Interstellar arena

Chapter 030 Leave Part 1

"Brother Fei, help..." Xiaoqiang Guangnao shouted at Liu Fei in panic.

In fact, there is no need for Xiaoqiang Guangnao to shout. Liu Fei has already seen Xiaoqiang Guangnao fleeing in a panic, and a black line appeared on his forehead suddenly, and his face was hot.

With a loud "pounce", the huge steel body of the skeleton mecha fell in front of Liu Fei and stopped moving. Liu Fei had to rush up to protect his surroundings with a knife. After a long while, Xiao Qiang Guangnao finally When he came back to his senses, he scrambled and hid behind Liu Fei, leaning against the metal bulkhead, but the body of the skeleton mech was too huge, and hiding behind Liu Fei looked extraordinarily funny.

The hundreds of thousands of viewers were even more stunned, and even Santo Joy was stunned.

People couldn't believe that a mecha weighing dozens of tons would seek protection from a single person, but the facts were right in front of them, so people couldn't help but believe it.

Is this still the silver mech that fought that terrifying black man?

Seeing the mecha curled up in the corner, looking terrified, people couldn't help feeling dumbfounded, this is that wild and fierce mecha, it's just like a child...


At this time, Xiao Qiangguang's brain didn't care about the damage to its handsome, unrestrained and suave image. Seeing Liu Fei standing in front of it, it immediately breathed a long sigh of relief.

Grandma, the outside world is too dangerous!

After the mood stabilized, the small strong light brain began to launch its bloody revenge, and the skeleton mech sitting on the ground began to use the interstellar sniper rifle to provide fire support for Liu Fei.

Once again, the small Qiangguang brain conquered everyone with its unpredictable shooting skills. In this narrow space, the sniper rifle that shot out the death beam kept harvesting the alien lives. Precise close combat forms a seamless line of defense.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the superb shooting skills of the small strong light brain, especially those interstellar snipers. Their eyes on the small strong light brain looking at the holographic image changed from initial shock to fanatical reverence.

Anyone who knows a little bit of sniper knowledge knows that the closer the distance, the higher the accuracy of the sniper target. However, that only refers to the general sniper environment. It will be extraordinarily strenuous, and it is more difficult than long-range shooting. After all, an interstellar sniper rifle is several meters long, and the target is likely to be killed before it is aimed.

In addition to the [-]% shooting accuracy that shocked people, the Yinliang Mecha's handling of angles has almost reached the pinnacle.

To be honest, in this kind of environment where the enemy and the enemy are mixed, hot weapons are not suitable, not to mention the long-range weapon interstellar sniper rifle with amazing lethality. You know, this weapon is powerful and can penetrate mechs. If you shoot people, it is easy to penetrate ten people. In this chaotic and narrow battlefield, it is easy to cause accidental injury. However, the shooting of the sniper rifle in the hands of the Yinliang mecha is not the slightest error, and the light of death is just right every time. Kill the flying aliens...

Although the Yinliang Mecha has shown a greedy life and fear of death, no one dares to underestimate it. After all, its strength is in front of its eyes, and its precise shooting has never failed so far. This kind of terrifying shooting Accuracy and frequency are simply non-human existences. You must know that no matter how powerful a sniper is, it is impossible to make no mistakes, let alone in this complex environment of high-speed shooting.

It's just that people didn't expect that the driver is really not a human being, but a super intelligent optical brain that won't get tired or be disturbed by the outside world.


The battle is still in full swing, but at this time, it has become a performance show by Liu Fei and Xiao Qiang's optical brain. One person and one optical brain cooperate seamlessly to form a strangling field, which actually controls dozens of square meters. None of them can get close, and the remains of alien corpses are piled up around them, which is shocking.

Fifteen minutes later, thousands of aliens had been killed, and the interstellar dock was still filled with a fanatical killing spirit. A group of ferocious giants stood and roared among the corpses, extremely ferocious, as if The devil in hell seemed to wake up, brimming with murderous aura.

