Interstellar arena

Chapter 214 The Crisis Is Coming

[Haha, I feel good today, continue to type, and ask for red tickets to stimulate passion! 】

Tony considered again and again, but he gave up driving the mecha, and chose the exoskeleton light armor with communication function instead.

There are several reasons for giving up the mecha. First of all, Tony does not have a fighting mecha, and the engineering mecha is not equipped with melee weapons. In addition, Tony and others are not good at driving mechas, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. Light armor; secondly, if the engine compartment is in danger, it is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous thing to drive a cumbersome engineering mecha; in addition, the outer structure of the cockpit remains intact, and the interior cannot be in a vacuum state.

However, the biggest threat to the human body entering the engine compartment comes from the low temperature. Although the universe has not reached the absolute low temperature, the temperature is also terrifyingly low, reaching minus 270.15 degrees Celsius, which is almost the same as minus 273.15 degrees, which is the absolute zero. It can be ignored. Of course, from the perspective of scientific rigor, this almost negligible temperature proves that the universe also has temperature.

On the surface of the planet, human beings consider how to lower the temperature of objects to preserve their quality. In fact, in the vast universe, keeping objects at temperature is a more important research topic. Any equipment or food must experience extreme cold test before it can be put into practical application.


Although Tony is not a mecha fighter, he has rich experience in spaceflight. He understands that although severe cold is terrible, it is not as deadly as a vacuum.

After reaching the No. [-] auxiliary engine, Tony attached special instruments to the steel gate of the engine compartment and connected them to the main control optical computer, and obtained the indoor temperature data of the engine compartment through the main control optical computer.

Seventeen degrees below zero!

This is the data fed back by the main control optical brain. This data proves the fact that the No. [-] auxiliary engine is in a dormant state, because, theoretically speaking, if the engine is completely shut down, then its temperature cannot be maintained at minus seventeen. Only a dormant engine will emit a certain temperature, and minus seventeen degrees is exactly the temperature that can be maintained in a dormant state.

This news cheered everyone up. The temperature of minus [-] degrees will not cause harm to the human body in a short period of time.

For unknown reasons, the main control optical computer was not connected to the engine compartment, and could not control the opening of the hatch. Tony used the special tool he brought over to pry open the hatch, opened the hatch with a gap about one meter wide, and then used the tool to pry open the hatch. card owner, to avoid accidental shutdown,

so dark!

Tony arranged for two people to wait at the steel gate to respond, and sneaked into the engine room with three other guards. At this time, Prince Morton was short of manpower, and Captain Tony had to go into battle in person. .

The No. 200 auxiliary engine is not a warp-level main engine, but an ordinary impulse engine. Its main function is to change the direction of navigation and assist in the initial acceleration of space jumps. Its body is not large, and the engine compartment is less than 15 square meters , the height is only about [-] meters, and the place occupied by the engine is less than one-third of the entire space.

Tony memorized the layout of the engine compartment when he was in the main control room. After entering the hatch, it was the core position of the impulse engine surrounded by a wide circular bridge.

The pressure in the engine compartment had stabilized, but a biting cold made people shiver uncontrollably.

"Everyone, be careful... Hey, what is it?" In the darkness, Tony went out first, and after taking a few steps, he suddenly felt as if something had been kicked under his feet.

Because it was too dark, so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, and the lights from the helmets on people's heads couldn't see things clearly in the darkness, so Tony squatted down.

"Alien... Back off!"

Tony squatted down and shone the light from his head on the ground. What he kicked just now was a pile of unknown black matter. The black matter reflected a dark and cold light under the light. Tony suddenly felt a chill down his back. He was so familiar with this kind of luster, he shouted loudly, and retreated extremely quickly. At the same time, the other three guards also retreated to the steel gate immediately.

With a "bang", the moment Tony withdrew, the two guards outside worked together to remove the tools that blocked the door, and the heavy steel gate closed heavily.

"Captain, is it really an alien?" A guard looked terrified, and the fight with the alien all the way had made him look like a frightened bird.

"Yes, absolutely!" Tony affirmed.

"Why didn't you chase us?" Another soldier asked before he had time to see clearly.

"I don't know." Tony shook his head solemnly.

"Captain Tony, how's the situation?" Dr. Wayne's voice sounded from the communication system in the headset. Obviously, the holographic image surveillance system in the main control room was watching them closely.

"There are aliens inside." Tony said.

"you sure?"

"It's not wrong, and it's a living alien with glossy black horniness." Tony is very sure that he has already had a wealth of screening experience during this period of fighting with aliens.

"Why didn't you chase after you?" Dr. Wayne's voice was full of doubts.

"I don't know, Doctor."

"Well, Captain Tony, there are two options now. First, retreat immediately. Let's go back to the Locke 1 shuttle boat and leave here; second, you venture in and see what happened. However, it is necessary to What I want to tell you is that the risk for the six of you to venture in is quite high, because if it is determined that the aliens will spread the attack, we will retreat to Locke 1 immediately, and you may not have enough time to get there. Boat."

Captain Tony glanced at the other five and fell silent for a while.

"Doctor, let's go in." Captain Tony nodded to the other five, and the other five also nodded to Captain Tony at the same time, making a decision.

