Interstellar arena

Chapter 040 A Big Stepping Stone

A space rope that was barely visible to the naked eye was brought out by the huge impact force of the mecha, stirring up a large cloud of sand and gravel, covering the sky and the sun.

Just as the black round hammer leaned forward, the ridiculous-looking white mecha, which was about to escape, suddenly changed direction at a small angle, and its huge body stopped abruptly. kicked towards the fallen black mecha.

It was too fast, so fast that people's thinking hadn't reacted yet, the white mecha had already reversed its huge body of dozens of tons, and when it leaned back, the high-raised mechanical legs had already kicked heavily towards On the cockpit of the black mech leaning forward, amidst a burst of exclamation, the mechanical leg carried a strong wind and rushed towards the cockpit of the black mecha...

Tens of thousands of people all looked dull, and the outcome of the battle was beyond everyone's surprise. The scene in front of them made people feel like they were dreaming.

Liu Fei's opponent is Simak, a master of fighting.

No matter at what time, no one dared to ignore the existence of a master. To be able to stand out from a population of hundreds of billions and be called a master must have something better than ordinary people.

Although Master Simak is old and frail, in addition to his lack of physical strength, his age also means that he has very rich fighting experience.

The moment Liu Fei stepped on the cockpit of the black mecha swiftly and ferociously, a pair of mechanical legs of the black mecha used the force of leaning forward to hug the raised mechanical legs of the white mecha. ...


Amidst the loud noise, the holographic screen suddenly became silent, hundreds of thousands of viewers stared dumbfounded at the two mechas lying on the ground, one black and one white.

The cockpit of the black mech has been completely ruptured. The kick of the white mecha was extremely fierce and the impact was huge. The cockpit was not only broken, but also separated from the torso. Numerous optical cables were exposed to the air, flickering non-stop. There were sparks, and in the flickering of the sparks, the black mecha seemed to try to stand up, its limbs twitched a few times, but in the end it was still unable to stand up. Obviously, that kick completely destroyed the cockpit of the black mecha. optical brain.

The white mecha was not much better. The moment the black mecha was kicked, it hugged one of the white mecha's mechanical legs, and then slammed on the wreckage of the engine. Under the huge impact, The linkage mechanism at the waist of the white mecha has been broken, losing the transmission ability of the power system, but the pair of mechanical arms are intact, shaking creakingly...

The battle was really brutal!

In fact, there was almost no physical contact between the two at the beginning. During the fierce chase, the main contact between the two sides was on the small alloy shield, and the limbs did not touch at all. .

Judging from the movements of the two mechas trying to get up, none of the pilots died, but in the eyes of the audience, they were already destroyed!

Obviously, whether it is on the battlefield or in space, after the mecha is destroyed, the death rate will rise to more than 90.00%, and the survival rate will be less than 90.00%. This is a very authoritative statistical data. In previous battles Among them, the proportion of the pilot's death after the mecha was destroyed reached more than [-]%.

No one thought that this fighting match would end in the same death, inexplicably, everyone sighed deeply.


Suddenly, the host exclaimed.Immediately, hundreds of thousands of viewers fixed their eyes on the holographic screen. On the holographic screen, the white mech with only two mechanical arms left to move was actually crawling. The two strong and powerful mechanical arms dragged With the immobile mechanical legs, he crawled towards the black round hammer little by little, leaving a deep groove on the gravel behind it...

What is he doing?

People can't help but ask questions.

There is no need to answer this question, because the white mecha has already given the answer with actions.

In just a few seconds, the white mecha had already climbed up to the black mecha, and began to swing its two mechanical arms, hitting the black round hammer cockpit one by one. The black round hammer It seemed to want to move, it kept twitching, and the electric arc flickered. Obviously, the pilot in the cockpit was trying to make the mecha move in various ways.





People opened their eyes wide and watched the mechanical arm of the white mecha hit the cockpit of the black mecha one after another, feeling a creepy coldness.

Fortunately, this is a virtual fighting match, otherwise, according to this kind of crazy smashing, it would be no wonder that the people in the cockpit would not be smashed into meatloaf!

Finally, the white mecha ended its mechanical movements, while the hideous black round hammer lay motionless on the gravel, the cockpit had been severely distorted and deformed by the smash, it looked shocking.

The holographic screen displayed the result of the battle, the battle ended, the black round hammer lost, and Master SMS lost.

There was a moment of silence...

"Liu Fei won!" The host is the host after all. Although the ending was very unexpected, it still maintained the basic quality of the host. After a while of silence, the winner was announced first.

In fact, the audience already knew the result at this time, because the virtual fighting match is different from the real fighting match. When the two sides are fighting, as long as one party does not apply to withdraw, the battle will not end. If the optical brain announces Winning or losing means that one of the parties has completely died.

From the holographic image, it is obvious that the black round hammer can no longer move, while the arms of the white round hammer can still perform mechanical movements.

Liu Fei won!

The host's words were just right to make people wake up from the sluggishness, and there was a burst of fanatical cheers. The fanatical voice seemed to sweep through the icy universe, passing through every spaceship. First, the young people sang and danced to celebrate , followed by some middle-aged people waving their hands a little reservedly...

If it is said that Liu Fei's fighting spirit of taking the lead has been admired by countless young people, but now Liu Fei has established a lofty prestige in the hearts of some middle-aged people.Liu Fei proved his strength with facts. After all, not everyone in this world has the chance to defeat a fighting master.

Liu Fei became a hero.

The appearance of Liu Fei is of epoch-making significance to the young people in Kodo Space City, because of Liu Fei, the status of young people in Kodo Space City has risen rapidly, and the reconstruction of the new Kodo Space City has begun to attract a large number of young people. People involved.

Liu Fei bloomed with infinite charm of personality, "perseverance" has almost become synonymous with Liu Fei, and the young people have condensed into a huge force.


Unlike everyone cheering, the Lord Joy had a wry smile on his face. He thought that Liu Fei could easily defeat Liu Fei with the power of Master SMS, but he knew that Master SMS also failed when he went out in person. Now, he had to Take a new look at Liu Fei, because, from the fanatical cheers, Joy City Lord felt Liu Fei's unparalleled appeal.

If at the beginning Liu Fei was just a puppet, a leader in name, then now, Liu Fei has been sublimated. Not only does he actually control Kodo Space City, he has also become the spirit of the young people in Kodo Space City leader.

The Lord Joey regretted it very much, and regretted letting Master SMS come out. Now, SMS has become a stepping stone for Liu Fei. This is a big stepping stone, which makes Liu Fei's position more stable.

Regret is useless, what needs to be done now is how to remedy it.

Just as Joy City Lord was racking his brains to figure out how to remedy it, a new crisis appeared in the New Kodo Space City.

food crisis...

ps: Comrade Liu Xiahui has left Changde City, the exchange is over, you can code with peace of mind!

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