Interstellar arena

Chapter 224 5 Star General

[There is another chapter around 12 o'clock, please ask for a red ticket]

Liu Fei knew nothing about the knowledge of space fleets in space. He didn't know at all. What he saw was the space armed forces of the entire Nuoer star. That is to say, this fleet is the safety of the Nuoer star, just like The same is true of Morton's Royal Starfleet.

Only after humans entered the interstellar era, the war has shifted from the ground to the vast space. The ground power has become insignificant, and it is insignificant to the outcome of the war. Generally, if the space power of a country suffers a fatal blow, then the country There is only one way to surrender, there is no second choice.

The most direct way for a planet to conquer another planet is to destroy the opposing space power. However, to destroy the opponent's space defense system is not as simple as firing a few laser cannons. A cluster of starships, The range of space under control is very wide, and some important routes are defended by armed satellites. It is beyond people's imagination to launch a surprise attack on such a fleet. This kind of counterattack is destructive, and there will be no room for maneuver. Therefore, without absolute certainty, even a war madman dare not easily provoke the planet's armed fleet...

The rapid siren sounded by the Stan, this kind of alert is because there is an obstacle in front of the route, the siren sound from the main control light brain, when this kind of alarm lasts for ten seconds, if there is no driver to deal with it, the light brain will automatically slow down .

Prince Morton snorted coldly, and issued a series of commands on the master optical brain.

As the owner of this spaceship, Prince Morton has absolute control. In this series of operations, he has locked the route, that is to say, no matter whether there is a battleship or a meteorite in front, the spaceship Stan will never hesitate. rushed over.

Liu Fei and a group of big men knew nothing about Prince Morton's determination to die together, but Dr. Wayne knew it.

Seeing Prince Morton's expression that he would rather be broken than crumbled, Dr. Wayne secretly complained, he didn't expect Prince Morton's temperament to be so strong.



The people in the main control hall were horrified to find that the Hellfire spaceship in front was getting closer and closer, and the orange-red tail flames could be clearly seen, but the spaceship Stan did not seem to have the slightest intention to stop ...

"Didi..." There was a rush of optical brain prompts, and it was the other party's request to connect to the holographic channel.

Prince Morton connected to the holographic channel with a blank face. A middle-aged man wearing light armor and a majestic expression appeared on the holographic screen. There were five star emblems on his shoulder straps. He was the only one on Noel. Five-star general Xu Zhong.

"Your Highness is safe and well. Please forgive me for not being able to salute because you are wearing armor." The middle-aged man bowed slightly to Prince Morton.

"I thought General Xu didn't know me anymore." Prince Morton snorted, sarcastically.

"Your Highness..." Xu Zhong's expression froze, and a trace of gloom flashed away.

"General Xu, I don't know why you intercepted this king. Could it be that General Xu's wings are hardened now, so he can ignore the royal badge on the Stan?" Prince Morton pressed on step by step.

"Your Highness, the last general is not good at words, you can see for yourself." Xu Zhong showed no expression on his face, then nodded to an adjutant beside him, and the adjutant immediately tapped on the main control board. A few minutes later, Stan received the data packet.

"His Royal Highness, please take your time. The end will not prevent His Highness from going to the interstellar port. Please also lower your speed. The current speed is too dangerous."


After Prince Morton snorted coldly, he turned off the holographic screen, slowed down the speed of the Stan, and opened the data package, which was an edited holographic video.

As soon as the holographic video was played, it immediately caught people's minds.

The first thing that appeared on the holographic screen was a tide-like alien shape. The alien shape suddenly appeared from the void space and surrounded a cruising space fleet. The badge of the fleet was exactly the same as the badge on the wreckage. Obviously, this fleet was It is the Royal Starfleet of Morton.

This was a fierce battle. All the weapons of the space battleship were put into use, but the effect was minimal. The densely packed aliens were fearless and surrounded the entire battleship in dense artillery fire.

Large weapons have no effect, and the war has gradually developed into hand-to-hand combat. Almost every soldier has joined the battle. Fighting mechas, sniper mechas, engineering mechas, and various small warships have joined the battle. The battle continues. After 36 hours, humans won the final victory.

