What appeared was the bright silver mecha, it was a very unique mecha, one would never forget it just by taking a look at it.

On the market, most of the brightly colored mechas are civilian mechas, also known as entertainment mechas, or means of transportation. They have a common feature, they do not have long-range attack power, and even close combat capabilities are limited. It is impossible to configure a weapon with astonishing lethality like the Overclocking Magnetic Swing Blade.

Entertainment mechs save a lot of space after sacrificing weapon configuration, and will pay attention to the beauty of the mecha, such as smooth shapes and bright colors, which are fundamentally different from military mechas, because fighting mechas pay more attention to actual combat capabilities , The main requirements for color are stealth and camouflage, most of them are gray and black, or painted with the required colors according to the combat environment.

The bright silver color, whether it is in space or on the surface of a planet, is definitely an eye-catching color.

Judging from the hideous appearance of the mecha, it would not be a civilian mecha anyway. Undoubtedly, the bright silver color of a military mecha is a bit different.

So far, the only bright silver mech in Kodor Space City is the one that caused a riot in Kodor Space City, and its wild fighting style has left a deep memory for people.

Almost everyone recognized the mecha.

The bright silver mech stood on the half-open interstellar dock of the spaceship. In its hand, there was a large interstellar sniper rifle. It was it that provided long-range fire support for Master SMS and shot at the multicolored alien.

Its shooting frequency is not high, but its shooting accuracy is extremely accurate, and its timing is simply amazing. Whenever the colorful alien attacks the zebra-striped modified mecha, the deadly beam will be like a ghost Appeared, making that fierce alien hard to guard against.

After joining the battle with the bright silver mech, Simak immediately saved the day and began to adjust his tactics. With the fire support of the sniper rifle, he turned from defense to offense. Level fighting master and an interstellar sniper rifle with extremely accurate shooting.

After SMS Simak gained a firm footing, he began to show his terrifying fighting ability. Although the multicolored alien was cunning and changeable, and his movements were like lightning, it was too small after all, only about [-] kilograms. In the interstellar sniper Under the threat of the rifle, he couldn't increase his speed. He was killed by Simak immediately and had no choice but to parry, and fled in embarrassment. What's more deadly, the beam of death appeared from time to time, as if to remind the colorful alien not to forget its existence , This made the colorful aliens deeply afraid, and did not dare to attack Master Simak unscrupulously.

As expected of a master-level character, after receiving the assistance of long-range firepower, SMS Siemag's attacks became more and more fierce, and some classic tactical moves emerged one after another, which made people amazed and admired.

Of course, what attracted people even more was the mysterious bright silver mech. Its appearance attracted most of the audience, and many people were guessing his identity.

Could it be driven by that indifferent young man?

In fact, not only the audience had this idea, but all the high-ranking officials, including Joy, had this idea, because the bright silver mecha happened to appear on the spaceship that the gray round hammer entered.

"Is it him?" Santo Joy nervously looked at the data on the holographic screen.

"No, it's not for sure. Liu Fei's location has been determined. He is resting to replenish his strength. We have obtained his real-time holographic image."

The holographic screen switched, and Liu Fei was sitting on a chair on the screen. The only people who were surrounded by him were a black man.

"Hey...it's not him..." City Lord Joy was immediately disappointed. What he saw was the real-time picture. It is impossible for a person to appear in two places at the same time. This is enough to show that the bright silver mech is someone else.

"My lord, we checked all the backup records, but we couldn't find the information of the pilot of the mecha. Moreover, a very... very strange thing happened..."

"Weird?!" City Lord Joey couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Yes, it's weird. We have counted all the population data on that spaceship. The information fed back from the captain shows that the passengers on that spaceship are all sitting in their own seats, that is to say, the bright silver mech The pilot has no information records at all, he got into the spaceship..."

