that these naive traps have caused huge losses to Kodo Space City. So far, Goer Mecha Squadron Already 76 mechas have been lost,...but don’t worry, everyone, the situation will not continue to deteriorate. When the gray mecha killed two aliens, we have already notified the Goer Mecha Squadron. Now, Goer The squadron leader is leading his subordinates to fight bravely, and soon, there will be good news..."

"Now, let's go back to the topic and talk about the gray round hammer mecha. Here, I have to say that the pilot of this mecha is a rare fighting genius. Everyone must have seen the fight just now. His timing has reached the pinnacle, you see... well, this small-angle change of direction, and then, the over-frequency magnetic swing blade swings up, and kills the alien just right. It seems that the alien is sent to the door. He killed, but in fact, the risk involved can be imagined, even if it is the slightest mistake, it will be the result of the crash of the machine, because timing, speed, and change of direction are all indispensable... look at him turning back Attack, that semicircle is perfect to the extreme, think about it, the mecha is moving, the alien is moving, and it is a circle drawn in a complex space environment, and the landing point of the circle is exactly where the alien will stop , this is not just a matter of difficulty. Apart from the courage to break the boat, it also requires extremely strong computing power. Here, I dare to say boldly that this tactical action will be regarded as one of the classic actions of mech fighting ..."

After hearing Jackson's explanation, people realized how complicated data is contained in that seemingly simple circle.

"...Actually, what I admire about the pilot of this gray round hammer mecha is not only his superb fighting skills, but also his keen and meticulous insight. The cowardly drop behind is very contemptuous? Hehe, actually, I am the same as everyone, but now I understand that he is only observing the weakness of the alien, and we have calculated his flight trajectory, especially in the When he was chased by the aliens, he seemed to have used a very special flying technique to interfere with the cooperation between the aliens. You see, this is a simulated holographic image. The crisis he is facing, that is to say, his every action is carefully thought out..."

Liu Fei, who was killing heartily, never dreamed that Jackson would forcibly make him a deserter into a hero.

In fact, this is understandable. As a mech combat commentator, Jackson is very clear that at this time, personal heroism is needed to boost the morale of the hit. Liu Fei's appearance can be said to be just right.

"Okay, let me tell you some good news. While I was explaining, the gray round hammer killed another sixteen aliens. Now, let's go back to the scene..."

Sixteen aliens!

When Jackson reported the data of sixteen aliens, the entire migrating army was shocked, and everyone was shocked.

Everyone knows what sixteen aliens mean. The data from the beginning shows that the death ratio between aliens and mechas is close to two to one. That is to say, when two aliens are killed, there will be a mech A was killed by the alien.

Including the first two, that gray round hammer has already killed eighteen high-level aliens.

The holographic image switched, and the gray round hammer appeared on the screen. It was flickering in a dense meteorite flow, light and agile, like a vigorous cheetah, and there was a cold murderous intent between the agility and smoothness ...

ps: Ask for a red ticket!

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