When people saw the final victory of the human army, they couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Next, the nearly annihilated army returned to Morton in triumph. However, what greeted them was not flowers, nor cheers, but riots. The entire Morton star was like a powder keg. People attacked the ground troops and burned The buildings of the palace, and the collections of the palace were looted in large bags. In Morton City, the largest city on Morton Star, thick smoke billowed everywhere...


When the holographic video was played, Prince Morton's face had turned pale, his fists were clenched tightly, and a trace of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, which was shocking.

"You know?" Prince Morton suddenly looked back at Dr. Wayne, and he finally understood why Dr. Wayne tried every means to prevent him from returning to Morton.

"No, I guessed it." Dr. Wayne looked calm, as if he was not surprised by what happened.

"Why?" Prince Morton's eyes shot out a ferocious light, full of bloodshot eyes, like a raging beast.

"Alien is just an opportunity. Those in power should correct discipline, avoid arrogance and extravagance, untangle local political chaos, eliminate people's grievances, exert benevolence, recuperate people's strength, and create a harmonious society. Although the Morton Dynasty is only a short period of 160 years. However, its government agencies are bloated and huge, not enterprising, because of inertia and numbness, they are at a loss, do not care about people's support, and engage in some image projects to whitewash the peace. Do you think this is the case? This kind of government, this kind of imperial court, when encountering a disaster of alien shape, can it not be chaotic?"

"Is that so?" Prince Morton turned his head abruptly, staring fiercely at the faces of Tony and a group of guards.

Tony didn't answer, but lowered his head, not daring to look into Prince Morton's eyes, and the other guards also lowered their heads, avoiding Prince Morton.

"Okay, our Morton family has reached the point of betrayal...well..." Although Tony and the others didn't answer Prince Morton, they gave Prince Morton the answer. Prince Morton sighed and looked sad. , The disheartened state is beyond words.

"No, Your Highness, it's not that everyone betrayed relatives." Dr. Wayne shook his head and said.

"Doctor, I saw that those rioters are ordinary people." There was a trace of pain on Morton's face.

"Your Highness, this is a problem left over from history. When the Morton family founded the country, there were countless heroes who founded the country. These people controlled the government for a long time and formed interest groups one by one. They are intertwined and the people are fish and meat. The Morton family has always wanted to reform over the years. However, those groups have deep roots and colluded with each other, which caused a lot of resistance to the reform, resulting in the failure of the Morton family's government orders, and the people's complaints. This time, most of the people thought that there was no hope for the outbreak of aliens. Only then took the risk and vented the anger in my heart..."

"Doctor, are you comforting me?" Prince Morton said with a wry smile.

"Danny, your father and I have a very good personal relationship, and I often advise him, but he is old and kind, and misses the old relationship, but he has nothing to do. Originally, your father hoped that you would reform, but... I also I didn't expect that the alien disaster would erupt and accelerate the turmoil of the empire, let alone that the left and right arms that your father relied on the most..."

Although Dr. Wayne didn't say it, Prince Morton naturally knew who the left and right arms in Dr. Wayne's mouth were. Future father-in-law.

Suddenly, there was a disorderly jump on the holographic screen, and Liu Fei, who was listening, trembled. It was an emergency signal agreed between him and Xiao Qiangguang.

In fact, at this time, the entire Stan was controlled by the small strong optical brain. Only after boarding the spacecraft, Liu Fei gave the small strong optical brain freedom, letting it stay in the maintenance cabin to toss by itself.

Without even thinking about it, Liu Fei strode to the front of the main console, put on the virtual helmet, and communicated with Xiao Qiangguang brain using brain waves.

"The big thing is bad!"

"What's the matter?" Liu Fei saw Xiao Qiangguang's anxious expression for the first time.

"Prince Morton is in danger..."

"What does it matter to us that he is in danger?" Liu Fei said disapprovingly.

"Damn it, you are an out-and-out stupid pig. Haven't you heard the allusion of 'Under the nest, there will be an egg?'?" Little Qiang Guangnao cursed.

"Ahem..." Liu Fei suddenly thought of the problem, and his face flushed.

"Let Prince Morton ask to see that five-star general and control him!"

"What about after controlling him?"

"Wuuu... Brother Fei, you can't be smarter. If you control him, everyone will be safe and survive, you know? Do you understand?"

"Understood." A black line loomed on Liu Fei's forehead.

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