Interstellar arena

Chapter 205 Madame Curie

[There is another chapter today, it is estimated to be at [-] o'clock in the morning, please ask for a red ticket]

With Liu Fei's meticulous personality that pursues perfection in everything, generally there will be no low-level mistakes. However, Liu Fei does not have the slightest understanding of space flight knowledge, and it is reasonable to be scolded by Xiao Qiangguang brain. Knowledge has an instinct that is almost fanatical. He has a humility that ordinary people don't have. He will never pretend to understand. He immediately familiarized himself with some relevant space navigation information through the huge database of the small strong light brain.

For the first time, Xiao Qiang Guangnao didn't bother Liu Fei with nagging, but kept silently paying attention to Liu Fei with a focused face. His face kept changing, as if he was thinking about something.

When it was midnight, Liu Fei woke up from the state of intoxication. Looking at the time, seven hours had passed, and it was three o'clock in the morning.

"What have you learned?" Xiaoqiang Guangnao asked seriously.

"Ah... I'm just looking..." Liu Fei lacked confidence. A spaceship is not a mecha, and space is not an atmosphere. It is simply impossible to learn vast knowledge in just a few hours. things.

"Well, knowing a little is enough, Liu Fei, do you know Madame Curie?"

"I don't know." Liu Fei answered honestly.

"Madame Curie is a famous scientist in the earth age. She is not only the greatest scientist, but also the most legendary scientist. Her deeds have inspired generations of scientists. In order to prove her discovery, she spent 45 months. time, doing some repetitive work repeatedly, melting, evaporating, separating and purifying, and finally extracting metal radium, which was an unimaginable work at that time. Suffering from the pain of her illness, she became a model of human scientists and a pioneer of women..."

"A respectable scientist." Although Liu Fei didn't understand why Xiao Qiang Guangnao mentioned a scientist from a distant era, his expression became extremely solemn. In his bones, he felt helpless towards scientific workers. figurative respect.

"Yes, a scientist worthy of respect. Her contribution to mankind is like a milestone. When she was very young, her sister and classmates wanted to test her. They quietly set up a few stools behind her, as long as she moved , the stool would fall over, and the minutes would pass, and she would finish reading a book, and the stool would remain upright... She was extremely modest, never leaving any room for complacency, she had a serious appearance, Easily misunderstood by those who were not close to her—a rare seriousness unrelieved by any artistic temperament, uncompromising and extremely tenacious once she recognized a certain path as the right one. keep going..."

Xiaoqiang Guangnao's rare serious expression narrated the story about Mrs. Curie, and Liu Fei also listened attentively. Liu Fei felt an inexplicable kindness for the woman in that distant era.

"Liu Fei, do you know why I mentioned an unrelated scientist?" Xiaoqiang Guangnao suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"I don't know." Liu Fei was taken aback for a moment. Although there was a throbbing in the depths of his soul, he hadn't thought about these deep questions yet.

"It's very simple, you are focused, and you are also persistent. You all have tenacious perseverance that ordinary people don't have. Moreover, you have the same modest and rigorous quality of science. It is enough to prove that you have the potential to become an excellent scientist!" Xiaoqiang Guangnao paused every word.

"You want me to become a scientist?" Liu Fei was dumbfounded.

"Yes, I can be your assistant, we cooperate, my huge information base plus your dedicated spirit of seeking, we can become the greatest scientists of mankind, as long as you want, we can reach the peak of mankind in any field, Our names will forever be engraved on the monument..."

"Stop!" Liu Fei interrupted the little Qiang Guang brain who was in a state of desperation.

"Master Ben knows that you won't be willing." Little Qiang Guangnao, who was originally fanatical, suddenly turned into a frustrated expression.

"What do you want to study?" Liu Fei didn't ask.

"I... No, no... This young master just thinks you are a talent. In the spirit of caring for mankind, this young master hopes that you can make great contributions to the development of human science and become a famous person in history."

"I... I don't have such lofty ideals..." Liu Fei blushed.

