Interstellar arena

Chapter 11 Mesmerized 【Please collect the red ticket】

The battle ended when Embroidery Needle-111 was captured and the driver died. As for the fate of the blue and white mecha, it is unknown, but Liu Fei judged that Embroidery Needle-111 was originally in the chaotic meteorite flow. In the middle, with the driver's astonishing sniper marksmanship and speed, he was able to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but instead of escaping, he went deep into the encirclement to snipe the enemy. Obviously, he was covering the blue and white plane The mecha escaped.

Did the blue and white mech get away?

No one can answer Liu Fei's question, but Liu Fei can be sure that the blue and white mecha was seriously injured, because the meteorite vortex produced by the unexpected meteorite explosion turned the blue and white mecha It is impossible not to be traumatized by the mecha that is wrapped in it...


The appearance of the embroidery needle---111 did not affect Liu Fei's life. Liu Fei still got up early to go to work every day to help Li Meng complete his work. matter.

The embroidery needle mecha has changed Liu Fei. At least, Liu Fei’s carving time is getting less and less. Unknowingly, Liu Fei began to pay attention to some information about advanced mechas. Unfortunately, Zall Mecha University is just a research institute. Although the school has some advanced equipment, it mainly learns and masters the basic knowledge of some mechas, and does not develop and produce mechas. It is impossible to get in touch with advanced mechas like embroidery needle-111.

Liu Fei has always been a little puzzled as to why high-end mechas like Embroidery Needle-111 appear in the mecha laboratory, and at the same time, there is that tiny auxiliary engine.

Liu Fei's understanding of mechas is very confusing, because he has never received systematic education, and he learned by himself. Moreover, Liu Fei has only been exposed to two subjects about mechas so far. Optical brain optical path and mecha laboratory.

In fact, these two laboratories are just one of dozens of laboratories. For example, there are five laboratories related to optical circuits and optical brains. The place where Liu Fei works is only one of them. Test between sensors.

The mecha laboratory where Li Meng works mainly studies the mechanical parts of mechas.

Under the constraints of this environment, it is difficult for Liu Fei to establish a complete knowledge system about mechas in his brain. This is also the main reason why he wants to enter the Zall Mecha University. Only when he becomes a student of the school can he enter and leave freely All the laboratories in the school, of course, the key is the mecha driving training room and combat division that attract Liu Fei.

In fact, what Li Fei is interested in is not the research of mechas, but the driving of mechas. In the laboratory for a long time, it is impossible to have the opportunity to drive mechas, let alone conduct mecha shooting and fighting training.

As an institution of higher learning with more than [-] students, Drow Mecha University has a strong faculty, and some subjects are also very detailed, covering all subjects related to mecha.

The armor is generally composed of actuators, driving devices, detection devices, control systems and complex machinery.

Compared with civilian mechs, military mechas are more complicated, and they also have complex weapon systems.

Simply talking about some of them here is enough to feel how complicated the disciplines involved in a mecha are.The actuator is the body of the mecha, and its arm generally adopts a space open-chain linkage mechanism. The motion pairs in it are often called joints of high-tech products of the mecha, and the number of joints is usually the number of degrees of freedom of the mecha.According to different joint configuration types and motion coordinate forms, mech actuators can be divided into Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, polar coordinates and joint coordinates.For anthropomorphic considerations, the relevant parts of the mecha body are often referred to as the base, waist, arms, wrists, hands, and walking parts, etc...

Of course, most students can ignore more than [-]% of the information. However, the basic configuration data such as the cockpit, engine, and optical brain energy bar that are directly related to the operation of the mech are all relevant.

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