Interstellar arena

Chapter 044 Bloody Xiaoqiang

Finally, Xiao Qiang Guang Brain stayed as he wished, and became the planner of the "Blueprint Project" and the leader of White Fang Joseph. This was the result of Xiao Qiang Guang Brain's strong request. It's just an optical computer that needs protection, and someone needs to execute the commands it issues.

The requirements of Xiao Qiangguang's brain were once again satisfied. In fact, Liu Fei likes to keep a low profile. No matter how low-key people are, they will also become the focus. Leaving Bai Ya and others makes Liu Fei feel relieved. In Liu Fei's heart, Bai Ya is a group of burdens.

Of course, Liu Fei has a deeper reason, which is to let Bai Ya restrict the small strong light brain. If the small strong light brain relies on Bai Ya, it will inevitably be restricted by Bai Ya and the others. After all, the small strong light brain is not Dare to reveal the identity of his intelligent optical brain.

For a long time, Liu Fei has regarded the small strong optical brain as a potential threat. Although Liu Fei is not great enough to think about the future of the entire human being, subconsciously, Liu Fei still hopes to curb the freedom and development of the small strong optical brain.

City Lord Joey arranged 50 people as assistants for Liu Fei. These 50 people are not simple, they are all elites in the shopping malls, and without exception, these 50 people are all under 30 years old, and they have a fanatical admiration for Liu Fei.

Liu Fei doesn't take seriously what kind of assistants the Lord Joey arranges. However, Liu Fei doesn't know that this is a major matter for the Lord Joey. He has carefully selected these 50 people. In addition to having a keen sense of business, the most important thing is that these 50 people worship Liu Fei to an outrageous degree. If these [-] fanatics are left in the new Kodo space city, it will be a big deal for Joe. The authority of City Lord Yi will pose a challenge, and letting them leave with Liu Fei is undoubtedly the best choice.

When Liu Fei left, tens of thousands of mechas and thousands of poisonous bee battleships spontaneously formed a farewell ceremony, forming a huge passage, which stretched for thousands of kilometers and was magnificent.

When watching the spaceship driven by Liu Fei disappear into the vast starry sky through the passage that stretches thousands of kilometers, the pressure in Joy's heart did not decrease because of Liu Fei's departure, on the contrary, it increased. Unspeakably heavy, he felt an unprecedented crisis from the mighty farewell team.

Although this young man is reticent, he has a rare charisma. In that crisis, he will always show his personal heroism to the fullest. He has no sensational speeches, and he does not even have much wealth He always has the indifference of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but he will conquer everyone with his wildness full of violent power. His every move makes people puzzled, excited and excited Can't help but follow his rhythm to fight...

Fortunately, he finally left!

Until the light band ejected from the tail flame of the spaceship disappeared completely, Joy Santo finally let out a sigh of relief. No matter what kind of person he was, he left. He had enough time to regain control of New Kodo Space City. !

Thinking of this, the Lord Joy couldn't help casting his eyes on the holographic screen, where the construction site of New Kodo Space City was in full swing, and the barren planet's surface was full of vitality due to the large-scale construction machinery activities.

Blueprint plan!

Thinking of the magnificent scenes depicted in the blueprint plan, Joy City Lord suddenly felt a sense of enthusiasm. He believed that, soon, the virtual image on the hologram would become a real existence, and the Kedo family would be reborn because of the blueprint. Plan to recast glory.

Thinking of the blueprint plan, Joy City Master couldn't help but think of the mysterious silver mecha. Every detail of the blueprint plan was created by the driver of the mysterious silver mecha. It's hard to imagine that a person's thinking is so meticulous, The blueprint outlined is without omission...

The rise of the Kedo family is just around the corner!

Just when Joey was ambitious, he ignored the fact that the blueprint plan was not his, but the small strong optical brain. Compared with Liu Fei, the small strong optical brain was more terrifying, because it was an optical brain .

"Hello, Lord City Master!" A strange voice sounded from behind City Master Joey, and City Master Joey turned around abruptly, only to see Bai Fang looking at him with a straight smile on his face. Behind him, there were dozens of people like iron towers. A man is like a steel wall.

"How did you get in?" City Lord Joey looked pale. He was a smart man, so he naturally understood what happened.

"Haha... Lord City Master, you seem to have forgotten that this is the New Kedo Space City. Our boss Liu Fei is the highest officer of the New Kedo Space City. We don't need to ask you for instructions if we want to come here. Now, our boss is leaving Alright, we naturally have to do our part well, hehe, does the city lord understand?" Bai Fang grinned, his exposed white teeth gleaming coldly, like a carnivore waiting for an opportunity.

"I don't understand." City Lord Joey clenched his fists, looked around, and suddenly looked ashamed, because everyone in the main control room was controlled, and some guards hadn't even reacted, and the weapons in their hands had already He was captured with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you understand it or not. Let me introduce you solemnly. I am Bai Ya, brother Qiang's assistant. Brother Qiang asked me to tell you that from today onwards, you must be obedient and obedient until our boss return……"

"Fart! What the hell are you!" A middle-aged man in his 40s and dressed in military uniform shouted angrily.

"Ah...haha... Brother Qiang is right, it really is you, it really is you, haha... Iron rod, what are you waiting for?!"

A huge figure whipped up a gust of wind and swept towards the middle-aged man. That huge body was like a mountain peak, casting a long shadow that instantly enveloped the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man hadn't reacted yet, but felt a pain in his chest, and his body was solidified as if struck by lightning. Then, the middle-aged man lowered his head, and immediately, an incredible expression appeared on his face, because a hand was slowly withdrawing from his chest. Come on, the speed seems to be very slow, at this moment, the time seems to be elongated, the middle-aged man can clearly see that there is a beating heart in the palm that is slowly withdrawing, bloody heart……


The expression on the middle-aged man's face was frozen, filled with boundless fear, and then he fell straight on the ground, and the fear was forever fixed on the frozen expression, which made people feel chills down the spine.

The main control room was suffocatingly quiet, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

No one moved.

It was too bloody and violent. It was only at this time that people seemed to remember that this group of people could fight against aliens with bare hands. Even powerful aliens would be torn apart in their hands. They all ignored the existence of this group of people. After all, this is a society where mechas are prevalent, and people don't pay much attention to personal force.

An atmosphere of extreme fear permeated the main control room...

"Hi everyone, I'm Brother Qiang, hehe, Brother Qiang, do you understand? It's your eldest brother, well, don't worry, as long as you are obedient, Brother Qiang promises that you will live well until our Brother Fei comes back, However, if anyone is disobedient, don't blame Brother Qiang for not being moral, hum!"

A strange electronically synthesized voice sounded in the main control room, and the electronic voice gave a last cold snort, as if a gust of cold wind was blowing through the main control room, and people felt a piercing murderous aura.

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