Interstellar arena

Chapter 015 Take the initiative to attack [there will be an update today]

"No, that alien uses the mecha as a conductor, and is using brainwaves to interfere with the mecha driver..." Jackson turned pale with shock.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers looked shocked.

Humans are no strangers to this alien fighting style. Aliens are best at attaching to human aircraft to carry out brain wave attacks. After they attach to the surface of human aircraft, their bodies will be connected to form a brain wave matrix, which is very lethal. , It is said that in the drow star field, several large interstellar fleets were attacked by aliens, and none of them survived. It can be seen how powerful the alien brain wave matrix is.

There is no precedent for a single alien being able to form a brain wave attack on a mech, but this is enough to show the strength of that alien.

It seems that this round hammer is more ominous than good, in order to avoid low morale, the temporary studio cut off the live broadcast of the gray round hammer, and the holographic lens fell on the bloody Goer squadron.

Just when the round hammer stumbled, because some tactical actions of the gray round hammer had spread to Goer Squadron, the soldiers began to be familiar with the tactical coordination of aliens, and Goer Mecha Squadron began to slowly reverse its decline and turn to defend. In order to attack, the frequency of casualties of mechas has become less and less, and when the future is bright, an ambush soldier of the alien shape appears.

The alien actually has an ambush with a number of more than a thousand. They lurk behind dozens of meteorites and stand still. When the meteorite stream approaches the battlefield, they suddenly launch a violent attack that is not afraid of death. It is a suicide. Faced with this sudden attack, Goer Mecha Squadron immediately fell into a tragic tug-of-war, and the little advantage it had finally gained was gone.

The combat effectiveness of this group of aliens was much lower, but their numbers posed a great threat to Goer's mecha squadron, especially the fearless charge made the soldiers feel pressured.

The loss of Goer's mecha squadron was already serious. The addition of this group of fresh troops immediately broke the stalemate balance between the two sides, and the mechas were destroyed by aliens one after another.

The situation is getting more and more serious. The headquarters of the migrating army did not send out the two mecha squadrons that had been waiting for a long time, because at this time, the fleet of the migrating army is about to pass through this small meteorite flow. If a large number of mechas are sent to fight, the dense mecha squadron Armors are likely to make the situation more complicated, resulting in meteorite turbulence. Besides, in that space, the aliens hold the initiative to attack, and the numerical advantage of mechas cannot be reflected.

In fact, the explosion of the mecha has already interfered with the flow of meteorites. Many meteorites changed their constant flight speed due to the shock wave formed by the explosion of the mecha, and began to pass by. In addition to the formation of the spacecraft, the biggest hidden danger is the chain impact with other meteorites.

It is gratifying that the distance of this stream of meteorites is not very close, and the probability of forming a series of chain explosions in space is very small, but even so, it still interferes with the spaceships of the migrating army. There was still a little confusion in the migrating army after the meteorite left the flight path.

"The alien's intelligence is getting higher and higher!"

Master SMS frowned, standing on the holographic screen, the entire migratory army headquarters was silent for a while, and there was a trace of anxiety in the eyes of people looking at the holographic screen.

"They are slowing down our flight speed. According to our current flight speed, we will pass through the channel formed by the meteorite flow in nine hours. If we pass in this two-hour period, several meteorite flows are likely to be deformed. Change the current flight direction to form a converging airspace..." A scientist kept calculating on the master optical brain.

Meteor streams converge!

People's mood suddenly became heavy. If the meteorite streams meet, it means that the dense meteorite streams will collide together, triggering violent chain explosions, and even causing space-time turbulence. It is a terrible cosmic force, human beings Advanced technology is incomparably small in front of that kind of power, and any matter will be twisted to pieces in that turbulent flow...

"We must take the initiative to attack!" Joy City Lord said with a serious expression, slamming every word.

Take the initiative!

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


This is a time of life and death. If the migrating army is constantly being blocked, it is impossible to pass through that passage in nine hours. After all, the migrating army itself is tens of thousands of kilometers long, and the speed is like a snail. Usually, even the slightest disturbance can make the future dangerous.

Of course, the dangers that the migrating army is now facing are not only aliens and meteorites, but also the threat from Kodo Space City in the rear.

Kodo Space City is at the core of the meteorite flow attack. When the meteorite stream collides with Kodo Space City, it will inevitably trigger a devastating explosion. The shock wave formed by the explosion is likely to harm the migrating army.

Theoretically, the migrating army can break up into pieces and escape calmly. After all, space is vast, and the gaps in meteorite flows are very large. It is easy to escape from those gaps. However, this means that there is no threat of aliens. Aliens, the strategic idea of ​​breaking the whole into parts loses its feasibility. After all, in the face of a powerful army of aliens, breaking them into parts will only let the aliens break down one by one. In the case of being unable to jump in space, the aliens can calmly and slowly The migratory army that cannibalize and grow into pieces will eventually be wiped out.

Undoubtedly, if they are united, they are more likely to survive, at least, they will not provide organic food for the aliens.

Through 160 years of research, humans have a thorough understanding of the alien's favorite recipes.

From the perspective of survival, the alien can devour any organic matter under the condition of hunger and life maintenance, even including organic matter that cannot be decomposed, such as plastic nylon ropes. However, from the perspective of evolution speed, the alien prefers nutrient-rich Meat, meat will shorten their evolution time.

If it is broken down into pieces, even if a feeder ship is killed and a huge amount of meat is obtained, the number of aliens will increase sharply, and a certain number of high-level aliens will appear. At that time, one will ebb and flow. , the entire migration army will fall into a vicious circle...

"City Lord, look!"

"What... ah... he's still alive!"

The Lord Joey opened his eyes wide, looking at the gray round hammer that was crazily colliding in the meteorite flow with an incredulous expression. The mechs of Squadron A are easy to distinguish.

The holographic screen switched, and dozens of pairs of eyes fell on the gray round hammer. People were stunned, because the round hammer was full of potholes, like running out of a hail of bullets.

Soon, people understood why the round hammer looked so embarrassed.

At this time, Jackson in the studio also seemed to notice that the round hammer was not destroyed by the alien, and the holographic lens fell on the gray round hammer again.

The moment the round hammer appeared on the holographic image on the spaceship, there was a burst of cheers.

It can be said that everyone died on the battlefield because of that round hammer. Its appearance brought surprises to the audience...

Next, people were stunned by the dangerous flight performance of the round hammer.

That's not flying, that's totally killing your life.

The round hammer seemed to have gone mad as it pierced left and right in the dense flow of meteorites, constantly rubbing against the meteorites, bringing up piles of gravel and dust, and wherever it passed, it was like ten thousand horses galloping.

"Attention, everyone, pay attention to the cockpit of that round hammer..." Jackson in the studio suddenly said hurriedly.

People's eyes immediately noticed the cockpit of the round hammer from the thrilling collision, tens of 10 people gasped almost at the same time, because the dark alien was still tightly attached to the cockpit , the little black dot on the gray cockpit looks extraordinarily glaring...


The round hammer passed by a meteorite. It may be that the round hammer did not control the distance well and rubbed against the meteorite. Under the huge impact force, a corner of the meteorite was knocked off, and the broken stones splashed everywhere, which was thrilling... …



Seeing the round hammer staggering and ramming dangerously in the meteorite stream, the audience who were excited just now suddenly became heavy.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that when humans are attacked by alien brainwaves, their thinking will be confused for a short time, and they may even attack their own kind.

Undoubtedly, the pilot of this gray round hammer is already in a state of insanity.

The audience looked sad...

ps: There is an update today!

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