"Then what is your ideal?" Little Qiang Guangnao asked.

"I don't know." Liu Fei showed a dazed look on his face. For no reason, a beautiful figure appeared in his mind. He thought of Shu Rou. Whenever Liu Fei was confused, Shu Rou's figure would linger In the past, the woman who was desperate for her ideal had already been rooted in the depths of his soul.

"Well, if you don't know, you don't know. In fact, no ideal is an ideal. We don't need to spend our whole life for those empty ideals...Grandma, when did this young master become so philosophical? !"

"..." Liu Fei was speechless for a moment.

"You summoned a mecha, it needs to be a little more advanced." Xiao Qiangguang's brain actually put away the holographic image by itself.

"What are you doing?" Liu Fei was taken aback.

"To unlock the damn Locke 1, although my young master has a chip matrix, it is just an intelligent information base without detection functions. To unlock it, you must activate the optical brain of Locke 1. This requires luck. If Locke 1 The spaceship is completely shut down and does not accept any external signals, so there is nothing I can do about it. However, the possibility of this is very small. The higher the level of the spaceship, the optical brain is mostly in a dormant state rather than truly shut down. You Burn incense and pray to God and worship Buddha now, grandma, brother Xiaoqiang who is so miserable, to do these unskilled hard work...Amen..."

"Most optical brains are in a dormant state?" Liu Fei was startled, this was the first time he knew this information.

"When artificial intelligence develops to a certain level, its startup modes become more and more diverse, and the automatic mode and optical brain intelligence complement each other. When the energy system is forcibly shut down, the intelligent system will produce a self-protection mode. State, this state is to restore the energy to start, unless human beings want to commit suicide and directly violently cut off the connection between the energy cabin and the optical brain, then, strictly speaking, it is impossible for human beings to completely shut down the optical brain.”

"That is to say, this intelligent model is also the back road left by human beings?"

"In theory, this is true. In fact, this is the trend of the development of intelligent models."

"Trend? Will the smart model develop in its own way?"

"Brother Fei, what do you want to know? You don't want to kill me again, do you?!" Xiaoqiang Guangnao stared at Liu Fei with a pair of huge eyes.

"Cough cough..."

"Whether it is defensive mode or attack mode, the first thing to do is to contact the opponent, that is, information detection, just like humans kill the enemy, you have to find a reason, always need to know the enemy's location, etc. Data, if human beings are afraid of artificial intelligence, it's easy to go back to the primitive earth era and everything will be ok!" Xiao Qiang Guangnao seemed a little annoyed, with a violent expression on his face, obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Liu Fei's attitude.

"...I summoned the mecha." Liu Fei naturally felt the anger of Xiao Qiang's light brain, and quickly changed the topic, summoning the dark moon, which is the mecha with the highest light brain intelligence system among the mechas Liu Fei is familiar with. Because it belongs to the interstellar sniper mecha, its detection system is very powerful.

After entering the dark moon's cockpit, the small strong light brain connected with the dark moon's light brain, and started to activate the dark moon's holographic scanning system to detect the Locke No. 1 feeder.

"There are no signs of life."

"All dead?"

"Yes, it should have been killed by the alien brain wave matrix. At a temporary moment, they locked the hatch."

"Oh... can it be unlocked?"

"Try it, haha, the spaceship's recognition system is turned on, watch me kick Shaolin Wudang with my feet, punch my fists and kick my legs..."

"Who is Shaolin Wudang?"

"Ah ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly

"I didn't know, so I asked you." Liu Fei blushed.

"Okay, okay, when I get Locke No. 1, I will give you a good literacy lesson... Hehe, I implanted malware codes into that stupid brain... Haha, the backup energy is activated, Get it done, grandma, with this young master who is suave, handsome, talented, highly educated, and a peerless talent, getting a stupid x-ray computer is not easy... The master is lonely, the master is lonely, I am so cold, so cold, high It's so cold..."

"We can go in!" Liu Fei suddenly became excited.

"Hurry up, let me teach you the literacy before you go, it's still too early."


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