Interstellar arena

Chapter 022: Human or Ghost? [12 chapter at 1 noon]

Ga!Amidst a burst of violent friction, the round hammer weighing dozens of tons was pulled to a stop abruptly by this group of people, standing still ten meters away from the bulkhead. The space rope in the hands of the big man is stretched straight, like a bowstring stretched to the extreme, while the group of big men in light armor are like a group of granite sculptures, their bulging muscles are full of masculine beauty.

People watched the scene as if time stood still.





Suddenly, the still time seemed to move suddenly, and the big man and the aliens were brought up by the huge inertia of the round hammer to hit the bulkhead one after another, densely like rain.


It wasn't until this time that people remembered that there were at least a thousand aliens rushing into the interstellar dock with the gray round hammer.

"Kill!" A strong black man with white teeth yelled loudly.

Amidst the sound of killing, the still group of sculptures suddenly came to life, their granite-like muscles beating, and the tyrannical and terrifying bodies of those big men exploded with infinite potential like explosive barrels, rushing towards those still standing like a group of tigers descending the mountain. There are no horny aliens. In their hands, all kinds of primitive weapons suddenly appear, including butcher knives, long swords, hammers, and clubs... Of course, most of them are unarmed.

A scene that people will never forget for a lifetime appeared. Those invincible aliens were vulnerable in front of this group of big guys. The group of big men were so fierce that they were not like human beings, but they were able to tear apart the aliens with their bare hands. His body was torn apart like a rag bag.

The most frightening thing is that some aliens changed into horny in a hurry, because they had no speed, after being caught by those big men with bare hands, they fell to the ground and were torn apart, or clinging to the bulkhead and hitting the bulkhead desperately, In an instant, he was smashed to pieces...

Under those wide-open and wide-open killings, all of a sudden, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and there were large pieces of strange-shaped stumps everywhere. Those big men were like devils crawling out of hell, covered in blood and murderous. , Seeing that people are frightened.


Finally, the frenzied battle ended after two minutes. None of the nearly thousand aliens slipped through the net. They were all killed like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. A group of big men seemed to be tired, and they just sat down in the blood and gasped. Angrily, their eyes all fell on the round hammer, and the silence in the closed interstellar dock was suffocating.

"Boss?!" Bai Fang, who had a murderous look on his face just now, smiled obsequiously, and ran to the side of the round hammer that had fallen on the ground.

Only then did people wake up from the shocking battle, and their eyes fell on the mysterious gray round hammer. At this time, because the round hammer was in a static state, it was extraordinarily clear on the holographic screen. When people saw Seeing the shape of the round hammer, he couldn't help taking another breath of air.

Strictly speaking, it is no longer a complete mech. More than 40.00% of the armor is broken and peeled off, exposing the optical cables and some electronic equipment inside, and there are countless cracks and lines in the armor that has not fallen off. The most shocking thing is Yes, the cockpit of the round hammer has become distorted and deformed, and the soles of the mechanical legs have been worn incomplete due to the huge friction. When they looked at the back of the mecha, they were stunned. Above the floor, there are two palpitating deep grooves extending all the way to the metal gate...

"Is it the boss?"

"Dong dong dong dong..." Bai Fang cautiously knocked on the cockpit a few times.

"Probably not." Joseph and Iron Rod, carrying a butcher knife, came over.

"It's him!"

Bai Fang showed a determined expression on his face. He was as careful as a hair, but he was not this group of big bosses. He was familiar with Liu Fei's fighting style, especially the wild and bloody killing, which had been burned into Bai Fang's soul. When Liu Fei was driving the round hammer to fight in space, Bai Fang was sure that the driver of the gray round hammer was Liu Fei.

Naturally, people didn't know that with White Fang's selfishness, it was impossible to take a huge risk and use the most primitive buffer method to save an irrelevant person.

For Bai Ya, in this world, only Liu Fei is worth his risk. Although Bai Ya is not a person who repays his kindness, he is very clear about the interests between himself and Liu Fei. There is no position in the army. Only by following Liu Fei will he have a bright future. At least, his life will not be in danger.

Bai Ya is a villain, and a villain is often better at judging the situation than a gentleman. He understands that his rights come from Liu Fei, and he will hold on to Liu Fei, even if there is only the slightest hope.

As for Joseph and Iron Rod, they are no different from single-celled animals. After Liu Fei rescued them again and again, they have become loyal to Liu Fei. As long as it is beneficial to Liu Fei, they are willing to obey unconditionally. Because of this willingness, they rallied around White Fang from beginning to end, united as one.

"Boss won't die, right?" The iron rod knocked on the cockpit with a weapon.


People immediately looked at each other, looking at the bumpy appearance of the round hammer, it is not impossible for the people in the cockpit to die in battle, but Bai Fang's face turned green immediately, if Liu Fei died, he was still a fool, very likely, immediately It will be stewed into a pot of soup by Joseph and the others.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers watched the group of big men standing blankly beside the round hammer on the holographic screen, and they also felt a dignified atmosphere.

That dilapidated round hammer was like a pile of tattered scrap iron, without the slightest breath of life.

"Boss...Boss...Woo...Boss...You must not die...Woo...You are dead, how can I live..."

Thinking that he was about to be bullied by Joseph and the others, the heartbroken White Fang finally couldn't bear it, and threw himself to the side of the cockpit to cry loudly, clapping and beating his hands again and again, as if his parents were dead.

Seeing White Fang's funny behavior like a shrew, hundreds of thousands of viewers didn't find it funny, and a trace of sadness spread among the migrating army.

The hero is gone!

An amazing and talented hero is gone, even before people saw his face, tens of thousands of people stood up spontaneously, quietly looking at the bloody battle mech on the holographic screen , the atmosphere is solemn and sad.

With a slight muffled sound of "bang", Bai Fang, who was lying on the side of the cockpit crying loudly, jumped away like a rabbit, staring at the twisted and deformed hatch of the round hammer with wide eyes.

"Kacha" the cabin door opened a gap, and people immediately opened their mouths.

There was another powerful muffled sound of "bang", and the twisted hatch was opened, revealing an indifferent face, and then, a slender body slowly crawled out.

" you a human or a ghost..." Bai Fang stammered as he looked at the pale Liu Fei.

"It's human."

Standing on the cockpit, Liu Fei looked around, looked at the space cables all over the floor, and immediately understood what happened, and a trace of gratitude flashed away.

"Ah...hahaha...haha...the boss is not dead, the boss is not dead..."

"Yeah, the boss is not dead, the boss is not dead!"

"Ha ha……"

ps: There will definitely be a chapter at 12 noon!

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