Interstellar arena

Chapter 049 Near Death

The spaceship that Liu Fei is currently riding on is a modified large-scale feeder ship, numbered a237. When it came out of the New Kodo Space City, Xiao Qiang Guangnao gave this feeder ship a name: Bravery and Enterprise.

When Liu Fei decided to go through the black hole, he suddenly remembered the name of the spaceship "Brave and Enterprising", which he almost forgot. Obviously, when Xiao Qiangguang brain named it, it seemed to imply that he should be brave and enterprising when encountering the current situation .

The speed of the spaceship Bravery and Enterprise cannot reach the speed of light for space jumping, and there is no singularity limit warp engine to determine the time and position. But a very remarkable speed, before the warp drive, this speed was second only to the speed of space battleships, not comparable to the speed of ordinary spaceships.

In fact, the Intrepid Enterprise is the fastest and longest-range spacecraft currently in New Curdor, and it is also the most advanced spacecraft.

The brave enterprise is equipped with very powerful equipment. In addition to the life cycle system that can maintain the passengers of the entire spaceship, there is also a large greenhouse that can provide vegetables and fruits for passengers in the cold universe. According to the current passengers' food requirements The amount of consumption, the life cycle system on the spacecraft and the food provided by the greenhouse can last for hundreds of years, that is to say, even if Liu Fei and the others wander in the universe, they will naturally die of old age. Of course, they can also choose to live forever. sleep.

In fact, whether it is Liu Fei or Burleigh, their decision to take risks is mainly because of the powerful life system of this spaceship.

If they enter a black hole and exclude death, even if they are lost in the four-dimensional space or other cosmic spaces, they don't have to worry about being starved to death.

In fact, for Liu Fei, there is no difference between getting lost in three-dimensional space and four-dimensional space. Besides, Liu Fei has already affirmed that this route is definitely not a passage to four-dimensional space. Since it is not a passage, then those various There is no reason for a spacecraft to rush into a black hole like moths to a flame.

Liu Fei is sure that this route must be safe. As for the background of the route, Liu Fei has not considered this issue. After all, the time of this route has been traced back hundreds of years ago. During these hundreds of years, Anything can happen, it's not something that can be predicted at all.



Under the high-speed flight of one-half sub-light speed, the brave enterprising rushed to the deep and empty black hole space, which is a place where even the light is distorted. In this place, there is no life breath, and it is dead silent. suffocating...


People's thinking has stagnated for a moment, it is a very wonderful feeling, as if time and space have stagnated at a point, that point, quiet and peaceful, does not make people feel long...

A ray of dazzling golden sunlight shot in from a porthole that was forgotten to be closed, and the sense of stagnation disappeared.

Sudden change!

"Ah, planet... slow down, slow down..."

Burleigh's pupils dilated impressively, and on the holographic screen, a blue planet rushed towards him, almost occupying the entire holographic screen. Burleigh screamed, and Burleigh, who was sitting on the hydraulic protection chair, looked dull.

Because the incident was so sudden, no one thought that the other side of the passage was actually a huge planet. This has surpassed the imagination of human beings. The two ends of the general route are boundless and vast universes. This is a must for any route. have the conditions.

Undoubtedly, one-half sublight speed is a terrifying speed. If it hits the surface of the planet at this speed, no one can survive.

After all, Polya and the others are ordinary people, and they are non-professional astronauts. In the face of the sudden change, they were in a hurry and just screamed, while the others were like stone sculptures, watching the holographic screen motionless with horror on their faces.

The atmosphere of fear is growing crazily in the main control room like the plants in the tropical rainforest.

Burleigh and the others are ordinary people, but Liu Fei is not. In Liu Fei's training, almost every training has courses for dealing with emergencies.

According to the research of scientists, the brains of most human beings will be in a state of sluggishness for a moment when facing disasters and emergencies. This can also explain why many people do not know how to dodge when they watch the car crash into them, because, At that critical moment, human thinking has been replaced by fear, and the instinct of escape has been forgotten.

However, according to experiments, human beings can overcome fear, or shortcomings, and the way to overcome these shortcomings is very simple, often train the resilience of the limbs, so that the brain and limbs form a conditioned reflex to deal with sudden danger

In addition to physical training, there is another simpler and more effective method, which is rehearsal, which is called acting in the military, such as electronic acting. This kind of rehearsal will make the brain calm and calm in the event of an emergency. For ordinary people, this kind of rehearsal is simple and not time-consuming. As long as the brain simulates a large number of possible scenarios, they can have a certain ability to deal with emergencies.

In the early days of the earth, some gangsters made the most of the rehearsal simulation of the brain. Before each fight, some gangsters would keep rehearsing in their brains, and then they would calm themselves down when they slashed. Physical training, this kind of calmness does not last long. As the fighting time prolongs, the slashing and killing of gangsters will become chaotic and disorderly, and it is not uncommon to accidentally injure one's own people...

Whether it is physical training or brain simulation training, Liu Fei is one of the best!

At the moment when the blue planet appeared on the holographic screen, Liu Fei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, moved. His hands jumped rapidly, forming wisps of blue smoke on the main console. The blue smoke intertwined and formed another A cyan network is covered on it, one by one command is input to the main control optical brain, and the data flow on the holographic screen is leaking crazily, making people dazzled...

Beep beep beep!

The ear-piercing siren was still beeping non-stop, but at this time, the sluggish look on people's faces had disappeared, and they looked at Liu Fei's jumping hands with horror. The speed of those hands made the main console It becomes unpredictable, like a layer of fog lingering on the main console.

That is a pair of hands full of magical power!

The owner of those hands has a pair of eyes that are as constant as the deep starry sky, and his body is as immovable as a rock. On his face, there is no fear, no joy, only a kind of indifference. It is strange that this kind of indifference, but Let people have an inexplicable sense of security, because it reflects a powerful force!

Dozens of pairs of eyes fell on the holographic screen, on which there was Liu Fei's image area. When this image area was set at the beginning, it was only convenient for Liu Fei to issue orders. Now, this image area is like a small stage. , showing Liu Fei's dizzying, rhythmic hand speed...

Although one-half sub-light speed is much lower than the speed of light, and there is even a big gap between sub-light speed and sub-sub-light speed, but for human beings, one-half sub-light speed is still a terrifying speed. The Bravery Enterprise belongs to a large feeder ship. It is not easy to stop it from one-half sub-light speed. You must know that when sailing at this speed, if it stops suddenly, the inertia and reaction will The force is enough to make the spacecraft fall apart in an instant.

The consequences of the spacecraft's sudden disintegration in the air far surpassed the consequences of hitting the surface of the planet!

The planet on the holographic screen is getting closer and closer. In fact, if it weren't for the automatic adjustment of the optical brain, the image of the planet would have already occupied the entire screen.



The mountains on the surface of the planet are clearly visible on the holographic screen.

People's eyes moved away from Liu Fei's image area, and a sense of despair permeated the Bravely Enter. Many people closed their eyes, grasped the hydraulic protection device with both hands, and waited for the moment of death impact...

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