"Good! Your courage is worthy of praise. You are the honor of the Morton Empire... According to previous information, the alien is likely to be in a dormant state. You should be careful not to disturb the alien. If there is any abnormality, you must be safe. The first priority is to evacuate as soon as possible, even if we evacuate to Locke 1, we will respond at any time, remember to turn on the holographic lens of the light armor helmet..."

"Oh, by the way, turn right five meters after entering the hatch, there is a manual switch that can turn on the lights in the engine compartment, good luck, Captain Tony Guards!"

After finishing the communication with Dr. Wayne, the six people were still divided into two groups, with two guarding the cabin door and four entering.

After carefully prying open the cabin door with a special tool, he briefly observed the door, and saw that there was no abnormality. Following Dr. Wayne's instructions, Tony entered first, turned right and touched the manual switch along the metal wall to turn on the light.

The lights came on one after another, and at that moment, people's eyesight was affected, and they felt that they couldn't see anything in the vast expanse of whiteness. However, Tony and the others were well-trained soldiers, and they quickly got used to it.


The four people who had recovered their eyesight made depressing and shocking sounds almost at the same time. Looking around, the entire engine compartment was covered with black and dense alien shapes. The alien shapes seemed to be in a horny state, and they were in various postures clinging to the bulkhead and The top of the engine, especially the top of the engine, is densely covered with thick layers, layer upon layer, which is shocking. The light shines on the dark and smooth body of the alien, reflecting a thrilling cold light, which makes people shudder.

"Sure enough, it's in a dormant state, Tony, check to see if every alien is in a horny state."

"Okay, doctor."

Tony squatted down and moved carefully among the mountains of aliens. He didn't dare to hit the aliens with weapons, but felt them with his hands, because the aliens in the soft state were very different from those in the horny state, even if they were wearing gloves. , is also easy to distinguish.

"It's horny, doctor..."

"Captain!" Before Tony finished speaking, suddenly, the guard behind him made a terrified voice.

"Screaming something... ah..."

Tony turned his head and gasped for air. The aliens near the hatch were wriggling slowly. Tony felt his hands and feet were cold. He passed that place just now. He was absolutely sure that in the first few seconds, those wriggling aliens were still there. in a horny state.

"Run, Tony!" Dr. Wayne's voice sounded in the headset.


After reacting, Tony yelled loudly, ignoring the alien that would step on the ground, and ran towards the hatch with all his feet.





There was a burst of intensive impact sounds, and black shadows like black lightning shot out of the hatch...

Seeing the tide-like aliens on the holographic screen chasing after Tony and his group, the entire main control hall was extremely quiet, and Prince Morton's face was even paler.

"Your Highness, let's go. All the hatches leading to Locke 1 have been opened, and we have enough time to board the ship." Dr. Wayne sighed.

"Let's go." A look of pain flashed across Prince Morton's face, and he seemed to stand up with difficulty, while a group of big men and a few guards also looked sad, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily heavy. It was clear to everyone that Tony There was no chance of them surviving.

"Inform Liu Fei that he is still in the maintenance cabin, doctor." Li Wenyan said anxiously.

"Don't worry, he has an armor. I have issued an order to retreat through the spaceship, and I have optimized a holographic map leading to Locke 1. If there is no accident, he will rush to Locke 1 to connect with us before us." Boat."

"Oh... wait, look!" Li Wenyan rushed to the main console, her beautiful eyes fixed on the holographic screen.

"It's Liu Fei, it's Liu Fei's mecha!" Prince Morton actually cheered, and it was obvious that the dark moon had appeared in the passage outside the No. [-] auxiliary engine. His armor body drifted through the passage like a wisp of light smoke, shocking to hear.

Not only Prince Morton, but also a group of guards and big men cheered.

"Let's go, Your Highness." Dr. Wayne urged without any surprise on his face.

"Liu Fei can save them!" Prince Morton said excitedly.

"Your Highness, he is just a person with a mecha. The number of aliens that swarmed out just now has exceeded a hundred. It is impossible for him to kill so many aliens, and the number of awakened aliens is still increasing."

"Ah... let's go." Prince Morton, who was splashed with cold water, suddenly woke up, with a frustrated expression on his face.

"Let's go, Miss Li!"

"No!" Li Wenyan looked resolute, and then rushed to Bai Fang in a gust of wind: "Give me the button!"

"Ah..." White Fang was startled.

"Give me the button, I know you have it!" Li Wenyan suddenly grabbed Bai Fang's chest like crazy, shouted hysterically, her eyes almost burst into flames.

"Here you, here you..." White Fang hastily took out a handful of space buttons from his trouser pocket. He forcibly took these buttons from Locke 1 in order to maintain a strength advantage over Prince Morton.

While everyone was stunned, Li Wenyan summoned a clumsy engineering mech, entered the cockpit, and rushed out, probably because he was not very familiar with engineering mechs, staggered several times in the main control hall, almost rolling The crawler rushed out, and after walking a long distance, he heard a faint crashing sound.

"Your Highness, it's too late!" Dr. Wayne was not moved by Li Wenyan's reckless rushing out, but still had a calm face. For him, no one's sacrifice is important, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of Prince Morton. As long as Prince Morton survives, the Morton galaxy will have a future.

"Let's wait..." Prince Morton showed a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Your Highness!" Seeing that Prince Morton's thoughts were wavering, Dr. Wayne immediately became anxious.





The big man carrying the iron rod suddenly ran towards the direction where Li Wenyan disappeared...

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