"...Impossible!" City Lord Joey stood up impressively, with an incredible expression on his face. You must know that Kodo Space City has very strict information records for every resident and tourist, and it is impossible for anyone to be unaware of it. Entering Koduo Space City, and immediately, Joy City Lord sat down again, the facts speak louder than words, the mysterious bright silver mech is now on that spaceship, and is fighting.

At this time, the city lord Joey was deeply blaming himself. As a city lord, he didn't realize that such a powerful person appeared in the place under his jurisdiction. I have to say that this is a kind of failure. You know, Kodo Space City is not good for talents. It is very important that this person is able to see Kodo Space City as nothing without anyone noticing, which shows how powerful he is.

The owner of Joey never dreamed that Liu Fei was the driver of the bright silver mecha, but now it is not a person who is driving the bright silver mecha, but a super optical computer.

After all kinds of begging from the small strong optical brain, Liu Fei finally let the small strong optical brain go into battle.

Although Liu Fei really does not want Xiao Qiangguang brain to be free, but at this moment, he can't think about it that much. The dangerous escape just now makes Liu Fei still afraid for a while when he thinks about it. That kind of situation will never happen, and it is very likely that there will be a chance to kill the colorful alien.

After Xiaoqiang Guangnao used the interstellar sniper rifle to restrain the colorful alien, Liu Fei breathed a long sigh of relief. At least, he didn't have to worry about the colorful alien rushing to the spaceship recklessly. But it's a big deal, on this spaceship, there is really no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

In the face of colorful aliens, Xiaoqiang Guangnao has an advantage that humans do not have, that is, it will not be hypnotized by the high-speed vibration of the colorful alien body, and it will not affect the shooting accuracy.

Liu Fei has been in contact with Xiaoqiang Guangnao all the time.

"Xiaoqiang, kill it!" Liu Fei's eyes shot out a sharp cold light, and the colorful alien was like a stick in his throat, so kill it quickly.

"Brother, if you can kill him, I would have done it long ago. Could it be that you are still talking about morals with that guy?! Grandma, that guy has an extraordinary sensitivity to danger. As long as the scanning system locks it, it will kill you." will notice..."

"So powerful?" Liu Fei suddenly felt chills down his spine. He didn't expect that the small glare brain couldn't shoot accurately, and the colorful aliens were too terrifying.

"Not only is it powerful, that guy doesn't know some of the skills he learned from there. He actually knows some fighting techniques of humans, and he also knows how to use some of the art of war. Grandma, evolve at this speed, even if it doesn't devour me. It is estimated that it will not be long before it can enter human life."

"Entering human life?" Liu Fei was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't imagine the scene of an alien entering human society.

"Yes, the ultimate goal of the alien is to evolve into a second human being. The only way is to learn from and imitate human beings. Entering human life is undoubtedly the most optimal and fastest choice."

"I don't understand. They are already very powerful, why do they need to evolve into a second human?" Liu Fei was puzzled.

"Brother, do you know the apes in ancient times? They are also very powerful. They can tear lions and tigers apart with their bare hands, and dominate the animal world. However, they haven't evolved into humans yet... Do you know why?"

"I don't know..." Liu Fei said weakly.

"Hey... the consequences of ignorance, think about it, if there is no evolution, will humans have cars, planes and cannons?"

"No." Liu Fei answered honestly.

"Will there be food, wine and high-rise buildings?"


"Will a spacecraft be developed for space exploration and development?"


"Yes, if you only have brute force, but you have a fart, and you can't eat all day long and hunt all over the mountain with your balls exposed, is that the life of a person?"


"I didn't ask you... I told you that after learning about human life from aliens, the highest pursuit of aliens is to live like humans. In fact, they have already mastered some human knowledge, such as raising livestock in captivity. If you return When you go to those planets occupied by aliens, you will find that the aliens have changed a lot from the aliens 160 years ago. They have begun to hunt and kill their prey in a planned way, instead of eating up all the food like locusts predating... "

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