Interstellar arena

Chapter 034 Reconstruction Blue

The muscles on Joey's face twitched, and he looked around the hall. The atmosphere in the hall was suffocating, and the young people around him still looked indifferent. Even the young people didn't even look at him. Staring at the holographic map.

"I'm no longer the supreme commander of this fleet." Santo Joy took a deep breath, and finally spit out a few words.

A group of soldiers suddenly looked at each other, and dozens of aimed guns were slowly lowered.

"Deputy Captain Sennan, from now on, you will perform the duties of Captain Peng. In 10 minutes, I want to see Mr. Wen's three sons sent to the front line!" Liu Fei said lightly.

"Yes, sir!" The vice-captain Sennan, who was shouted by Liu Fei, also twitched his facial muscles just like Joy, and stood up after a little hesitation, and then immediately led a group of soldiers out of the main control room Obviously, it is a foregone conclusion that the three sons of the Wen family will be sent to the battlefield.

"Dear Mr. Wen, as the supreme commander of Kodo Space City, I must tell you a very bad news very seriously. You have been deprived of the post of Mayor of Kodo Space City!"

"Is there still Kodo Space City? Will there still be Kodo Space City?" The civil servant clenched his fists, and his hoarse voice let out a deep roar.


As if to prove the official's words, Mingyuan trembled violently, and a dazzling light flashed on the holographic screen. People swayed and stood still, looking at the vast starry sky on the holographic screen in horror. I saw that in the vast night sky, a huge ball of fire exploded, and then the fireball burst, sending out a series of chain explosions, with the fireball as the center, a huge ripple was rippling, and then, Mingyuan was again There was a violent shaking, and the mountains fell apart.

It was a force that destroyed the world. In the series of violent explosions, the mighty stream of meteorites still plunged into the violent flames one after another, and then stirred up wave after wave of explosions. The tongue of flames swallowed tens of kilometers, and the fragments and meteorites shot out seemed to tear the entire void...

Hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes stared blankly at the direction of the explosion. There is a place where many people have lived their entire lives. There is Koduo Space City.

With a "bang", City Lord Joy knelt down, tears streaming down his face.





A series of kneeling sounds sounded. In the main control room, except for Liu Fei and Bai Ya, they all knelt down facing the direction of Kodo Space City. Many people were already sobbing.

There was one more person who did not kneel down.

"Haha, it's over, hahaha, it's over, Kodo Space City is over, haha..." The dumbfounded civil servant suddenly burst into unscrupulous hysterical laughter.

Listening to the gloating laughter, Liu Fei showed a trace of displeasure between his brows.


This time, it was the iron rod who did it. The iron rod had long been dissatisfied with the guy. Seeing that Liu Fei had shown a displeased expression on his face, he immediately stepped forward and punched the civil servant in the stomach, giving an order. Amidst the muffled sound of heart palpitations, the thin body of the civil servant was thrown into the air and hit the metal wall, and then slid down...




There was a sound of frenzied vomiting, and the civil servant was hit by the huge force, and he was actually smashed into a pile of flesh, bloody and bloody, it was horrible.

"Kodo Space City will not disappear, Kodo Space City will rise from the ashes, and soon, we will build a bigger city, and its name will be 'Kodo'. Now, what we have to do It is to work hard to survive, and then, to build the city of our dreams!"

Liu Fei's few concise words immediately brought people back to reality.

Things developed according to the setting of the small strong optical brain, and Liu Fei easily obtained the highest power. Although this power was short-lived and unstable, it was enough for Liu Fei. The managers of many space cities with deep feelings drew closer.

Especially Joey, when he heard Liu Fei say that he wanted to rebuild the Kodo space city, his heart that was as dead ashes suddenly burned with raging hope. For him, rebuilding the space city was simply his lifelong hope.

Of course, it can be said that Liu Fei has no interest in rebuilding Kedo Space City, he just read it according to Xiaoqiang Guangnao's words.

Except for Santo Joy, no one is more enthusiastic about rebuilding Kodo Space City than the little strong light brain.

No one knows that a super artificial intelligence optical brain is doing crazy calculations, building a blueprint for rebuilding the Koduo space city...


The Mingyuan command ship approached the battlefield. After Liu Fei arranged the mission, he immediately drove a round hammer into the battle, and cooperated with Xiao Qiang Guangnao perfectly.

Liu Fei's fighting spirit of taking the lead aroused the fighting enthusiasm of the soldiers. In the frenzy of blood boiling, hearty battles were staged on every battlefield.

White Fang and Iron Rod set up another trap on the command ship, attracting a large number of aliens. In the bloody massacres again and again, they made brilliant contributions, and the number of aliens besieged and killed was astonishing. .

In this terrifying entrapment, the originally weak left wing became impenetrable, and the Mingyuan was like a huge cosmic behemoth, constantly devouring the lives of aliens...


The battle with the alien ended two days later. Although the migrating army turned defeat into victory because of Liu Fei and Bai Ya's participation in the battle, they still paid a heavy price. More than 6000 mechas remained in space forever, and three small mechs remained in space. The feeder boat and seven Bee warships were destroyed, and the total death toll exceeded [-].

The colorful alien never appeared after the battle with Master Simak, which made Liu Fei very entangled. As long as the colorful alien survived, he always felt like a light on his back.

In successive victories, Liu Fei quickly gained a very high personal prestige. People are full of reverence for this indifferent young man. Some young people worship Liu Fei even more fanatically. With the distance between them getting closer, Liu Fei has become a hero of young people. Strictly speaking, Liu Fei has essentially controlled the fleet. Although the old and young in Kedo Space City are dissatisfied, they have nothing to do , In fact, they are not only in awe of Liu Fei's iron fist, but also fear of Liu Fei's mystery. This young man seems to know everything. He knows every personal information like the back of his hand. The control of the army is like a finger, even if he is fighting, he can still issue accurate orders.

It is not only Liu Fei who put pressure on Kedo Space City, but also the group of fierce people like Bai Ya Tie Rod. The ferocity and cruelty of this group have been deeply burned into the depths of their souls.

Except for White Fang and Iron Rod, the mysterious silver-white mech made people feel a deep sense of fear. So far, it has fired 370 shots without the slightest error, that is to say , he shot and killed 370 aliens by himself.

According to the statistics of the main control optical brain, the mysterious silver mecha is the holder of the highest record of killing aliens, followed by Liu Fei, followed by Bai Fang and Tie Rod.

What makes people feel the most weird is that during the battle that lasted for several days, the silver mecha did not rest, nor did he get out of the mecha. Because of the high frequency of shooting, he had already scrapped 27 interstellar sniper rifles. From the beginning to the end, he I never took a break, not even for a minute...

No one wants to be an enemy with an indifferent and iron-blooded man like Liu Fei. What's more, this man has a group of terrifying subordinates. Even ambitious people can only lurk and endure.

When the fleet flew out of the gap in the meteorite flow, the residents of Kodo Space City hugged each other and celebrated with tears in their eyes. The entire fleet was filled with the joy of the survivors.

Just when people were getting ready to leave this sad place, the fleet received an order from Liu Fei: stop flying!


ps: Already in Zhangjiajie, sleeping in a farmhouse on Tianzishan Mountain, a plate of tomato scrambled eggs is 38 yuan...

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