Interstellar arena

Chapter 2 Slums 【Seeking Red Tickets】

After that war, many dilapidated mechas were abandoned, because the current situation was chaotic, and the abandoned mechas were quickly used by the homeless poor. When the authorities wanted to clean up, it was too late. Of course, The most fundamental reason is that the discarded mechs have no economic value, and if they are to be recycled, the cost has far exceeded the purchase of a brand new battle mech.

In the slums, owning an abandoned mech as a residence is actually a very luxurious thing. Liu Fei is an orphan. He was adopted by an orphan who scavenged waste when he was young. This "huge" wealth.

This ancient heavy battle armor is full of scars, tooth marks, and scratches all over its body, which is shocking, but it still maintains its appearance in general.

Like an agile ape, Liu Fei climbed up the rusty mecha and entered the engine room of the mecha. The engine in the engine room had already been disassembled and cleaned very cleanly. Liu Fei converted the engine room into a A comfortable bathroom, the equipment of this bathroom cost Liu Fei a lot of savings.

The facilities in the bathroom are environmentally friendly products, excrement can generate electricity, and the equipment can also collect water from the air for recycling. In addition to providing Liu Fei with basic living security, this bathroom can also allow Liu Fei to wash one every three days Luxurious hot bath...

Climbing into the cockpit from the engine room, the instruments in the cockpit have been dismantled cleanly. There are only two narrow beds, one for Liu Fei and one for the old man. There is no quilt on the old man's bed Instead, there are some woodcarving handicrafts of various shapes and pieces of wood of various colors.

After entering the cockpit, after eating some simple nutrient solution and shrink food, Liu Fei turned on the lights in the cockpit, and the small cockpit immediately became bright.

Under the bright light, Liu Fei picked up the carving knife and started today's work.

This is a job that Liu Fei got by chance, making handicrafts for a small shop with a long history, and the so-called handicrafts are to carve pieces of wood into various shapes of art, which is flourishing in the mechanical civilization Today, it is already a forgotten profession.

After picking up the carving knife, the indifference on Liu Fei's face disappeared, replaced by an expression of incomparable concentration, his eyes became extraordinarily bright, and the sharp and compact carving knife was extremely agile and skillful in his hands , every time the blade strikes, the lines left on the wood seem to have infinite life...

As time passed bit by bit, the piece of wood that was slightly bigger than a fist gradually revealed its prototype. It was an eagle with wings ready to fly. Although it was only a prototype, it looked very charming.

After looking at the prototype in his hand with satisfaction, and then at the ancient watch on his arm, Liu Fei put down the wood carving.

Although Liu Fei can complete a sculpture quickly, it does not mean that he can work non-stop. In fact, Liu Fei's daily workload is basically fixed, because that small handicraft The sales volume of the store has constrained his workload.

However, Liu Fei is still very satisfied. The price of every sculpture he sells is very high, and the commission he gets is also very good. Based on the current workload, one year is enough for him to earn four years. The tuition and living expenses are more than enough.

It should be delivered today.

Liu Fei's eyes fell on a wooden tiger on the bed. It was a tiger perched on a rock, majestic and majestic. Although it was small in size, it showed the demeanor of the king of all beasts.

In fact, Liu Fei has never seen a real tiger, and he carved it entirely with the data provided by the handicraft store. It is said that this animal grows in the distant solar system, the mother planet Earth, and is ferocious by nature. It is the king of beasts and a ferocious carnivore. Unfortunately, Liu Fei can only imagine what a real tiger looks like with his own sculptures.

For a long time, Liu Fei always

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