A suffocating atmosphere permeated the migrating army.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers held their breath, looking at the dozens of giant mountains on the holographic screen with their eyes, feeling like they were dreaming.

Humans can really defeat aliens!

It really can be beat! !

The same question arises in everyone's mind.

For a long time, people's fear of aliens comes from their invincible speed and unkillable powerful body. This kind of thinking is deeply rooted. It was not until just now that people discovered that aliens are not as powerful as they imagined. In the eyes, they are as fragile as babies, and their tough limbs are like rotten rags.

Thinking of the frightening alien being easily torn apart in the hands of these giants and slaughtered recklessly, a trace of pride rose in the hearts of the people, and their blood boiled.

Finally, there was a huge burst of applause!

People cheered and celebrated the victory.

Even the stern scientists and serious executives in the main control room clapped each other to celebrate...

However, after the battle in the interstellar shipyard, the switching holographic screen woke people up, and the battle was not over yet.

Nearly a hundred men closed their teams and entered the lounge. Then, the main gate and the auxiliary gate opened simultaneously. After the dock lost pressure, thousands of alien wreckage were sucked into the vast space. When the piles of alien corpses poured out At that moment in the dock, people realized that the battle in space had become more and more fierce.

The migrating army has not stopped, advancing in the gap of the meteorite flow, and the surrounding meteorite flow has been joined by aliens. Several mecha squadrons have joined the battle. However, the advantages of human beings are still very limited. Instead, because The pressure of the approaching meteorite stream is increasing.

Because the alien manipulated the meteorite to interfere with the flight, the speed of the spaceship fleet was getting longer and longer, stretching thousands of kilometers, and the speed was getting slower and slower, as if trudging through a muddy pond.

Fortunately, the Venomous Bee warships that opened the way in front of the migrating army controlled the front of the channel from beginning to end. Because the aliens could not concentrate, the Venomous Bee warships had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and firepower.

Now, the biggest problem is to prevent the fleet behind from falling behind, and this problem involves the defense of the two wings of the migrating army. Because the aliens cannot intercept the poisonous bee battleship, most of the attack power is concentrated on attacking the two wings.

It has to be said that the alien's IQ is already extraordinary.

If the two wings are pinned down, it will inevitably affect the navigation of the entire fleet. Even if one spaceship is destroyed and explodes, the channel will be blocked, and the subsequent spaceships will have to change their course, which will cause a series of chain reactions. It will be divided into pieces, and the consequences will be unimaginable. It is very likely that the spaceship after leaving the route will be lost in the meteorite flow and be torn to pieces, or be eaten by aliens. After all, through countless optical brain calculations, the current route is the only safe.

Just when Joy City Lord was in a state of desperation to dispatch troops, Liu Fei and Bai Ya were resting in the lounge, eating some high-energy food to replenish their strength.

This battle was a complete victory, without sacrifice, and even the injuries were minor injuries. These credits are all due to the small strong light brain. Without it, the interstellar sniper rifle slows down the speed of the alien and changes it into a soft tissue form. It will cause heavy casualties. After all, the lethality of the alien in the soft form and the alien in the horny form is not the same.

"How's the situation?" Liu Fei asked.

"A squadron of mechas rushed to the rescue. Master SMS Simak has escaped from danger, and the colorful alien is nowhere to be found."

"And the whole fleet?"

"It's not good. Although the fleet is about to pass through the meteorite zone, the frequency of alien attacks has also accelerated. Moreover, they seem to have found the weakness of the fleet, mainly attacking the two wings. If this form develops, there may be a lot of damage. Some spaceships stay here." Xiao Qiang Guangnao replied.

stay here!

Liu Fei was shocked, he understood what this sentence meant.

Inexplicably, Liu Fei thought of Shu Rou and the fortitude in her frail body. If it was Shu Rou, what would she do?


All of a sudden, Liu Fei traveled thousands of miles...

ps: Continue to ask for a few red tickets!

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